//------------------------------// // V. // Story: The Nobody's Regret // by Synthetic Soul //------------------------------// As the glare of the sun shone through the window, onto my face, my eyes fluttered open, ending my dreamless sleep. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a blanket like canopy draped over the four pillars, one of those things you see over a bed. I could feel my body lying in something soft, really soft. I may just go to sleep willingly this time, it’s so comfortable. I lean my head back, and close my eyes. ‘Hm…I wonder how I got here,’ I thought. It took a little longer for me to realize the implications of that than I care to admit. As soon as realization hit me, I jolted upright, eyes wide open. I scanned the room I was in, and the first thing I saw was an open window letting in rays of sunlight. I looked down to see that I was lying in a very comfortable bed. I also saw a dresser lying against a wall, and a desk with a candle on it. ‘Where am I?’ I thought. I leaned my legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up. It was then that I noticed that though I was still wearing my pants, and socks, my boots, coat, and gloves were not on my body. I saw my boots lying in front of the dresser, while my coat and gloves were on the desk. I walked over to my boots, and grabbed them. I then returned to the bed, sat down, and then put them on. Once that was done, I went over to the desk, and picked up my coat. It had a little dirt on it, which I brushed off. I slid the coat back onto my body, and then I put on my gloves. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something. I turned my body and saw a mirror hanging on the wall. I walked in front of it, and looked at myself. God, I really have become Roxas. My hair, my eye color, even the pigment of my skin was one hundred percent accurate. My god, I even had those anime eyes. I used my fingers to spread my eyelids and behold, my eyes were bigger than they used to be. I let my eyelids go, and walked away from the mirror. ‘I guess I really am Roxas. But how did I get here?’ I started thinking about what had happened. Let’s see, I remembered fighting the Timber Wolves. After that, I had saved a group of…ponies. That’s right; somehow, I had been transported into the world of Equestria! And after I had saved the ponies from those monsters, and then…holy crap, I fought Discord! I, I had somehow aided the Alicorn sisters in defeating Discord…and then…. and then I passed out, that’s right. I think I am most likely in the Castle of the Royal Sisters. They must have brought me here. I remember now, we are in the past, when Celestia and Luna had first fought Discord. And if I remember correctly, they had tried to use the Elements of Harmony on Discord and it had failed. I wonder why that was. In the show, they used the Elements to successfully turn Discord to stone. Then why didn’t it work? Maybe it was my presence. I’m in the past; it could be the butterfly effect or something. I really hoped that this wouldn’t cause some horrible consequences. I think back again to the fact that I’m Roxas. And I remember just how…well, how little I’ve felt. I didn’t feel the amazing awe of being in a new world, or the crushing sadness at the possibility of never seeing my family again. If I was Roxas…did that mean I was a nobody? Did that mean I didn’t have a heart? I was roused from my thoughts by the sound of the door to my room opening. I turned my head to see a grey unicorn mare with a darker gray mane, wearing an old looking maids outfit enter the room with what looked like a food tray and cover in her magical grasp. When she saw me standing there, she gasped in surprise, nearly dropping the platter. Fortunately, she regained her composure, and kept the plate in her grasp. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to be up. “ “That’s alright,” I respond. The mare walks over to the chest lying in front of the bed, and sets the plate on it. “I brought you something to eat. Granted, nopony, not even the Princesses have ever seen anything like you before, so we just picked what we thought you might like.” The mare removed the cover revealing a bowl of oatmeal, a glass of water, and some fruit, such as watermelon, and an apple. “Thank you,” I said in gratitude. “So, am I correct to assume that this is the Castle of the Royal Sisters?” I asked. “Where else,” giggled the mare. “The princesses told me how you helped them stop that terrible Discord creature. For that you have my thanks, as well as everypony’s. The princesses brought you here after you passed out. Speaking of which, after you finish eating, they would like to see you.” “Oh, all right,” I replied. “Good. I have other duties to attend to, but when you are finished, just find a guard, and have them escort you to the throne room,” she said as she turned to leave the room. “Will do,” I said as she left. Once she shut the door I looked at the food she left. Quite honestly, I never liked oatmeal. My dad tried to get me to eat it once, but I had hated it. I picked up the spoon, deciding to try it, and dipped it in the food. Raising it to my mouth, I reluctantly put it in my mouth. I was surprised; it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It wasn’t great, but I could eat it. Once I finished eating, I opened the door to my room, and step into the hallway. As soon as I step out of my room, I see a guard standing on the opposite end of the wall. Was he here to guard me? The guard looked right at me, and then spoke. “Are you ready to see the princesses sir?” said the guard. ‘Sir Huh.’ I nod my head at the guard. “If you’d follow me, I shall take you to them.” The guard then turns, and walks down the hallway, with me following. As we make our way through the castle, several ponies look at me, with slightly wide eyes. I assume they knew I was here, the princesses probably told them, however with me being a completely new species, it probably still threw them a bit off guard. After a few minutes of walking, we came to a large set of double doors. The guard who was escorting me stopped and turned to address me. “The Princesses are waiting inside. I will go in first and let them know you’re here.” I nodded, and then the guard entered the room, closing the doors behind him. After a few seconds, he returned, holding the door open. “The Princesses will see you now.” I nod and enter the room. The room is beautiful, just like it was in the show. The floor is lined with a large light red carpet, with a darker circle, and within that were the symbols of the sun and moon. There were two archways leaning to other rooms at the far left and right ends of the room, with torches next to them. Celestia and Luna’s Gold and Blue thrones were seated upon raised platforms, with each with its own set of stairs leading to the floor. Beautiful banners laid behind each throne, each matching the color of their respective throne. And sitting on their respective thrones were the Alicorn Princesses themselves; Celestia and Luna. I made my way to the center of the carpet, stopping on the symbol of the sun and moon. I lowered my stance to one knee, and bowed my head, showing my respect. I could here the sound of the two giggling, before Celestia spoke up. “There is no need for that good sir. You may rise.” I did as they said and rose to my full height. Celestia and Luna looked to each other, nodding, before they stood up off their thrones, and made their way towards me, their ethereal manes billowing in the non-existent breeze. It is truly a wonder to behold, seeing their manes in real life. They were beautiful, luminous, and awe inspiring. Truly a sight to behold. The two stopped a few feet away from me, and did something I did not expect. They bowed…to ME! I looked at the two of them, mouth agape. “We are in your debt. Without you, we never would have been able to defeat Discord,” said Celestia. “You have our deepest thanks,” said Luna. I chuckled a little, rubbing the back of my head with my hand, a sheepish smile on my face. “He he…. no problem, I was happy to help,” I replied. The two rose from their bowing positions, showing me friendly smiles. “Tell us, what is your name?” questioned Celestia. I thought about that for a second. I could tell them my original name, but quite honestly, I wasn’t that person anymore. I mean, my body changed, my abilities changed, and I’m pretty sure something changed on the inside. I felt…I felt that the name Roxas was appropriate to call myself. After all, I had become him. So I answered. “My name is Roxas.” “Hello Roxas. My name is Celestia, Princess of the Sun. This is my sister Luna, Princess of the Moon.” Of course, I knew that already. But should I tell them that? I wouldn’t want them to think I was spying or something. “It is a pleasure to meet the two of you,” I replied. “Forgive us for being so blunt, but…what exactly are you?” questioned Luna. There were two possible answers to that. I’m human, but…I might also be a nobody. But I don’t feel I should tell them about being a nobody, at least not yet. Especially since I haven’t confirmed that yet. “I’m human,” I reply. “Human. I cannot say I’ve ever heard of that species before. Where are you from?” questioned Luna. “Well…I’m not from here. I’m from someplace far away.” “So there are more of you? Do they have the same abilities as you? Why, we would love to meet the rulers of your kind, perhaps we could form an alliance, or-“ stated Celestia before I cut her off. “I’m sorry, but…there aren’t any others like me. I’m all there is.” A look of shock appeared on both Princesses faces. “What happened to them?” asked Celestia. “Nothing, it’s just…I’m just the only one. That’s all there is to it.” Both sisters looked sorrowed at this revelation. “We are sorry,” said Luna. After a few moments, she spoke again. “But know this. You are always welcome in our kingdom. It’s the least we can do after you helped us defeat Discord. “By the way, how DID you do that? It looked like you froze him completely?” asked Celestia. “Well, I used my magic,” I replied. “You have magic? Questioned the two at the same time. “Um...yeah, I do.” “How does it work?” questioned Luna. “I recall seeing you holding some sort of object when you used your magic. Are the two related?” asked Celestia. ‘Man, they’re asking a lot of questions.’ “Oh, yes they are.” I took a few steps back, and held out my hand, willing my Keyblade to appear. In a white flash of light, the weapon was in my grasp. The Princesses eyes were wide as they stared at it. “Incredible! To be able to summon a weapon like that requires a very high level of magical ability!” said Luna. “I’m actually still learning about magic. But my Keyblade is actually the source of my magic.” “Really? May we see it?” asked Luna. I nodded my head, and held out my hand, and with her magical grasp, Luna took the Keyblade in her magic. She examined it for a few moments, before it glowed, and dissipated, reappearing in my grasp. Luna looked shocked with surprise. “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to mention. The Keyblade can only be wielded by the person it chooses.” “That is…that is ok,” said Luna, after she recovered from the minor shock. “You must have quite the noble heart to be chosen by this weapon,” said Celestia. I looked down, and to the side. “Yeah…I guess.” If the princesses picked up on my dejected tone, they did not show it. “Well Roxas, once again my sister and I would like to give you our thanks for aiding in the defeat of Discord. It was a lucky coincidence that you showed up when you did. Tell us, have you found a home here yet?” asked Celestia. “No, I haven’t.” “Well, my sister and I would like to offer you a place to stay, here in the castle,” said Luna. “That would be…wonderful, thank you your highnesses.” Not only was in Equestria, but I was actually going to be living in the castle, with the princesses. It sounded amazing, and yet, I still didn’t feel that sense of excitement, or disbelief. But I did my best to sound as appreciative as possible. “It’s the least we can do for our new Equestrian Knight,” said Celestia. “A knight? Me?” “If you would accept, we shall make you our champion, the first Equestrian Knight.” My eyes were slightly wider as I took in this offer. After a few moments to think, I answered. “I would be honored to be your knight,” I said as I put my right palm over my heart, bowing slightly with my eyes closed. “Excellent! We shall make it official tomorrow!” said Luna. This was great. Well, it wasn’t that great that I lost my family, but now I was living in a palace, as well as being an Equestrian Knight. But I did wonder why I had appeared so many years before cannon. Maybe I could help prevent the bad things of cannon from happening. The Changeling invasion, Tireks Return, Sombra, and Discord, maybe I could prevent them all. But then again, there’s no way I’d live that long…right?