NightFury: Wings of Vengeance

by DeadpoolMLP

Sunset Revelations

I lay sprawled out on the living room couch next to Drumroll who was sitting on his favorite chair flipping through the channels on our big screen TV

" I hate how Violet has to be such a stickler when it comes to her 'rules'!" I groaned having just gotten done with a particularly heated debate over Sunset's orders to join the team "I mean yeah I understand her being pissed that Sunset telling us that she has to join the team out of the blue but we've seen her hold her own against opponents twice her size and win!"

"Eh, you know how much of a perfectionist Violet is bro. You just got to expect this kind of stuff at this point" Drumroll commented continuing to flip through the channels mindlessly searching for something to watch

"Yeah I know it just sucks that I can't just have a nice date with a hot mare without Violet breathing down my neck" I complained.

My best friend laughed a bit "I know what you mean bro. Last time I brought a mare home Violet scared her away within five minutes" Drumroll finally stopped on the one channel that me and him disagreed on.....ESN: Equestrian Sports Network "Aw yeah! The Manehatten Thunder are playing the Fillydelphia Flyers! LET'S GET READY FOR SOME HOOFBALL!" hollered my drum playing bestie

While Drumroll and I usually agree on pretty much everything there are a few things that him and I simply can not see eye to eye on and one of those things is sports, specifically hoofball. Unlike wrestling which we both love for different reasons, Me for the interesting characters and storylines and Drumroll for the action, we just simply cannot agree on hoofball, which while Drumroll loves I despise seeing it as a mindless reason for big buff stallions to tackle each other.

" watch your dumb hoofball and if Violet asks I'm gonna go visit the comic book store" I said as I slowly got up from the couch and put on my saddlebags and made my way out the door

Violet walked into the room with Power Chord and looked around "Where's Fret? I need to talk to him"

Without looking over to them Drumroll waved them off and answered "He said he was going to the comic book store. Let him be for a bit, he deserves at least a little time on his own after this morning's meeting"

"Well I guess we'll have to wait to tell him the news then" Power Chord shrugged

"I swear on Celestia's sun that you guys are gonna get me put in a mental asylum someday" quipped Violet

I arrived at my favorite Comic book store that I had been going to since I was a colt: Atop the Fourth Wall. I loved this place as it acted as a sanctuary for me when I needed to be alone or if I simply wanted to get away from it all for a little while and now was no different

"Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite costumer Blitz! " Spoke a familiar brown coated stallion

"Hey Linkara. Nice to see you again!" I happily replied to the store clerk who wore a brown trench coat, a brown hat, and a pair of glasses and was one of the few ponies I allowed to call me by my old name partially so that I wasn't swarmed by fans and paparazzi when I visited and partially because I've known the guy since I was in grade school and he first opened this shop. While he didn't know my secret identity as Nightfury he does know that my life is far from normal. Plus he usually didn't ask questions about my personal life ever since my brother died.

"So what you here for this time? I haven't seen you here since last month! Did something happen back at the mansion?" Linkara asked worriedly

"Nah, just Violet being pissed at me again" I shrugged as I began looking through the many comics on the shelves

"Violet mad again eh? Well what caused it this time? You not following orders again?" the comic book clerk laughed

I chuckled at that. While me and the gang never considered Violet's rules and plans orders she did always remind me of a military officer when I was on a mission

"Eh well....." I looked around the store to make sure that we were alone ".....I might have fell in love with somepony and that somepony may have been ordered to join the team by Celestia"

Linkara looked at me for a second in silence before replying "I can see why Violet would be who's this mare you've fallen for?" He asked taking a sip of coffee from a black mug that read 'When's the next History of Pony Rangers coming out?' with a picture of the original Green Pony Ranger helmet with a question mark hovering over it as the background of the quote.

I paused for a minute before answering "'s's Sunset Shimmer"

The store clerk immediately did a spit take and looked at me in disbelief "Sunset Shimmer? You're dating THE Sunset Shimmer? I thought she ran away! It was all over the news a couple years ago!"

"Yeah that's what I thought but apparently she was secretly sent here to Manehatten to study under me and keep track of the vigilates in the city or at least that's what she told me" I replied

all of a sudden a white coated unicorn with a flowing pitch black mane and tail and a cutie mark that looked like a partial lunar eclipse walked into the store and silently made his way to the back of the store where all the mangas were shelved

"What's up with him?" I whispered to Linkara

"I dunno. He started coming in the store a few days ago and never says a word, just grabs a manga, pays, and silently walks out" the store clerk whispered back

The white stallion did just that, picking a manga that I noticed was somehow samurai themed, paid, and left

Just as he left the clerk gave me a look and spoke up " So anyways Sunset Shimmer eh? How'd you score that mare Blitz?"

I shrugged " To be completely honest I actually have no idea. It was more her asking me out than the other way around. Like I said she apparently is under orders from the princess to study under me. Her liking me was just a bonus" I spoke as I continued to browse the shelves "AH HA! IT IS IN!" I yelled excitedly

"Oh I see you found the newest issue of The Lunar Knight! We just got that stocked this morning" the comic book guru commented

" Oh you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this issue to come out Linkara! Finally I get to see the showdown between The Lunar Knight AKA Midnight and his arch rival Red Moon! Man the past few issues of this guy have gotten me SO hyped for this fight! First Red Moon attacks the innocent civilians of Galathem and then kidnaps Midnight's techie and childhood friend slash love interest Dawn Glow and sets the stage for the showdown of the decade! And It all starts this issue!" I half-shouted trying my best to hold in my fangasm

"What ever happened to you reading The Power Ponies?" Asked Linkara

I gave him a look as if saying ' Really?' "The same reason you stopped reading Spider Mane. Pointless retcons and an event SO stupid it made create a whole new catagory just to classify it: The infamous OOC catagory, home to most of Buck Miller's work and the infamous One More Sunrise"

"Your talking about Hades' Rage right? The one where The Saddle Rager becomes an agent of Hades and nearly kills half her team before getting magically released from servitude all because the marketing department of Marevel wanted to have a rival storyline to the awesome SuperStallion: Rouge event that PC was doing at the time?" The clerk asked

"That's the one. Ever since that moronic storyline I haven't been able to take The Power Ponies seriously and the latest reboot didn't help in the slightest" I complained as I pulled my wallet out of my saddlebag to pay

Linkara waved me off and smiled "Oh you don't need to pay for this one Blitz. This one's on the house."

I put my wallet back into my pocket and tilted my head to the side "Why? Free comic book day was a month ago."

"Dude I'm just glad to have someone who understands comics like you do to talk to every once in a while that ISN'T a know it all ten year old colt who constantly badgers you about whether PC or Marevel is the better company or is a cyborg version of yourself from an alternate universe who's constantly trying to kill you" Linkara sighed in frustration

"Dude you have one weird life" I joked

Linkara just sighed and replied "Yeah I know. Point is go enjoy your free comic. Considering how weird your life is it sounds like you'll need it"

I laughed a little "You have no idea"

As I walked into the mansion with comic in bag I notice that everyone was missing. The TV was on and was still on the same channel as when I left. I looked around only to be met by Balto who I followed to the door leading to the mansion library from which I could hear talking to somepony.

I opened the door and was met by my entire crew, Vinyl and Octavia included, talking to Sunset Shimmer

"I told you, I don't care what the princess says! This group knows each other and trusts each other and you expect me to do the same with you no questions asked?! That ain't happening!" Argued Violet

"Look.....I don't expect you to trust me or even like me but I've been given orders by Celestia to study under The Nightfury and I can't just disobey a direct order from my teacher and Co-ruler of Equestria" explained Sunset

"Violet, you do realize that your the only one who has a problem with this right?" asked Power Chord

Violet looked at the others and asked "You're on my side right?"

Drumroll and Vinyl simply shrugged and Vinyl spoke up "Honestly I could care less. As long as Sunnyside has a legit reason to be on the team I'm fine with it"

Octavia on the other hoof asked a simple question "What would you be contributing to the team Sunset? We already have Violet as tech support, Drumroll as Nightfury's trainer, Power Chord as mentor and strategist and Vinyl as a cover story. What could you contribute that we don't already have?"

I finally spoke up "Well if you think about it none of us on the team has any real experience in magic so she could be a magical adviser for the team or something along those lines"

"Well Fret's not wrong. The closest thing to a magic adviser we have on the team is either Violet or Vinyl and neither of them are as proficient in magic use as a protege of Celestia would be" commented Power Chord

"Then it's settled! Sunset will be our team magic adviser from now on!" I proclaimed patting Sunset on the back "Welcome to the team Sunnyside"

Violet grumbled before Sunset finally spoke up " Okay first off, Am I just gonna have to accept that new nickname?"

I just laughed as my mentor answered for me "Pretty much. Everypony on the team has one at this point so it's kind of a requirement"

Sunset groaned and continued "Ugh....fine. Anyways this isn't even the reason I'm here"

Violet venomously snapped back "Then why are you here!? Because you seem to have neglected to mention that fact until now!"

Sunset recoiled a step back in shock as Power Chord and I gave Violet a stern look and I mouthed the words 'We're gonna have a talk later' to her

"Umm....okay. Anyways the reason I'm here today is to ask you a simple question. Why the name Nightfury?"

My mentor and I gave each other a look before Power Chord nodded and I picked a specially marked book from off the library shelve marked 'Children's Fantasy' "I picked the name Nightfury from this book." I said showing her the book in question

Sunset looked at the book and smiled

The book in question was titled 'Mark of the Wolf' although it was clear that the book had a longer title though it was unclear what that title was due to the books condition. The book looked as if it was found in the trash and was dusty as Tartarus along with having half the pages missing

"May I ask why you put this book in the foal's section?" Sunset inquired smirking smugly

"Well it's obviously a child's fantasy story! I mean it's about a pony who was raised by wolves and takes up the name Nightfury to defend Equestria!" I spoke rolling my eyes

Sunset simply smirked and in a smug tone replied "No it isn't. In fact that's not what it's about at all"

"Then what is it about Sunset?" asked Power Chord

Sunset continued to smirk as she answered "Why don't I show you?" She then summoned an identical book with the exception that it was in pristine condition and read 'Mark of the Wolf: The Story of the Royal Elite Guards by: Howling Wing' "This book in fact is actually about the story of the early days of the Princess's rule and chronicles the story of one of Princess Luna's elite guards named the Nightfuries" Sunset explained

"If the Nightfuries were the elite guards of Princess Luna then what were Celestia's version called?" asked Power Chord

"Celestia's elite guards were called the Daybreakers but they are now known as the Wonderbolts" explained Sunset

"Makes sense. The Wonderbolts did always seem more like a military group than a simple aerial team." I commented when I finally noticed something "Hold on....Howling Wing?" I grabbed one of the books from the library's records section and began flipping pages

Violet looked at me funny and asked "Fret what are you-"

"Just hold on a sec Vi! I'm trying to figure something out!" I interrupted her mid sentence as I continued to search through the book

The others waited for a few seconds until I finally spoke up once more "Ah ha! Here we are! The Wing family genealogy records!" I scanned through the page before letting out a gasp "Wait, wait, if this is right then your telling me-"

"That your ancestor was one of the original Nightfuries?" finished Sunset "That's exactly what I'm saying Blitzwing"

We all turned to face Sunset, some in shock, some in disgust, and some impressed. I on the other hoof simply looked at Sunset plainly and muttered "Please don't call me that"

Sunset looked at all of us and simply asked "Why not? It is your real name isn't it?"

"It brings back too many bad memories" I answered solemnly

Quickly changing the subject my mentor spoke up "So Sunset Shimmer, what does this history lesson that you've given us mean?"

"Nothing at the moment. I was just curious where you got the name Nightfury from" answered Sunset

My mentor stared her down, knowing she was lying "I know for a fact that you're hiding something but I can't figure out what it is....but I trust you that it is important enough to that when you reveal it in time it will be worth the wait"

Sunset nodded back to Power Chord "Thank you. Now is there anything I need to know now that I'm part of this team?"

I waved her off "Don't worry about that for now Sunnyside. We'll fill you in on the details of being a part of team Nightfury later. For now, why don't I give you a grand tour of our base of operations?"

"Umm..sure I guess" Sunset answered back shrugging

I led her to the secret entrance and took her down the elevator

I sighed once again as I walked down the hall of the mansion towards Violet's room

Once again Fret has found a way to put Violet in a state of fury....and I have to clean up the mess

I knocked on Violet's door only to the sound of silence. Violet had always been the stubborn type, especially towards anything involving Fret's Nightfury persona and Fret bringing in Sunset onto the team as not only a member of the group but as his newest love interest was bound to piss Violet off one way or another

I knocked again once met by silence

"Vi if you don't open this door than I will" I spoke sternly. I honestly think that when it comes to dealing with my fellow team mates I feel more like their father than their mentor especially when it came to Fret and Violet

I heard a groan from inside the room and the door finally opened "What do you want Pops?"

"Look. I'm not here to patronize you about your attitude towards Sunset, she is a new addition to the team and we don't exactly know her all that well so you being edgy and suspicious toward her is warranted, but I cannot tolerate hostility towards her no matter how little we know about her. We are a team, a family, and I don't care if Sunset is a newbie or is withholding information as long as it doesn't hurt our chances as a team so you better stop this irrational animosity towards Sunset right now or I'll make you clean up after the band on our next show" I replied

Violet grumbled and frustratedly replied "Ugh. Fine. But that doesn't mean I trust her yet!"

I smirked "I never said you had to Vi. All I require from you is your cooperation and for you to not bring this team down because of petty jealousy or unfounded resentment. Now lets go find Fret before he accidentally blows up your lab trying to impress his new marefriend"

Violet let out a chuckle "Yeah, knowing Fret that's more possible than you think Pops"

I led my new marefriend through the lair happily answering any questions she had along the way

"Is that a copy of 'Star Swirl's Spectacular Spells and Incredible Incantations Volume 1' over there?" Sunset asked as we entered the underground library

"Yep!" I replied happily

"I know a couple of unicorns in Canterlot that would kill to have that book" my new marefriend chuckled "What's even the propose of having a secret second library?"

"Well......let's just say that a lot of the books in this library aren't exactly.....well, legal to own" I spoke guiltily

Sunset gave me a confused look "You didn't steal any of these books did you?"

"NO! Oh Celestia no! It's just that a lot of these books are forbidden to own. I mean we've got books in here that chronicle the actual events that led up to Princess Luna's corruption, books that talk about how Celestia is actually not the perfect gentle leader that everypony thinks she is.....yeah don't tell her about those, records of ponies that should not honestly be known by the public , and even a book that talks extensively about the Griffin Wars. Knowledge is power Sunnyside and a lot of this stuff can never leave this library" I reasoned hoping she would understand 'Great job you moron. you just insulted not only her mentor but the friggin' Princess of the Sun Shut it you stupid inner monologue.

Sunset simply smiled and spoke up "Don't worry Fret your secret is safe with me....besides from my experience the Princess isn't always the kind and caring ruler that everypony paints her as....she's also a massive troll" Sunset let out a chuckle at that

I made her laugh......Yuss! Looks like I still got that Wing Family Charm! I grinned and led her to the final stop in our tour of the base: The Studio

As we entered the studio Sunset looked at me confused "Why are you taking me to your studio? Better yet, Why is there a studio in the base in the first place?"

I walked into the the sound booth and pressed an unmarked button causing the walls to flip revealing steel walls and a secret door in the back of the safe room "Well it started out when we got noise complaints from our neighbors so we decided to move it down here " I spoke as I flipped a switch on the underside of the sound board causing it to flip revealing a hidden computer system along with a bunch of screens to reveal from the ceiling "We decided it would make a great cover for a panic room so yeah"

Sunset looked over the safe room inspecting it as she did "Impressive...where does that lead to?" she asked pointing to the secret door

"Oh that? That is our escape route to our other outposts throughout the city. You honestly didn't think this was our only hide out did you?" I asked smugly

"I guess not. makes sense that you would have other hideouts. How is it connected to them? You can't just build a tunnel system in the middle of a city without getting noticed."

"Actually leads to the sewers." I replied sheepishly

"Gross." Sunset deadpanned

"Well it could be worse." A voice spoke from the entrance of the room

I switched off the panic room returning it to the guise of a studio before answering back "What's up bro?"

"Vi and Pops sent me down here to check on you. Don't want you breaking anything again" spoke my bestie Drumroll

"Hey! That was one time! And besides, Vi should know better than to leave her sciencey stuff laying around!" I retorted

"Does this happen often?" Asked Sunset

"More than you could believe" smirked Drumroll

All of a sudden the alarm went off and Sunset panicked before I grabbed her and me and Drumroll lead her to the main computer room

"Looks like Sunnyside has more to learn if she's gonna be a full time member of team Nightfury" Chuckled Drumroll

"Eh. She'll get used to it. Vi what we got this time?" I spoke as the three of us entered the main room

"Looks like a simple bank robbery. Shouldn't be too....oh...well that's gonna be a problem" Violet replied as she looked at footage from the city security camreas

"What is it?.....Violet what is it?" I asked worriedly

"Take a look." Violet spoke as she brought a holographic screen out enhancing the footage to reveal that along with a group of thugs was a mid sized black cloaked unicorn featuring a prominent curved stark white horn sticking out of his hood along with a neon green mane and tail

"Oh come on! Polt's back?! How many times do I have to fight this guy to keep him down?!" I complained

Sunset tilted her head to the side "What's so special about this guy?"

Power Chord brought Sunset to a small table we use as a "Records table" that had a mid sized holographic screen on it.

"Polt R. Guist. Age 45 Height 4'7 Weight 159 lbs Summary: Polt is a particularly talented unicorn when it comes to Magi constructs and illusions. Known in the Manehatten underground as "The Ghost" he was raised by an abusive father that he ran away from at the age of fifteen. The whereabouts of his mother are unknown. After hitting the streets he quickly turned to a life of crime to sustain him and rose through the ranks as a force to be reckoned with. To date Polt R. Guist has been incarcerated into Galyndor Maximum Security Prison a total of seven times. Known Weaknesses: While a talented magic user Polt is susceptible to close range attacks as he has no proper training in close quarters combat nor does he have any protection from hoof to hoof attacks. He is also known to have a superiority complex preferring to take on his opponents one on one Suggested Strategy: Get in close and stay there. beat him down before he causes any damages" Pops read off the screen

"Yeah good luck with that. Polt has fought me more times than I'd like to admit so he knows my strategy. Plus those fricking illusions make it hard as Tartarus to keep track of him! " I huffed

"Do I hear whining?" Asked Power Chord

I shot up into a salute before beginning to slip on me specially designed CQC combat suit made from a combination of kevlar, carbon fiber, and a specially made lightweight aluminum-titanium alloy that Vi and Pops produced for my suits and while it wasn't bulletproof it was definitely bullet resistant. In short it was made to take a beating while allowing me to have full range of movement including a state of the art sensor system in the mask that allows me to track enemy movements as they approach.

Just before I could grab my mask I noticed Sunset looking over the mask "hmmm....the sensors could be modified to pick up the frequencies of a magi construct if I could just tweak it." Sunset then began to flow her magic into my mask's sensors before handing it over to me "There. That should do it. Now you should be able to sense and react to magic based attacks up to a point."

"To a point?" I asked curiously

"It won't work on any type of attack that exceeds that of a mid level unicorn and if it does it'll most likely overload the magic circuits in the sensors causing them to shut down breifly" I gave Sunset a look and she barked back "Hey! Nothing's perfect! Besides if I had more time I would have probably have been able to fix that!"

"Whatever." I slipped on my mask and took off through the secret hatch in the main computer room's ceiling shouting "Let's Rocket!" as I flew out into the Manehatten sky.

"Does he always say horrible catchphrases when he leaves?" Sunset asked

"Every time. He says he's trying to find the perfect one. Personally I think he just reads too much comics" replied Violet

"Ugh. This is gonna take some getting used to isn't it?" Sunset groaned

"You have no idea." Power Chord spoke

As I approached the bank in question I decided to land on a vantage point overlooking the crime scene

I landed on a gargoyle of a high rise across the street from the bank and scanned the scene

'It looks like they have the entrances covered....looks like I'm gonna have to find my own way into the place...' I thought looking at the building in question seeing that the front door was covered by three armed thugs 'Hmmm.....' I looked at the roof of the bank and noticed an open skylight 'Jackpot' I thought as I stealthfully flew my over to the open sky light and silently looked down into the building.' looks like there are at least eight of them and they have three hostages....better make my grand entrance' I dropped three smoke bombs into the opening causing smoke to flood the bank's front hall before I turned on my infra red vision on my mask and dropping into the smoke below

I purposely dropped straight onto on of the thugs' backs causing him to buckle before I gave him a quick strike to the back of the neck knocking him out cold and with one flap of my wings I took off mid way in the air just above the smoke

"We ain't afraid of you Freak! " yelled one of the smoke blinded thugs as did his partner who was only hoof lengths away from him "Yeah! No costumed freak is gonna scare us!"

I dove into a diving kick to the first thugs face knocking him out instantly before whispering the words 'Oh really? Let's change that" into the other thugs ear before sweeping his front legs before jumping up and performing a curb stomp on him smashing his face into the marble floor KOing him in the process. I then turned my attention to another one of the thugs who was frantically holding his gun up against one of the hostages "I-I'll shoot him you freak! I-I-I will! I-I-I p-promise!" the terrified thug spoke in a nervous manner visibly shaking from pure fear.

I flew up over the thug and landed right behind him before somersaulting over him grabbing him in the process rolling him into a powerbomb in the process. I popped back up curb stomping the thug with my back hooves as I leaped over him darting over to yet another thug group that were back to back. I landed on top of them both and just as they went to turn to face me I grabbed them by the heads and banged them together knocking them both out

The smoke settled and I noticed two things. The first was the site of a very familiar member of the hostages named Papa Razzi, a photographer for The Manehatten Advisory that seemed to have made it his personally mission in life to making my life as Nightfury miserable through smear campaigns, misinterpreted accounts, and plain old lies. Pops always joked about how obsessions could drive a pony mad and Papa Razzi was definitely obsessed. The other thing I noticed was a large minotaur that was covered in tattoos. Clearly one of Ghost's henchmen

The minotaur charged me and I went for a counter trying to buck him in the chest when he got close but the brute simply shrugged it off as if it was nothing grabbing me by the legs and tossing me into one of the bank's concrete walls

"Well then.....Ow....." several strategies were running through my head when an Idea popped into my head

I got up from my prone position and began yelling at the beast taunting it wildly "Yo horn head! I bet you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn you worthless piece of crap!"

Meanwhile back at HQ...

"What in the name of Celestia is he doing?! He's gonna get himself killed!" yelled Sunset

"Ah don't worry Sunnyside! Fret's done this tons of times! Just trust him! " Drumroll reassured her while eating from a bag of freshly popped popcorn as he watched the scene play out.

"As much as I chew out Fret for being a dumbass in the field he does usually know what he's doing.....usually" Violet commented

Back with Nightfury.....

The minotaur charged me horns first and I quickly dodged to the side causing the minotaur to embed his horns about half way into the concrete dazing him slightly allowing me to slide under him and pummel his chest before bracing myself up against the floor and delivering a strong buck to his face causing him to clutch his face in recoil and knocking his horns free and putting him in a standing position once again. I hopped onto his shoulders and shifting my weight I flipped him over onto his back before delivering one final blow to the back of his head knocking him out

After I got up from the minotaur I heard a cackling laughter come from the back of the room as Polt entered the room

"Well if it isn't my old nemesis Nightfury. Here to save the day hero?"

I smirked under my mask "I dunno. Are you gonna come quietly or am I gonna have to give you another beat down?"

He let out anther round of maniacal laughter "You are a fool if you think you can defeat me this time hero! I spent my time in Galyndor well. Now prepare to face your doom!" Polt boasted as he sent a barrage of magi constructs at me

Taking off I proceeded to bob and weave through the barrage of constructs thanks to Sunset's upgrade only getting hit once or twice due to me over or under shooting a dodge. While this did slow me down it did not halt my progress towards The Ghost's position

I went for a flying punch as I finally made it to Polt's position only instead of it connecting with Polt's face it hit a shield that surrounded The Ghost

"You didn't honestly think I would come unprepared to this fight did you Nightfury?" He smirked as he hit me full force with a construct to the chest sending me careening across the room

As I got up I turned on my comms "Gadget, Sunnyside, Any idea how to get past his shield?" I asked using Violet's code name

"You're gonna have to either break his concentration or break through it manually. Considering Polt's capabilities I'd choose the former." Sunset replied

"Manually it is"

"Is he always this-" Sunset was cut off as I turned of my comms and proceeded to dart across the room throwing a flurry of punches at the shield causing it to crack and Polt to set off a smoke pellet teleporting in the process

I turned as he reappeared along with about a dozen copies of himself spread across the room

"Stalking you silently throughout the night, we spook and scare you with a fright, because you cannot win this fight, you scream in terror cause you know I'm right, that you the hero will die tonight! " the dozen of Ghosts spoke in sync as I turned off my sensors and closed my eyes taking a deep breath as I entered a state of deep focus hearing only the sound of a wolf howling to the moon as I walked towards the real Ghost without even thinking instinctively sidestepping constructs that he threw at me not even stopping as I punched through the shield that he put up.

"Yo-you can't do this to me! I am superior!" Polt yelled in terror as I approached

I finally came face to face with The Ghost as I opened my eyes and spoke one simple word "Boo."

I gave Polt a swift uppercut knocking him into the air as I delivered a spinning jump kick to his face knocking him out cold

As soon as I landed from the jump kick I heard the the sounds of police sirens coming from the windows

"Looks like it's time for me to make my exit" I said before taking off and out the skylight I entered through

Cold Case enter the crime scene to see the robbers spread across the room all unconscious including a knocked out Polt R. Giest, a known escapee of Galyndor.

"Nightfury..." the detective muttered in disgust

As the other cops took to escorting the criminals back to the precinct Cold Case went to talk to the witnesses. The first of the three hostages claimed to have seen nothing claiming that the thugs knocked them out immediately in order to minimize witnesses. The second of the three was a bank teller that claimed she was hiding behind the counter the whole time and saw nothing. Cold Case sighed in frustration. Every time there was a confirmed sighting of Nightfury there were never any witnesses. As Cold Case approached the third witness he recognized his face. It was The Manehatten Advisory's favorite 'reporter' Papa Razzi, if you could call him that. While no one took his stories seriously he did seem to share Cold Case's hatred for the vigilante menace known as Nightfury.

"Alright Razzi, let's hear your 'story'." I spoke emphasizing the word story "I want only the truth Razzi. No bullshit make-believe fantasies" I ordered

"Alright Coldy. But I think you might want to listen carefully to my story" Papa Razzi said smirking

"I'm listening" I groaned

"Well...while I didn't notice anything that would be helpful at pinning down who Nightfury is I did see something rather odd during his fight with The Ghost." Papa Razzi spoke confidently

I raised an eyebrow at this motioning him to continue

" seems Nightfury isn't working alone. During the fight he contacted somepony named Gadget and Sunnyside"

This peaked my interest. Nightfury has a group of accomplices? That would explain a lot about how he operates and how he makes and maintains his gear and identity. The idea that one pony could make, maintain, and supply a vigilante such as Nightfury is absurd. "Really? Well, it seems Manehatten's most infamous reporter actually reported something useful for once. I'm going to have to ask you to keep this information confidential Mr. Razzi."

"Are you kidding! This will be my big break! I might even get a promotion for this story!" Razzi argued

"Well if you don't keep this confidential I will have to have you fired and locked up for releasing private police information." I threatened

Razzi grumbled and begrudgingly replied "Fine. But that won't stop me from reporting this attempted bank robbery!"

"Fine. Just remember Razzi, One slip up and your ass is in the slammer!" I barked in his face before walking away

I rubbed my temples and sighed "Ugh...reporters."

I entered the HQ's main room where the others were waiting. "Another job well done" I spoke as I landed in the center of the room

"Nice use of the Zen technique kid." Power Chord complimented me as I worked on taking off my costume

"Dude! Those wrestling moves were sick!" Drumroll yelled before brohoofing me

"A bit reckless but that's nothing new" Violet commented

Sunset on the other hoof looked furious "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!" She yelled "You could have been seriously hurt back there! Killed even! You all act like it's no big deal but your reckless actions put you in serious danger!" Sunset continued to chew me out

"Sunny I've been fighting this way for years. I know it's dangerous but that's just part of the job. Yeah, I guess I could have been more careful but it's not like Ghost was much of a threat. He doesn't even make the top twenty of the list of most dangerous villains I've fought. He's a D lister at best." I explained

"Do you think I care whether or not he qualifies as a D list villain or not!" Sunset yelled "I-I-I UGH!" She stormed out of the room just as furious as she was when I arrived.

"Is that what I sound like?" Violet asked

Drumroll and I turned to her and in sync yelled "YES!"