Feeling Cooler

by Storm Shine

Waking up Cooler... And doing something Dumber.

"Ugh..." I groaned, waking up slowly. "What hit me?" my eyes shot open and I sat up as realization hit me. "John!? Tony?!" I called, looking around. I barely registered that my voice sounded... Different, somehow.

But there was nobody except me. Everything around me seemed to be mostly dirt and rock... Great. Alone in the middle of nowhere, somewhere around parts unknown. I crossed my arms, annoyed. "Just great. What else could possib-..." I stopped talking as I noticed my arms. "What the hell!? Why am I purple!?" I yelled, standing up and looking myself over.

"Arms, check. Legs, check. Hands? Check. Purple.. Could be worse I guess. Clothes? Gone, minus some weird Armor pieces.. Tail? Wait.." I had to stop my, admittedly freaky, checklist to double-take. There it was, a swaying purple tail.

What. The. Ever. Loving. FUUUU- BOOOOM!

"Well great..." I muttered to myself, walking out of a rather large crater. "I know I've always had an explosive temper, but this is ridiculous." And so is the tail. I mean... I always joked about wanting a tail but, now that I have one, it's just freaky.

I sat down just past the edge of the crater, "So.. New checklist." I said to myself. "I'm in an unknown place, I have no idea where my friends are, I'm in a different body, and I have super-powers." I rubbed my temples. "Yeah, just peachy."

After about ten minutes of moping, I stood up and started walking in a random direction. "Well moping isn't going to do crap for me, so I guess I'd better look around." I also had a hunch about myself, but I needed something reflective to confirm it. like a mirror, or a pond.

An hour of walking later, I'd finally found a small pond. I facepalmed as I looked into it, greeted by one of my old least favorite Dragon Ball Z characters... Cooler. One of my old friends used to whoop my ass with him, jokingly wishing that he could do half the stuff his character could. Oh irony, why?

Still... Cooler was a pretty cool, pun not intended, character. The only real reason I never liked him, petty as it is, is because of my friend's constant video-game victories. "Well, I could be worse off." I said to myself, "I mean.. I could've ended up as Raditz or, worse, Krillin."

I chuckled as I remembered the abridged series. "I wonder if this world has a Krillin?" I asked, before looking at my hand with a grin as I remembered the earlier explosion. "Oh, I can't wait to test this crap out!"

I looked to my left, raising my arm at a boulder. "Bam!" I exclaimed happily, expecting a Ki blast to reduce it to smithereens... Only to be disappointed. "Come on! Explode! Blast! Attack!" I roared the last word angrily, shocking myself as a large Ki blast suddenly blew the boulder sky-high... Along with much of the surrounding landscape.

"Well... Crap-baskets." I said, looking between my hand, the landscape, and back to my hand again. "I'm gonna have to practice this a lot.." Then I grinned, "Fun!"

~~~About a mile away - Third-Person/Pony POV~~~

"Oooh~, bring the cart Spike! There are more over here." A white pony said, walking away from a small purple lizard. Suddenly distant explosions began rocking the ground. "Oh my!" She cried out, stumbling to the ground as it shook.

"Rarity!" Spike cried out, running over as the explosions finally stopped. "Are you okay?!" he asked, helping pony back to her hooves.

"I'm fine Spikey, but we should probably tell Twilight about this..." Rarity replied to her purple-scaled companion, looking around worriedly. "We will simply have to continue gem-hunting later."

Spike nodded, grabbing the handle of the small red cart and following her back to town.

~~~Dante's POV - 1 hour later~~~

"Alright, Ki blasts down. How about I try..." I focused my Ki slightly, pushing it around my feet. "Come on.. Come on... YES!!" I cheered, rising unsteadily into the air. "Time for some flying practice!" I began rising higher into the air and worked on directed flight.

~~~Third-Person/Pony POV - twenty minutes later~~~

Rarity, Spike, and a purple pony walked into the clearing that Dante had floated away from. "See Twilight? I told you it wasn't nothing." Spike declared to the unicorn mare proudly, gesturing at the landscape.

"What could have caused this?!" Twilight exclaimed to herself, looking around at the many craters littering the area. She looked up, as if the sky would provide her an answer... And surprisingly enough, it did.

~~~Dante's POV~~

"Flying is awesome!" I cheered, swooping through the air. Then I looked around, feeling a little colder than normal. "Wow, outer space. Time flies when you're having fun." I chuckled a bit at the terrible pun as I floated there. "Guess it's time to go back down. Let's see how quick I can get there" I said to myself, re-orienting myself and shooting back towards the planet... Perhaps a little too fast. "CRAAAAPP-BAASSSSKEEETTTSSS~!!!!!" I yelled, remembering one little fact... I wasn't sure how to stop. BOOOOM~!!! The last thing I saw before everything turned black, was three blurry figures standing over me.

~~~Twilight's POV~~~

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I squealed, dancing around like a filly as I stared at the strange creature. I knew he-she-it was hurt after that fall, but I couldn't help but be excited. "A whole new undiscovered species!" I exclaimed happily, grabbing the creature in my magic. "We have to get it back to my lab!"

"I dunno Twilight, what if it's dangerous?" Spike asked, poking the creature with a stick.

"Spike, that is terribly rude!" Rarity declared, taking the stick from him and tossing it aside. "All the same, I agree with Spikey-wikey. What if it's dangerous?"

"Oh don't worry about that, I've got everything under control!" Twilight grinned, already walking back to Ponyville.

Spike and Rarity exchanged worried glances before following.