//------------------------------// // Impending Doom // Story: Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny // by gallagsp the corgi //------------------------------// "MOM!" Shining Armor called across the house, "Twilight took my ball again!" Twilight Velvet sighed, rubbing her temples. It had been like this for weeks, Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle had been fighting, bickering, and picking on each other ever since Twilight had learned some basic magic. She flaunted it all over the house and it annoyed her brother, who was often the victim to these harmless pranks she dished out. "TWILIGHT GIVE YOUR BROTHER BACK HIS HOOFBALL!" She belted out across the house. "Not until he apologizes for spilling his juice on my Beginner's Magic book!" "Make me!" The older brother replied. This was followed by a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking, then a few moments of silence. Twilight Velvet figured the two were staring at the carnage they had caused, fearfully imagining the torturous punishment they would receive. What would it be this time? Sitting in the corner for hours? Being sent to their room without dinner? No, Twilight Velvet knew the best punishment for her children. She smiled devilishly and stood up, making sure her chair squeaked along the floor. She then stomped her way up the stairs to the children's shared bedroom before opening the door loudly. She looked around the room but only saw the shattered remains of a lamp sitting in the middle of the floor. She smiled again, then, in the most stern and angry voice she could manage at the moment, she said those fateful words. "Just wait until your father gets home." Upon hearing these words, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor held onto each other even tighter from the safety of under Shining's bed. They were doomed and they knew it. It was only a matter of time.