The Man With The Quarter-Staff

by HopeForTheFew

Chapter 5: The One In The End

It is the day. The day where we rebuild our homeland. The day where Humanity returns from war. The day the war is over. The day we rebuild.

Wagon upon wagon of fallen stone and rubble were carried out by both man and pony. Applejack who is one of the Elements got her brother to assist in the heavy lifting, and boy, let me tell you, I have never seen anyone or anypony stronger than that stallion and I was glad to work with him.

The Unicorns were working on rebuilding the walls and the landscape outside the city. While the pegusi were busy pulling chariots that contained ruble and old stone which we would transfer from the wagons onto the chariots which they would then bring them to the old forest and dump the old stone.

At the speed we were working, we could get this place fixed up in a matter of a week. More and more help was coming in each day and the Princesses were helping me set up some legal mumbo jumbo. None of this mattered to me though as all I cared for was the safety of my people and the smiles that they wore. Though, some had no smiles as they were angry at the ponies for something they did not do. But I cant really blame them, I would have done the same thing not three years ago if I had not been saved from my downfall.

I shook my head from the thoughts and carried the ruble in my grasp to the wagons that were waiting. Dawn was coming on now and I knew my people were tired. I delivered the last bit of ruble in my hands to the wagon and announced that it was time to stop for the day. The people cheered as they ran as fast as they could to the tall grey building in the distance. The ponies had begun rapping up their work as well as I walked over to the Princess of the moon. "I would like to thank you again for all the help that we are receiving from you and your ponies." I said. Luna smiled at me and nodded her head as she began to raise her moon.

The night sky was beautiful, far more pretty then last night and it truly was a marvelous sight to look at. "I would like to thank you again as well for delivering us from the chaos that once bound us." Luna said as her smile faded slightly. "I wish none of this had happened." Luna said, her smile now completely gone.

I put my hand on her shoulder and simply spoke: "So do all who live to see such times as this, but you must learn to adapt to war and the problems it brings, and learn to let go of the past, for it is in the past." I took my hand off her shoulder and wiped the tears that were now forming under her eyes. "The Journey has just begun, don't let life destroy you now, for you have a long ways to go." I said as I looked into her eyes. What I saw put a spike through my heart. I saw fear, grief, and pain, so much pain.

Something went through me then and I grabbed hold of her horn, only, it wasn't me, I remembered this feeling, the same feeling that saved me from destruction. Her horn began to glow and her eyes lit up with a light so bright, it would put Celestia's sun to shame. And then, just like that, it ended and Luna collapsed to the floor; unconscious.

I placed Luna on the bed and covered her with a blanket. When Celestia found out what had happened from one of her ponies she began to ram words into my ears. She even went as far as shoving me into a wall. I just ignored this however and told her calmly what had happened to her sister. Her sister had found the truth, a hope beyond belief, a hope so great that it would make everything else seem small compared to it. It had made me smile internally to know that there was hope for Luna now, if only she would except it, but I suppose only time would tell.

I shook the thoughts from my head and kissed the sleeping Luna on her forehead before turning around to see Celestia staring at me with fury in her eyes. She to had yet to understand the truth, a hope that is beyond death, a life beyond death. I had told her all of this of course, but in the end, she would not heed it. She only cared for her sisters well being, and I understood that, so I left her be with her sister. Maybe one day her heart would open up to the one in the end.

The one who created us all.

Celestia stomped her hooves in anger. How could he do this to Lulu? What did she ever do to him? She asked these questions over and over to herself but when no answer came she sighed in defeat, for that was just it, what had he done? He saved us all from Chaos and yet he hurts my sister? Why? Why? Why?

All the while Celestia paced beside her sister she failed to notice that one lonely man enter the room once more.

Celestia felt a hand touch her shoulder and she turned her head to see the man who hurt her sister. She sighed deeply and fought the temptation to kill the man right on the spot. But she fought it off and stood there; silent.

Everything was silent...

Everything was still...


Something lurked beneath the hard stone roads of Canterlot, something with nothing but hate in its heart. That something began to wake up from its slumber... its very, very long slumber. That something snorted loudly and opened its eyes. That something had only one thought on its mind... Kill.