My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic

by Hotspot the 626th

Donut Race

From Equestria the Straw Hat crew plus their guests traveled eastward. All for the goal of repairing the Going Merry with the gold they acquired in Skypeia. Of course, another important goal for the Straw Hats was to find a shipwright to join their crew. For the Mane Six and Spike, this was a new and unique experience to sail on the ocean. For the entire group, this was the first time that any of them had left Equestrian soil. Surprisingly, most of the group was overcome with seasickness their first day out. Chopper was able to make some medicine up to help while they adjusted.

While the group did consider this a vacation of sorts, they did whatever they could to help out around the ship when they could. At least, most of the time. Rarity certainly treated it like a vacation, and it didn’t help that Sanji waited on her hand and foot, figuratively. She also hanged out with Nami. Both of them had taste for the more fabulous lifestyle. But whenever Sanji wasn’t serving Rarity, he and Applejack would do tasks in the kitchen like cleaning and cooking. Fluttershy often hung out and helped Chopper. Something the young reindeer seem to greatly appreciate. Pinkie Pie and Spike hung out with Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper whenever they played their games or fish. Twilight was nearly inseparable with Robin, much like in the old days, as they shared their knowledge they had acquired over the years. Rainbow Dash, much like Rarity, took her vacation seriously. She was often seen next to Zoro as they both slept for much of the day.

As they sailed, the Mane Six and Spike got to know a bit more about the crew. They learned that Nami had an uncanny ability to sense weather patterns. While not the most useful in Equestria since the weather is controlled, but out in the open ocean the weather acted on its own. Nami’s skill was very handle in many situations, and Rainbow Dash, the weather leader in Ponyville, couldn’t help but be impressed. The group was amazed when they watched Zoro lift four times his own weight, with and without magic. Rainbow Dash and Applejack even tried to match the unicorn to their great fail. And Pinkie Pie enjoyed Usopp’s boastful display of both his sniping and inventing skills.

Soon, the Mane Six and Spike reached their first island with the Straw Hats, Long Ring Long Land. It was a unique and nearly barren island where the creatures of the island were elongated in some way. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Fluttershy, and Spike had gone further into the island and found an old, nomadic, ‘Eaaaaarth pooooony’ mare named Sherry. She was waiting for her husband, Tonjit, to return after having disappeared ten years ago. Much to her luck, Luffy broke the stilts on which her husband had been trapped on in a crazy attempt to break a record in stilts. He was a regular Earth pony with a bushy, white beard. Apparently, he was afraid of heights and couldn’t climb down, and the bamboo stilts kept growing making his fears ever worse. The old couple was overjoyed to be reunited again, and so was the group.

But suddenly, Spike was captured in an iron net. “Help!” shouted the little dragon urgently.

“Spike!” shouted Fluttershy worriedly. She, Usopp, and Chopper immediately rushed over two help the baby dragon.

“Oh no!” Tonjit and Sherry said worried.

“Fuehfehfehfeh! Bull’s eye!”

“Huh?” Luffy said as turned hearing someone laugh and speak.

“Hey! Don’t touch my baby dragon! I captured it fair and square” said a small, furry figure, with a musket in paw, as two others approached with him. One being a slim, mare Earth pony, and the other a large Diamond Dog.

“Yeah! That’s the Boss’ dragon now!” shouted the slim mare pony.

“No, he’s not!” Luffy growled in angry. He then shouted, “Who the hell are you?!”

Meanwhile, everyone else was dealing with a situation of their own. While Luffy’s group had ventured further into the island, the rest of the crew and Mane Six came ashore docking the Merry off the coast. While no one was looking, the group was taken by surprise as two mechanical paws landed on both sides of their ship cutting off any quick escape. These paws were connected to a large pirate ship with a fox figurehead that drew in close completely trapping the Going Merry. The Straw Hat stood strong despite surprised. Rarity and Twilight were easily intimidated by the size of the ship and crew. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked as ready as Zoro and Sanji to fight.

“Who are you ponies?!” Zoro shouted intimidating. “Come’ on down and fight if that’s what you’re here for!”

“Easy now, Roronoa Zoro.” An arrogant female voice called out from the ship. This pony, along with another feathery figure, stepped forward on top of the ship’s figurehead. The same pony spoke out again, “We are the Foxy Pirates!”

“And don’t be too anxious, losers.” The feathery figure stated harshly. “We’ll be playing soon enough.”

While the Straw Hats were ready for anything, the remaining Mane Six gasped completely shocked by who was talking to them. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were the most surprised. After all, these two so-called pirates were a unicorn and griffon from their past. They looked just the same as before, but now they wore a black mask around their eyes. (Side note: the unicorn was not wearing her usual outfit)

“Trixie?!” Twilight said gasping in shock.

“Gilda?!” Rainbow Dash said equally shocked.

Luffy & Twilight: We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don’t ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn’t matter who or what’s standing in our way,
We’ll make it through them everyday

You won’t get anywhere if you’re waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can’t wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we’re Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You’ll feel a joy inside that you can’t explain
And that’s the treasure we must find!

We’re always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won’t stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

“Davy Back Fight: Donut Race!”


We return to Luffy’s group as Luffy stared down the ones who tried to take Spike. It was a group of three; one female pony, one large Diamond Dog, and one fox standing on his hind legs between the two of them. The anthropomorphic fox had a silvery fur coat with the exception of his ears and top half of his head that were black and the top part of his jaw being red. The fox wore a purple overcoat with yellow overall pants. He also had a small sword that was placed into the front part of his pants. He also wore a unique necklace with a foxlike symbol.

The slender Earth pony mare next to the fox’s left had a dark blue mane, a pink coat, and had blue eyes. She wore a pink-and-white striped stocking cap with a huge puffball hanging behind that also acted as a mask. She wore light pink jacket tied around her stomach and long-sleeved gloves with fluff around them.

Now, at first look, one could mistake the creature on the fox’s right for a gorilla. But on closer inspection this ‘gorilla’ was really a brown Diamond Dog, and a big one at that. Nearly twice the size of the fox. Like the pony, he also donned a blue-and-black cap that acted as a mask, blue long-sleeved gloves with “Foxy” written at the top, and blue pants. And a wide grin was plaster on his face.

The fox soon spoke up again. “Who am I?” He asked finding the notion ridiculous. “As if you don’t know already. I’m-”

“I don’t care!” Luffy shouted back angry interrupting the fox. “I will kick your ass and send you flying!”

“Gah!” The fox coughed out before falling to his hands and knees depressed. He softly cried, “He doesn’t care…”

“No! Boss, don’t feel sad.” The mare said as she tried to comfort the fox. “That pony was probably just pretending to not know you.”

“Yeah, they don’t know you.” The Diamond Dog said before releasing some muffled laughs. For whatever reason, he found his leader’s situation hilarious.

This got the pony mad. She shouted, “Stop laughing, Hamburg!”

“What is with these guys?” Luffy asked confused.

Back with Usopp, Chopper, and Fluttershy, the three of them were able to get Spike out of the net. The little dragon thanked the group, “Thanks, guys.”

“No problem.” Chopper said happily.

Usopp then looked back over to Luffy. He saw his captain speaking towards a group of strangers. He saw the gun in the fox’s paw and became angry. He shouted out, “Luffy! Who are those guys?”

“I don’t know.” Luffy stated back. “Maybe they’re clowns?”

The small area around the fox seem to get depressingly darker. The comment Luffy had made seem to make the fox even more depressed. “C-Clown…”

“Boss! Don’t listen to him! Remember why we’re here.” The mare stated trying to cheer up her ‘Boss’.

“Pfft-Clown.” Hamburg said covering his laughs.

“Shut up!” The mare shouted again at the Diamond Dog.

“Um, actually.” Fluttershy said speaking softly. “I think he’s a fox, and I know his friend is a Diamond Dog.”

“You’re right!” The fox said as he stood up quickly recovering from his depression. “But I’m not just any ordinary fox. I’m a kitsune, and not just any kitsune! I am the great Foxy ‘the Silver Fox’! And we, the Foxy Pirates, challenge you Straw Hat Pirates to a Davy Back Fight!”

“A Daffy Bark Fight?” Luffy repeated confused.

“Davy Back Fight!” Usopp stated knowingly and surprised.

“What is that?” Fluttershy asked feeling worried.

“Something not good!” Usopp stated concerned. He then turned to Luffy and shouted, “Luffy! Don’t accept the challenge!”

“Huh?” Luffy said back confused.

Meanwhile, we return back to the rest of the group. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were completely stunned to see two dislikable figure of their past before them, and as pirates no less. Rarity and Applejack had also recognized Trixie and Pinkie Pie with Gilda the griffon. Of course, they each knew of the other since as friends they had shared their encounters. Of course, the Straw Hats had no knowledge of these two or the crew they were a part of.

“Hello~, Mellorines~!” Sanji shouted already captivated by the female pony and griffon.

“You know those two?” Nami asked.

“Yeah. Trixie is a show-off unicorn who embarrassed my friends and lied about defeating an Ursa Major.” Twilight stated frowning.

“And Gilda’s a former friend of mine before I realize what a jerk she was.” Rainbow Dash stated mad.

“Nice to see you too, Rainbow Dash.” Gilda stated equally angry.

“Trixie can’t believe her eyes. Twilight Sparkle, and her friends, what a surprise to find you all here so far from Equestria.” Trixie stated with an arrogant smile.

“Why are you two pirates?” Twilight asked confused.

“Funny thing.” Gilda spoke before taking flight. She grabbed Trixie and then flew her down with her. They both landed in front of the group and Gilda continued her speech. “After being blown off by you losers, I went to the next town. I stayed there for a while and meet Trixie, who had also had a bad time in Ponyville because of you.”

Trixie regaled the group of their story, “Trixie and Gilda had a very nice chat over our situations and found we shared a lot in common. We traveled around Equestria until we ran into Captain Foxy. We had a bit of misfortune and we were forced to join his crew”

“Really? Why?” Twilight asked.

“Trixie could ask the same.” Trixie said slyly. “Trixie was quite surprised to see you all with the renowned Straw Hat pirates.”

“Yeah, what gives?” Gilda asked.

“They’re just traveling with us.” Zoro stated quickly as he stepped forward.

“Really?” Gilda said eyeing the swordspony suspiciously.

“Well, it matters not.” Trixie stated as she evilly glared at the group. “They’ll all be playing once the Davy Back Fight begins.”

“Davy Back Fight?” Nami asked confused.

“Ooh! Are we playing a game?” Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

“Yeah.” Gilda stated annoyed by Pinkie. “Once our captains agree to it, we’ll ‘play’ alright.”

“Ooh! Yippee!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she jumped up and down with excitement.

“Hold on, Pinkie!” Applejack said sounding worried. “I don’t like the sound of this ‘game’ of theirs. It doesn’t sound good if it’s coming from those two.”

“You’re right, Applejack.” Sanji stated serious. “A ‘Davy Back Fight’ is a gambling game between pirates.”

“Really?” Rarity said surprised.

“That is correct.” Robin stated knowingly. “The game was invented long ago in the ‘Pirate’s Paradise Island’. Many pirate groups use this game as a way to acquire good crews. It’s the way pirate groups fight over pirates. The victor of each game can pick one member of the loser’s crew. The member then must swear loyalty to the winning captain.”

“What!” Twilight shouted shocked. “You mean if we lose a game, we lose a friend!”

“That’s right!” Gilda said viciously. “Of course, if there is no desirable crew member left to choose from, we can also take your flag too.”

“This doesn’t sound like a fun game anymore.” Pinkie Pie stated with a sad frown.

“What’s wrong? Feelin’ scared?” Gilda asked mockingly.

“Hey! Back off, Gilda!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she stepped in front of Gilda determinedly. “We’ll play your game, and win!”

“Darn tootin’!” Applejack said agreeing with her Pegasus friend and stepping forward equally as determined.

“There’s no way you are going to agree with this, right?” Rarity asked to the crew.

“We never turn down a fight before.” Zoro stated completely serious.

“It can’t be helped, Rarity.” Sanji stated calmly as he smoked a little. “This is the ‘law’ of the sea. If we run away will become the laughing stock of the pirate world.”

“Let them laugh!” Nami shouted at Sanji frustrated. “This game is foolish and meaningless. We’re not playing this game!”

Trixie gave out an arrogant laugh. “It doesn’t matter if the crew rejects the offer. Once the captains agree, the game will proceed.”

“Is that why you were forced to join them, Trixie? Because you lost their game.” Twilight asked feeling sympathetic.

“Does it really matter to you?” Trixie stated harshly towards her rival.

Twilight was a little hurt by Trixie’s statement. Admittedly, they were never friends, but she had hoped for the best for the unicorn. Seeing Trixie forced to join a pirate crew, it made Twilight feel like it was her fault.

“Once our captains fire their pistols, it’s on!” Gilda stated eagerly at Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, two bangs rang out far and wide. Everyone could clearly hear it. Gilda smirked knowing full well what that meant.

Rarity’s jaw dropped completely shocked. “He didn’t…”

Nami was completely stunned. “That means…!”

“He accepted it…” Sanji said.

“Perfect…” Zoro said anxious.

“Interesting…” Robin said optimistic.

“Let’s win this!” Rainbow Dash stated eager.

“Let’s get this rodeo started.” Applejack said confident.

“Alright!” Pinkie Pie cheered out.

Everyone from the Foxy crew, including Trixie and Gilda, cheered out, “Challenge Accepted!”

Twilight remained calm as she was in deep thought. While initially not liking that they had joined very dangerous game, she had seen the potential in playing this game. And she was determined to play.

“Hey, Trixie! Hurry up and bring those supplies here!”

“Yes, sir.” Trixie said as she hurried carrying a supplies in a cart.

“We need more noodles, Trixie!”

“Coming!” Trixie shouted nearly out of breath as she moved across to the next pony in need.

“Hurry up, Trixie!”

The once barren coastline around the Going Merry and the Foxy pirates’ ship, the Sexy Fox, was now littered with food vendors and merchandising tents. The whole area was made out like carnival or fair. All of which was made by the Foxy pirates no less. The large crew, which was composed of a mix of ponies and Diamond Dogs, seem to bring out the best in selling food and merchandise. Even though they only ever seem to just sell back to each other. Trixie ran between each one delivering supplies to each vendor. It looked like a real chore. Twilight watched the whole thing. She felt even worse for the unicorn.

The Straw Hat crew and Mane Six plus Spike were completely amazed by the sight. Speaking of, Luffy and his group had returned to find all this excitement and joined in. Luffy, Chopper, and Spike got some food. Of course, Usopp was still sore from earlier about Luffy accepting the Davy Back Fight. Fluttershy seemed okay as she found a petting zoo that held some of the Foxy crew’s animals. Even Tonjit and Sherry joined in the fun.

“Luffy!” Twilight shouted as she found her brother in the crowd.

Luffy looked over hearing his sister. He was slightly bruised as Nami had gotten to him before to state her displeasure with Luffy’s decision to play this game. As such, Luffy flinched seeing Twilight come rushing over to him. He asked, “You’re not gonna yell at me too, are ya?”

“No, Luffy. I’m not.” Twilight said calmly. “But I do want to talk about this event.”


“Want to help someone out. Someone in the Foxy pirates.”

After their conversation, everyone was soon gathered at the stage with the captains on stage. The Earth pony mare, Porche, announced to the newcomers of the rules of the Davy Back Fight. Such rules like if members and flags lost in one Davy Back Fight may be reacquired in another, the person chosen from the loosing crew must swear loyalty to the winning crew, and that the pirate flag taken may never be used again. The captains then swore to honor the rules under penalty of being sacrificed to Davy Jones. And with the toss of three coins into the ocean, as if paying their respects to the legendary pirate Davy Jones, the Davy Back Fight was officially on. The Foxy crew roared in excitement. All the while, Foxy was eying the Straw Hat crew. He smiled slyly already knowing who to pick as if he had already won.

With up to seven members able to play each game with only one game per player, Robin and Twilight devised the roster for each game. The first game, Donut Race, had the following line-up; Nami, Usopp, Robin, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

“I’ll try my best…” Fluttershy said bashfully.

“Ha! This game will be a synch.” Rainbow Dash said confidently.

“Aw, I wanted to be with Sanji-kun.” Rarity whined glumly.

“I just remembered that I have the ‘dies-if-enters-a-boat-race syndrome’…” Usopp said shivering and hold his stomach nervously.

“Toughen up, Usopp!” Nami stated sternly. “I don’t want to do this neither, but we’re gonna!”

Robin chuckled amused. "Everyone should participate.”

“Is everyone ready?!” A new voice spoke out via the speaker system. It was a light pink gremlin with a red-and-white stocking mask and yellow-rubber gloves. When the crowd cheered out, the little creature continued to speak into his microphone from the stage. “Hello! I am the party-captain of the Foxy Pirates, Itomimizu, and I’ll be your announcer for the Davy Back Fight! Let’s get our first game up! It’s the obstacle course around the island, Donut Race! Teams are given 2 oars and 6 barrels to make a boat. Extra materials are not allowed except the surprise item inside! It’s all by skill of your ship’s shipwright!”

“Only six barrels?” Rarity said slightly shocked as she looked over their equipment. She only gave the barrels a quick glance before gasping with inspiration. “Ah! I have idea! Mr. Usopp, can I count on you to build?”

“Um, I’ll do my best.” Usopp said unsure but willing.

In a matter of minutes, both sides were ready with their boats. As soon as they finished, the little gremlin jumped a top a very large bird.

“Let’s go, Chuchun!” Itomimizu called out. The bird squawked before taking flight. Having brought the Transponder Snail with him, the gremlin continued announcing. “I will broadcast the race from the sky with my super sparrow of the south, Chuchun! Now, introducing the Straw Hat Team. There is Nami, the navigator, Usopp, the sniper, and Nico Robin, the archeologist. And joining them are newly-christen sailors from Equestria, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity! The boat they will use is called ‘Barryl Queen’!”

The Straw Hat team was already in the water. With Rarity’s design in mind, the boat looked more like a throne that could float on water. Of course, Rarity sat on her throne like a queen. Usopp and Robin stood on either side of the throne. Nami stood in front of Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew in front with a single rope tied between them.

“Isn’t this just the best barrel boat? It’s so sleek and stylish.” Rarity commented nearly gloating.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “This isn’t a fashion show, Rarity.”

Nami asked to Usopp, “This won’t sink, right?”

“I told you I’m not a shipwright. I just followed Rarity’s design.” Usopp stated slightly nervous.

“It looks secure…” Robin commented calmly.

“I think it’s a wonderful boat.” Fluttershy stated supportively.

“And now, representing Team Foxy…” Itomimizu said continuing to announce. “Our very own sweetheart, Porche!”

“Leave it to me, everyone!” Porche shouted to her adorning fans from the Foxy pirates.

“With her is our new tough girl, Gilda!”

“These losers won’t know what hit them.” Gilda stated to the crowd confidently while sending a glare towards Rainbow Dash. Surprisingly, many of the Foxy pirates cheered for Gilda as well.

“Quite a few fans you have, Gilda.” Rainbow Dash commented from her team’s boar. She trying to hide her initial surprise of the crowd from the griffon.

“Jealous?” Gilda asked with a smirk.

“As if!”

“Assisting these two are Capote the Swordfish fishpony, Monda the Star-Shark, and the Dizzy Dog Duo, Rex and Max! Their ship is the Cutie Wagon”

“Fishpony?” Twilight said as she looked out to the opposing team’s boat and crew. She wasn’t the only one as many of her friends were curious as well.

Coming up on the Cutie Wagon, Twilight and everyone spotted the pony in question. The Dizzy Dog Duo was two small Diamond Dogs one light red and another a light brown. Both of them large backpacks. However, it was the big pony that she was interesting in. Compared to the slim and tall Porche, an Earth pony, Capote was easily twice her size. He had sea green skin with an orange mane. He had a dorsal fin similar to a swordfish on his back and long, fish tail. His nose was also very sharp like a swordfish. Like many of his crewmates, he wore a striped stocking cap mask.

“I’ve never heard of a ‘fishpony’ before.” Applejack said surprised.

Sanji explained, “They’re ponies that evolved to be able to live in and out of the water. They tend to be way stronger than your average pony on land and even better in the sea.”

“Whoa! That sounds cool!” Pinkie Pie shouted amazed. “Does that mean there are Merponies too?”

“Exactly~!” Sanji shouted overjoyed at the wondrous imagine of beautiful merponies in his mind.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “What’s with the shark? There’s no way you can have a fish on your crew.”

“Where specifically does it say that a fish can’t be a crewmember, loser?” Gilda asked with a sly grin.

“Yeah! Well…it won’t matter! We’ll still beat you.” Rainbow Dash said stubbornly.

“What a cute shark.” Fluttershy said as she petted Monda. The shark seem to greatly appreciate it as he purred.

Clearly annoyed by the yellow Pegasus display, Gilda let out a roar. This easily scared the timid Fluttershy into hiding behind her friends.

“Hey! Leave Fluttershy alone!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily flying between Gilda and her team.

“Whatever.” Gilda said brushing off Rainbow Dash.

“I will make you sink.” Porche stated determinedly towards Nami.

“Bring it on!” Nami shouted back equally as determined despite not having wanted to do the Davy Back Fight.

“Both teams, get ready! The first round, Donut Race, is about to begin!” Itomimizu announced for all to hear. The crowd cheered as the teams approached the starting line. Both teams were determined to win, and with two members of their teams pulling their boats – Straw Hats with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and the Foxy Team with Monda the shark and Gilda – this would certainly be a fast race.

“But before we begin, the objective of this race: It’s very simple. Just go around the island. Any weapon is allowed. If you don’t like it, don’t be a pirate!"

“What kind of boat race is this?” Zoro asked out annoyed

“Who cares?! Kick their ass, guys!” shouted Luffy cheering out to his team.

“Do your best!” Twilight shouted supportive.

“Go, Rainbow Dash! Go, Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“I’m warning you, Usopp!” Sanji shouted out serious. “If any of the mares get hurt, I’ll slice you into pieces and feed you to the fishes!”

“You can do it, guys!” Applejack cheered out.

“Don’t lose!” Spike shouted excitedly.

“This is so exciting!” Chopper cheered eagerly.

Hearing the Straw Hats and friends cheering, Foxy chuckled and grinned slyly. “Those fools. We always use the rules to our advantage…” He stated towards his companion Hamburg. He then asked, “Do you think that this race will last more than five minutes, Hamburg?”

The Diamond Dog snickered while covering his mouth. Between his snickers he replied to his captain, “Nope!”

“Racers, catch!” shouted Itomimizu before tossing down two Eternal Poses. “Use these Eternal Poses so you don’t get lost!”

Nami caught the pose, but she was surprised by what the little gremlin said. “Lost? How?”

“Remember not to go too far away from the island. Be safe, and… Good Luck!”

“Whatever is he going on about?” asked Rarity confused. “All we need to do is stay along the coast.”

“She’s right.” Nami stated before pointing towards the coast. “The shortest path is along the ridge. Just follow coast, guys.”

“You got it, Nami.” Rainbow Dash said determinedly.

“Al…Alright.” Fluttershy said nervously.

“Wait! Hold on.” Usopp spoke feeling something suspicious with the Foxy crew on the coast. “There’s no way it’ll be that easy.”

Flying high above the racers, Itomimizu held up the starting gun. He began shouting, “Everyone, ready~”

Usopp stated again sounding fearful, “We have to leave the island as soon as the race starts!”


“Why?” Rainbow Dash asked stubbornly.


The two races shout forward beginning the race. While the Foxy crowd had once been cheering suddenly many of their members pulled out guns, bazookas, and cannons. All of them aimed right near at the Straw Hat team. Seeing this, Usopp and Robin immediately used their magic to pull the two Pegasi back onto their boat. Just in time too. The Foxy pirates fired on the small ship, but missed her intentionally. Instead, the Barryl Queen blasted back giving the Cutie Wagon the lead.

“Haha! See you, losers!” Gilda shouted as she and Monda pulled the Cutie Wagon while the Dizzy Dogs paddled.

Luckily, the Barryl Queen landed safely without overturning. As the group quickly recovered, Rarity was the first to give out her complaint. “Ah! My hair! They're ruining my hair!”

“Hey! That’s cheating!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily.

Usopp spoke out, “It’s no use, Rainbow! Interruption from the audience is commonly accepted in pirate games.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash gasped in shock.

“Watch out!” Fluttershy shouted pointing up.

Everyone looked up and gasped as a giant boulder was falling at them. Immediately, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew out and pulled the Barryl Queen out from underneath the boulder. The boulder then crashed into the water. The resulting crash gave the team a little push forward, and combined with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying propelled the raft forward.

“That was a close one.” Rarity said with relief.

“Where did they even get a boulder that big?!” shouted Rainbow Dash confused. “And who even threw that?!”

“I can’t accept this!” shouted Nami in frustration. “We’re all gonna die!”

“Don’t worry, Nami.” Robin stated supportively. “If their crew can provide support, then so can ours.”

Back on shore, the actions of the Foxy pirates had not gone unseen. Both Sanji and Applejack had attacked the group of Foxy pirates that had shot at their friends with impressive kicking attacks. Of course, the remaining Straw Hat crew was ready to fight back. Spike looked ready to fight as well. Twilight and Pinkie were collecting all the weapons from the fleeing pirates.

Sanji shouted out angrily at the Foxy pirates, “You punks! I’m going to dice your heads into fish egg sauce!”

“Next time you fellers try something like that, you can join them in the ocean!” shouted Applejack equally as angry as her partner.

“Hurry up, guys!” shouted Spike urgently to his team and pointing to the team ahead of them. “You’re already way behind!”

“Let’s leave them in our dust Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said before speeding up.

“Whoa!” called Fluttershy as her friend picked up the speed. She eventually became accustom to the speed and soon began pulling the raft.

“I’ll help as well.” Robin said as she crossed her forelegs. Immediately, extra pairs of Robin’s front legs appeared and began helping to row.

“Smashing, Ms. Robin!” Rarity said optimistic.

“Porche! Porche!” shouted one of the Dizzy Dog Duo, the red one named Rex. He quickly pointed out the Straw Hat team gaining on them. “The Sstraw Hatss our gaining on usess!”

“It’s no problem.” Porche stated calmly. She then turned to the fishpony smiling confidently. “Show them your Fishman Karate, Capote!”

“Sure thing!” shouted Capote eagerly. The fishpony turned around and proceeded to karate chop water. “Surface Splitter!” He shouted. The proceeding karate chop literally split the ocean towards the Barryl Queen. It even broke a piece off the raft.

“Whoa!” shouted Rainbow Dash surprised.

“Ah! My Queenie.” cried Rarity fearful.

“Bastard, eat this!” shouted Usopp as he pulled out his weapon, the Ginga Pachinko, with his magic and fired his attack. “Special Attack Fire Star!” From his slingshot, a ball of fire hurdle towards the Foxy team.

“Ooh! Fire!” shouted the light brown Diamond Dog, Max, excitedly. He then dug into his bag and brought out a red gem. Just before the fireball could hit raft, the dog jumped up and caught the fireball into the gem. He then snickered as if mocking the group.

“Damn him!” Usopp said frustrated.

Suddenly, one side of the Barryl Queen exploded. The craft lost another part of its body. The crew aboard the help on completely surprised.

“What the hay!” shouted Rainbow Dash surprised.

“Look!” shouted Fluttershy as she pointed in the water and up ahead. They all could see the other Diamond Dog dropping black balls into the water.

“Oh no! Those are mines!” shouted Nami afraid.

“We can dodge them!” shouted Rainbow Dash to the group. She and Fluttershy then moved the boat out of the line of mines

“I’ll handle them then.” Robin said keeping her forelegs crossed. “Ocho Fleur…”

Suddenly, Robin’s forelegs sprouted all over Capote. They quickly made him unable to move. Except for two that were just protruding from his lower back. He shouted in distress, “What’s this?!”

“Flip!” Robin finished.

The forelegs on Capote then forced the fishpony to flip back. He then landed straight on top of Monda knocking them both out. Porche shouted in shock, “Capote! What are you doing?!”

Gilda immediately noticed the slack. She looked back to see her team partially knocked out. She shouted, “What are you guys doing?!”

While the two Diamond Dogs were distracted, neither one of them saw two of Robin’s unicorn horns appear next to them. Magic enveloped both horns as it soon did on the Dizzy Dog Duo. The magic lifted them up and then smashed both of them against each other knocking them out in the process.

“Rex! Max!” Porche shouted surprised.

“Out of our way!”

Gilda and Porche looked over on their right. The Barryl Queen sped pass the Cutie Wagon. As they did, Rainbow Dash chuckled and winked towards her competitors as they soon gained the lead. Neither Gilda nor Porche were happy about this. Both of them soon began trying to shake awake their companions.

Meanwhile back on shore, much of the anger from the Straw Hats had been pacified. The Foxy pirates decided to immediately switch tactics. They began playing to the Straw Hats greatest vices. Luffy was given as much food as he desired. Sanji was swooning over the many mares in the Foxy crew. Some of the Foxy pirates brought out some alcoholic beverages and shared them with Zoro. Even Chopper, Pinkie Pie, and Spike was being tempted with sweets from the crew and easily distracted. The only ones not falling for the Foxy pirates’ distraction was Twilight and Applejack, and both of them were in a sour mood seeing their friends fall victim to their vices.

“Hey!” shoutedApplejack mad towards Sanji. “What happen to keeping these lowlifes from messing with our friends?”

“Ah! You’re right.” Sanji said as he snapped to.

But as Sanji was about to get up, the mares quickly snatched him back up. “Sanji~! Stay a little bit longer.” The mares said sweetly.

“Of course~, Mellorines~!” shouted Sanji completely captivated by the mares again.

At this sight, Applejack frowned and stomped her hoof in frustration. “Ah, horseradish!” She said before leaving Sanji in a huff.

Nearby, Twilight was trying the same with Luffy with similar results. “Luffy!” shouted Twilight angrily as she tried to pull him away from the food. “We can’t be eating! We need to watch out for anymore tricks from these pirates!”

“But Twilight! Food!” Luffy said as he stubbornly remained seated.

Trixie laughed out loud as she walked up next to Twilight. She then spoke sounding arrogant, “Those are some friends you got there, Twilight.”

Twilight stopped trying to move Luffy. She turned to the blue unicorn glaring at her. She spoke, “What do you want, Trixie?”

“Trixie just wanted to see which crew member we’ll be taking.” Trixie said slyly. “That talking raccoon dog looks pretty interesting.”

“He’s not a raccoon dog. He’s a reindeer that ate a Devil Fruit.” Twilight said correcting the unicorn.

“Of course, that little dragon of yours is pretty helpful, isn’t he?”

“You leave Spike alone!” shouted Twilight angrily.

Applejack soon walked up next to Twilight. She placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder as she held her back. “Don’t fall for their smack talk, Twi.” Applejack stated while glaring at the arrogant unicorn before them. “Last I saw, we’re in the lead. We won’t be losing anyone.”

“Good.” Twilight said as she calmed herself.

“Hey, guys!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she joined her friends. “Have any of you seen Foxy?”

“What?” said Twilight and Applejack surprised. They both began looking around, but they could not find the kitsune or his Diamond Dog companion.

Applejack stamped her hoof. “Consarn it! That fox is more slippery than a snake in the brush.”

“We better find him. No telling what he’ll do with no one to watch him.” Twilight stated to her friends.

“What about the others?” asked Pinkie Pie pointing to the rest of the Straw Hats.

“I’m sure we can handle him.” Twilight said quickly.

Trixie instantly began laughing out. “You think you can beat Foxy?” She then continued laughing.

“Come on, girls. Let’s get to it!” Applejack said ignoring the Trixie’s laughter. She soon lead Pinkie Pie away with Twilight following behind.

Though Foxy’s presence had gone relatively unnoticed to the Straw Hats back at the starting line, it was not the case with the racers. As the two teams reached the next part of the race, which now turned into an obstacle course thanks to the growth of long coral, the Straw Hat team had spotted the kitsune riding on top of Hamburg. He had a wily grin plastered on his face that told everyone that he was planning something devious. However, it would have to wait until after the first obstacle.

“Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! Stop!” called out Nami quickly. “Everyone! Stop rowing for a bit.”

“What are you doing Nami?” asked Rarity confused.

“Yeah! We’re in the lead! We’re going to lose our lead!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Just do it, please.” Nami said seriously.

“I think we should listen to her, Rainbow. It seems important.” Fluttershy said supportive of her fellow Pegasus.

“Err. Fine.” Rainbow Dash relented as she stopped pulling the boat. She then landed on the raft with Fluttershy. They had just stopped a few feet away from the coral.

“What are you thinking, Nami?” stated Usopp worried.

“Just hold on a minute…” Nami replied back watching the water in front of them.

“See ya, losers!” shouted Gilda as they sped pass the team.

“Charge on through, Gilda! Monda!” shouted Porche determinedly.

“Right!” Gilda said pulling harder.

The shark nodded his head and charged into the coral. Immediately, the shark and raft were carried by the current. At least, it was dragging them forward only for it to immediately double-back and send the raft backwards towards the Straw Hat team. This surprised Foxy team.

“What the hell, Monda! Swim straight!” Gilda shouted irritated.

The shark nodded and pulled the Cutie Wagon back into the coral. Like before it was met with the same result, the Foxy team back where they started.

“Stop fooling around, Monda!” Porche shouted at the shark angrily.

“I knew it.” Nami said smiling confidently. “The current is the key here. Relax guys, I’ll handle this.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash said sitting down surprised.

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy said as she sat down as well.

“Alright, steer us that way, guys.” Nami said pointing to the side away from their opponents.

“Right!” shouted Usopp as he and Robin began paddling the boat to the side.

The team began paddling in the direction Nami had navigated for them. Just as they entered the coral, an arrow flew across their view leaving a trail of white smoke behind. The team was completely surprised.

“What is this?” Rarity asked out surprised.

“Look.” Robin said pointing out Foxy and Hamburg on the sidelines just before the group was pushed into the smoke.

“Fuehfehfehfeh!” laughed Foxy arrogantly. “Behold my White Smoke Attack! Go on! Charge in without your sight and run right into the coral! Fuehfehfehfeh!”

Hamburg stood behind his captain snickering while covering his mouth. “Success!”

However, this victory was short-lived. Team Straw Hat shot out of the smoke unharmed. As they sailed forth, the whole team smiled and waved at Foxy mockingly. The kitsune was completely shocked. Again, Hamburg laughed though this time at his captain’s expense. Meanwhile, Team Foxy was still having trouble getting through the coral and currents.

“Whoa! The boat is moving itself. That’s awesome!” shouted Rainbow Dash amazed.

Nami soon explained, “Yep. This place is a maze of currents. There must be a giant whirlpool behind these corals. It’s created a chain of smaller whirlpools in this area. All I needed to do was determine the correct path and the currents do all the work.”

“That’s amazing.” Fluttershy said happily.

“It’s nothing. I’m a navigator after all.” Nami stated confidently.

“Woo-hoo! Witness the awesome skills of our navigator!” Usopp cheered boastfully.

Foxy growled in frustration. “Come on! I’m not through with them yet!” He stated to Hamburg as he jumped on top of the Diamond Dog.

“Hold it right there!” Foxy turned as he heard someone speak. To his surprise, there was Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Applejack quickly shouted again, “There’ll be no more interfering from you varmints.”

“Oho. And you think you can stop me?” asked Foxy arrogantly.

“You bet!” stated Applejack determinedly.

Hamburg snickered. “Yeah, right.”

“Fuehfehfehfeh! You asked for it!” said Foxy as he lifted up his paw up shaped. He pointed his hand straight at the group.

“Let’s get him, girls!” shouted Pinkie Pie cheerfully before all three mares leaped into the action.

“Slow-Slow Beam!”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” shouted all three mares as they came to a slow.

“Fuehfehfehfeh! Let’s go!” said Foxy to Hamburg confidently. The dog snickered and laugh before taking off to their next destination.

“Keep trying!” Porche shouted as she pushed her team to go through the currents.

Unfortunately, it was met with the same result as before. The raft was turned around despite the effort Monda and Gilda gave. This time, the current made the Cutie Wagon a sharp turn surprising the griffon. Her rope broke against the coral and her force using to the pull the boat sent her falling into the water. As she surfaced, she could seem to get out of the current and began struggling.

“Help!” Gilda called out desperately.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy shouted as she dropped the rope and flew towards the drowning griffon.

“Where is she going?” Robin asked surprised.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she took after her friend. Once she reach her, she shouted, “What are you doing?”

“She needs our help.” Fluttershy said pointing to Gilda.

Rainbow Dash tried to respond. “Yeah, but--”

“Someone… Help!” Gilda shouted continuing to flounder in the water.

“Darn it!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she could not ignore a plea for help. She and Fluttershy then flew off to help Gilda.

Gilda failed her arms out trying to grab something to get her out of the water. She couldn’t exactly see, but she soon felt hooves grab her claws and lift her up. She coughed out water before she took a look to see her saviors believing them to be his crew. “Hey, thank guys. I was in a real--”

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy replied happily.

“Huh?” said Gilda as she finally looked to see her saviors; Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She was completely speechless. The two Pegasi then flew the griffon back onto the Cutie Wagon.

“Um, thanks?” Porche said surprised.

“Yeah, well, don’t look into it too much.” Rainbow Dash said quickly before leaving.

“Um… Please race carefully.” Fluttershy said softly before also leaving to rejoin their team.

Gilda didn’t reply. She just watched stunned as her former friend and the pony she scared return to their team. She then watched as they went into action having reached the giant whirlpool. They seem to suddenly launch out from a sudden burst with all three Pegasi pulling or pushing their raft into the sky to jump over the whirlpool and the small cape. The then disappeared behind the cape, but it was obvious that they landed safely.

“Take it easy, Gilda.” Capote said reassuring his crewmate. “I and Monda will catch up to them.”

“…Okay.” Gilda said as she sat back. She was then comforted by the Dizzy Dog Duo providing her a blanket and some hot chocolate. “Thanks…”

“Alright! Capote! Monda! Let’s catch up with those guys!” shouted Porche determinedly.

“Right!" shouted Capote equally determined. "Fusion!” He then jumped into Monda’s mouth. That’s right, into the shark’s mouth. For whatever reason, the teeth on the shark did not hurt the fishpony. He then shouted, “Twin Fish Engine!” With the combine swimming power of the two, they were able to swim through the strong currents with great speeds. They were catching up quickly.

Being super ahead of the other team, the Straw Hat team was pretty confident that it would be smooth sailing to victory. Nope! Nothing is ever that easy with the Foxy Pirates. Soon, there were some new obstacles. The ever-cunning Foxy began laying out his tricks. The first was a sign telling anyone who reads it to “turn right” for the Donut Race.

“Should we turn right?” asked Fluttershy to Nami concerned.

“No. It’s just a stupid trick. Break through it!” stated Nami determinedly.

“Alight!” shouted Rainbow Dash excitedly before breaking the sign.

Nami then shouted to the kitsune nearby. “We’re not gonna fall for your stupid tricks!”

This shocked Foxy that his trap didn’t work, but he didn’t give up. The next trick was an interesting act of an old lady (Foxy) seeking help. Even Hamburg was playing as her grandson. Fluttershy was nearly taken by this act.

“Fluttershy, no!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she held her friend back. “That’s totally that weird fox guy in a lame disguise.”

That comment hit Foxy hard. He immediately forgot his act and became depressed. Hamburg just laughed at his captain’s misfortune. The Straw Hat team continued to sail. But again, Foxy was shocked that his trap didn’t work. And then, there was the goal post. Of course, anyone would believe this to be the finishing line.

“There’s the finishing line! We’re gonna win!” shouted Usopp cheerfully.

“Yahoo!” shouted Rainbow Dash in victory.

“Yay.” Fluttershy cheered softly.

Rarity wasn’t convinced though. “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, keep pulling. This isn’t the finishing line.”

“It’s not?” The two Pegasi said surprised.

As they sped pass the goal, Nami immediately broke the finishing line post. She shouted speaking to Foxy, “Didn’t I tell you to stop it!”

As before, Foxy was shocked. However, the fake finishing line did work. On the other team. With the power of the Two Fish Engine, Team Foxy had been catching up with the Straw Hat team. Unfortunately, most of the team believed they had reached the goal. Gilda knew otherwise.

“You idiots! This is one of the Boss’ traps.” Gilda shouted out as she grabbed the rope and began pulling the Cutie Wagon. She then pointed out the team ahead of them saying, “See! They’re still ahead of us!”

“Oh no!” Porche shouted. “Quick! Hurry up, guys!”

“Right!” shouted the pull team for the Cutie Wagon. They immediately took off pulling the raft with all their might to catch up.

“Look! There’s the real goal!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she could see the real finishing line and the crowd.

“Here come our racers!” announced Itomimizu. “It appears that the Straw Hat team is in the lead with a wide margin! Will the Cutie Wagon be able to catch up in time?”

As the crowd cheered, among them were Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper cheering as well. “Nami~! Robin~! Rarity~! Rainbow Dash~! Fluttershy~! Your nimble bodies are always so beautiful!” shouted Sanji adorningly.

“Oh, Sanji-kun. You charmer.” Rarity said adoring the compliment.

“Go, Fluttershy! Go!” cheered Chopper.

Hearing Chopper cheer for her, Fluttershy looked away blushing and smiling bashfully. This gave her a burst of energy that made the team go faster.

“Alright, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said eagerly as she pulled with all her might.

Luffy cheered out, “Yahoo! We’re gonna win! Yay!”

“I don’t think so.” Trixie stated smiling knowingly.

“What?” asked Luffy confused. “But we’re winning.”

“Nope. Foxy is here which means you won’t be able to win. Just watch.” Trixie said smugly.

“Luffy!” Luffy turned around as he heard Twilight call out. He saw her, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie push through the crowd.

“Hey, Twilight, Where have you been? We’re about to win!” said Luffy confidently.

“No, Luffy!” shouted Twilight urgently. “We need to stop Foxy! He’s got Devil Fruit powers!”


“Slow-Slow Beam!”

Everyone looked down the coast to see Foxy fire out a pinkish beam from his hands. The beam hit the Straw Hat team. Suddenly, the team slowed down to a crawl. It looked like the team was in slow-motion. Team Foxy then raced pass the group and crossed the finished line. The Straw Hats were completely stunned, but the Foxy pirates cheered in victory,

“The winner is the Cutie Wagon!” announced Itomimizu excitedly. “Round one of the Davy Back Fight, Donut Race, has ended! Our idol, Porche, and our tough girl, Gilda, have won! Now, Captain Foxy will pick a new crewmate from the Straw Hats! Who will he pick?”