Duel of the Millennium

by RoyalStar709

Ch.2- An ideal Freedom

A small purple unicorn filly stood outside of the playground, sitting in one of the tables. Looking around her, she saw all of the children playing, running around, or just hanging out with their friends. She took out an apple and started eating, ignoring all of the laughing and screaming around her.

She looked at her classmates cutie marks, all of them looking somewhat normal, an apple, a cat, a bug, a hammer, and so on. Starlight’s, on the other hoof, had the, as her other classmate put it, the weird cutie mark of a shooting star. Which might not have stood out, if it didn’t have six other stars circling around it, she remembered how she got it, it was during magic practice when she was able to cast the most and the best spells without breaking a sweat, her special talent is magic.

"How come she get’s seven stars,” she remembered a filly saying, “and most of us only get one of three things?”

“I tell yay,” and had adult said once behind her back, “that foal was already nothing but bad news, reading Minotaurian textbooks, and that crazy uncle of hers! I heard that the last filly who had a magic talent, tried to overthrow the princess. I tell yay, she’ll be nothing but trouble”

She heard a group of ponies snicker. Looking up, she saw a group of colts laughing. They were laughing at her, but she could only imagine what they were saying about her. She clenched her apple in her magic, and took a long deep breath. It was likely her mind was just playing tricks with her and—

“Is that her?” Starlight heard the leader of the group, a small brown colt named Dumbbell snickered as her classmates laughed with him.

The other colt, a small orange pegasus named Hoofshot, laughed, "Yup! You should have heard what she said during history class!"

History. The memory of what she said during there was still fresh in her mind.

"Now class, will anypony please tell me what this creature is and why it is important?" The old grey mane unicorn pointed at the image in the old text book. The creature in the image wore a red tuxedo with white pants, he had a snow white mane reaching to his shoulders, the creature's right eye was golden while the other was looked normal, under him there stood a large number of monsters. Under the image was the word of what the creature represented, 'Tyranny'.

"Starlight Glimmer."

The purple filly looked up at her teacher, "Yes Miss Lecture?"

The old pony fixed her glasses, "Starlight could you read to the class as to why this creature is labeled tyranny?"

Starlight nodded, "Tyranny is an old and evil spirit that had the ability to summon monsters sealed inside playing cards, with his army of demons he went out into the world corrupting all those who would listen. Tyranny spread false and wicked beliefs of harmony, claiming that if there were any differences such as Cutie Marks, that harmony would be unbalanced, leaving room for Chaos to move in. The Minotaur's were the first of many to fall for his wicked beliefs, once the Minotaur Empire and Equestria went to war with each other, Tyranny led the Minotaur army with the help of his demon army. During the final days of the war, Princess Celestia and Luna stormed the Minotaur fortress in a final confrontation against Tyranny, the battle was won, but a great cost, equestrian spy and Spirit of Chaos, Discord became corrupted and claimed Equestria as his own after the war ended."

Lecture smiled, "Very good Starlight, now lets move on to-"

Suddenly the purple filly's hoof shot up.

"Um, yes Starlight?"

Starlight put her hoof down, "Miss Lecture, why do the Minotaurian textbooks about Tyranny call him the Spirit of Harmony and not Tyranny?"

The old pony slowly started to lose her smile, "Excuse me?"

Starlight continued, "I mean, in the Minotaurian textbooks, it's always talks about how much of a hero he was, and how he freed the Minotaur's form their evil king."

Lecture cleared her throat, "Now Starlight-"

"And no only that, they also talk about how he has two friends who would help him out, the Spirit of Wrath, and the Spirit of Magic."

"Starlight Glimmer that's enough!"

Starlight yelped, the rest of the class laughed at her.

"Now I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense, is that clear Ms. Glimmer!" Starlight whimpered, "Good."

Fire flashed in Starlight's eyes, and she threw her half eaten apple at the colt.

“Ow,” Dumbbell cried as it hit him. “what the?” He turned to see Starlight glaring at him. “Freak!” The next thing he knew, the purple unicorn foal had slammed into him as said pony pinned him down.

“I’m not a freak,” Starlight shouted, “you are!”

All too soon, she was levitated away from the colt into the magical grasp of a teacher.

“Starlight,” the teacher sighed.

Starlight sniffled. “Why do you hate me!” she said and soon enough everypony had begun to stare.

“We don’t hate you,” the teacher tried to ensure.

Dumbbell, though, had other things to say. “Why does she have to be so weird?”

"Dumbbell!” the teacher snapped.

“What?” The colt said, “I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.”

It was in that moment of distraction that Starlight was able to wiggle free of her teacher's grasps. she landed on the ground with an, ‘oomph', and looked around at all the frightened faces, faces, she felt, were staring at her, all because she thought differently. Before anyone could react, Starlight Glimmer took off into a gallop. Away from all of them, and their judgmental eyes.

Symmetrical Glimmer had just finished filling the paperwork for her daughter latest outburst when she heard the door to the house fly open. "Oh, hey... Starlight?" she said to the purple and blue blur that flew past her in tears.

"Starlight?" her mother called after her as she heard the door to her daughters room slam. "Starlight?" she called as she advanced towards the room. "Sweetie, is everything okay?"

"No!" she heard her daughter screamed.

"Starlight please-"


Knowing that trying to get her to open would be pointless, she sighed and went back down stairs, leaving Starlight to her thoughts.

Starlight clung onto the golden object hidden behind her hoofs, as if it was the only sense of comfort she has. "Uncle Fin." Starlight sobbed into the object, she pulled it away so she can get a look of the object. The object was a golden ring with a triangle in the middle, multiple needles stick out of the ring, a golden eye design was decorated on the triangle. Starlight hugged the object again, "Uncle Fin, I wish you were here."

The object started to glow, "What- what's going on?!" She yelled.

The needles around the ring started spinning uncontrollably, as the object began to glow brighter, the filly covered her eyes. Suddenly she disappeared.

Somewhere outside of the town, Starlight Glimmer winked in near the edge of a cave. She had been able to teleport before, but never very far. This venture had nearly drained her, she fell on her knees, feeling the fatigue of the forced teleportation. She looked at the ring like object in front of her, the needles were all pointing towards the cave.

"What the—" she began, but halted when she heard a whisper from the cave.

"The ring....."

"What?" she said as she stood up. Curiosity begun to overweigh any fear she might of had, she ventured into the cave. Deeper, and deeper she went. With each step, the voice seemed to grow louder, and louder.

"The Millennium Ring!" It said with more volume.

"Who's there?" Starlight asked as she got closer to the source of the noise.

"The Ring has found a wielder..... Perhaps she could free us?"

After a while, starlight came to a turn in the cave. On the other side, she could clearly hear the voice and see a bright light eliminating off the corner. She paused, not sure if she wanted to go any further. Then, taking a deep breath, she turned the corner.

Facing her, were three statues, one of them she recognized as Tyranny, the others she recognized from the old Minotaurian textbooks, the spirit of magic, and the spirit of wrath.

"Now isn't this something?"

"She's going to help us? How?!"

"Hey! Don't be so harsh on her! The Millennium Ring is with her right? So that means that she'll be the one to help us!"

"HA! Someone like her?! I wouldn't bet on it."

"Would you two be quiet!" Once the two voices stopped arguing, she saw the right eye of Tyranny's statue glow, "Starlight?" The voice boomed, causing her to cower on the ground with her hooves above her head. "You wish for nopony to be different?"

Starlight looked up, shocked at how, whatever it was, had know what she wanted. "Ye... yes," she said timidly. "But how did you know?"

"I have seen it in your heart," The voice, which she had come to assuming was Tyranny, replied. "You have been through so much. Pain, pain for having a talent that others envy, pain of being teased. And why? Because the world is in a current state of disharmony."

Starlight looked up at the statue, shocked.

"Ponies turn on others who are different, and why? Because ponies fear things that are different. But you Starlight, you are still young, you still haven't been corrupted by the false beliefs of your rulers. You can make them see the true meaning of Harmony."

Starlight looked up at the statue, not sure what to make of his offer. "Ho... How?"

"I have great power," He answered, "I am able to take your mark that you've despised so much." To make his point, her cutie mark glowed. "Now, imagine a world where everyone's cutie mark was the same," It flashed into an equal sign, "then no one would be better than the other. No friends would have to separate because of their different interests and destinies. No one would tease anyone for having a 'lame' cutie mark. No one will be unhappy. Finally there will be Harmony."

"We...Well," she replied, "that does sound... Nice," she grinned, but then her eyes narrowed. "But what if they don't want to give up their cutie mark?"

"That's why it will be our job to show them the way to one true path to Harmony. Yes, you will need to make them want to, understand, and accept your ideals. "

"And all you have to do, is free us...."