//------------------------------// // Impressing the Girls part 2 // Story: Deadpool's Equestria Girls Adventures! // by DeadpoolMLP //------------------------------// I awoke slowly, opening my eyes to the sight of complete darkness. “AH! THE MAYANS WERE RIGHT! THE SUN IS GONE! Wait….it’s not 2012 anymore. Oh well! AHHHH!!!!” I yelled into my pillow, quickly noticing that I was actually just facing the pillow. “That was embarrassing...” Turning over, I sat up to see our new pet wolf Balto sitting patiently next to my bed, panting quietly as he waited for me to get up. “Either this is the most polite and well trained puppy in the world…or his daddy was one strict motherfucker. Either way, both of us are as hungry as Galactus on a planet binge!” I said as I got out of bed, noticing a note on the table next to me. Picking it up, I began to read the careful handwriting. Wade, while you aren’t the most polite and pleasant person I can say that without a doubt I am from this moment on, your friend. I enjoyed watching the movie with you and I hope you will show me that you are just as good a friend as I think you will be. Fluttershy “2 down, 4 to go! Or is that 5? I dunno.” I smiled as I heard Balto bark for attention. Putting the note in the drawer connected to the bedside table, I got up and walked over to the kitchen, Balto following me eagerly as I scanned the room for something to eat. Seeing an empty medium sized bowl I search through the cabinets for some sort of dog food, only finding a bunch of different snack foods and cereals. Panicking I opened the fridge and searched finding nothing of the dog food variety. “Well, balls! We forgot to get dog food!” I said as I heard Sunset slowly make her way to the kitchen, her hair more of a mess than a Yu-gi-oh cosplayer’s hopped up on coffee. “Sunset we forgot dog food….umm... what are you doing?” I asked as Sunset zombie walked over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a piece of ground beef, grabbing the bowl and dumping it before finally putting it on the ground for Balto to eat. She then pointed to another bowl and then to the sink as I took the hint and filled it up with water and set it down for Balto to drink * *Those yelling at the screen telling me that I'm not supposed to feed a wolf puppy that way....I'm completely okay with that. Leave a comment on the correct technique of proper wolf pup care and I will adjust the text accordingly. Thank you. “You know, we’re gonna have to get a bigger place if we want to keep him” Sunset spoke as she poured a cup of coffee. “I know…I’ll get to work on that soon.” I responded as I searched through the multitude of cereals that Sunset had stocked. “Why do you have so many different cereals?” Taking a big sip of her Joe, Sunset grabbed a box of Rice Krispies and grabbed a bowl. “When I arrived here I didn’t know what was good or not so I just kinda bought one of everything. You know those Lucky Charms are like five years old right?” I looked at the box of Lucky Charms in my hand. “Well then…Fuck you, Lucky Charms” "Woah....." "That was cosmic..." I got out a box of Fruit Loops and poured my cereal as Sunset spoke up "Hey Wade..I'm sorry about what I said yesterday..." "Does this mean you like me now?" I asked as I sat down at the table. "No. It just means I'm taking back what I said." Sunset replied bluntly. "Harsh!" You didn't actually think that she'd stop hating you yet, did you Wade? Nope. But it was worth a shot! "So I guess we should get ready..." I said before shoveling down my cereal and walking back to my room where I grabbed Brad's favorite AC/DC shirt and my personally signed pair of Bart Simpson shorts with a bite taken out of the bottom left pant leg and threw them on, grabbing my backpack on my way back to the kitchen, where I found Balto waiting patiently as Sunset got ready in the bathroom. The next twenty minutes passed as I played with Balto having him chase a slice of meat that I kept in hammer space from one of my many victims as Sunset got ready. "Ugh...I swear my hair has a vendetta against me." Sunset complained as she exited the bathroom. "Ready?" I asked as I waited at the door with Balto. "What are we gonna do about him?" "Oh...right." I thought for a second before pulling up my life cheat code menu and pausing before picking up our wolf and walking him to the end of the chapter, putting him down next to the door right before I got home before returning to the paused point and unpausing life. "There! All done!" "Why haven't we ever used that before this point?" Because I locked any god mode level cheats and disabled all cheats during big fights. Trust me, it makes things much more interesting. Sunset took a double take as she looked around the room for the wolf before shrugging and walking out the door muttering something under her breath about Pinkie Pie. I sat in the back of the bus next to my favorite ditz, listening to her talk about a peculiar dream she had last night. "So I enter the phone box and I see an entire room stuffed inside! After the whole "I'm a pony" thing I thought the weirdness couldn't be topped but I was wrong! Turns out this "Doctor" was actually a freaky alien from a planet called Gal-E-Fray or something like that! Plus he's a time traveler! Weird right?" Derpy asked waving her hands around as she described her dream "Sounds like a normal weekend to me!" "...well he's not wrong." I wouldn't call ANY of our weekends 'normal'. Hell, I wouldn't describe anything involving me 'normal'! The bus came to a halt and Derpy and I parted ways as the rest of the students on the bus made their way into the school and to their first classes. As I got to my locker I heard the sound of arguing coming from down the hall so, being a curious cat, I walked over to see none other than Rainbow Dash arguing with a group of familiar girls. "I don't understand why you defend that freak, Dash! She tried to brainwash the entire school! That is so NOT cool!" I heard the girl sporting a head of purplish white hair and a brown bomber jacket with white fluff on the collar that complimented her white skin as well as a pair of blue jeans that were clearly only worn to show off the girl's *eh hem* assets due to their slim size "Ever since that Twilight girl showed up you've been hanging out with those other girls instead of us! What do those girls have that we don't?!" The other girl, having a slicked back dew of yellowish orange hair and turquoise blue skin, wearing a blue Letterman Jacket that sported a number of patches along with a pair of matching blue sweat pants. "Look, Gilda and Lightning Dust, just because I hang out with Sunset and the girls doesn't mean I don't like you two anymore. I just have different friends for different things!" Dash explained begrudgingly, clearly having had to explain this before to the two girls "Well, I don't believe you Dash!" Gilda barked "I think that witch Sunset is using her magic to brainwash you and keep you from your REAL friends!" "Yeah! She's probably trying to use your freaky pony powers to take over the world!" Lightning Dust added Dash snapped at the two girls, yelling several profanities at the two before beginning a huge rant/ burn, "The only reason I stopped hanging out with you two is because I realized that you two are colossal dicks to anyone who doesn't fit your image of a 'Cool kid'! I mean last week you not only insulted Pinkie Pie, A girl who literally NO ONE in the entirety of Canterlot has a reason to hate, but on top of that you made Fluttershy cry! Freaking Fluttershy! What has she ever done to entice any amount of malice towards her?!" "She was being a dweeb and got in my way." Gilda snarked back causing Dash to pull her fist back for a punch, only stopping as I stepped in. "Woah, woah, woah! Dash don't get yourself detention two days in a row!" I yelled as I stepped between the two groups. Dash gave me a dirty look before letting out in an threatening tone the following sentence "Wade, I can take care of myself. Now will you please leave before my focus shifts from the two jackasses behind you and onto you." "Who's the goody two shoes?" Gilda asked "Goody two shoes!? Bitch we're Deadpool! The ultimate anti hero!" "What he said!" Turning to face the smartass, I responded with a false cheery smile "Name's Wade Wilson! I'm the new kid!" "Oh yeah! You're the dumbass who knocked up the freak!" Lightning Dust laughed. Putting my hand on Lightning Dust's shoulder I calmly flipped her off, Lightning Dust responding with a punch towards my face. Sidestepping the punch, I shot the two bullies a 'don't fuck with me' look as the two ran off after a teacher came down the hall. "I didn't need your help Wade." Rainbow Dash added with an annoyed tone similar to whenever I ask Tony why I can't be an Avenger. "Hey, I'm just trying to help! Can't I at least get a thank you?" Dash shot back with a poignant "No." before walking off. "Well that could have gone better." I went through my day as I would any day, with a cheery attitude and a cocky smile, making it through chemistry successfully without blowing up the school, which was much more impressive considering the fact that today we were learning how certain elements burned differently and that Pinkie was my lab partner during the Bunsen burner experiment. Apparently Pinkie keeps flame retardant hairspray in her hair in case of fires. After making my way through English and History, I made my way to the lunchroom where I sat down next to Derpy and Vinyl who both were talking about some new band named Phoenix Rising, and their lead singer curiously dating a girl also named Sunset Shimmer. As I got out my favorite peanut butter and butter sandwich out of my lunchbag, along with a chimichanga, a bottle of Sunny D and a Twinkie, I saw Rainbow Dash sitting in one of the empty tables in the corner of the lunchroom. Curious, I decided to walk over and investigate. "Twinkie?" I asked as I sat next to the gayest looking straight girl I knew. Dash grumbled, muttering something under her breath as she grabbed the treat and stuffed into her mouth angrily. 'Huh....Solrac was right. There is a such thing as being hangry!' I thought as I asked the rainbow haired teen. "So what's up with the lunch switch? You weren't here yesterday so I'm assuming you must have switched lunches yesterday." Rainbow didn't answer as I asked yet another question "So, how'd you and the girls start an airsoft team?" Dash ignored me once again, turning away and facing the wall as I thought of a way out of this. It was then I had an idea....an idea so stupid it will probably work considering I'm the protagonist, "So Dash are you just gonna ignore me the rest of lunch?" Dash turned to me and gave a deadpan "Yes." I smiled and motioned for Dash to stay still as I ran over to Vinyl and whispered something into her ear. "Oh hell yeah!" Vinyl yelled as she pulled out a mic and set it up in the front of the lunch room After Vinyl gave me the thumbs up I took the mic and yelled into it "HELLO CANTERLOT HIGH! WELCOME TO LUNCH IS DEADPOOL!!!! Recently, me and my girl Sunset have been getting flack for our new relationship status and some of Sunset's friends are not too happy about the whole thing. Case and point, Rainbow Dash!" I spoke into the microphone as I pointed to the rainbow-do'd jock "You see Dash here thinks she can just ignore me for the rest of eternity, but as she and all of you are about to find out I tend to...stand out!" All of a sudden the lights went dark and a spotlight, that seemed to come from nowhere, shined down on me, as I wore a yellow jumpsuit with my brown hair slicked back, holding a cordless microphone. The speakers began playing a beat as I began to sing Open up your eyes, take a look at me Get the picture fixed in your memory I've been driven by the rhythm, like a beat of a heart and I won't stop until I start To stand out mmm to stand out I danced along to the beat, the other students either staring in confusion, laughing at me, or moving along to the beat. Some people settle for the typical thing Livin' all their lives waitin' in the wings It ain't a question of if, just a matter of time, before I move to the front of the line! Moonwalking over to one of the tables, I backflipped onto it making sure I didn't accidentally step in someone's lunch as I landed. Once your watchin' every move that I make, ya gotta believe that I got what it taaaakes! To stand out! Above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout out loud! Til mine is the only face you see, I'm gonna stand out! Til ya notice me I hopped my way over a few tables, making my way towards my target. I saw Dash crack a smile as she watched me make a fool of myself, looking as if I was nuts. "Which you are." If the squeaky wheels always gettin' the grease I am totally devoted to disturbin' the peace And I'll do it all again, til I get it done, until I become your number one! No method to the madness and no means of escape, Gonna break every rule. I'll bend em' all out of shape! It ain't a question of how, just a matter of when You get the message that I'm trying to send! I did a double flip over the next table, where a certain blue haired boy sat at, just to show off... and to show Mr. Flash who the REAL savior of the universe was I'm under a spell, I'm in over my head And you know I'm going all the way to the eeeend! As I started the second chorus I jumped back off the table, landing right next to Vinyl as the two of us shared a high five before I continued to sing, hearing Derpy cheering To stand out! Above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout out loud! Til mine is the only face you see, gonna staaaand out til ya notice me! Yeah! Finally making it to Dash's table I jumped up onto the table and knelled down and leaned in as Dash smirked, knowing that all I was really doing was making myself look like a moron. "So nothing really new right?" "Yup." If I could make you stop and take a look at me instead of just W-a-l-k-i-n b-y There's nothin' that I won't do if it was gettin' you to notice I-m A-l-i-v-e All I need is half a chance, a second thought, a second glance to prove, I got what ever it taaaakes! Standing back up I jumped up off the table and flipped through the air until I finally landed in back where I began and continued the song as I heard the most of the lunchroom begin to cheer It's a piece of cake. I looked over to Dash, seeing the jock laughing happily at the sight of me singing. I inwardly fist pumped as I continued to dance and sing To stand out! Above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout out loud! Til mine is the only face you see gonna stand out, Staaand out Hey! Stand out! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Stand out! Hmm! Til mine is the only face you see gonna staaand out! Til ya notice me. As the song ended the lunchroom went silent as the lights went back to normal and my clothes instantly changed back to my school clothes. "Are we just gonna ignore the whole costume change?" "Yup!" The moment of awkward silence was broken when one of the football players yelled "BOOO!!! YOU SUCK!" before throwing a pear at me...Hold on. A pear? Really Brad? A freakin pear? Why not a tomato? Name one time you've ever seen someone bring a tomato with a school lunch. .....Touche. The lunchroom quickly devolved into a food fight as I ducked behind a table with Derpy and Vinyl, Dash quickly joining as well. "So we cool now?" I asked the rainbow tomboy as I ducked for cover. Dash shot me a smile and a thumbs up "After that cringe fest? Yeah, we're good. Just promise me you'll stay by Sunset's side and not abandon her!" "I promise." I said shaking Dash's hand. "We're totally gonna get detention for this aren't we?" I asked looking at my three friends. "Probably" Derpy replied. "Worth it?" Vinyl asked motioning to Dash and I. I looked over to Dash, the two of us nodding before we both replied, "Worth it." Grabbing my lunch bag from the table I pulled a long piece of french bread out before popping up from my hiding spot and yelling "PRAISE MONTY OUM!" I then proceeded to jump up on the table and bat away any projectiles that flew in my direction, knocking them back as the three girls next to me continued to toss food at our opponents The four of us sat in Principal Celestia's office as the principal stared at us intently "Please explain one more time why the four of you were involved in a full scale food fight?" "Principal it was my fault. I was trying to impress Rainbow Dash and in the process caused the cafeteria to erupt into a food fight due to my terrible singing." I explained for the tenth time. Principal Celestia rubbed the bridge of her nose once more as she tried to wrap her head around my stupidity. "Not an easy task." No kidding. "Rainbow Dash...is this true?" The principal asked as she continued to rub her now sore temples. "Yes, Principal Celestia. Me and the girls have been kinda mean to Wade ever since the incident with Sunset and he's been trying to impress us all week. Heck, he sent me a thing of cider the other day" Rainbow replied. Principal Celestia gave me a suspicious look as I held my hands up in defense. "It was non alcoholic!" I yelled, holding my hands in the air, cause I honestly didn't care Principal Celestia rolled her eyes "Well considering no one was hurt during the food fight I think I'll let you off the hook this time." Principal Celestia then leaned in close and continued in a stern tone "But...should any of you pull a stunt like this again...you will all be expelled. Got it?" The four of us shook our heads vigorously as Principal Celestia sat back in her chair normally. "Good. You may leave now." We all stood up and left the room, Principal Celestia letting out a long sigh once we closed the door, burying her face in her palms. "I need a vacation..." "Well that was an ordeal." I said to my friends as I casually held my head back in my hands, continuing to walk. "Still worth it." Dash said as she smiled like a maniac. "Yeah...Hey you wanna come by Sunset's later? There's this really cool anime I've been wanting to show you." I asked. "Anime? You mean those Japanese cartoons that Fluttershy watches?" Dash asked. "FLUTTERSHY IS AN OTAKU?!" "Did not see that coming..." She probably watches a ton of Moe and Sailor Moon. "Yeah, but this is different. It has giant robots and kick ass action!" I exclaimed. Dash looked at me skeptically "...I guess I could come by and watch the first episode with you..." "Can we come?!" Derpy yelled, leaning in close to try to make me break my cool...which worked perfectly. The moment I turned and looked into the two giant puppy eyes of the grey girl my brain turned to mush and I instantly relented. "Okay fine! You can come too! What about you Vinyl?" Vinyl smiled and pulled out a pair of huge orange glasses and replaced her DJ glasses, smiling even more like a maniac than Dash was, her smile actually extending past her face "Hell yeah..." I gave Vinyl a bro fist before the four of us went our seperate ways to our next classes I exited the math lab, making my way towards the gym hall, only to be stopped just outside the hall by yet another familiar face. "I assume that you are Wade Wilson. Vinyl has been talking about you a lot...." The cellist spoke in a calm, yet peeved tone. Ah Octavia...Is she a badass in this like in Nightfury? Not in the same way...yet. Sweet!...Wait what do you mean yet? Spoilers bro..spoilers. Octavia waved her hands in front of me in annoyance "Are you ignoring me?!" "Oh sorry! I kinda zoned out right there. What is it you want?" Octavia let out a strained breath as she repeated her question "Do you plan on staying friends with Vinyl?" "Ummm...yes?" I replied confused by her question "Is there something wrong with that?" Octavia narrowed her eyes and spoke in an aggravated tone "I am a VERY good judge of character, Wade Winston Wilson...and I can tell that being friends with you can only end in trouble. If you know what's good for you, you WILL stay away from Vinyl." "Geez, we can't catch a break can we?" "Apparently not" "OCTY! For the last time, stop scaring away my friends!" I heard Vinyl yell from across the hall Octavia sighed as Vinyl walked over, her arms crossed in disappointment "Octy, I swear if you scare away another one of my new friends I will make you sleep on the couch!" "And when you do you won't be able to sleep for a week." Octavia smugly replied. "Hey! Just because I had a nightmare the one time you don't sleep in bed with me doesn't mean I can't sleep without you!" Vinyl retorted, her cheeks flushed red. "Vinyl it's happened five times." Octavia replied her eyebrow raised. "Wait..are you two lesbians?" I asked causing the both of them to look at me in disbelief as well as most of the other kids in the hall. "What?! NO! We're not...Why would you think that?!" Vinyl yelled in shock. "Well you sleep in the same bed..." "We're just friends!" Vinyl argued back. "Yeah...friends..." Octavia said under her breath. "WILSON! GET TO CLASS!" I heard the gym teacher yell from down the hall. "Well I guess that's my cue to leave..." I said as I slowly walked away from the flustered couple. I sat down in the gym, looking around at my classmates. Across the gym floor, I spotted a very peeved Applejack, who continued to give me the stink eye from across the room. "Alright maggots! My name is Mr. Sargent and you are my platoon! You will do as I say and follow orders without question! Do you understand?!" The drill serg-I mean teacher yelled. "YES SIR!" The others yelled as both me and AJ raised our eyebrows. "Alright! Now I want you all to give me five laps around the gym PRONTO!" Mr. Sargent yelled as we all got up and began our laps. As I ran I saw Applejack quickly closing behind me 'Shit...She's gonna kick my ass if she catches up to me.' I sped up but it was no use for as soon as I turned to look back AJ was already next to me 'Goddammit.' "Please don't hurt me!" I said as I made a break for it in the crowd of other students in front of me. Finally making out of the group of students I wiped the sweat off my forehead before looking next to me...seeing AJ still there running alongside me "OH COME ON!" "You're not getting away from me Wade." Applejack spoke blatantly. "Again, please don't hurt me." I held my hands in front of me in order to block any punches she could throw in my direction. "I'm not gonna hurt you Wade." AJ deadpanned "I just wanna talk." "That's what they always say! Especially Wolvie! He always says that, and then he stabs me!" I whined. "Well, Ah'm not him..." AJ replied. "Okay!" I said with a smile, my bipolar kicking in "What'cha wanna talk about?" "Simply put...Are you gonna hurt Sunset?" "Why does everyone think I'm gonna hurt her?! I may be an asshole but I'm not that much of a dick!" I yelled back. "Ha ha! Guardians of the Galaxy reference!" Applejack smiled "Good. Just remember that if you EVER break her heart...I will be one of a long line to kick your butt to the curb. Have fun with dodgeball!" She then ran off leaving me dazed and confused. "THANKS!...wait...dodgeball?" I stood in the center of my team's side of the court, dodging ball after ball thrown by our opponents while the other four of my team did their best to follow along "Come on guys! We can do this!" I cheered as I dodged another ball thrown by Twist. "Ugh, you can never get any good teammates!" "Scootaloo seems to be doing pretty good for herself." I looked over to see Brad's favorite pony easily dodging the projectiles thrown at her, swaying to her left to dodge a ball coming from her right. 'Dude....I now see your point Brad. Scootaloo is AWESOME!' I said as Scootaloo performed a twirl in the air avoiding two different balls at once. I told you so. "She's like some kind of ninja!" "Or one of those assassins from Brad's games" So a parkour ninja? "Exactly!" "Agreed" One by one each one of us took each other out until it was only Me and Scootaloo on one side and Applejack and Br- DON'T YOU DARE! Oh come on! You can't expect to call him by the OTHER name! I can and I will Ugh! Fine! Applejack and... RRRRGH... Flash Sentry...ugh I feel dirty! Do I REALLY have to call him that?! Yes. Saltatron 5000. The four stared each other down before each of us slowly picked up a ball from our sides and held it in front of us. I looked over to Scootaloo and flashed her a thumbs up. She shot me one back and the two sides began the ultimate dodgeball showdown of ultimate dodgeball destiny. Good guys bad guys and explooo-oh wait, no explosions. "Will there be Chuck Norris?!" No. "Batman?" No. Mr. Rodgers? No. LAME! It has You, Scootaloo, and Applejack ....not so lame "But it has FLASH! So STILL LAME!" Yeah! What he said! Wade you may want to dodge.... I turned to see a ball flying at my face 'oh right...' I limboed my way to dodging- That's not grammatically correc- Shut it! I limboed my to dodging as I power slid my way under the flying ball and threw it straight at Mr. Waifu Stealer hitting him in the chest "HA! SUCK IT FLASH! YOU CAN'T STEAL MY GIRL!" I yelled as I proceeded to perform a DX crotch chop at the boy Turning towards AJ I was immediately headshotted, knocking me out as AJ slowly walked over and shook her head. I awoke in the nurse's office with AJ standing over me "Ugh....Damn cowgirl! You throw like a frickin' major league pitcher!" I held my head as I slowly sat up and gathered my bearings. I saw a stack of crackers and Sunset standing in the corner of the room looking off to the side. "She here for me?" I asked the only girl in the school that had what you could call a normal complexion. "Yup. She got worried when you wouldn't wake up to her usual methods." AJ replied. "You mean yelling at me?" I replied, smiling innocently "Yup." AJ responded with a smirk. "So are we even?" "Yup." AJ replied holding her hand out. "You wanna go home?" "I would if I could....you were talking about Sunset's place weren't you?" "Yup." I shuffled my way off the bus and into the apartment, Sunset begrudgingly following behind. "You still hate me?" I asked as I opened the apartment door. "Yes, Wade...What are you three doing here?" Sunset asked as Rainbow Dash, Derpy, and Vinyl Scratch sat on the couch. "Oh hey Wade's back!" Derpy yelled. "Don't worry Sunny. Wade invited us over" Dash replied to her fiery friend. "Of course he did." Sunset said rolling her eyes "What is it this time Wade?" "Oh right! I was gonna show them my favorite Anime! TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LAGANN!" I yelled as I pulled out my personal laptop and a video feed cable. "We just plug this puppy in aaaand vioala! Netflix!" The four of us sat down on the couch as I pulled up the show. "What's My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?" Dash asked, noticing my recently watched list. "Oh! Nothing!" I yelled as I switched over to the search list, thankfully unaware of the rainbow-maned mare that looked disturbingly like her. "Sounds like a little girls show." Vinyl added "...I'm not judging you." "I am!" Dash chimed in. "Yeah and you watch that Powerpuff Girls show RD!" Derpy said, nudging her rainbow friend. "But I'm a girl!" Dash shot back as I pulled up the show. "In 3..2...1...AAAAND ACTION!" I yelled as I punched the play button. 7 EPISODES LATER! "AWW YEAH I am LOVIN' this Kamina guy! So they're gonna take on that huge walking battleship all by themselves?" Dash asked as the 8th episode began and the opening theme played. "Yup!" I replied happily, my inner voices yelling at me not to ruin the twist. We watched as Kamina and Yoko talked and eventually kissed. "Awww I love it when they have these onscreen moments like this!" Derpy sighed happily. "Too bad for Simon though.." Vinyl added. "So that kiss has a name by the way...I'll tell you it in a bit" I spoke, holding in a smirk. 9 MINUTES LATER We watched as Gurren and Kamina ran atop Dai-Gunzon toward Lagann and Simon inside, "Simon open the hatch!" "What's he doing?" Derpy asked as Kamina yelled "LET ME SEE YOU GRIT THOSE TEETH!" and decked his blood brother in the shnoz. "Just knocking some sense into him" I answered. "My kinda guy!" Dash hollered as Kamina sat back down in Gurren. "So about that kiss...it's called the kiss of death.." I said just as the blue light of Timylph's trident broke through the canopy of Dai-Gunzon and pierced Kamina's chest. The girls looked at me confused just as Gurren flew up in the air and Kamina let out a blood curtling scream. "NOOOO!!!! KAMINA!!!" Dash yelled "MY WAIFU!" The four of us, including Sunset who was standing in the corner of the room looked at Dash in bewilderment as she began to blush and yell back "WHAT?! I'm allowed to have one!" as Simon blindly climbed the volcano. "Huzbandu?" STUFFY! "He's gonna kill himself!" Derpy yelled as Dai-gunzon made it's way toward the volcano. I looked over to Vinyl, who was still blue screened by Kamina's impalement "Bu-bu-bu-bu." Just then we heard Kamina's voice, both Vinyl and Dash perked up as we watched Kamina first throw Gurren's left arm at Lagann and yell "SIMON! LET'S SEE YOU GRIT THOSE TEETH!" before making his awesome speech "Listen, Just who the hell do you think you are, Simon. Your drill is the drill that's gonna bust through heaven and earth and even tomorrow!" "AW YEAH! TIME FOR SOME ROBOT ACTION!" Vinyl yelled as Gurren and Lagann combined. "We brawlers are sustained by willpower even when mocked as reckless and crazy!" "If there's a wall in your way, we smash it down! If there isn't a path then we carve one ourselves!" "The magma of our souls burns with a mighty flame! Super Ultra Combining Gurren Lagann!" "And at that moment Logic said "FUCK IT I'M OUT!" " I said as Dash and Vinyl proceeded to foam at the mouth as Gurren Lagann singlehandedly took out the rest of Timlyph's back up before perfoming a Giga Drill Break on Timlyph himself. As the episode ended Sunset shooed away both Vinyl and Derpy leaving Dash and I inside "I don't know why you don't like this guy Sunset! He's pretty cool in my book!" Dash added as Sunset turned and gave her the stink eye. "I'm pretty sure YOU know why I don't like this imbecile Rainbow Dash! After all it is YOUR fault!" Sunset shot back with a fury. "HEY! I did NOT plan on you getting pregnant! That was ALL you!" Dash fired back "Me and Pinkie just wanted a little payback or all those years of bullying!" "Well you got it RAINBOW! Now get out before I turn back into a raging she demon! Is that what you want!?" Sunset roared, clearly suffering from her new hormones. Dash went quiet, taking the hint and walking out as I slowly slipped into my bedroom, Balto quickly following me and the two of us quickly falling quiet as Sunset was left to ponder her feelings. "Am I a monster...am I fit to bear a child....Is this my punishment..." Sunset spoke to herself as her magic aura returned to her hands, though she failed to notice as she fell to her knees, tearing up and slowly falling asleep on the tile floor.