Distorted Fate

by Silvak

Chapter XXVI: Blue

Another morning, another breakfast, another day of the twins creeping me out,  another... wait, something seemed off with Pinkie Pie this morning, for she wasn't exactly displaying her usual level of excitement. This meant something was happening today that involved her, though it might be related to Twilight's friend who's coming over. Regardless, it didn't concern me, though. Since today wasn't a school day. I was probably going to spend the day with the Crusaders.

After I left the bakery, I was looking around for any sign of them until I noticed that the streets were less crowded than normal. Hmm... maybe some event is going on... maybe I should go find out what it is. I might be able to use it to distracted the Crusaders for the day, I thought to myself as I first headed to the town square. Unfortunately, whatever it was that was going on wasn't there, though I suddenly heard some ponies sneezing rather loudly. Turning my head towards the source of the sound, I received the sight of a blue Applejack and Rarity walking by, sneezing as ponies gave them a wide berth as they stared at the sick duo. The two seemed to making a beeline to their respective homes, or possibly the hospital, though their sneezing was making things difficult for them, since it literally sent them flying a few feet each time they sneezed.

Okay... I really hope that they don't have some kind of contagious disease, or a plague... I thought to myself as I turned away from them, only to bump into somepony, causing me to land on my rear. "Sorry abou-" I started to say before I actually got a look at whomever I bumped into, only to receive the sight of some... blue fuzzy... belly? As I looked at the owner of the belly, I received the sig- what the fuck is that‽ It was a tall creature, taller than any I seen on this world, and looked like some mad surgeon decided to sew together various parts of various creatures together.

"My my, what do we have here. It looks like an ordinary filly, but something tells me she is more than she appears to be," the creature said as his (assuming his masculine voice is related to his gender and not related to more surgery) body coiled around me, his face smiling at me with his single fang.

"What do you mean? Wait, who are you, what are you?" I asked, as I looked around, only to see the ponies giving an even wider berth to the creature around me. Really? When a monster like this appears and is trapping a foal, ponies just abandon them?

"Why, I'm wounded that you don't recognize me, Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony, and a draconequus since you asked."

"Okay... Discord... but what's a 'spirit of disharmony'? And why should I... know you, we never met before," I asked, causing him to blink in surprise as he frowned at me.

"What are they teaching ponies these days in those schools of theirs? Though, I was always in favor of the learning by experience route," Discord said as he snapped his claws while he stood straight, causing a desk to appear with me sitting in it. "Class is now in session."

"Wait... what?"

"No speaking during the lesson without being called on," Discord said as he snapped his claws again, causing my muzzle to disappear in a flash. At first, I simply blinked, before I placed a hoof at where my muzzle used to be.  After feeling out my face for a moment, that is when I decided to panic, flailing my hooves around as I fell out of my desk. I was about to run around in my panicked state when I heard a snap, and felt my muzzle restored.

Looking at the creature, I said in my language, "What... the fuck.. what in limbo are you..." as I started to backpedal from him.

Curving his body to where his head was upside down, he said, "Hmm? What do we have here, a pony that can speak a different language. But not just any language, a language not of this world."

Those last words caused me to pause my backpedaling, as my expression turned from fear to curiosity as I asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Why, you think the god of chaos can't notice when something doesn't belong in the grand scheme of things, something that disrupts the nature and harmony of this world? You're practically a beacon of irregularity among ponies, if one knows what to look for, but we can't have these ponies know, so how about a change of scenery?" Discord said as he snapped his fingers, causing the both of us to teleport outside of town.

Snapping my head around for a moment, I let out a sigh as I turned my head back towards him. "What makes you think I am like this? Just because I speak... different words? What do you mean, 'know what to look for'?" I asked, as I tried to probe for information on how he was able to find me out, if he wasn't bluffing.

"You don't have to be so difficult, unless you want me to start spilling the beans to all the other ponies about your true nature," Discord said as he snapped his fingers, causing a bag to appear over my head as beans spilled out of it and onto my head.

"Would they really believe that? I do not think ponies will believe that me, a small foal, is not what I appear to be," I countered.

"Perhaps, but Celestia might not be so willing to take a chance with you," Discord said with a sneer.

Narrowing my eyes at him at the mention of one of the princesses, I asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, let's say that Celestia’s concern for the well-being of her ponies might force her hand in, let's say, taking drastic measures to ensure their safety."

"Tell me then, how can I, who is a small foal, can be a threat to other ponies?"

"Oh, it's not the size that matters, it's the fact that you may have knowledge that these simple ponies just can not even hope to comprehend, along with the fact that you just don't belong."

Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "What do you mean by me not belonging?"

"Oh, dear me. You, a creature from another world, do not know the consequences of not belonging to the natural state of this world? Allow me to explain," Discord said as he snapped his fingers, a lab coat and glasses appearing on him along with a floating chalkboard right behind him. "When a being comes from another world, or another dimension, to any other world or dimension, they weaken the barriers around the world. That would have untold consequences onto the state of the world, not only the fact that oth-"

"I know that already, but you are just trying to fool me," I interrupted, folding my forelegs across my chest.

However Discord's face took on an expression of shocked as he asked, "What do you mean? I'm not trying to fool you, though honestly that would be fun."

"If I am right about the word 'dimension' that you just used, that... problem only happens when a... when something comes to a world the wrong way," I said with a huff of annoyance. Considering that Discord can somehow see what I am, in some way or fashion, I judged that it was pointless to put up anymore appearances in regards to him.

"Wait, are you saying that there is a way for creatures to simply go to other worlds or dimensions without causing harm in the process?" Discord asked, a smile that only spoke of mischievous intent appearing on his face.

"Do not even think about it, unless you want to... go away for good," I said as I gave him a smug grin, confident that I ruined whatever ideas he was coming up with. Instead, he just laughed at me, causing me to scowl at him.

"You honestly think there is something that can kill me, the god of chaos? I can toy with reality as I see fit. There is nothing that can truly be a threat to me."

"...You forgot that I can not understand every word you said," I said bluntly, causing Discord's mirth to fade as he frowned at me.

"Oh right, hmmm... I am very powerful then, I can play with the sun and moon and everything. I can change anything I want into something else whenever it pleases me. Simple enough for you?" he said in an obviously mocking tone.

"Yes, I understood this time," I said dryly. "That does not matter, there are things like you out there, and things that can still get to you, or even eat you still. This world is peaceful, stick to it, it is safe. Out there, is so much... well... some many things go away for good so much, it is not a good place to be for anypony," I explained with the utmost serious expression I could muster, causing Discord's expression to match mine.

"Perhaps you have a point, though I wonder..." Discord said as he narrowed his eyes as he peered at me. He soon started to close in on me, causing me to rear my head back a bit as I wondered what he was doing. "Amazing, while you appear to have this otherworldly nature to you, I can't see any sort of distortions coming off you that would harm our world."

"Told yo- wait... how would Princess Celestia know about dimensions and other worlds?" I asked. If there were truly beings that know about the other dimensions, that might explain my strange entrance to this world, along with why that dimensional machine exploded mysteriously.

"Oh, I would love to tell you, but if I did, you may start getting ideas that a little filly shouldn't be getting," Discord teased. As I frowned upon him, he said, "Oh please, don't give me that look, it'll give you wrinkles." He snapped his fingers, causing a mask to appear on my face. Taking off the mask, I looked at it to see that it looked just like mine would if I was ancient.

"Ha ha, very funny, so what do you want from me?" I said as I tossed the mask aside.



"Indeed, nothing."

"...Are you serious?"

Letting out a laugh, Discord just grinned at me as he said, "All I need from you is to stay here. Since your presence is not going to cause any direct harm to the world's barriers, there is nothing for me to be concerned about in regards to you. However, your very nature will surely bring about some chaos, which I would love to sit back and watch. Just your language alone was enough to give Twilight fits. That reminds me, I have a date that I need to get to, but before I go," before he snapped his fingers, and I suddenly felt something around my barrel.  

Looking to my side, I saw some string around it, before I felt some tugging force the lifted me off the ground. Looking up, I saw a mass of balloons lifting me into the air. Turning my head at Discord, I simply said, "Really?"

"Oh, just a little gift from your good friend Discord, have fun," Discord said before he disappeared, leaving me to float aimlessly in the air. With my transmutation magic being too underdeveloped to have an effect on the balloons, and my attempts on telekinesis failing due to the sheer number that were tied to me, I was left stuck in my predicament, which was only made worse by the fact that I was floating away from town.

Hours passed by as I was left to float in the air, as I wondered how long it would take for anyone to notice this mass of balloons in the air or the fact that I was missing, when I heard a voice calling out from below me. Looking down, I spotted Pinkie Pie looking up at me as she yelled, "Aether, what are you doing up there with all those balloons?"

"This was a gift from Discord," I answered, glad that I was finally found.

"Oh, you met Discord! You didn't get close to him right? He has the Blue Flu and it would be sad for you to catch that. It was sure nice of him to give you that gift of course, it looks like a lot of fun," Pinkie said.

After staring at Pinkie for a moment at how she could view this as 'fun', I yelled, "Yes, this is fun and all, but... GET ME DOWN NOW!"