//------------------------------// // Explanations // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 44: Explanations ***Jungle Vine*** "Chains? Check! Magic suppressant? Check! Monster that stole my sons body..." I looked towards my son's body which still laid on the floor unconscious, "Check, looks like I have everything I need to keep him from escaping again," I smiled to myself as I inspected the room my son used to live in three years ago before that creature took him. I remember going into that forest to go get Lucky's ball that he kicked in there, but I got lost. I don't even know how I got lost when I only went a few yards into the forest but the path disappeared and the trees all looked the same. I eventually did find his ball at the entrance to a mysterious cave, but when I attempted to grab it something pulled it further into the cave. I followed it in to see the ball resting next to a strange book with nothing on it's cover. Something about the book compelled me to pick it up and read it, that was a huge mistake. When I picked it up and opened it up a pillar of fire erupted out of it which almost burnt my fur off. I quickly tried to slam the book shut, but it began to burn my hoof causing me to drop the book. I started to back away from the book as a hoof rose out of it and squirmed around before another hoof followed it out. A pony started to crawl out of the book! I was frozen in place as it pulled itself out but that wasn't what had me terrified. When the pony's head came out of the book it was severely burned and was looking directly at me. As it pulled more of itself out of the book I heard Lucky's voice call out for me. I don't remember much of what happened next other than I was running away with Lucky on my back when that thing grabbed him! *Snore* I turned to look at the sleeping colt once again with a frown across my face. I found Lucky's body after days of searching and brought him to a hospital in hopes that they could do something. They told me that there was absolutely nothing they could do and that my son was brain dead. I screamed for hours about how they were wrong and how my son was just sleeping. My sister had to be the one to pry me away from Lucky as nopony else could get close enough to me without a magical blast heading there way. Lyra didn't take Lucky's demise well either but she did her best to comfort me the next few days. She consoled me for that entire year that I mourned my son. When the doctors asked me if they should take Lucky off life support I snapped and screamed at him, claiming he was a monster. They tried to tell me that it would be a mercy for Lucky and to me if I just let him die. They asked me if I wanted to see my son, who I raised for 6 long years, die because it would bring me closure. The only reason I didn't rip that doctor's head off was because I didn't want Lucky to wake up while I did it. I spent every day for the next year studying every spell known to ponies in hopes of finding one that would bring Lucky's mind back to me. I eventually found one in an old dragon language that could work when a special constellation would appear in the sky which could bring Lucky back to me. That night I broke into the hospital and took my son's body back to our home which had become dilapidated as time passed. I quickly set up everything I needed for the spell and began to cast it but something went wrong. Lucky slowly looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on me. I was expecting him to smile and yell mommy mommy, but he instead screamed in pure horror. I was extremely worried about Lucky and quickly went up to hug him, but he crawled away as fast as he could. He kept screaming about something not being right as he crawled around. I thought I had done something wrong, but I had no idea what could of gone wrong until I realized something. That creature grabbed Lucky and most likely hurt him in some way, so I did the only thing any worried mother would do. I used a spell to help him fall asleep while I tried to figure out what that monster did to him. Lucky tried to fight my magic for some reason so I applied more power to the spell. He yelped in pain before passing out which caused me to back away from the sudden noise. I swear I didn't mean to hurt him, but I used too much magic and it caused him some pain. I carefully picked him up and tucked him into his bed which was exactly as he left it that day. I focused my magic on him until I was finally able to slip into his mind and look around. Something was wrong however as there was a large door blocking my entrance into his memories which was never there before. I often had to directly help Lucky deal with his nightmares so I knew his mind like the back of my hoof so seeing that door was strange. I figured that it was there to prevent him from remembering what that monster did to him so I attempted to open the door. It was sealed shut however so I began to attempt to unlock it using my magic which caused Lucky some pain. I had no idea it was hurting him at the time as I was too focused on opening the door to help Lucky. I felt really guilty about it after I realized it but the door was opened and I made my way in. This was when I realized that everything was wrong inside my son's head. All of his memories were replaced by those of somepony else. I quickly ran all around inside of there in search of any remnant of my son but there was nothing! Everywhere I turned I saw another creatures memories and that was when I realized it. I saw one memory where that creature from before was staring at whoever it was in my son's body. That monster must have done something to keep my son away from me and sent this thing in his place! I was furious and started to not so gently search through this thing memories for any indication of what happened to my Lucky. I kept searching and searching until I stumbled across a particularly interesting memory with that same book that the monster came out of. I was about to investigate the memory further, but my magic drained too much so I was forced back out of the mind I was in. After that I came back everyday to search for that memory and find out exactly what this thing knew in hopes of the 'big day' when I would find it. That was until he escaped into the city for a second time. The princesses wouldn't understand the lengths I went to for my son. They wouldn't believe that anything was wrong with him, and they turned on me when he spoke to them. I had to run away from our home because of this monster's need for survival. A smile once again crept onto my face as I observed the sleeping form of what once was my son. "Today is another big day!" ***Insight*** I was in my old dusty office while I went through Chance's old case file. It was a good thing that he was finally moving on with his life instead of clutching to that make believe world of his. I suppose that I was wrong about Chance requiring the mind wipe like I originally thought. When he showed absolutely no signs of improvement I thought it was truly the only way to help him. Nopony should have to live their life in a mental institution when they could simply forget the problem to begin with. I remember when I first met him he was terrified of me. I had no idea why until I was informed that he was terrified of unicorns, especially when they would use their magic. It took some time, but I eventually was able to get him to trust me enough to talk about his problems. That was when I began to realize how scared this child was. Even in his imaginary world he didn't speak of many happy things. He spoke of his father leaving his family for what he referred to as a 'whore'. He spoke about how his mother would always tell him to be more like his brother. This worried me greatly since normally a child would have a happy imaginary world instead of whatever he had. I began trying to get him to work out the problems in his imagination by getting him to talk about them as if they were real. I had hoped that there would be some clues as to where he really lived so we could bring him back to his family. There was nothing however other than they always wore clothing. That brought up a rather uncomfortable topic between the two of us. He asked me to get him some...pants. What kind of pony messes a kid up so bad that they get the kid to ask for sexual clothing? I tried to explain to him how inappropriate his request was, but he wouldn't listen to me. Later, his personal guard, Arrow, showed up with a green vest for him to wear. That was after our fourth session; you wouldn't believe how scared I was when I saw a guard coming to pick up Chance instead of his foster family at the time. That brings me to Chance's bad luck with his various homes he's been apart of since coming into our care. We first sent him to a cherry farm to live with Ms. Jubilee and it was great for awhile. Chance started to come out of his shell and was able to have a more enlightening conversation with me until... I sighed to myself as I opened up the page showing the accident at the cherry farm. There was an earth pony tapped under a tree with his skin bubbling. Chance had tried to help him get out from under there but inadvertently caused the pony's blood to boil. After that Chance shut everypony out except for Arrow. We quickly transferred Chance out of that home to Manehatten where things only got worse for him. He was bullied rather often and despite what I said I couldn't transfer him without the crown's consent. Eventually, I was able to get that consent after he got into a fight with one of his bullies. When he got to ponyville I became extremely worried for his safety. Not only did Jungle's sister live in the town but it was attacked by monsters every few weeks. Nopony knew the reason why, I personally think it has to do with the elements living within that town. My fears were both accurate and wrong at the same time as he began to accept what was real, but he did go into the everfree forest several times. He had no idea about it's dangers, not many outside of ponyville do, so I didn't blame him for trying to find shelter within it's confines. I was more worried about the princess giving him a harsh punishment, but she instead pardoned him by making him Arrow's assistant. I knew exactly what happened in that forest as I am Chance's therapist. His ability to use so much magic however both fascinates and worries me as he is only 9 or 10. He caused a pony to boil and he fought with Celestia, both of which are no small task. I believed a teacher would be good for him, but Arrow would always prevent me from sending a message to the school for gifted unicorns. I don't know why, but he would say it was because chance couldn't handle authority well. I laughed at that as his best friend was a guard for Celestia's sake. A knock came from my door before Loving came rushing into my room with a white colt behind her. "CHANCE WAS FOALNAPPED!" This was an emergency I had to take care of so I put Chance's file back up and sparked up my horn.