//------------------------------// // In The Arms Of An Angel // Story: In The Arms Of An Angel // by HopeForTheFew //------------------------------// "I'm not a child anymore, you don't need to tell me what to do!" "You will listen to your Father! or you can leave!" "I think I'll chose the latter." The boy said as he stomped out of the room. But his intoxicated father would have none of that. "Come back here you little shit!" The father charged at his son and caught the boy by surprise. The father pinned the boy to the wall and then dragged him towards the door. "SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT IN THE WILD!" The father said as he opened the door and threw the boy out. The father slammed the door shut and left the boy out in the cold harsh night, alone. Tears filled the boys eyes as he collapsed on his back, the tears were now freely pouring out his eyes. He knew his father to be gruesome when he got drunk but he never got like this, until now that is. The boy stood up and started walking away from the homestead into his fathers fields where they lived off farming corn. The boy found a fallen oak tree near the woods that his father owned and sat down and thought to himself of all that had happened, the tears were coming back strongly as he thought on. Didn't his father have a heart? didn't he care? how could he do this to me? All these thoughts went through the boys mind as the tears kept on falling. While the boy was crying he failed to see a certain creature teleport behind him and trot up next to him. The creature tapped the boy on the head and the boy swiftly spun around. When he saw the creature he fell to the ground on his back, slowly crawling away from the beast. "Yes, you will do nicely." it said and then something on top of its head began to glow and the boys world became consumed with colors. I have been searching for decades for the right creature to study. I was given this assignment by Princess Celestia and I have searched all of Equestra, all of Equus and found nothing of interest. And so why not search a different world? why not search for a Human? And as soon as I entered this world I found one that had the potential to be our lab rat. My guess is that it is a child because it is smaller than the ones that I have seen. This makes it even better to study. We should have our information that we need rather quickly with this fellow. Yes, he will do nicely. The next thing the boy knew he was in a cage with eyeballs all around him. It was dark and the only light that could be seen was one single light in his cage. The boy stood up and ran to the walls of the cage testing the metal bars to see if he could get out. However, the boy would not find any weak metal bars in this cage. The boy sat defeated as tears fell from his eyes. He had no idea what had happened or who brought him here but one thing was for sure, he was a experiment of some sort. He knew this because not long after he was brought here more lights began to fill the room and he saw what appeared to be small horse like creatures surrounding him, they had on white lab coats and some of them appeared to be writing down notes. There were some that had horns and some that had wings but some just appeared to be normal. Not that any of this was normal for the child. All of them were watching the boy closely with those big bulgy eyes of theirs. The boy, during all of this crept into a corner of the cage and curled into a little ball and soon fell asleep from all that has happened to him in one single night. After weeks and weeks of being trapped in his cage he sat defeated. All hope lost. It has been so long since the boy left his home. The creatures are not feeding him right and he is barley alive as it is. His brain has all but surrendered to the creatures, he has no choice in the matter. It seemed that they stopped studying him, the boy knew this because they stopped taking notes and stopped taking pieces of his hair off. He knew not why they wanted his hair but for whatever reason, they did. leaving him with patches of missing hair. After a long time of being in the cage. Different beings from different countries ranging from Equestria, to Griffonstone came to see him, griffons, minotaur's, and even Alicorns. But the boys heart was ruined, so ruined he never even saw them come in. He was ruined beyond belief. When he finally realized the strange creatures entered he looked up at them and simply said: "C-can I go home now?" He said as he secretly prayed that they would say yes. However, they all shook their heads and refused to let him loose. He slumped back into the corner of his cage and closed his eyes. In truth, the boy didn't remember anything about his home, it had been so long since he saw it. And so he stayed like that, the only time he was able to get out of the cage was when he needed to use the restroom. The boy could never see the stars that he use to love when he was back home. He could never hear the sound of rain, all he knew was this cage and this lab. The creatures had stopped studying him long ago and now it appeared like he was a zoo exhibit and he was there to be mocked and scorned by beings who found enjoyment in that. A single tear fell from the boys eye and one of the Alicorns, the one known as Princess Celestia noticed this. She trotted up to the creature beside the cage and peaked at the tears that were now freely falling. This caused a tear of the Alicorns own to fall but the pony turned back to her own kind and they left that boy alone. So alone. Day after day the boy stayed there dreaming of the day when he would be able to go home, to be able to see the sky again. To be able to hear the wind move softly through the grass, to be able to touch the grass. He would give anything to be able to touch the grass again, just one last time. The boy was crying now and every creature in the room looked at him, and all of the sudden, the boy began to sing only, it was not the boy who was singing, but something inside him for the boy never heard the song before. All the ears in the room besides the boys perked up when they heard the song. One of the Alicorns, the same Alicorn moved forward to the boy and slowly began to circle the cage. The Alicorn was very large and had a bright white coat, she had a mane of many colors and had a caring look in her eyes. It circled the cage all the while the boy was singing, tears were falling from her eyes as well as everybody else's. They knew not why this happened, but something about the boy crying made their hearts sorrowful. "It is time, go, save the boy." He said as he turned to the messenger. The messenger nodded and then flew off to save the little boy. The boys heart was beating so quickly now. Tears fell from his eyes as he finished the song, but before he could finish the song, the roof above the cage opened up and a strange bipedal being with wings larger then an Alicorns dropped into the lab, it opened up the cage and slowly brought the boy out, the boy had a small smile on his face the entire time when he saw the being pick him up, but he feared it was to late as the boys eyes began to darken. But as the being picked him up it flew out of the same hole in the roof from where it came from and the boy could feel the soft breeze of the wind against his skin, he could see the grassy plains beneath him and the smile only grew and he stared at the sun beginning to set. And the song ended there. But the boy did not. For he was in the arms of an Angel.