//------------------------------// // IV. // Story: The Nobody's Regret // by Synthetic Soul //------------------------------// With the Timber Wolves defeated, in what was essentially my first battle, I felt a sense of confidence in my abilities to fight, and defend myself. As I made my way back towards the forest from whence I came, I thought about how I was able to defeat those mythical beasts. Somehow, I had been transformed into Roxas From Kingdom Hearts. How that was possible, I didn’t know. I tried thinking back to what happened before all this. I remembered buying this Keyblade, plus two others at that booth in the convention hall, from that guy who practically gave them away. But that was just a coincidence right? Then again, his booth did disappear like it wasn’t there to begin with. What if that Merchant was responsible for all this? What if holding that Keyblade somehow triggered this transformation? It was weird, but I didn’t feel all that angry. I mean, if this was Equestria, then it’s basically a dream come true, being a Brony and all. Yet, just as I didn’t feel anger at the possibility of being intentionally ripped from my home and family, I also didn’t feel the feeling of excitement or anticipation at the fact that I just may be in Equestria. It was weird, but I just felt…nothing. I didn’t feel any negative emotions, but neither did I feel positive emotions either. As I made my way back into the forest, I started thinking about my parents. It was entirely possible that I was having a very lucid dream and I was still unconscious, lying on the floor of the convention hall. But that wouldn’t explain why my hand started burning, and why the Keyblade was glowing like that. I couldn’t have been hallucinating, I’ve never done it before, so I don’t know why I would start now. If I really was in Equestria, what would my parents think? What did they think happened to me? Did they think I ran away? Got kidnapped? Or worse, what if my body was still there, dead and lifeless. It was starting to bother me how calm I was about all this, but I decided to focus on different things for the time being. As I trekked through the dark forest I noticed just how similar it looked to the Everfree forest from the show. It was dark, with warped trees, with faces that would scare small children, and yet…I felt at ease here, more so than before. The thought that monsters might attack me again did cross my mind, but after I handled those Timber Wolves, I felt that I had a decent chance of defending myself. That brought my thoughts back to what had happened earlier on that cliff. Somehow, I had been able to not only summon a real Keyblade, but I had also been able to use magic as well. I stopped walking as an idea came to me. I looked to my hand, and pondered. I decided to test it. I held out my open hand, and concentrated, willing the Keyblade to return to me. The Keyblade didn’t return to me immediately, but I did feel a tingling in my hand, a pulsing. I closed my eyes and tried to push on that feeling, sending more energy to my hand. The tingling increased, and I opened my eyes just in time to see the familiar Kingdom Key appear in my hand. “Ha, I did it!” I yelled, only to quickly put my other hand over my mouth, remembering that this forest was filled with beats. I especially didn’t want to come across a Cockatrice. With my Keyblade in hand, I began my walk again. As I did, I twirled the weapon in my hands, practicing my handling. I swung, stabbed, and slashed at the air, getting a feel for my Keyblade. I thought back once again to my fight on the cliff. When I had said the word ‘Fire’, fire had shot from the tip of the blade. So I thought, maybe like in the game, the spells were voice activated. I held onto my blade with both hands and pointed it at one of the trees. I decided on the Blizzard spell, since I didn’t want to risk setting the trees on fire. “Freeze!” I waited, but nothing happened. I said it again, but still nothing happened. I tried shaking the Keyblade while reciting the spell, but still nothing happened. I was getting frustrated. Nothing’s worse than having a power, and then losing it. I sat down, and thought about just how I’d made fire come out the first time. I had said ‘Fire’ and fire had come out. I needed fire, and so fire came…out. Maybe that was it. Maybe I needed to combine the words, with the will of wanting it to happen. I stood up, and pointed my Keyblade at a tree and said ‘Freeze’, but this time I focused on wanting ice to shoot out as well. In an instant, a ball of ice shot out of my Keyblade, solidifying a chunk of the tree. “Hm…not a very big area effected,” I said to myself. I decided to put a bit more effort into it the next time. I pointed my Keyblade at the tree again, this time putting more effort, willing a stronger blast of ice to appear. This time, a larger chunk of ice shot forth, about twice the size. Immediately after, I felt a wave of lightheadedness, and collapsed to my knee, holding myself up with my Keyblade. I had to rest for a few minutes, but eventually I was able to get myself up to my feet, and back to walking. I decided that I wasn’t going to put that much effort into magic again, until I was somewhere safer. It appeared I had some training to do, if I wanted to get my magic abilities up to par. Eventually, after another half an hour of walking, I saw a light through the trees. I made my way towards it, and finally found myself outside of the forest. But the site that now stood before me was not what I expected. I did not see the familiar grassy plains, and old timey houses I expected to find in Ponyville (assuming I had gone the right way). What I saw was less familiar, but not completely unknown. The sky was purple, with giant hunks of earth floating in the air. The ground was warped, and checkered. There were fish flying through the air, and there were frogs with sharp teeth chasing down miniature lions. It was…it was weird. I also noticed a familiar looking castle floating sideways in the air. It looked like the castle of the royal pony sisters; only it wasn’t decrepit, and ruinous. It looked new, and pristine. I also noticed that in the distance past the castle was what appeared to be a village. Only, it was warped, and messed up too, with buildings floating in the air, the ground still warped and checkered. I finally noticed that separating me from all this, was a chasm, with nothing connecting the ends, except for a wooden bridge. I was confused, this looked like Discords work. But wasn’t he reformed? Also, shouldn’t the castle be…you know, ruined? I decided to check it out. I pulled my hood over my head, and willed my Keyblade to disappear. I then carefully made my way across the bridge. Once I made it across, I decided to travel further, into the chaos zone, but before I could, I heard the sound of galloping approaching. I turned to see a group of ponies running from what looked like alligators; only they had the legs of lions. The ponies screamed in fear, as the gator-lions appeared to be gaining on them. I couldn’t just stand and watch those creatures eat those innocent ponies. I decided to intervene, and quickly. I summoned my Keyblade, and sprinted towards the ponies. I took a quick look and saw three beasts chasing the ponies. “Get out of the way!” I called. Both ponies, and gator-lions looked towards me. The ponies looked at me with a renewed sense of fear. They sprinted even harder away, while the gators still gave chase. I pointed my Keyblade, and cast a freezing spell at the beast in the front, causing one of its legs to become stuck to the ground. I then ran strait at the second one, and jumped over it. I had planned on whacking it with my Keyblade, but was unprepared for the power my jump carried. I soared a good ten feet over the beast, flailing in the air, and roughly landing on my feet. It appeared my physical body had gained new abilities. I decided to utilize my new abilities, and modify my fighting. The monsters now had their gazes fixed on me, the ponies watching, eyes wide, from a safe distance. I readied my Keyblade, and once again charged at the beats, this time leaping into the air, flipping over the monster, with my body now upside down. I pointed my blade at the second gator-lion, and cast a fire spell at the beast. As I landed, the monster roared in pain. At this point, the monster that I’d frozen to the ground had broken free, and was now on the offensive. The beast that I’d burned now looked more pissed than anything. I readied myself in a defensive stance, both hands held onto my Keyblade. I was prepared for the monsters to charge me. What I wasn’t prepared for was when one of the creatures opened its mouth, and shot a torrent of flame towards me. Surprised, I jumped backward, evading the fire by a few feet. The two other beasts moved forward, and shot their own flames at me. I raised my Keyblade above me, and cast a new spell. “Wind!” and like that, a mini tornado of wind enveloped my body, deflecting the fire. As soon as the fire stopped, I threw my Keyblade at one of the monsters. After landing its blow, it returned to me like a boomerang, which I caught. I then sprinted forward. At that point, a spell came to mind; one that I believed could finish this fight. As the Gator-lions prepared for my attack, I leaped over them, and cast a spell. “Gravity!” With that, a sphere of dark purple energy appeared. This spell crushed all three of the beasts at once, ending their reign of terror. The creatures died, and as their lives ended, they rolled over onto their backs, their skin drying up, fading into dust. I wondered why that was, but then again, I’d never seen an Equestrian creature die. Then again, these might not be Equestrian creatures. If the environment was anything to go on, these creatures were most likely created by Discord. As I stood up, and dematerialized my Keyblade, I heard gasps behind me. I looked over my shoulder, to see the group of ponies, standing behind me. “Did you see that?” “That thing just took out three of Discord’s monsters!” “I’ve never seen anypony fight like that!” I turned around and walked towards the group of ponies. They gasped and fear, and took a few steps back. I ceased my advance, and raised my hands to show I meant no harm. “Easy now…I’m not going to hurt you,” I said. “It talked!” said one of the ponies in surprise. I slowly walked forward, and took a knee a few feet away from the ponies. The ponies seemed apprehensive, but did not flee. “What’s going on here? What can you tell me?” “It’s Discord, Lord of Chaos!” said one of the ponies. “He’s been tormenting us with his insanity for years, creating terrifying creatures, messing with the environment, basically making Equestria unlivable!” said the next one. So that’s what was going on. This was the past, at least a thousand years before the events of the show. But how can I be in Equestria’s past? And why? “But it’s okay! The two ponies, the big ones with both horns and wings have come! They’re going to defeat him!” said another pony. “The Alicorns? Celestia and Luna?” I asked. “You know them?” questioned the first one. “I know of them. Can you tell me where they are?” I replied. “They’re straight that way,” said the second pony, pointing in the direction of the town past the castle. “Thanks,” I said as I stood back up. I leaped over the ponies, and ran as fast as I could towards where the royal sisters should be. With my new body, I was able to achieve speeds I normally wouldn’t have thought possible. With a matter of minutes, I was able to see Discord sitting atop his throne, with the two sisters approaching him. I stopped my run, and hid behind a tree, observing from afar. “Playtime’s over for you Discord!” said Celestia with venom in her voice. “Oh, I doubt that,” replied Discord with confidence as he munched on those black seeds as if they were popcorn. After orgasming from their taste, Discord offered them some, to which he only received hateful glares. “Suit yourselves,” said Discord, who continued to munch down on them. I watched as Celestia and Luna then illuminated their horns, levitating the original jewels of the Elements of Harmony out of their saddlebags, causing them to hover in front of them. “Ooh, what have you got there?” questioned Discord. “The Elements of Harmony,” replied Celestia. As she said that, the elements began to whirl around the two, creating a sphere of purple energy. “And with them, we shall defeat you!” said Luna with determination. But, instead of falling over laughing, Discord merely smirked. In an instant, the charging of the elements ended, causing a beam of harmonic energy to shoot towards the draconequus, resulting in a clash of white light, illuminating the area, bright enough to cause me to need to cover my eyes. As the light faded, I saw the elements return to Celestia and Luna’s saddlebags. The two sighed in relief, and then breathed heavily, clearly tired from the effort. “It’s over,” said Luna, as she sat down. “Something’s not right here,” I muttered under my breath. What came next confirmed my belief. “Ha ha ha ah! Oh, nice try girls, but not quite enough to beat me,” said the echoed voice of Discords voice. The two ponies gasped in surprise, as Discord materialized back on top of his throne. “But how?” questioned Celestia. “Oh, it was quite a nice attack ladies, and surely would have worked…if I was blind and deaf!” He then snapped his fingers, disappearing and reappearing in front of the two. “But for anypony who can teleport, you’ll find that such an attack is ineffectual,” said Discord as he put his hands behind his back and turned, walking away from the two. “I didn’t think you two posed any threat to me, but now it is clear that you DO in fact have a way to defeat me. Which is why, I will have to destroy you.” He turned around, and snapped his claw, causing six spears to appear in the air, aimed strait at the two, who gasped in surprise. “I have to do something!” I said. It was clear that the elements were useless if Discord could just disappear and reappear at will. Those two needed a distraction. I materialized my Keyblade, and got out from my cover, and ran towards Discord. I aimed my Keyblade at Discord and cast freeze, causing a blast of ice to hit the unsuspecting Discord’s arm, covering it in Ice. “What in the world?” cried Discord. The three beings heads all turned towards me, as I ran. I knew that normal spells wouldn’t be enough to keep Discord down for long, so I stopped right next to the two Alicorns. “Get ready to use those Elements!” I yelled, as I raised my Keyblade. I knew I needed a lot of energy to keep this spell running long enough keep Discord contained for the two to use their Elements. “Who are you!” questioned Celestia. “Don’t worry about it, just get the elements ready!” I yelled, as I cast my spell. “Stopza!” I yelled. In an instant, Discord was trapped in a state of frozen time. It was the most difficult spell I’d ever used, tolling on my body. It was an effort that taxed my mind and body. “NOW, USE THEM NOW!” I yelled, as I struggled to keep the spell going. The two looked at each other, before nodding and using the elements once more. The gems levitated into the air, causing the same glowing sphere to appear around the Alicorns. Then, the elements blasted Discord, who was still frozen by the sphere. The moment the blast hit Discord; I released my spell, overcome with exhaustion. The Elements did their job, causing Discords entire body to solidify in stone. The stone started at his feet, and rose, causing him to scream in defeat as is body was turned to stone. The elements fell to the ground, as the two Alicorns sat down, in exhaustion. “It’s over,” said Celestia. “Who…who are you?” questioned Luna in my direction. I had planned on standing there triumphantly, using one hand to remove my hood, while saying; “Name’s Roxas…Got it Memorized?” But honestly, I was way to exhausted to say, or do anything. “I’m…I’m,” and that’s all I got out, because at that moment, I collapsed to the ground, falling unconscious yet again. The last thing I thought was; I gotta stop doing that.