To be Adored

by jidbrony

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The next few days after Aria's little confrontation with Adagio things calmed down between the two, although Aria kept a an close eye over everything that was happening. Adagio slowly became more and more obsessed with the baby, especially with his room.

“No, no the crib should go over there by the window, so the light doesn’t hurt his eyes.”

“Okay Adagio.” Sonata started pulling the crib, it looked as if it hurt her back. “Is this good.”

“A little more to the left.”

“This good.”

“More to the right.”

“How bout now.”

“More to the left.”


“More to the center now.”

“Adagio!” Aria spat as she walked into the room carrying a mountain load of toys. “Just pick a place and stick with it!”

“Fine, fine!” Over there at that corner.” Adagio pointed to a corner of the wall, Sonata began to push the crib their, once done she started to massage her back as it ached.

“There are we good.”

“Great! Now Sonata go get the babies clothes.”

Sonata looked at a mountain load of outfits that Adagio had bought for him, all the tiny baby bonnets, shirts and jackets for when it got cold.

Why me.

Sonata left leaving Adagio and Aria in the room again.
“Boy, this place is baby paradise...considering what it used to be.”

“Shh...Don’t say anything about the you know what business done in here.” Adagio said getting on Aria for revealing the dirty secret about the room. “I mean yes, I myself had some fun in this room.”

“Like that one guy you tied up, took off his pants and starting wiping his….


“Sorry! Sorry! I Just still...find it weird that one minute you're doing... that... and now….this.” she pointed to the baby in Adagio arms who was sound asleep. It slowly began to wake up.

“He's waking up, no more past talk.”


Adagio looked down at the baby. “Hello there my little Crescendo.” she cooed, “glad to see you joining us this morning. This is your new room. Take a look.”

“Ugh, baby talk.” Aria grunted under her breath.

Adagio adjusted the baby so he could see his entire room, the walls had been painted a oceanic blue to give it a underwater feel. Little cravings of waves were carved onto the edges of the wall. A pile of toy laid laid down on the ground a few of stuff animals were already inside the crib, three of them happened to be seaponies and finally there was the babies little mobile which Adagio "asked" Aria to personally carve in the shape of Sirens.

"Think your taking the siren thing a little to far." Aria said.

"It's his heritage now." Adagio responded. "He should know where he belongs."

"But he....

Adagio glared causing Aria to shut up.

"Alright fine. His room not mine."

"Good because now it's lunch time. Time to feed the baby.”

“Oh goody.”

Sonata brought out a stack of Taco’s for lunch although her back was still sore from moving the crib. She took him to the diner table and into the baby door she bought as well

“I got the Taco’s’ for the baby.” Sonata said cheerfully putting one of the babies plate. Adagio slapped the Taco off the plate.

“We can’t feed them that idiot!”

“But...Taco...It’s...a ...Taco….Taco...good.”

“Taco’s can’t be eaten by babies!” Adagio yelled.

“Sure they can you just got to stuff them into their…” Sonata suddenly found a Taco being stuffed into her mouth, making her unable to talk.

“Now that stupid done. Aria get the baby food and napkin.”

“Why me?”

“Because, I can’t get away from this cute adorable face.” Adagio squealed.

“Oh sweet Celestia.” Aria rolled her eyes. Aria headed to the kitchen to wear the baby food was. She noticed that some of the jars were half full. “Sonata, did you…

“NO!...Maybe….I CAN’T HELP IT...It’s too tasty.”

“I don’t know what’s worse your Taco feddish or this.”

“I don’t have a fetish.”

“I saw the way you looked at Taco Grande Mascot.”

“He was cute.”

“Yeah...Then how come every time you're bought him home he was wearing the costume…

“Girls!...The baby.” Adagio said.

“Fine, fine…” Aria got the baby food and handed it to Adagio as she and Sonata sat down for breakfast.

“So...what are we going to do today.” Sonata asked.

“There a big festival at the park today...I say we go there and uh...have some lunch.” Aria thought smirking at her pendant.

“Oh, a festival...Crescendo will like that.” Adagio said sounding excited.

Aria just stares at her.

“And...uh...getting some negative energies of course.” Adagio said.

“Can we ride rides too.” Sonata asked. “I like the tilt a whirl and the loopty loop. Even though I throw up when I ride it, but then someone else throws up too so I get to enjoy their suffering.”

“Then it’s agreed, to the festival it is. Sonata...Bring the camera!”

The festival, the place was packed with people wanting to ride the many rides, from the tilt a whirl to the merry go round, or either eating snacks such as peanut butter and popcorn, while others were busy playing the games at the stands. Aria hated it, Sonata loved it, and Adagio, well...she was too busy gawking over the baby to really have a emotion at the moment.

"This looks is much fun!" Sonata said as she jumped for joy.. "Ha! Look at that one guy vomiting all over his girlfriend. Oh that's the stuff."

"Yeah, yeah...I'm going to get some food."

"Oh no you don't!" Adagio grabbed hold of Aria. "I need you to film the baby for me so we can cherish the moment forever!"

"Oh don't tell me your going to be one of those mothers who video tapes every single thing."

"Of course not but we should preserve this moment."

"Oh boy...ugh...fine!" Aria takes out her cell phone and starts filming. "Babies day at the festival take one."

"Smile little Crescendo." Adagio gushed. Aria took the picture.

“Psst...Adagio...look.” Sonata whispered as she started tilting her head .


“Look...a tunnel of love...lets go turn it into the tunnel of hate.” Sonata said with a hungry look in her eyes.

“We will, we will but first...Aria go get Crescendo a little balloon.”

Aria turned around to see the balloon stand being manned by, "Cl..Cl...Clown." Aria froze and her face was in shock. Very few people knew it but Aria had a deep seeded fear of clowns.

"Just get the balloon."

"And get near to that....thing. " she points to the clown.

"It's just a clown."

"Exactly there unnatural, no person should wear that much make up."

"You don't get scared when you watch Batman fight the Joker."

"That's different, he knows he's a psychopath!"

"Just get the balloon! And where's Sonta!" Adagio looked around she saw Sonata riding the merry go round.

"Weee this is just like back home!"

Adagio rolled her eyes. She looked at Crescendo who was laughing. "Sorry about your aunts..,there idiots. Yes they are yes they are." She stared tickling him.

A few feet away Aria was trying to get the balloon "Come on Aria, don't be chicken." She looked at the wide smiling clown with fear. " unnatural, we better be getting since negative energy for this."

“Hello! I’m bozo the clown.”

“You said it not me. Look I’ll take one of those balloons.”

“Want a animal balloon!”

“ just a ...hey.” The Clown got Aria with water. “What the…Oh forget this!” She took the balloon got some money and then kicked him in the shin!

She ran off back to Adagio. “Here’s your balloon.”

“See, was that so hard.”

Adagio tied the balloon to the walking cradle as the baby was fascinated by it he tried to reach it.

“Wow...reminds of Sonata.” She looks up to see Sonata fascinated by a bunch of balloons as well trying to reach up to them. “Lets hope he’s smart.”

“Of course he is.” Adagio said rubbing his head. “He’s going to be the most intelligent child in the world.”


Adagio and Aria walked over to the Ferris wheel where Sonata was waiting for them excited to ride it.

"I love Ferris wheels. Especially being able to spit on people when were up high."

"Yeah that is fun." As the girls talked they didn't pay attention to the baby who at the time was still fascinated by the balloon which started to float away. He tried to reach it but failed. So he got on his knees and successfully crawled out of his scooter and crawled his way into one of the carts.

“Uh, Adagio.”

“Not now Aria.”


“I said not now!”

“Okay, fine if you want to have splat baby.”

“What are you...’Adagio looked down at the baby carriage to see Crescendo missing only to see him entering one of the carriage of the ferris wheel, as it started going up and up and up.

“AH! Aria you with me...Sonata stay here.”

“Don’t worry I’ll catch him.”

“You’ll let him land on you if you have to! No come on!” Adagio managed to jump onto the cart as it dragged her and Aria who was hanging on to Adagio by the legs for dear life as they tilted upwards into the air.

"Dagi...were going up pretty high." Aria said.

"Just help me into the cart!"

Aria pushed Adagio up as much as she could while trying hold on to the cart as the two of them got higher and higher.

“Boy were getting high up.”


“Okay...Okay…” Aria took a deep breath. “Ok Ari, you can to do this, okay, one, two, three! GO!” With all her might Aria pushed Adagio up into the cart with a thump. Adagio looked up to see little Crescendo looking wide eyed at everything with a smile on his face.

“Their you are little Crescendo, come to mommy.”

“Ugh...Baby talk.” Aria scoughed.

The baby saw Adagio and slowly began to crawl to her Adagio on her knees trying to stay still, slowly the baby was almost in her arms slowly and surely getting closer and closer, until the cart shook causing the baby to fall off the cart and quickly make her way downward.



She looked up to see the falling baby. ‘I GOT HIM! I GOT HIM!” Sonata ran arms raised as if about to catch a football. Faster and faster the baby feel, Aria and Adagio watched with horror praying to the great siren gods of old that Sonata would catch her.



“I...Am not surprised.” Aria showed, the baby had landed saftley...right on Sonata head.

“Did I get him?”

“You got something alright.”

“Few.” Adagio took a sigh of relief the baby however she still had another problem. “Um...can someone get me down.”

Finally Adagio was safely back on the ground Crescendo in her arms, everything was back to normal.

“See. Told you the kid will be trouble.”

“But I got him.” Sonata boasted still a little doozy from being hit in the head.

Adagio held him tight rocking him back and forth over her shoulder. “Well the important thing is he’s safe.”

Now ladies and gentlemen get ready for the singing competition.

“Singing competition.” Adagio got a evil grin on her face. “Come on girls let show little Crescendo what mommy and aunts are made off. A few moments later the Dazzling’s put on a great performance in front of a pretty large crowd that was still at the fair. And with all those people came all the negative energy that came along with it, a large smog of green mist emerged on the ground allowing The Dazzling’s eat it all up and increase the amount of energy they could use on their voices. Backstage Crescendo watched by he didn’t know what was going on, he just liked the nice sounds.

“Thank you, thank you!” Adagio bowed once the song was over...although the audience was mostly arguing with one another instead of paying attention much to her delight. The three went back stage Crescendo was still giggling and laughing like most babies would.

“Ah...he enjoyed us as well.”

“Well of course he did! He’s a baby. They don’t know anything but giggling.” Aria scoughed.

“Well it good to know my little Crescendo has good taste, yes he does, yes he does.” Adagio said rubbing the baby’s tummy and fawning over him.

“Strange...Still not affected.” Aria said noticing his positive attitude.

“Well we weren’t aiming for him were we.” Adagio remarked still paying attention to Crescendo.

“Yeah but that doesn’t matter, our voices rang out through the stage.” Aria said. “It should have affected him.”

“Who cares.” Adagio said. “I wouldn’t want him affected by our song anyway, I want him to be the only one who enjoys our music.”

“For realzies?” Sonata asked.

“For realzies.” Adagio said picking him up and cuddling him.

“But what about making the whole world adore us?” Aria asked.

“Oh that’s still our goal, but now we have a fourth member for them to adore.” Adagio replied holding up Crescendo.

“Oh this is going to end well.” Aria moaned.

“I’m hungry let’s get Taco’s...Oh..Do you think Crescendo likes taco’s.”

“Yep...Going, to end, well!”