Apologies Aren't Always Enough

by SadisticFluttershy

Chapter 2

Apologies Aren’t Always Enough

Chapter 2

By: SadisticFluttershy and Rated Ponystar

Edited by: FreeHomeBrew, Rated Ponystar, Roker12

         A few hours later, a tapping noise broke the spell of an ill slumber that had befallen Sunset Shimmer. Her eyes creeped open and she lay a hand on her aching forehead. She gained focus and above her she saw the pale ceiling in the cold blue glow from the street light protruding the curtains of her bedroom window.

Outside, gusts of wind were brushing a tree against a window. She tried to lay on her side but felt a sharp pain when her leg wouldn’t budge. It was in a cast, and secured to remain in place.

She lay there still for a few minutes, simply staring up and acquainting herself with this perplexing sensation. It was unusual to be wake up at an unknown hour at night, restricted by pains and worries.

Collecting her thoughts, she found the last thing she remembered was laying down here a few hours earlier after a good talk with her mother about what had happened at school. The sudden fight, Flash Sentry taking her to the nurse’s office, and Celestia showing her support.

Taking the school nurse’s advice, her mother had suggested she’d get some rest in bed for a while. She’d felt miserable, though Fleur tucking her in and making sure she’d be safe had made her comfortable enough to let go for a moment and slip into a dreamless sleep.

She turned to face her alarm clock. It’s shining arms letting her know that the night was still fairly young. Surely her mother would still be up. Carefully, she reached to her nightstand and flicked on the night light.

A gentle yellow flooding the room revealed Fleur, sitting in the corner covered in a blanket, fast asleep.

Sunset turned off her night light and smiled up at the ceiling. Even though today had been rough, she had seen the glimmers of hope. There were people who would have her back no matter what. Despite all her injuries, knowing she did not have to face this alone, she was happier than she had been for a long while.

“Mom? …. Mom?”

Fleur stirred in the corner of the room, letting out a yawn.

“Sunset? Oh my. How long have I been out? What time is it?”

“It’s still early.” Sunset replied. It was silent momentarily. She carefully turned to switch the night light back on.

Fleur approached and knelt down beside the bed, giving her daughter a gentle embrace. “I’m glad.” she said, tightening her embrace. You have no idea.

“Mom, are you okay?”

“I just... I just find it hard to believe,” Fleurs voice shattered now that the effects of the events of today began to really sink in. ”That anyone could hurt my wonderful daughter like this.” It wasn’t long before she found it hard to tell which tears were of the joy of holding her daughter safe and sound, and which were of the sadness of knowing someone could do something so awful.

Sunset managed to return the embrace, feeling warm against her mother. A warmth that washed away the pain of her sprains and bruises. A feeling she knew all too well from younger years.


Any remaining doubts in Sunsets mind had been vanquished in that moment. No matter what, her mother would always be there to save and protect her as she would always be there for her.

A quiet lasting a few minutes was brought to an end by Sunsets whisper. “Thank you.” She let go of the embrace and sat with her mother on her bedside, holding hands.

Fleur chuckled “You’re welcome” wiping away her tears.

It was a sore sight to look at, something she’d never hope to feel about looking at her own child. She put her hand up to Sunsets bruised chin. She had an injured lip, a black eye and a bump on her forehead. “Look at what they’ve done to you.” She sighed.

“Thanks for always being there for me.” She sighed and looked down again “I know I’ve not always been easy and I still get into trouble every now and again and that I should be more appreciative of the things you do.”

Fleur’s features softened.

“When I first got here I was bent on world domination of all things, and considered you no more than a convenience to my plans. But I’ve changed,” she looked up “and you’ve been a big part of that. You’re still a big part of that.”

It had only been a few years that she’d been under Fleurs care, but she realized now that she had never said the things she felt she could finally put into words. She needed her mother to know. Constrained as she was, she reached out and Fleur returned the hug.

“Thank you for helping me become who I am.” She held her mother close “I love you mom. I’ll always love you.”

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Sunset Shimmer was headed to her next class when she was shoved from behind, causing her to fall to the ground.


Laughter was heard around her, giving her eye contact looking at the girl who deserved to be laughed at.

The person who shoved her gave her a look of disgust, taking glee in her misery. He didn't care if she was using crutches or not, he only sought revenge. He continued walking down the hallway until he was no longer in sight.

Tears were coming down Sunsets cheeks. Nobody came to her aid, she had to get up herself. Once Sunset was up on her feet again, she continued walking to her class. When she finally arrived, she received stares of hatred aimed directly at her except for one, her former friend Fluttershy wasn't staring. That confused Sunset.

When Fluttershy saw Sunsets injuries,the broken leg, black eye, cut on her lip, she started to wonder if Sunset was telling the truth afterall. Although many thought that this was her punishment for creating such distress between people, Fluttershy was having a hard time deciding if they were right or wrong. Only one thing could tell them the truth behind Anon-A-Miss.

After an hour of class, the bell signaled it was time for lunch and the girls met at their usual table. As everyone sat down, each of the girls looked at Fluttershy who had a look of concern.

Rarity put a hand on her friends shoulder.
“Is everything alright dear?”

Fluttershy looked at her friend.
“No Rarity, everything is not okay”.

“Oh? What’s the matter?”  Rarity asked.

Fluttershy took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
“When I saw Sunset walk during algebra class today, she looked awful”

This caught all of her friends attention.
“How so?” AJ asked.

“Well, I didn’t get much of a peek. But I saw she had a black eye, her lower lip was swollen a little and she had a bump on her head. She was also walking around with crutches. Her leg was wrapped in a cast”

Rarity was trying her best to hide her horrified reaction. Applejack and Rainbow Dash each had wide eyes and Pinkie Pie’s face looked to be red as an apple. She was furious.

“How DARE someone beat up our friend like that. Why I outta-” Pinkie started to rage but Rainbow put a hand over her friends mouth.

“Pinkie, I know you’re mad but violence doesn’t solve anything. Trust me, I learned that the hard way”

Pinkie softened a little bit, realizing that Rainbow was right. “I’m sorry Dashie it’s just, I wish that we were there to protect her”

“I know Pinkie. I know. But we did kinda mess up when we sided with the bullies..." Rainbow Dash sighed. “Or did you forget about what we did when our secrets came out?”

“So what are we going to do?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy was starting to have ideas. She felt terrible for what she had done to Sunset. It was not just her mistake, but her friends mistake as well. She had to figure out just how to fix this problem and make things right with Sunset.

“I have an idea” Fluttershy said.

“Well what is it Fluttershy?” AJ asked anxiously.

Fluttershy huddled her friends together so that nobody else would hear what she was about to say.

“As much as I hate doing this, we’re going to break into Sunsets locker, take her journal and read what she has put as well as read what Twilight has written”

Rainbow was shocked “I’d never take you for a burglar”

Fluttershy shook her head “It’s the only way now”

Each of them agreed to the plan. It seemed like it was the only way to start on the right track again to heal their friendships with Sunset.

The bell rang, telling them that lunch was over and they all had to head back to class.
"Oh and one final thing. Ask your teacher for the bathroom pass and I'll send you all a text to meet at Sunsets locker"

Everyone nodded.

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As Sunset sat down in her desk, the bell rang signalling that the class has resumed.

The teacher, a man with a white goatee with different colored eyes who wore a suit with an non matching tie and two different colored gloves, stood up to resume the days lesson.

 “So, what did you guys do during lunch?"

A yellow hand rose in the air.

“Um, Mr.Discord?” She asked.

“Yes Miss. Fluttershy?”

“Can I go to the restroom?”

Mr. Discord was annoyed at this.
“Couldn’t you have gone during your lunch break?”

Fluttershy blushed “I um.. didn’t have to go then”

Mr. Discord sighed frustratingly “Okay Fluttershy, you may go”
Fluttershy nodded and quickly grabbed the pass that sat by the door.

Sunset wondered where Fluttershy was as she left out the door. Once Fluttershy was outside the classroom door, she took out her cellphone to quickly send a text to her friends signaling that she's out of class. Her phone buzzed a few seconds later in response.

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The Mane 5 were standing by Sunsets locker and each of them had looks of uncertainty. They knew that breaking into someone’s locker was against the rules and had severe consequences. A week of inschool suspension and detention. However, under their circumstances, they needed to get in contact with Princess Twilight.

“Rainbow, do you know Sunset’s combination?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow shook her head. “No, but I could figure it out maybe”.

“Alright then, get to work”.

While Rainbow worked on Sunsets locker, Applejack turned to Pinkie and gave her simple instructions. Not that she couldn't follow them because of her short attention span, but Pinkie had the eyes of a hawk. “Ah’ need you to keep a look out for any trouble. If a teacher or the principals come down here, knock twice on the wood and we’ll bail”.

“Okie dokie lokie!”

As Rainbow struggled to figure out the combination, she cut her finger on the piece of metal that was sticking out on the left side of the lock. “SON OF A BITCH!” She yelled as she put her finger in her mouth trying to stop blood from coming out.

Rarity went wide eyed putting a hand over her friends mouth. “Rainbow keep it down! Are you trying to get us caught?”

Rainbow shoved the hand away.

“Oh excuse me, It’s not like figuring out a combination locks code like its two plus two!”

Rarity shoved Rainbow aside. “Let me figure it out. I have the ladies touch”

Rainbow and AJ rolled their eyes.

A few moments later, the locker door opened. “Et voila!”

Rainbows jaw dropped. “But... but how did you-”

Rarity held up a bobby pin with a smile “These work every time”

“Man, why didn’t I think of that!” Rainbow pouted.

Inside the locker were Sunsets usual belongings. A few textbooks, a couple of jackets with gloves in the pockets and below them was a box with some of her more personal belongings.
The one thing that stood out and got their attention was a book. But not just any book, this book had her cutie mark on it to show that it rightfully belonged to Sunset. This book was given to her as a filly to keep contact with her mentor when she needed her. Now the book served as a messenger to send messages to Twilight Sparkle back in Equestria.

“We need to get to some place private. C’mon ya’ll”.

When the group reached the library, they walked up to the second floor and as usual, nobody was there. Together, they sat  down on the floor and flipped to the last entry page that Sunset had written. They were all in shock when they read what their friend had put.

“Dear Princess Twilight,

It’s still going on. Everyone still thinks I’m Anon-A-Miss. No matter how much I try to convince people they still think it’s me. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’ve been insulted, spat at, tripped, and just a few days ago I was beaten up.

Nothing hurts worse than the abandonment. Everything I’ve worked hard to fix from my past mistakes is gone. Everyone thinks I’m still the monster that I was all those months ago. Even worse? My friends think that I’m guilty.

I know you said I should have faith in the power of friendship, but what good is it if my friends don’t love me anymore?! Maybe I shouldn’t have had friends in the first place. Maybe I should have just gone back to Equestria with your… or many wish the Element of Magic turned me into stone…

Anything is better than this hell I’m living in. Anything is better than having my heart broken.

-Sunset Shimmer“

They just sat there, staring at the entry for a long time as their brains tried to process this. Every plea from Sunset, every tear she shed, ran through their minds like a projector followed by their angry dismissal and denial of her claims of innocence. And yet, now, looking at this entry, and the memories of her previous behavior, it finally began to dawn on the five that they were wrong.

Sunset Shimmer was innocent. She was not Anon-A-Miss.

“Oh god, what have we done,” muttered Rarity in horror as tears began to form in her eyes, her hands covering her mouth.

Pinkie’s hair deflated in an instant as she started to cry and held a sobbing Fluttershy who was held into her arms. The two held each other as they wept in shame of their actions, and for the friend they had abandoned when she needed them most.

“Goddamnit!” shouted Rainbow Dash, screaming so loud it made them all jump. The athlete was punching the wall while shouting as many curse as she could while tears dripped down her cheek. “I’m! Such! A! Fricking! Idiot!”

“We all were, Dash,” muttered Applejack, lowering her hat as she walked over and placed her hand on the crying athlete's shoulder. “We all were blinded by our rage… we were wrong…”

“She’ll never forgive us,” whispered Fluttershy, shaking her head. “After everything we did, after all the time she needed us and we weren’t there… she will never forgive us…”

“We need to talk to Twilight,” said Rarity as he grabbed a pen in her pocket and rushed to the journal entry. The girls soon crowded next to her as she started to write. Each of them soon taking turns writing it to get their own words in.

“Dear Princess Twilight,

This is Sunset’s fri… well, friends would not be a worthy title for us now, would it? We’ve just finished reading the latest entry of Sunset’s journal and… we realize we were wrong. Sunset was innocent and we abandoned her! - Rarity

We’re so sorry for what we have done! We were so angry at our secrets being exposed that we were blind to Sunset’s feelings. We didn’t even think the idea she could have been set up or used as a scapegoat!- Fluttershy

We’re the worst people in the world and we know it, but there has to be a way to make Sunset forgive us, right?! Please tell us we can make this right!- Pinkie Pie

We’ll do whatever it takes, Princess. I know you trusted us to teach Sunset Shimmer the magic of friendship and we made her turned into a better person. We even worked with her to defeat them sirens! But we lost sight of what that was and we, in turn, acted like the real monsters here. We’re sorry we failed you - Applejack

Just tell us what to do so we can make this up for Sunset! We want our friend back! - Rainbow Dash.”

The girls were eager to get a response, but they know of just how Twilight may be due to now having responsibilities back at her home.

After an hour they still haven’t received their response.

“I wonder what’s taking so long?” Fluttershy asked.
“She’s a princess remember?” Rarity said “She must be busy with her royal duties”

“I guess so”.

Finally, the book glowed. Each of the girls huddled around anxiously wanting to read what Twilight had put. Looks of sadness and guilt overcame them.

“Dear Girls,

First, I am extremely disappointed in you all. You all abandoned Sunset after she proved herself time and again that she had changed into a better person. It broke not only my heart to see you do this to her, but also Princess Celestia's heart as well to learn her former student was now hated for something she didn’t do. Trust is one of the most important things in friendship, and you girls failed to trust Sunset.

That being said, I believe in second chances and it falls on you girls to fix your mistake. If I wasn’t so preoccupied with my duties at the moment as a princess, I would have rushed over to Canterlot High and fix this mess, but it falls on you five now. Sunset needs you more than ever to know that she is not alone. She may not forgive you at first, but I believe she will eventually.

Apologizing is a good start, but that is nothing without making amends. You can start doing this by countering any rumors of Sunset being Anon-A-Miss while finding out who it is that really started this. I’ll try to come by as soon as I can to help, but until then this task falls to you.

This is your chance at redemption. Good luck.

Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

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Sunset and Fleur were having supper. For most of the day, Sunset had been lost in her thoughts, not knowing what she could do since the incident. She hadn't eaten much of her food. Sunset sat in her seat staring into what seemed to be nothing. Just as when Fleur picked up her water she looked up to see her daughter staring at her plate. She was starting to worry. She got up from her seat and sat down in the chair next to Sunset. Lovingly, she put her hand on Sunsets.

“Is everything okay dear?”. Fleur asked

“Huh… what?”

“You don’t seem good”

“I’m… I’m just not hungry is all”

Fleur knew that was a lie. Sunset could never turn down her favorite meal.

Fleur got up from her seat and sat down in the chair next to Sunset, placing her hands on Sunsets. She looked her daughter straight in the eyes with a warm smile.
"I know when something is wrong. You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?"

Sunset breathed in slowly and exhaled evenly, nodding in the process.

“I’ve been thinking about those two guys who beat me up. I don’t understand how any of these people could just point fingers at me and say I’m returning back to my old ways.”

Fleur kept her stare as Sunset continued.

“What made it worse is that my ‘friends’ abandoned me. They were part of the hate-Sunset-Shimmer-parade. When the girls turned on me, I felt like I had lost everything that I’ve worked for. Like it was for nothing. Everyone that I cared for have turned their backs on me, and accuse me of being this Anon-A-Miss person that I don’t even know who the hell that is. I’m just lost. I don’t know what to do”.

Tears were streaming down Sunsets face when she finished. Fleur pulled Sunset into a loving hug, stroking her back. Sunset returned the embrace holding her mother tight. Fleur felt her shoulder getting wet but she had no care in the world other than what is the most precious to her.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry that your friends did this to you. But I don’t think they know that all this is a misunderstanding. I just hope that the culprit admits to his or her mistake for framing you”.

Sunset didn’t say anything. Only her crying could be heard. Fleur could feel her daughter shaking. Sunsets heart was broken and her emotions were played with. She tried to keep them in check, but this was devastating to her. She felt that all this was nothing but karma because of the horrible things she did in the past. She thought she had found peace, but she was wrong. Sunset continued to cry until her eyes ran dry. After a long while, she was still squeaking never wanting to let go of her mother's loving embrace.

Fleur continued stroking her daughters back and sang her a soft, loving lullaby.

“Dry your tears my little one, Come to your Mummy, won’t you come?  Kisses and cuddles for you and I. And I will sing a lullaby, and help you find peace”

Sunset started to cry again.
"That's so beautiful. But everything won't be alright"

Fleur pulled back a bit to look at her daughters eyes.
“What do you mean?”

Sunset was trying hard to keep her composure. Due to the recent events, all of her emotions were coming out like a soda can that sat in the freezer for a whole day.

“It’s just not fair! I don’t deserve to be treated this way. I fought and saved Canterlot High from those sirens. I did community service for months and months to pay the damages. I actually even started to enjoy helping the elderly. All of the suffering and pain that I’ve caused finally   came to me when I got blasted by that damned rainbow. I know what I did was wrong but I fixed it all and I was starting to make more friends than just the girls. But this Anon-A-Miss bitch had to screw it all up for me. Why?!”

Fleur wasn’t sure to what she could do other than hug Sunset again. Sunset was shaking and her hands were formed into fists. She looked like she was ready to punch something. Instead, she started speaking in a soft voice.

“Shhh, My dear Sunset, life is never fair. We all have our goods and our bads. Those girls befriended you even after everything you’ve done. I know it’s hard when you lose the people you love most, but there comes a time when moving on is your only option. They may have betrayed you but I will never betray my only daughter. You’re too special to be this hurt and I only want you to be you”

Sunset unfolded her hands and hugged Fleur again.

“Thank you”

Fleur smiled. “You’re welcome sweetheart”.


When morning hours arose, the mane 5 agreed to meet at Sweet Apple Acres at exactly 10 A.M. They were to go see Sunset and apologise to her. Luckily today was a school holiday. When they read the journal entry about what happened, the girls felt more than just guilt. They had failed the one person that they thought she could count on. They’ve failed Sunset as a friend, but they were willing to fix the damage they had done to her heart.

“Alright ya’ll. You all know why we’re here right?”. AJ asked.

Everyone nodded.

“Good. Because I know we messed up. Ah’ feel so ashamed for not giving Sunset the benefit of the doubt. We all failed her as friends”.

Fluttershy, who was determined to make things right, stepped forward and said what was on her mind. “Applejack is right. We failed Sunset as a friend, and I can’t believe that we blamed Sunset for being that big meanie. We still don’t know who it is but I hope he or she confesses”.

Rarity cleared her throat to add what she had to say and sighed. “I feel so very ashamed to have failed Sunset as a friend also. But I do believe that we can make up for our mistake. I just don’t know how we’re going to do that. I’ll do anything if it means getting Sunset back”.

Rainbow put an arm around Fluttershy, trying her best not to cry. “Twilight is right. We’re horrible friends. Hell, I don’t even think I should even use that word for now. I know we screwed up big time as it’s been said already, but I know how we can bring her back to us. She doesn’t deserve to be alone. If anyone to blame for this…. it’s us”.

Pinkie, who was staring into blank space, her hair was still flat against her back. After a long while, she chipped in to what she had to say. “Never in my life have I ever made someone sad. We broke her heart just as much as she broke ours when we thought she was that big fat secret stealer Anon-A-Miss. I was all in shock when I read what she said. That shattered me. I’d give anything to make her smile again. I just want to make things right. For all of us”.

Applejack put on a weak smile.

“Amen to that Pinkie”.

Applejack waited a few moments to think of what she wanted to say next. Finally, she sat down with both hands over her face.

“Ah’ just hope Sunset can forgive us. After everything we’ve been through together, ah’ don’t want to lose her now. Not again”
Applejack got up and motioned her friends to tag with her.

“C’mon ya’ll. Let’s go get our friend back”

The group left the barn, headed towards Sunsets home which they hoped that they could bring her back.

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20 Minutes later, the mane 5 arrived at Sunsets home. they hoped that they could be forgiven for their actions.
Applejack walked up to the door and knocked.

“Coming dear!”. A voice called from behind the door.

After several sounds of locks coming undone, the door opened revealing a tall, elegant woman with pink hair. She stared at the five girls that stood before her. She frowned at them.

“You must be the five girls that Sunset told me about”

Applejack sighed, looking down at her feet. “Ah’ know what we did was wrong, but we just want to talk to Sunset”.

Fleur wasn’t going to have any nonsense on her door step. She knew for her daughters sake that it would be best to have them leave before she saw them. Fleur let out a sigh.

“Listen, what you five did was wrong. I don’t understand as to why out of all people you would turn your backs on her”.

“Ah’ know. Ah’m ashamed that I did what I did. Ah’ wish I hadn’t” AJ said.

Pinkie took a step forward. Her eyes were dark and her pink hair was still flat on her back showing no signs of life.
“I’m sorry that we took Sunsets smile. I too am ashamed for what I did too. I’m supposed to bring smiles to everyone. Not take them away”. Pinkie finished, muttering the rest.

Fluttershy stepped from behind Rarity.
“I am too Mrs. Fleur”.

Rainbow didn’t look up but apologised as well.
The rest of the girls followed.

Fleur knew of just how sorry Sunsets friends were. But actions speak louder than words. They pointed fingers at Sunset and blamed her for being the one posting their secrets online. Fleur indeed was mad at the five girls but tried her best to keep her emotions in check.

Fleurs expression softened a bit.

“Listen, I know you girls are ashamed for what you did. But you hurt my daughters feelings. She hasn’t been wanting to go to school because of it. Before then, she loved going to school just so she could be with you all but now she doesn’t. It pains me that she's hurt emotionally and is lost on what to do from here. She felt betrayed when you turned away from her. And for that, I can’t forgive you”.

“Why not?” Rainbow asked

“Because you hurt her. She trusted you with everything she had. She always had a smile on her face every time she was around you. She was truly happy and not depressed like she used to be. Now all I see is sadness in her heart. She truly feels betrayed and heartbroken all because you couldn’t see the reason to let her show that she's innocent. It really is shameful".

The five girls didn’t know how to respond at that point but instead looked at the ground, looks of shame and sorrow in each of their eyes. A few moments of silence passed before Fleur said the last thing she needed to say.

“I think it’s best that none of you come back until further notice”

The girls nodded. Each of them felt terrible for what they did to their friend. That is if they can even call Sunset their friend now since they’re the ones that kicked her out. None of them had any idea of what to do or how to fix this mess. All they know is that they had to find a way to make things right with Sunset.

- To be continued

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