//------------------------------// // Video Games and Comics // Story: The Dazzling adventures of The Dazzlings // by jidbrony //------------------------------// "Come on Aria, square, square, square!" "I'm trying Sonata!" Aria kept pushing the Square button on her Ps4 button as they kept watching Batman fighting the several thugs on the screen. "Ugh. I can't believe you two are still playing that for like what five hours straight." Adagio groaned as she walked up to them. "Dagi! This is Arkham Knight the bestest thing ever!" Sonata whined. "It's the last of the Arkham trilogy." "Wasn't their a prequel." "We don't speak of that." Adagio just rolled her eyes and sat down just in time to see Batman jump into the Batmobile and begin to race across Gotham. "What's the story even about." "It takes place after Joker died and now all the bad guys are teaming up to take down Batman." Aria explained her eyes glued to the T.V in fierce concentration. "It was so sad when Joker died." Sonata said getting a small tear to her eye. "He just wanted to see people laugh and stuff." "Sonata, you are terrified of clowns remember." Adagio groaned. "Not Joker! He's the only one." Sonata beamed "Whatever!" "Come on, come on! Oh great Riddgler!" Aria yelled. "I hate this guy..." Adagio kept watching the Riddler as he rambled on and on about himself. "My, my he is a tad egoistical isn't he." "Now you know what it's like to listen to yourself." Aria muttered under her breath Adagio heard and just glared. "At least I have more style then him." "He looks like comic book Riddler in this version." Sonata pointed out. "Yeah, although TAS Riddler appeared in the comic books." "Yeah, but this one looks more classic, classic." Sonata pointed out. "He's been going back and forth for a while." "I miss the old 52." Sonata moaned. "Oh here we go." Aria moaned. "Yes, we know you miss the old 52 I miss the old 52, why do you think we buy these games, there the closes things we get to the old 52." "No this is more like the Animated Series for grown ups." Sonata replied. "I can see...Does Ivy even wear pants!" Adagio replied. "I'm more pleased with this then Batman vs Superman." Sonata huffed. "You haven't even seen the movie yet!" "Yeah, well...I don't trust it that's all. I don't trust it....Trailer ain't doing it for me either. Heck even the Ant Man trailer looks better...at least that looks fun." Aria rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ant-Man looks like a phase one movie at least Batman V Superman has a chance to fix the DC movie verse." "Why can't they just make Man of Steel 2!" Sonata yelled. "I don't know!" Aria yelled as she kept mushing buttons together. "My point exactly!" Sonata sneered. "DC needs to start over, hire Grant Morrison and star the movie verse from scratch." "Grant Morrison, he's a comic book writer not a movie guy." "Grant Morrison is a comic book god and you will show RESPECT!" Sonata yelled. "The man knows like...totally everything." "Hire BruceTimm then! He made the DC AU...The thing Marvel rips off." Sonata gasped. "Marvel does not rip of the DCAU!" "Season 1 of Justice League Alien Invasion...Season 2...Brainiac...Season 3...DarkSIde....Sound familiar." Aria smirked. "Well...Well....At least right now Marvel know's a thing about ....pacing and fun! Something DC hasn't been in YEARS!" Sonata huffed. "Their changing!....Slowly." Aria muttered. "Yeah....Slowly! And who knows what if they choke! At least Marvel got balls!" Sonata yelled "So does this game!" "That's Rocksteady Studious!" Sonata replied. "They are a video game entity! Not a movie studio!" "Well....Batman is still awesome!" Aria huffed. Adagio just watched the whole thing with awe, shock, and confusion. She blinked a couple of time for that entire argument could sink into her head. "Wow...You two are big nerds!" Aria moaned. "Shut up!"