//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Pain In Plenty // Story: The Boxer // by HopeForTheFew //------------------------------// The sun was low in the sky now and the cold was settling in. The man walked along the old gravel road as he gazed up at the setting sun. He knew it was going to be a cold night, he'd been through enough to be certain of that much. The man had no location in mind to head to. He was just walking, always walking, never stopping unless it came to eating what little he had, or resting with what time required it. But mostly, he just traveled the world as it was. Today was an unusually chilling day, especially for the Fall just creeping around the corner in this side of Nebraska. But it wasn't just the cold, the world appeared empty of life that day, and the towns the man walked through were slick with the damp air. The man however just shook it, and the constant feeling of loneliness off and kept pressing on. He was a lone traveler after all, he did have a reputation to answer to. But time and time again there would be the same old question that would ring out everyday through each town he went through. Why does the world seem to get so cold? The man would probably never find the answer, but in life there is an answer for everything. Whether he will seek it out to its fullest extent, only time could tell. The man knelt down on the ground before pulling his backpack off, he opened the pack and inside was a small jacket, folded into ways unconceivable to those who prefer their clothes "unwrinkled". The man took out and wrapped the old coat around himself. Tonight was indeed going to be a cold one... The man stood back up and began walking once more, a smile grew on his face as he watched the golden glow of the setting sun. The light from the great star shown on the trees above the man and made the leaves look as I they had a tint of gold in them. But while the man was looking at the trees he failed to notice the danger of the road he was on and before he knew it, the man's foot struck a rock and he collapsed to the floor of the road in one fell, hard swoop. The last thing the man saw was a particularly large rock his face was about to impact and then his world went black... "What is it? I can't recognize it from any of our books!" voices spoke out as the mans world began to come into place once again. The voices sounded odd to the man, almost as if they were stuffed from allergies or a deep fog layed between their speech. He thought then that someone had found him for the worse, but when he opened his eyes he was greeted by a very, very, bright light and was forced to close his eyes once more as a splitting pain went through his temple. He groaned in response to the pain and began to rub his eyes. How long was he out? who were these people and were they here to help? And if so, why weren't they helping? these thoughts and more were going though the mans mind but he knew the answers he seeked remained hidden under the bright light of the sun. "Look, its waking up!" one of the people said. "Get back, it might be dangerous!" Another one said. But in response to all this, the man simply retorted, "What on Earth are you talking about?." He said this with a particularly loud groan at the end of his sentence. He rose to his knees, and put his hands over his eyes to diminish the pain he would receive when he would inevitably open his eyes. "Who are you?" The man asked as he managed to push past the blinding light to open his eyes. What the fellow saw and felt next was as if the very sun were inside of him, burning him from within and he began to scream in pain and close his eyes once more, for all he could see was a bright light, a bright, horrifying light. The burning he felt stopped suddenly, almost like a wave that could drown him but stopped just short. He breathed heavily and groaned uncomfortably, his hands clutched tightly around his core as if to provide a bandage. However, nothing now remained of that loathsome fire and the mane slowly began to pull away from himself, this time rising to his full height as his eyes awakened. And so at long last, the man stood up and awoke to a world of a different kind. The world in which he awoke was not too different from the one he was accompanied by not too long ago. Besides it being moderately warmer, it was very reminiscent of home. But there was a very shocking turn of events The man was staring into the eyes on two colored creatures with strange marks on their flanks and two small horns protruding from their heads. But none of this mattered to the man as he could only stare at the frightful looks that the two unicorns gave him. The last thing the man saw was a bright glow on one of the unicorns head and he fell to the ground once more; unconscious. The next thing the man knew was a foggy mind as he began to wake once more to the strange world. He had no idea what was going on, and truth be told, he really didn't want to find out. All he wanted to do was wake back up and continue on his lonely walk through the world. But he would later find out that that particular endeavor would be quite difficult to complete. The man opened his eyes again, and was thankfully greeted by the soft light of the sunset instead of the blinding light of midday. The man sat up and shook his head, a strong headache was forming in his temple and he took his backpack off. Within his backpack the man pulled out a small medical container. The man then proceeded to pull out had a small bottle full of pills, the man opened the bottle and took a couple of the pills out and then proceeded to swallow. He grabbed his canteen that he had laying on his side and proceeded to drink to aid the pills in their trip down his esophagus. The man sighed and closed his eyes, he dropped the pill bottle and brought his hands to his eyes, rubbing then softly. The man, after he had rested for a few moments, then stood up and walked over to the other side of the dirt path he was currently on. The man sat down on the other side, leaning on a tree. All kinds of thoughts ran through the mans head as he gazed up at the setting sun. What had really happened to him after he had hit that rock? When that particular thought went through the mans mind, it brought something forth. He now noticed that he was in a completely different area then he was when he hit that rock. The man stood up swiftly and his heart had begun to pick up its beat. He looked around, franticly trying to remember anything about him wondering off somewhere. But as soon as the man started to panic, he calmed himself. he took a few deep breaths and sat back down, he knew to well what happened when you panicked, and he sure didn't want to do it again. He also knew it was quite a bit warmer wherever he was, although he knew that it should be quite a bit colder. Though it was still cold enough to keep his jacket on, the man just cast the sudden change in heat off and blamed it on the area he was in. The man grabbed his pack that he had placed on the ground and brought it to his lap. Already the Aspirin was doing its thing and the man opened his pack and brought out a bag of smoked fish. He opened the bag and began to lightly snack on the good tasting food. He then proceeded to rest his head against the tree and close his eyes. Everything was so quiet and peaceful, it was as if he was in a whole new world and all the man could do was suck in the peace. However, the mans head began to swim and he grew suddenly tired, the next thing he did was open his eyes and let out a sigh. He ate one more piece of fish and then began to put everything away into his backpack while also bringing out his sleeping bag that was wrapped around his back. The man stood up and walked into the woods. He would get some sleep, for tomorrow would be a heavy day of traveling. He walked on for a few minutes until he found a small clearing. He then grabbed a stick and stabbed it into the ground in the direction of where the road was. He knew all he could really do was walk on the road until it may eventually lead to something. But as for now, the man laid his sleeping bag on the ground and slipped into it. Today was a very odd day and he hoped tonight and tomorrow would be much better. However... As he would soon find out, his wish, would not come true... "What should we do?" One of the ponies said, worry clear in their eyes. After her friend had cast that flame spell on that strange creature it had passed out and then they both flipped and galloped with all their might away from the creature. And now they found themselves in the small town of Saddleton. They knew of pretty much every creature that has been known to Equestria. But this, this thing was something different, something strange. "I think we should get the guard." The other pony said. And in that time it seemed like fate had found them as a small batch of Royal Guards marched up the town road and were about to greet the two. The two friends looked at each other before looking back at the guards and then they both bolted towards the guards, eager to get the message out that some dangerous creature was out there just waiting to snatch a pony up and kill it. The two ponies galloped up to the guards and began to quickly blabber nonsense so fast that the guards were not able to keep track of it all. Then one of the guards shouted "Silence!" and everypony was quiet. "Now, tell us what happened, slowly so that we can understand." The other two ponies looked at each other again and nodded to each other before looking back at the guards and beginning the tale of how they found the creature "Well, it all started when we were walking down this road toward this town..." What little did they know, oh how what little did they know. Fools carry fools errands I suppose and now we must watch what unfolds as this man will soon be hunted down and be brought forth to the whole of Equestria...