The Early Life of Blueblood

by Macgyver644200

Chapter XII - Kith and Kin


Blueblood rolled his eyes as he set a bookmark into a large tome on water-borne parasites. Cadance was coming down the aisle holding two scrolls. "How in the world can you keep working?" she asked him. "Aunt Luna's back from the moon!"

"How can you not? She and Aunt Celestia are still in Ponyville and nopony's doing anything. It's the perfect time to catch up on work." Blueblood sat back down. "So, what does Spike say?"

Cadance placed one of the scrolls on the table. "See for yourself. This one's addressed from Twilight to you."

Blueblood looked at her. "Really? Not to both of us?"

Cadance shook her head. "Weird, isn't it?" She smirked. "Maybe she wants to restart that relationship you had in college."

Blueblood snorted. "You wish." Blueblood pulled open the letter and began reading.

Dear Blueblood,

As you've probably guessed by now, I've had a very busy few days, what with Nightmare Moon and settling into Ponyville. Spike's fine and happy and so am I. You're probably wondering why I'm writing a whole letter for you, and I'll get to that. It centers around one simple fact: I finally have friends. I met them while saving Princess Luna. Cadance's letter has the photo.

Cadance passed the photo over and Blueblood looked it over with a smile. There were five of them: two pegasi, two Earth ponies, and a unicorn, all centered around Twilight. Spike wasn't in the picture, Blueblood guessed because he was taking it.

I'll start at the bottom and work counter-clockwise. First there's Fluttershy. She's really shy, but also really nice, and also quite good with animals. She was really excited to see Spike, so she's OK in my book.

'Just so long as she's treating him like a person instead of a zoo exhibit,' Blueblood thought.

Next is Applejack. She's warm and friendly, if a little apple-obsessed, and very dependable. She's a really good cook, too, and makes especially good fritters.

Blueblood stuck his tongue out. 'I'll pass.'

Right above her is almost her opposite, Rainbow Dash. She looks like she goofs off all day, but she isn't going to leave anypony hanging. She also has a really sharp wit. You might like her.

Blueblood turned to Cadance. "Did you tell her to find me a girlfriend?" he asked.

Cadance noticed the part of the letter in question. "Never crossed my mind."

Blueblood glared at Cadance, but then turned back to the letter.

Next is Pinkie Pie. She can be exhausting if you're not in the mood but she's a lot of fun to be around if you are. She actually organized a welcome party for me as soon as she saw me. I just wish she'd told me instead of running off. She says she's going to try something else. Just be warned in case you come to visit that you might be subject to an impromptu parade.

Finally, there's Rarity. She's really obsessed with fashion, and she's actually been to Canterlot several times, so we started out with a lot to talk about. She's also really generous and surprisingly tough. She actually cut off her tail just so a sea serpent could have a mustache. A warning, though, she's very interested in meeting a prince. I know you hate ponies interested in you for your title, but again, she's really nice so please be gentle with her, OK? No using her to block a flying cake?

'If her friends aren't getting her off of that fantasy, I make no promises, for them or for her.' He rolled his eyes. 'And besides, the cake-block was a reflex action and an accident. When am I ever going to need to worry about that again?'

The funny thing is, when I first met them, I hated them. Well, I hated being in Ponyville, but I had no idea that I could ever be friends with these ponies. But then the end of the world almost happened and I found out that I actually liked having them around. It was weird, but in a good way.

Anyways, then I started thinking about old relationships I had, and it occurred to me that I might've had more friends than I thought. Minuette and Lyra live here now and I think I'm going to introduce myself again, just to start over on the right hoof. But first, I wanted to write to you. I'm sorry about giving up last time. We've gotten a lot closer thanks to you getting better, and since Shiny and Cadance still aren't together thanks to Shiny's lengthening deployment, you think we're friends now?

Blueblood smiled. 'Oh, Twilight, if only Aunt Celie would let me tell you what she and I are planning.'

Anyways, the princesses left a few hours ago. With luck, they should be getting to you just as you get this letter. Now I'm going to let Spike write for a while. Take care.

Blueblood, it's Spike. I can't believe I've left home before you two did. I've made a few friends myself, and I think I'm in lo I'm settling in really well. I'm feeling a little homesick, though, so would you mind sending me my blanket? Thanks. Write me really soon and make sure someone remembers Twilight's medication. We don't need to start things off with another mailbox incident.

Twilight Sparkle & Spike

Before Blueblood could draft a reply, Kibitz burst into the library.

"Your highnesses, they're here."


"What troubles thee, Luna?"

The two sisters were in the Cenotaph, at the start of the hall, looking at the various windows. While nothing had happened in Ponyville, Luna was still nothing like her usual exuberant self. While Celestia could understand that, it did not make her light-blue mane and muted personality any easier for her to bear. And since the two had arrived, her mood had grown even darker.

She took a breath. "Many things, sister," she said. "Firstly-"

"Please, don't call me sister," Celestia told her. She frowned. "Call me Celie. Just as thou didst when we were foals."

Luna drew a breath and looked at Celestia. A moment later, she looked away. "I cannot. I feel it improper given recent events."

Celestia turned to Luna. "I ask it of thee, how can it be improper?"

"Thou knowest the reason, sister. Thou, of all ponies, shouldst remember when-"

"I do, and I have already forgiven thee."

Celestia tried to drape a wing over her sister, but Luna shied away. "Sister," Luna asked, "how canst thou be so merciful to me? I have done nothing to have earnt it."

Celestia pulled her sister into a strong hug. "My mercy is mine to do with, and if I decide that thou art worthy of it, then I shall brook no disagreement from thee on the matter."

Luna laid her head on her sister's shoulder. "I'm sorry, sister."

Celestia frowned. "I know, Lulu," she said. The door to the hallway opened and Celestia smiled. "They have arrived."

Luna turned and noticed Cadance and Blueblood. Celestia released her sister as the two came closer, and thankfully she moved forward on her own, although rather slowly. Finally, the three came together. Luna bowed. "Good evening."

The two returned the bow and the greeting. "So, you're Aunt Luna," Cadance said happily. "I've been looking forward to meeting you. Did you really try to ride a manticore when you were five?"

Luna nodded, a mite uncertainly. "That is true, Princess Cadenza."

"Please, call me Cadance."

"As you wish."

Luna turned to Blueblood. "'tis good to see thee home, Aunt Luna," he said.

Luna did not reply. Instead, she looked Blueblood over, from flank to nose. After a few moments, Blueblood cleared his throat. "Aunt Luna?" he asked.

Luna dragged her eyes back to his. "I ask thy pardon, nephew," she said. "How many generations have passed since my brother?"

"Fifty-two," Blueblood answered her.

Luna slowly fell backwards onto the floor. "God's hooks," she breathed. She looked up. "Celestia, thou said that one thousand years had passed since my absence, and I have seen many changes to Equestria. But I did not expect... I hoped to see..." Tears started to flow down her cheeks. "I am afraid to ask, Celie, but tell me there are still some others that were alive a thousand years ago!"

Celestia frowned. "I'm sorry, Luna. Some may return, but I cannot say when."

Luna's tears stopped. "Some... may return? Pray, is Divine Gift one of those-"

Celestia shook her head. "Divine Gift died two years after... everything. His daughter and grandson are also long dead."

Luna blankly stared into nothingness for a long moment. Then, once she recovered, she slumped forward and she began to sob, Celestia pulled her into an embrace. Cadance and Blueblood moved forward but Celestia waved the two away. "I'm here, Luna," she said. "I promise I'll always be here."

Luna tried to pull away, but Celestia maintained a firm grip on her. "Release me, Celestia!" she snapped. "I have forfeited the right to all I had, title and family!"

"Thou hast not," Celestia insisted. "If anypony hath merited such a punishment, it is I. My ignorance drove thee to this more than thy own actions. Furthermore, though thou createdst her, thou art Nightmare Moon no longer, and I swear by God and all His works and servants that I will never let thee become her again." She raised her head. "And neither will thy new family members."

"We certainly won't," Cadance said. "You're family, Aunt Luna, and family sticks together."

"Yes it does," Blueblood added.

Luna finally stopped struggling and put her face back into her sister's shoulder, where Celestia let it rest until the tears stopped. Finally, Luna calmed and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked at her sister, who released her, and she stood to face Cadance and Blueblood. "I apologize," she said. "I do not wish to seem ungrateful to meet thee. My sister has said many fine things about you two. Cadance, thou remindst me greatly of myself, and I would enjoy speaking with thee about thy prank with the ice water after I have acclimated myself to this time."

Cadance smiled. "I'd be happy to, and I'd love to find out how you managed to get a hydra into Celestia's court."

Luna smiled in turn, although it was a small, polite smile. "I shall tell thee sometime." She turned to Blueblood. "Please forgive me for my question," she said. "I did not intend to imply that thou art a shame upon my favorite brother. Indeed, thou hast his loyalty, intelligence, and hidden kindness, and thou hast been an exempliary mark on his legacy. It was merely that you resemble him so little, which is understandable given how many generations have passed." She sighed. "But I would still like to have him here in person. Even with Celestia, I feel alone in this new time." She frowned. "I have much to adjust to. Even my voice is peculiar to the ponies of today."

Celestia moved forward, but Luna stopped her with a gesture. Celestia looked to Cadance and Blueblood, who said nothing. Then, however, Blueblood had a spark in his eye and opened his mouth.

"Actually, Aunt Luna," he said in a different accent, "thy accent art not so different as thou believest. 'tis most like a Tidewater accent, which is used by many of the wealthier members of society."

Luna looked over at Blueblood. "I know that it is a little thing," he continued, "but thou wouldst not be so peculiar if thou keepst thy accent."

Luna smiled at Blueblood, but it faded as she turned to Celestia. "Why hast thou not kept thy accent?" she asked.

"Most of the common ponies do not use it," Celestia said, "but thou wouldst not sound alien for keeping thine accent."

Luna tapped her hoof on the floor, deep in thought. "I think not," she finally said. "I am a friend to the common pony, too, and I shall conduct myself as such. However," she frowned. "I think not at the moment. I would like to keep something of... before. Even if it does make me peculiar. No, Celestia, thou shouldst not trouble thyself on my behalf."

"What of me?" Blueblood asked, "I might like this accent?"

Luna snorted. "Verily thou art of my brother's bloodline. He too had a willful temperment."

"Yea, that is one thing time hath not altered," Celestia said. "Blueblood is, and shall always be, willful."

Luna was smiling again as she turned to Blueblood and Cadance. "So," she said, "tell me of thine lives thus far."