//------------------------------// // Snow as pure as Love (Edited on the 21/08/2017) // Story: Snow Passed Midnight // by TwilightXLuna //------------------------------// Twilight's POV It was a cold winter evening and very little ponies were still outside. I was making my way to the train station through the Central Area after going to a party I was invited to by my old friends at Pony Joe's donut shop. It was the night before Hearthswarming after all. My friends Moondancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine had left an hour before and they were probably still waiting for me at the train station. After all they where joining me for Hearthswarming so we can have a great day together. "Almost 12 am," I murmured as I looked at the clock tower. "I should hurry to the train station before the train comes and then goes" Using my magic to pull my jacket closer to my body I quickened my pace but stopped once I caught somepony sitting at the fountain in the corner of my eye. Who in their right mind would be sitting here at this time of night? My curiosity got the better of me and when I took a closer look my jaw dropped. I knew the pony that was sitting there all alone. I would recognize that long, flowing blue main anywhere. It was Princess Luna. A part of me wanted to get closer to her but another part just wanted to continue walking. If I walked up to her what could I say? I couldn't just say hello, could I? What if she just wants to be alone and not see anyone. I made up my mind, turned around and walked towards the gates of the park when suddenly I heard her call my name. "Twilight?" she said again, her voice filled with confusion. She must've thought that I was mad, or that I didn't want to see her. I was standing there like a fool. "Luna?" I asked as I turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Luna?" the young mare in front of me asked. "It's me, Blueberry Frosting. You know, that friend of Written Script!" I sighed and smiled at her while shaking my head. "I'm sorry, I thought you were somepony else." (I hoped you were somepony else) About half an hour later somewhere in Canterlot City: It had been nice to see Blueberry Frosting again. We had met a few years ago in Fillydelphia, she was a friend of the Mare of Fillydelphia. After we'd talked she left again and told me something about going back to Hasbro, the company where she worked now. I on the other hoof kept walking around the Central Area and eventually decided to go to the edge of Canterlot. I needed to clear my head. It didn't matter if my friends left with out me. I told them if I did not make it Spike would let them in the castle and sort them out and I would get the next train or fly home. Right now, I just needed to think and looking up at the stars would do me good. Like they always did. I always loved to stargaze it was one of my fav things to do other than read of cores. I could see all the stars looking as bright as ever and I started thinking about my family. My mother and father had gone to the Crystal Empire to visit my brother for Hearthswarming this year so I decided to just go to the party my friend had invited me too. There always were festivals in Canterlot on Hearthswarming eve. I slowly sat down and let my front hooves swing over the railing as I stared at the night sky. It could be so beautiful during the night. The only thing missing was the moon but it was quite cloudy tonight. It was probably going to snow soon. I sigh escaped my lips. Maybe coming here hadn't been such a good idea after all. Because the day Luna and I sat on the Ferris wheel, it was snowing as well. Start of Flashback A year earlier at the Ferris wheel in Canterlot (Second Hearthswarming eve for Luna) "Thanks for paying for me. I'm really sorry I forgot my saddlebags at the castle in a rush to get hear. I promise I'll buy you a ride next time we meet." "Pinkie Promise?" I giggled and Luna just rolled her eyes. "Pinkie Promise, Cross My Heart, Hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in my Eye!" Luna said as she made herself comfortable and laid one of her hooves around my shoulder. She had noticed I was cold and since Luna was my friend I didn't mind. I just ignored the voice in my head that was squealing and my heart that was almost jumping out of my chest. Luna was a very beautiful mare, anyone could see that. But there was so much more beneath that. She was very mature when she wanted to be as well and she spoke with wisdom. She loved many things that I loved like stargazing, reading books, hanging out with friends and so much more. "Tell me, do you like Hearthswarming eve?" the Night Princess asked. Her light blue jacket was closed to her. "Of course I do, who doesn't?" I smiled as I wrapped my hooves around my knees and enjoyed the view from up here. The city looked so beautiful! "I know some ponies don't," she laughed. "Because of the snow." "I like the snow, it looks just like the stars in the night sky," I answered and she just nodded in agreement. "I've heard that you're trying to become an Astronomer, am I correct?" she casually asked. Her eyes were focused on the night sky and a small smile played across her lips. "Yes, You don't think it's a stupid dream, do you?" I whispered. Luna immediately turned her head and looked down into my eyes. "Of course not" she whispered. "I think it's a beautiful dream. You don't have to be afraid of anyone telling you it isn't." Luna smiled and let her hoof slip back to her side, taking my hoof while squeezing it slightly to encourage me while her blue eyes were captivating me. Five minutes later we got out and talked about small things as Luna laughed and playfully ruffled her hoof through my main. But before I could do anything back I noticed the smile on her face as she looked up. "It's snowing," she said. "It is…" "There's the Princess!" I heard somepony shout and when I turned around I could see two members of Luna's Royal Night Guards running our way. She looked down at me, her eyes sad. "I'm sorry," she said. "I really am but I have to go now." And soon she disappeared, following the two Royal Night Guards. End of flashback "Hey you, you should go inside. You look like you're freezing." I knew that voice. I could recognize it anywhere I went. Although her voice sounded much more mature than I was used to, it was still filled with a sound of wisdom that someone of her age should have but softer like a cloud. "Luna," I whispered, not looking at here but keeping my eyes locked onto the night sky. She didn't say anything at all and when I turned around she looked down into my eyes. "Do you remember who I am?" I asked. Luna's POV: Of course I remembered who she was. How could I not? She was the one I had returned for, I just didn't think I would find her so soon and those eyes of her, oh, those eyes. Filled with a sadness that I had never seen before. How much I wanted that sadness to go away. All this time I had been wanting to see her but right now I was so scared that she would be mad at me for what I had done and now she was sitting here in front of me, thinking I didn't know her. What a coward I was for not talking to her. Soon she turned around again, her hooves holding onto her jacket, her eyes focused on the stars above her. I wanted to say something to her but what would I say? Should I say that I was sorry for leaving that day? That I should of just stayed with her and not left with the Royal Guards. I was the one who left her alone, that night near the Ferris wheel. How I wished I could hold her hooves again. Or just hold her. And then, as if trying to make something clear I could feel snow, falling on my cheek and rolling down as it melted. A years ago, the snow had messed with our friendship and what if it was trying to make it up to me. What if it was telling me it was not too late? "I know who you are, Twilight," I said as I put out my hoof to pull her up. Her hooves fell down to the floor and she turned her head. Her beautiful purple eyes looking into mine. As if she was waiting for me to say something. "I'm sorry," I said. "For leaving you there all along. I'm sorry for leaving you, for not being a good friend." "I'm sorry for never looking for you after that," she whispered. "I just thought that you needed time." Her eyes found their way to the ground again but her hoof found mine and soon she stood in front of me, her eyes still at the ground. "I did," I admitted. "And I knew you did too, I hoped you knew it. I hoped you'd wait for me, I was sure you'd wait for me," I said as I took her chin with my hoof and made her look up into my eyes. "Why? Why were you sure?" she whispered. "Because I still need to treat you on a ride in the Ferris wheel. I promised I would." She smiled at me and wrapped her hooves around me, burying her face in my chest. "I missed you," she whispered. "I missed you too, little one."