//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Leviathan // Story: The Man With The Quarter-Staff // by HopeForTheFew //------------------------------// The beast picked up its speed and it knew its next target. Its belly was full and now, it was going to get an extra serving. I lifted the large stone and hauled it over to the awaiting wagon. Today was a good day and the people and ponies hearts were merry. Most had smiles on their faces from the sheer fact that our home was getting fixed up rather quickly. I had just put the large stone in the wagon when I noticed a Pegasus flying high in the sky. I watched as the pony began to get tired from its long flight and I watched it lose altitude rapidly. My eyes widened when I saw it nearing our city. I ran to the other side of the wall just in time to see the pony fall from the sky and slam into the ground, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. I ran down the wall and through the gates of the city and I saw the pony lying still, on the ground. I rushed over there and grabbed hold of the Pegasus. My eyes widened even more when I saw a large wound on the pony's side. The pony was a mare I could tell and she appeared to still be breathing. I picked her up in my arms and brought her inside the city. When everyone saw me they all gasped and rushed by my side. "Someone get a medic!" I shouted and I heard several people leaving my side to retrieve a medic. I lowered the mare to the ground and grabbed hold of my cloak. I ripped a small shred and pressed it on the mares wound. She winced and breathed heavily from the pain she was enduring. The next thing I knew my mind went fuzzy and all I could see was a bright light as I channeled my power into the pony in an attempt to heal her wound. My eyes darkened and it felt like I was going to pass out right there but I was able to hold on long enough to where my vision slowly returned to me. My breathing was heavy and my head was sore but all in all, the pain was worth it, for I watched as the ponies once open wound was now shut and her breathing, no longer unstable but stable. A smile touched my lips and I placed a hand on the mares forehead. The poor pony appeared to be in the Guard do to her armor that appeared to be both burned, and ripped. I gazed at the burn marks, what could burn through Equestrian armor? I thought to myself. It was designed to withhold the strongest dragon fire. My eyes widened once more as a thought came to mind and the mare lying before me confirmed it. "What's going on here?" It appeared the doctor had now come, along with Princess Celestia. "We might have a problem." I said as I teleported my staff to my hands and ran to the top of the wall. I gazed out at the worn torn battlefield that was now just beginning to be repaired. If my thoughts were correct then we would have the fires of Hell on us in no time. However, I looked and looked but when my eyes saw nothing, I relaxed and turned around to see a very worried Celestia. "What is it?" She asked in worry. But when I was about to respond, the earth beneath us began to shake violently. I jumped off the wall and slammed my staff into the stone ground. A loud 'Boom' Could be heard as it traveled through the earth. Suddenly the violent shaking stopped, and another loud 'Boom' could be heard off in the distance. I turned around swiftly and once again traveled to the top of the wall. Only this time, what greeted me in the distance was nothing more but the creature that haunted my past; Leviathan. I jumped off the twenty five foot wall into a small patch of grass outside the city. I raised my staff and once more slammed it into the earth. This drew the beasts attention and I knew I was about to stand against the greatest evil of my life, far worse then the chaos Discord brought, but this creature brought its own version of chaos. And it brought fire. The creature itself was pure black with red glowing eyes. It stood as a titan, reaching up to seventy feet high. But that was not the worst of it. It had a black heart, one of nothing but rage and hunger. It would never be full until it destroys all good in the world... or worlds. "Get everyone and everypony behind the city!" I yelled to Celestia who was standing on top of the wall, staring with wide eyes at the monster in front of her. But she managed to push past her fear and she nodded her head while responding: "And what of the Elements?" She asked. The man just shook his head and said: "Save them, they will be no use against a creature of this magnitude." He then turned back to the creature who was smiling wickedly at the man. The man charged, and so did the Leviathan. The two met with a bang and the human sent a beam of blue power from his staff into the creature who, in return roared in pain and swung at the man. The Leviathan hit its target and the man was sent flying. The creature smiled wickedly once more and breathed in heavily before releasing a large ball of fire that was heading straight for the downed Human... But the Human raised his staff once more and used it to stand up. Right before the ball of fire reached the man, he swung his staff and the ball of fire dissipated into nothing. The Human stared with malice at the Leviathan and raised his staff once more before slamming it into the ground, sending large amounts of earth and stone towards the beast. The Leviathan, was no longer smiling.