Hegira: Eternal Delta

by Guardian_Gryphon

Chapter 67

Earth Calendar: 2117
Equestrian Calendar: 15 AC (After Contact)
April 10th, Gregorian Calendar

Fyrenn tensed momentarily, as the dark bliss of sleep fell away, to be replaced by an unfamiliar environment. It only took him half a second to realize that he was safe and sound in the Baltimore hotel room he had engaged the night before.

He flicked one ear to the left, focusing on the familiar sounds of Neyla, Kephic, Skye, Stan, and Varan going about their morning routines in the rooms to either side, and across the hall. Fyrenn realized the sounds had likely awakened him in the first place.

He did his best to relax, to avoid waking Alyra, but the fledgling had already begun to stir in response to his moment of reflexive tension. He sighed, and lifted his right wing.

Alyra yawned, stretched, and glanced up at him with a heart-melting smile. Fyrenn returned the expression, and laid his head down on the nearest pillow, facing his daughter.

"I'm sorry. I had planned to let you sleep in."

The fledgling shrugged, and sighed.

"That's ok. I couldn't really sleep very well either. That's just how it always is, for people like us, in strange places."

Fyrenn nodded, yawned, and stretched. Alyra giggled, and swatted playfully at the leading edge of his right wing as he extended it to work the knots out of the muscles.

The red Gryphon chuckled, and folded the limb once again.

"It never stops being amazing, even surprising. Incase you were wondering. Sometimes I loose a whole half an hour in front of mirrors, just taking in the complexities of the way a wing folds."

Alyra rose, leapt to the floor, and began her own series of stretches as she spoke.

"It's comforting. Whenever I need to escape a bad memory, I just remember that I don't have to live with the limitations of gravity anymore. I'm free."

She sat back on her haunches, then glanced over at the neatly ordered pile of gear on the floor beside the window.

"Can I borrow your sword again, please?"

Fyrenn raised an eyebrow, and folded his forelegs. Alyra rose, and made her way slowly over to the scabbard as she elaborated.

"Sildinar taught me some basic exercises to strengthen my grip, my swing, and my shoulders."

The red Gryphon sighed, and nodded, doing his best to suppress a small grin.

"Alright. But if you break anything in here, you'll have to answer for it, understand? Human furniture isn't exactly durable, as compared to our standards. Too much plastic."

Alyra giggled as she gingerly withdrew the blade, and gave it an experimental swing.

"I'll be careful, I promise."

Fyrenn nodded, and turned to make his way to the door.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. If the room is still in one piece, then I'll give you some pointers for streamlining your technique."

The fledgling beamed, and threw herself forcefully into her studies, repeating the patterns of motion she had been taught over and over. Fyrenn paused at the door to watch for a moment. As a sense of pride swelled in his chest, he made a mental note to see about having a properly sized sword made for Alyra as soon as they had settled in.

According to everything he had ever been told, fledglings generally received their first bladed weapon, and bow, at approximately Alyra's age.

Fyrenn closed the door silently, then made his way across to Neyla's room, and rapped once sharply on the entryway frame. A moment later, the Gryphoness appeared at the door, and ushered him in with a smile.

"Good morning. I see you slept in."

He snorted, and shook his head.

"Not as much as I wanted to. I've never been able to fully switch off my combat reflexes when staying in a strange place."

Neyla nodded, and returned to the task of preparing her own gear, speaking as she worked.

"None of us can. It is a 'hard wired' instinct. It has saved my life more than a few times, so I honestly would not dispense with it if I could."

Fyrenn sighed, and sat back on his haunches.

"Alyra seems to have taken to it without question. I think, because of the life she's lived, that she's only ever known light, fitful sleep. I'm hoping she'll relax more once we're home. Get some real rejuvenating rest for the first time in her life."

Neyla stiffened, and held up a claw.

"Which reminds me..."

She shuffled through her rucksack for a moment, before withdrawing a large square envelope. The texture of the thick, heavy duty paper, told Fyrenn that it was most likely made from Equestrian materials.

The Gryphoness handed the object to him, and he immediately realized that there was a stiff, thin object inside. As he opened the lip of the envelope, and withdrew the circular, glossy black object, Neyla smiled and explained.

"I went to visit the local office of the Human Archive Project. They offered to upload and store the contents of your music player, for future access, but they also said they could transcribe a limited number of songs to an Equestrian-made record. I picked out a few that I think will help tide you over."

Fyrenn carefully flipped the large vinyl object over and over in his claws, examining it as he worked to catalogue, and control the swell of emotions growing in his heart.

"Thank you."

He leaned forward, and briefly encircled Neyla with his wings, offering her an emotion-laden smile that projected gratitude, and deep affectation.

As he slid the record back into its sleeve, Neyla returned to the task of preparing her gear, adopting a more businesslike tone as she worked.

"Breakfast plans?"

Fyrenn nodded, glancing over the Gryphoness' shoulder and out the window into the morning sky. A light drizzle had begun to fall, occluding the sun and producing a comforting rhythm against the roof of the structure.

"I'd hoped to join you all briefly. Say goodbye to Stan before he has to catch his flight, discuss final departure details for the rest of us..."

He paused, and inhaled, before continuing in a slower, exploratory tone.

"I was hoping you might be willing to do me a favor. Not just me, really, more than anything it's a favor for Alyra..."

Neyla glanced up, and Fyrenn paused to evaluate her expression before continuing.

"I was hoping you might find something to do with her during the trial proceedings. I don't want her last memory of Earth, for the foreseeable future, to be a court room where people are discussing the events that led to the death of her sister."

The Gryphoness nodded, and flashed Fyrenn a slight smile.

"Of course. I've already made plans to that effect."

After a momentary stunned pause, Fyrenn chuckled, and shook his head slowly.

"You just keep finding new ways to surprise me..."

Neyla glanced over her shoulder with an unusually playful smirk.

"Isn't that half the fun?"

"C'mon, guys, it ain't as if this is g'bye forever. I'll see you all in three weeks, tops... And who knows? Maybe I'll enjoy living without the constant smell of warm feathers for a bit."

A brief silence fell over the group. The sounds of Baltimore seeped in through the front glass panes of the Bureau's lobby, bathing the scene in the comforting aural rhythms of a living, breathing metropolis.

Skye raised an eyebrow, and pointed one hoof at Stan's sides, speaking in a clear parody of Varan's customary monotone.

"You're a Pegasus. You are literally made of feathers."

Carradan winced, and put on his best pained expression, and tone.

"Foiled again, gosh-*darn* it!"

The Unicorn raised her right hoof, and Stan brought his up to meet it with a solid 'thunk!' Skye winked, and smiled slightly.

"Try and watch that big muzzle of yours; We won't be around to pull you out of any holes you dig your way into."

Varan stepped forward next, and clapped Stan reassuringly on the shoulder.

"Avoid rash words, and rash actions. Stay safe."

Carradan rolled his eyes, and snorted, mumbling under his breath good-naturedly.

"Physician heal thyself..."

Fyrenn glanced up through the compound curve of the lobby's glass roof, estimating the sun's position in spite of the clouds, and drizzle.


The red Gryphon glanced briefly at his daughter, and then at Neyla as he spoke.

"We'd best say our goodbyes next. We're expected on the third floor in two minutes. It isn't especially nice to keep royalty waiting."

As Alyra leapt on Stan, smothering him in a bear hug, Fyrenn turned to Hutch, and offered his claw. To his surprise, the General reached forward, and offered the Gryphon a brief embrace instead, which Fyrenn returned gingerly to avoid causing any undue pain, as he spoke.

"Promise me you'll look us up, whenever you do finally go for Conversion."

Hutch withdrew, and nodded, smiling sadly.

"First thing after we hit the dirt. You betcha."

Fyrenn moved to speak to Aston as Neyla quietly said her farewells to Stan, and Alyra smothered Hutch in another of her no-holds-barred hugs.

"I won't hold your views against you, if you won't hold my actions against me."

Aston paused, considering the red Gryphon's words for a moment, before nodding calmly. She extended a hand, and Fyrenn shook it firmly as she responded.

"Agreed. If I'm honest with myself, I can't say exactly how I'd react if I had a kid, and she was in mortal danger. But I bet it wouldn't be pretty. You take care of her... She's something special."

Fyrenn smiled, and nodded as he stepped away.

"I know."

The red Gryphon traded a brief smile with Sildinar, which swiftly morphed into a half-embrace, half claw-shake.

"I assume I'll see you again soon?"

The roan Gryphon smiled, and nodded.

"Of course. My first thought on returning to the capital will be you and your daughter."

Next, the red Gryphon moved to stand beside Stan as Alyra and Neyla finished saying their goodbyes to Hutch, and Aston.

"Three weeks. I'm holding you to that, understand?"

Carradan threw off a mock salute, and tried his best to plaster a stiff military expression to his muzzle, with comedic effect.

"Aye aye captain jetpants sir!"

Fyrenn glowered good-naturedly, and took a half-hearted swipe at Stan's head, which the Pegasus easily dodged.

"It was *one* trap. And it was a *good* one too, considering. Even the LSO said so."

Stan held out a hoof, but Fyrenn bypassed it initially, instead folding the Pegasus into a brief hug with one wing. After a short pause, the Gryphon smiled, and bumped the proffered hoof with one fisted claw.

"Forget their advice. Be rash. Use angry words. Make some noise. You're pretty good at that, after all. Just... Do your best not to antagonize anyone with more stars on their collar than Hutch."

Carradan nodded and smirked, pausing to nurse his ribs, and check his tender leg, before responding.

"I'll try to be careful, if you promise to try and be a little more open minded."

The Pegasus gestured with one hoof towards Neyla as he finished his thought.

"You got a heck of a catch there. And it'd be a shame if your little girl never officially had a mom."

Fyrenn raised an eyebrow, and flattened his ears.

"Oh come on Stan. That's a dirty, dirty blow right there."

Carradan smirked, winked, and nudged the red Gryphon's chest with one hoof.

"Yeah? Guess who taught me that *all* is fair in love and war?"

Fyrenn smiled, and rolled his eyes as he stepped away. Alyra and Neyla joined him as he began making his way to the bank of elevators at the far end of the chamber. As the three stood and waited for the next lift car, Fyrenn turned and observed the remainder of the group.

A brief chuckle from Neyla pulled his gaze to the side. He tilted his head in an unspoken declaration of curiosity, and the Gryphoness nodded back towards the group as she spoke.

"I was just thinking that a more diverse, ragged, misfit family has never graced the pages of history... And certainly none so loving, or close-knit."

Fyrenn nodded, and sighed as the trio stepped into the elevator, and the doors slid closed.

"Sometimes it is rough going. But sometimes it really does feel like we could take on the world..."

Alyra raised an eyebrow, and giggled.

"Haven't we done that already?"

The two older Gryphons found themselves at a loss for words, trading surprised glances as they reflected on the statement. A few moments later, the lift opened depositing the three at their destination.

Fyrenn blinked, and re-seated his wings as the trio made their way down the corridor to the appointed conference room.

"I'm not really sure what to expect here..."

Neyla allowed a glimmer of a knowing smile to flit through her eyes, speaking calmly as Alyra glanced back and forth between the two larger Gryphons.

"I have some idea."

The three rounded the corner, and Fyrenn rapped on the door once sharply. The panels slid back a moment later, and Celestia's smiling visage beckoned the three inside. The sight that awaited them brought Fyrenn to a dead stop.

The red Gryphon was so stunned that he fell back on his haunches, unable to move, or speak as he took in the room's other occupants.

A pair of Zebra sat quietly in one corner. To their left a pair of Gryphons who couldn't have been much older than Fyrenn and Neyla. In the opposite corner a small group of Lupines were conversing quietly amongst themselves.

It was, however, the sight in the center of the room held Fyrenn's attention. A young Zebra foal, a Gryphon fledgling perhaps a year younger than Alyra, and a Lupine pup as black as a lump of coal, were playing together with a small board game.

The three young creatures were instantly recognizable to Fyrenn. In spite of their new forms, he knew their faces from memory. All three were rescued telekinetics, from the plane Fyrenn had helped to bring down.

He watched, in a stupefied daze, as Alyra dashed forward and tried to enfold all three of the young beings in a hug. The group laughed, and cried, and then laughed once more in the space of less than a minute, as they reveled in the ability to converse freely.

The red Gryphon continued to watch in silence as Neyla stepped forward to greet the three families, introducing herself quietly and helping to generate cohesive conversation.

Fyrenn reached up to brush away a few stray tears from his eyes, starting momentarily as Celestia sat down beside him, a warm smile covering her muzzle. He stammered, almost at a loss for words.

"You... Arranged this?"

The Alicorn nodded, and gestured with one wing as she spoke.

"These three volunteered to be the trial batch for the new adoption program. It was hard to find interested Equestrian families here, close by, on such short notice, but we managed. This afternoon we will introduce them to the world. Soon enough, there will be a place for the rest of the rescued. And then for all this world's unwanted orphans."

Celestia turned to Fyrenn, and fixed him with an intense gaze as she continued.

"This is because of you, Fyrenn. You made this possible. Not only through your tactical actions... But through your willingness to be a part of the trial proceedings."

Fyrenn nodded slowly, again doing his best to hold down his emotions. As he attempted to speak, his voice cracked slightly.

"This... This is..."

The Alicorn smiled slightly, and fixed her gaze on the four children.

"This is the future. They are our future. They represent a coming day when boundaries of species and origin will no longer stand in the way of friendship and cooperation, or even family ties. The best of the Human spirit, coupled with the best of our cultures, and values. They are a natural result of your open attitude towards species diversity... You, and the others in your small band of unlikely family members."

Celestia again gestured with one wing, pausing to let her words sink in before she finished divulging her thoughts.

"This is why I adjure you to consider the influence your position affords you, and how you might use it actively for good. You've done good this month... And bad. Even I can not yet see which will outweigh the other in the end. It is a shame you weren't more reserved. And this is why you must learn to move past the stresses and pains you've experienced on this world. As you said... Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it."

The Alicorn rose, and left Fyrenn to his thoughts, moving to the center of the room to mingle with the three families, and Neyla.

For his part, Fyrenn watched, considered the monarch's words, and reveled silently in the living and visible proof that a great good had at last come forth from a bad situation.

A sharp knock sounded, followed by a single word.


Fyrenn stiffened. The use of his Human name did not bother him, but the familiarity of the voice itself gave him pause. He finished cinching down his scabbard, and moved to the door, putting on his best intimidating glower as the plastic panels slid back.

Korvan's face greeted him, producing an upwelling of unpleasant emotions, and dangerously violent thoughts. Fyrenn snapped, hoping the tenor of his words would clue the man in that he wasn't welcome.

"What do you want?"

Korvan gestured towards the inner portions of the room, and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I come in?"

Fyrenn flattened his ears, and shook his head once curtly.


He turned back to the remainder of his gear, carefully packing the rucksack so that Neyla's gift would be protected over the course of the forthcoming journey. Korvan shuffled by the door, raising the volume of his voice slightly as if to ensure Fyrenn could hear him.

"I wanted to talk to you about the child. Is she present?"

Korvan winced as he suddenly found himself once again confronted by the red Gryphon. Fyrenn's beak pressed unpleasantly close to the man's face, and his hot breath delivered a series of signal's to the former Councilor's Human brain that invoked a primal urge to run, and scream.

"No. What do you want with my daughter?"

Korvan stepped back to give himself some space, removing his trademark beige fedora before carefully phrasing a response.

"Isaac... Technically, in the eyes of Earthgov law, she isn't your daughter, strictly speaking."

Fyrenn held Korvan's gaze for several seconds of total silence, pouring every ounce of his malice into his eyes, and directing it at the ex-Councilor like a laser beam. When the red Gryphon did finally speak, his voice was almost atonal in its barely controlled rage.

"Be very careful with your next words. I shouldn't have to remind you what happened to the last person who pursued this line of thought."

Korvan held up both hands, and inhaled a long, ragged breath before forging ahead.

"I understand this is emotional for you. But I'm asking you to consider my offer, if only for a moment. I want you to give the girl over to me, so she can pass through the system properly. If you would be willing to do this, it might---"

Fyrenn cut the man off with a wave of his claw, his voice remaining deceptively calm.

"It might help you regain some credibility? Score a political victory for your office, and your party? Let you take credit for soothing some aggravated nerves? Matthas... Go away. And don't ever let me see your face again."

Korvan opened his mouth to object, but Fyrenn laid one talon across the man's lips gently, allowing the point of the tip to pierce his nose ever so slightly.

"Matthas? Close your mouth. Or I will make good on my promise, regarding that hat of yours. Do you remember what I said I'd do with it if you upset me again...? Yes? Good."

Fyrenn's eyes narrowed, and his tone dropped several octaves.

"Now fuck off."

Fyrenn turned and had almost reached his rucksack when Korvan's voice issued forth once more.

"Fyrenn... I won't take no for an answer here. Can we discuss this like gentlemen? Come to an arrangement?"

The red Gryphon tensed, and coiled his leg muscles to pounce as he turned to face the man once more. His expression of towering rage, bolstered by a reflexive flaring of his wings, set Korvan to trembling in spite of himself.

"No. No I don't think so."

Kephic gestured to the cacophony of sirens and emergency vehicle flashers outside as Fyrenn exited the lift.

"Do you know anything about this?"

Fyrenn inclined his head as he approached the group. Varan remained impassive, but Skye's eyes widened slightly in concern, vague amusement, and curiosity.

Fyrenn prepared to elaborate as he reached the group. As he opened his beak to speak, another lift opened, disgorging a stretcher, and the sound of pained screams. Fyrenn winced slightly as the cadre of medical officers passed, pulling the cot and its suited occupant along.

Skye's face wrinkled, and she held up a hoof.

"Is that... Korvan?!"

Fyrenn nodded, and sighed.

"Yes. Yes it is. He ambushed me while I was finishing up my packing."

Kephic snorted, and shook his head slowly as the screaming man, lying face down on the stretcher, was escorted out the lobby doors and towards a waiting ambulance.

"What did he say to you? What did you *do* to him?"

Fyrenn winced once more, and did his best to keep a grin from spreading across his beak.

"He wanted me, if you can believe this, to give Alyra up to the adoption system. To 'smooth over the situation,' or rather, to bolster his political standing. I warned him that if he didn't leave, I would fulfill my last promise to him."

Skye's muzzle wrinkled, and her eyes widened further.

"You mean... When you promised him you'd take his hat and shove it up his..."

The red Gryphon nodded, shrugging nonchalantly.

"He'll probably need major surgery."

The Unicorn's jaw fell open. A moment of absolute silence passed, before an unusual sound echoed through the lobby. It took Fyrenn a full five seconds to identify it as Varan's quiet cackling.

Kephic and Skye, unable to help themselves, burst into peals of laughter. Fyrenn chuckled, and shrugged once more, muttering to himself as his brother, and the Unicorn desperately tried to bring their mirth under control.

"Well, I'm already on trial for treason, so how much more trouble could I possibly be in?"

"You're sure? Alright then. See you in thirty."

Neyla tapped her earpiece to close the connection, then gingerly extracted the offending piece of plastic, secreting it in the feathers of her neck as she broke into a lope to catch up with Fyrenn and Alyra.

The former raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, one ear flicking up in a reflexive gesture of curiosity.

"What was that about?"

Alyra grinned sheepishly, interjecting before Neyla could draw breath for an answer.

"I asked her if we could do something special while you're in court. There's something I want... That I have to do before we leave."

Fyrenn came to a halt, creating a minor traffic jam in the quad as a group of officers had to side-step to avoid the three Gryphons. A moment of silence passed, punctuated only by the click of polished boots against the well worn paving stones of the Annapolis courtyard as officers came and went in streams around the island of feathers and fur in the center of the path.

"Alyra... You don't owe anyone anything. If anything, this planet owes *you.* Don't force yourself into any pain that you don't have to."

The fledgling blinked, and mimicked the tilt of her father's head, gazing up with her mournful golden eyes. Her tone was firm, self-assured. Almost disturbingly adult.

"I want to do this. Uncle Stan has agreed to help. He and m--- and Neyla, will be right there with me. Everyone on earth is hearing from the others for the first time, right now... But I talked to them. I know that the Princess asked them to avoid talking about what... What happened to us. To stick to talking about the adoption program. About their new families."

Alyra reached up and planted a quick kiss on her father's cheek, before stepping back to a protected position under Neyla's left wing.

"Someone has to tell the story. Someone who was there. I *do* owe someone. One last thing. She isn't here to see it... But I think she will know."

Fyrenn nodded, struggling in vain to keep the tears out of his eyes.

"You are a credit to her, my little light of joy. I'll see you this afternoon."

With a dip of his head, Fyrenn turned and allowed his tears to flow freely as he walked towards the JAG building.

"This Tribunal is now in session, as per Article eight-eight-five of the Earthgov Uniform Code of Military Justice. Brigadier General Stimson presiding, with Brigadier General Sharpe, Brigadier General Nyass, Commodore Elliston, and Commodore Leytan."

Stimson slammed the steel gavel down, and the officers took their seats. Before the courtroom had even settled, the prosecutor was on his feet, his voice echoing eerily in the largely empty chamber.

"The prosecution would like to ask the Court to admonish the defense to adhere to the uniform code of military justice, and to refrain from breaching protocol, on penalty of being held in contempt of court."

Stimson nodded, and directed his gaze, and words, at Fyrenn.

"Motion granted. The defense will abide by the rules of the court, or be held in contempt. This is your final warning."

Fyrenn held up a claw, and raised an eyebrow.

"A moment, if I may?"

Sharpe sat forward, and did her best to summon a hint of a glare.

"Prosecution was, as I recall, in the midst of opening arguments. What justification could you possibly present for another interruption?"

Fyrenn rose, and made his way forward to stand before the tribunal, folding his forelegs and fixing them each in turn with an angry glower as he spoke. His words were delivered slowly, and calmly, but with obvious and dangerous force.

"I said before that I felt this proceeding pointless. I am, in fact, only here because my presence was necessary as part of a favor to a friend. This I also previously stated. Ideally this is the point where you drop this ridiculous farce, and let me leave in peace... That's all I want at this point, and that's what's in your best interests as well."

The red Gryphon paused, and a hint of a sad smile pulled at the corner of his beak. He reached back to the defense bench, and picked up a small DaTab.

The red Gryphon slapped the object quietly against the open palm of one claw, and spoke out in a low, sing-song parody of a military officer's formal cadence.

"On the charges and specifications, including murder, dereliction of duty, sedition, treason, terrorism, and disobeying a direct order, this Tribunal finds you guilty."

He glanced up at Stimson, and raised an eyebrow, as he dropped the slightly comical tone.

"Isn't that what you want here? Regardless of how pointless such an outcome would be? There's no room for you to change course? Buck the trend? Defy your orders and make this a real, fair proceeding?"

The red Gryphon's eyes fell, and he snorted softly before continuing in a tone nearer to a melancholy whisper than anything else.

"Well... Then I suppose neither of us are going to get what we wanted out of this today."

Fyrenn stepped forward, and his eyes narrowed as the volume of his words rose once more. The strong tinge of sadness remained.

"I did what I felt was right, and necessary, to protect my daughter, and to cleanse the world of a group of degenerates who were crushing the lives of children to serve their vile ends. If you wish to prosecute me for that? For exterminating obviously guilty parties? For saving you a great deal of trouble? For serving Earth yet again at my own peril...?"

The red Gryphon paused momentarily. Most of the rooms occupants would have guessed that the moment represented an attempt at dramatic effect. Only Kephic and Varan could tell that their brother was using the brief pause to fight back tears.

When Fyrenn finished his statement, the words were delivered with a quiet calm.

"If we really are at an impasse here? Then I can no longer serve this government, nor this military, in good faith."

Fyrenn passed the DaTab to Sharpe, speaking in a low, melancholy tone.

"Resignation papers for Lieutenant Commander Isaac Wrenn, filed on my behalf by Mister Carradan with the Bureau Military substation desk in New York. Accepted by the officer on duty. Dated First of April, Twenty One Seventeen. Processed automatically by central AI cluster that same day."

A chilled hush filled the room. After a long, and awkward pause, Fyrenn sighed, and blinked back a small stream of tears as he spoke once more.

"Seeing as how I am no longer part of this command... This proceeding has no legal military basis on which to continue. And it never did."

The red Gryphon strode back to the center of the room, and turned to face the double doors at the exit. He paused, then glanced back over his shoulder at the silent, stunned tribunal.

"I formally renounce my Earthgov citizenship. I claim full immunity under my sole status as a citizen of the Gryphon Kingdoms, and a Knight of the brotherhood therein."

Without further prelude, without even turning for a final look, Fyrenn walked to the exit doors, flanked by Kephic and Varan, and flung them open, speaking just loudly enough, so that all might hear.

"Court adjourned."

Fyrenn paused midway through the act of placing his vinyl record into its protective case. The familiar hoofbeats were instantly identifiable, particularly given the silence of the hotel room.

"In fairness, I did warn you what was going to come of the trial."

Fyrenn turned as he spoke, locking his eyes with Celestia's. Her expression once again conveyed utmost melancholy, and disappointment. The emotions were mirrored starkly in her tone.

"And I recognize that there was little you could have done in the present to soften the blows of your past actions... But I still hold out hope that you may learn something from the effects."

The Alicorn stepped gracefully into the room, and gestured with her head towards the wallscreen controls. Fyrenn paused, searching the monarch's visage for clues as to her intentions, before obligingly tapping the panel.

The screen instantly filled with a current-events broadcast, accompanied by newscaster voice over. The images depicted a throng of angry protesters outside the Singapore Earthgov complex.

"...Reports that a tense standoff between protesters and Earthgov Military Police erupted this morning in Singapore. Though no serious violence has been reported, vandalism and disruption to city-services have been widespread, and many have expressed fear that the situation will escalate, given the hefty presence of off-duty military personnel within the protest groups."

The camera panned across the throng, which looked to Fyrenn's eyes to be almost two thousand strong. All the while, the newscaster continued.

"Reports on-site indicate that the sentiments of the protesters are mainly underpinned by fear, and anger over the events of the Vancouver incident, and what is perceived by many to be a weak, corrupt government response. Many in the crowd chanted, or lofted banners, demanding that the Earthgov seek further Equestrian military and political aid. Others are questioning the loyalty and motives of the Council as a whole, fresh from the news that the HLF's attack was the result of widespread infiltration..."

Fyrenn's breath caught in his throat as familiar image filled the screen. A red Gryphic shape, reminiscent of his own form, spray-painted onto a wall at the entrance to the Earthgov annex.

"...But the main precipitator of this morning's unrest was the leaked confirmation that the red Gryphon responsible for outing further corruption and treason within the government, was taken to trial under his military standing. The news sparked anger in many, especially military personnel, who are following a rising tide of anti-Earthgov sentiment in the wake of recent corruption scandals. The Gryphon in question, formerly known as Lieutenant Commander Isaac Wrenn, has quickly become a symbol for the protesters' borderline anti-Human sentiments."

Fyrenn shook his head slowly, doing his best to comprehend what he was seeing, as the newscaster went on.

"Not everyone agrees with the swelling crowds, however, and several large counter-rallies have been planned in London, Berlin, and Tokyo backed by those who see the red Gryphon's actions as a precedent for subsuming Human interests, and political sway."

Fyrenn caught a final sentence from the reporter as Celestia reached across the dresser, and flicked the 'mute' control with one hoof.

"Many of the organizers we spoke to from these groups had previous affiliations with pro-Humanist, or anti-Equestrian movements, and---"

A brief silence ensued, before Celestia spoke once more.

"Fear, Fyrenn, is an exceedingly potent thing. It does make a formidable weapon on the battlefield, true... But it is volatile.
Unpredictable by its very nature, especially in the political sphere. I would have thought you might have learned that lesson in your studies of Earth's past conflicts. The fear you inspired was effective at achieving your goals, true..."

The Alicorn paused, and fixed the red Gryphon with a gaze that betrayed deep concern, matched by a brief tremor in her next words.

"But that fear has generated side-effects that you couldn't have accounted for. And that you have no capacity to undo. You have strongly polarized an issue that should have remained open for civil debate, and you've unwittingly made yourself into something possibly even more potent than fear..."

Celestia allowed another moment of silence to pass, before finishing her thought.

"You've become a *symbol* to them. And symbols can be very dangerous. Both sides will use you to represent not only that which they rightly deem is wrong with their leaders, and the situation... But also to represent butchered, twisted, fear-driven versions of their rhetoric, until all chance at a calm, moderate resolution are dashed."

Fyrenn shook his head slowly once again, and exhaled, before responding in a low, despondent tone.

"My only intent was to save innocent lives, and protect my family. I remain convinced. I did the right thing. I've read plenty of history... Only more recently do I see it through clearer eyes. Sometimes upheaval, even collapse, is a necessary step on the road to a better future."

Celestia winced, and sighed, disappointment once again leaking into her tone.

" 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.' Is that not one of Humanity's wisest sayings? You are not entirely wrong... The warrior spirit has great value, and sometimes a forest must burn to clear the brush for new growth. But nothing has value without faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is *love.*"

Fyrenn snorted quietly, and offered the solar monarch a sad smile.

"I see you delved into the new testament after all."

The Alicorn nodded, and took a step closer to Fyrenn, fixing her gaze on him as she spoke in a low, pleading tone.

"And you should delve into it once again. There are many lessons it can offer, which you have regrettably failed to learn, as of yet. A dash of empathy, or an ounce of subtlety in your actions... Even a touch of mild restraint... And you could have achieved your goals just as effectively, but without forcing others to suffer the burden of what you will leave behind."

Fyrenn stiffened, and his eyes narrowed. He gestured firmly to the images of scuffles, and fires on the screen with one index talon as he forced out his response, doing his best to maintain control over the rising tide of his emotions.

"Their burden is of their own making. The mistakes of a few never justify the sins of the many. Never. If you wanted to blame everyone who had some causative relationship to every violent protest in Earth's history, you would have to indict a great many innocent people. Our media too often acts as a puppet for our government, casing legitimate protestors as 'rioters.' 'Hoodlums.' 'Terrorists.' But no progress was *ever* made in Human history, against corrupt governments, without the spilling of blood, and the burning of flags. I used to be too jumped up on the propaganda to see it... But every leap forward in Human rights in all our history needed some kind of battle to be fought, with real actual violence, not just words."

Celestia shook her head and held up a conciliatory hoof, her tone reflecting a similarly placating demeanor.

"You misunderstand. I don't mean to suggest that you are at fault for the actions of the whole, nor that they are without justifications. As you said, their burdens are of their own making, and they have the right to fight back against the sins the privileged force on them. I mean to suggest that, though you did not realize it, and that though you have trouble accepting it... That you have the power to sway people to the courses of hope, and love. And that you therefore have an obligation to use your talent for leadership, and position of influence, to do so."

The red Gryphon's expression softened slightly, and he nodded, exhaling softly before carefully stringing together his thoughts as words.

"In all honesty? From one friend to another? I truly don't know where to go from here."

Fyrenn inhaled, and paused momentarily, before continuing in a quiet, reserved tone.

"I've never been one to shirk responsibility. I believe... Like all members of my kind... And like my mother, and father, and grandmother... That if you have the power to intervene in a positive way? You have the unequivocal responsibility, and duty, to do so."

The Gryphon glanced up, locking his eyes briefly with the Alicorn's as he finished his thought. Celestia shivered slightly at the rare display of regret, and confusion.

"But I don't know *how* to do that in this case. When I said I've never had ambitions to power... I meant it. I'm adrift enough as it is, trying to learn to be a father. Trying to bring myself to a place where I can be a good mate. How am I supposed to become this paragon for three species? I lack not only ambition, but also any sort of capacity. I simply *can't* be political."

Fyrenn hung his head, and sighed once more. A deep, saddening sound. Celestia took a gentle, silent step forward, and placed one hoof under the Gryphon's chin, raising it up once more as she spoke.

"You *do* have the capacity. It was *my* mistake to presume that political savvy, the way I envision it, was somehow necessary to that capacity. Political conniving may be impossible for you, but empathy and restraint... Patience and love? Those you possess. I have seen the proof. What you yet lack is the skill to turn those to good use rhetorically in wider arenas, under political pressure. But few, if any of us, are naturally born with that ability."

A small, half-chuckle escaped Fyrenn's beak, tinged with the softest hint of well-hidden tears. He cocked his head slightly as he did his best to put together a response that properly covered his range of emotions.

"Then how about this... I'll make you a promise, if you will make me one in return. I promise I'll stand ready. To learn, and to serve the innocents of either world... Of any race... Should I ever be needed again."

Celestia smiled slightly, and mimicked the tilt of Fyrenn's head.

"And in return?"

Fyrenn smiled wanly, and blinked.

"And in return, you promise to understand that I'm not going to conform to the exact image of a peaceful, political, tri-species savior that you had in your head."

The Alicorn nodded slowly as the red Gryphon continued in a halting fashion.

"I... I know that in some ways, you're right. I carry with me the Human spirit. And I am glad of that. I own it happily, it is an advantage, and a part of my heritage that I love and honor..."

Fyrenn tilted his head in the opposite direction, and his tone became firmer. Surer and calmer.

"But by that same token? I am not a Human anymore. I carry a part of that with me... But as to what I *am?* I am a Gryphon. Maybe I'm not like any Gryphon that's ever come before... But that's the point of all this. And whatever that makes me in the end? It isn't something you can wrap up and classify in a neat little box. It's... Like my crazy little family."

He smiled once more, a stronger touch of warmth suffusing the expression, and spilling over into his words as he finished.

"Five Gryphons, two Ponies, a Changeling, and two Humans... Maybe it's new, and a little scary. But it's amazing, and impossible, and beautiful... And like you said... It's our future."

The Alicorn shook her head momentarily, then snorted softly, smiling as she murmured under her breath.

"I suppose you're not the only one to fall prey to preconceptions, and instinctual bias. I think perhaps in seeing how malleable and adaptable Humans could be... I unintentionally began to believe I could use that spirit as a pathway to remaking others in my image. My kind are peaceful, patient, and friendly first. By nature. And I suppose I have come to idolize that..."

Celestia chuckled again momentarily, then glanced up and sighed.

"...But I suppose if my faithful student has taught me anything, it should have been that we are all unique. And in this diversity rests the strength of us all."

Fyrenn nodded, and inhaled deeply.

"So what now? I can't very well inject myself back into this situation right now. That would do more harm than good."

Celestia inclined her head, and let out a long breath before speaking.

"For now? I think the course you've already settled on is best. Remove yourself from the mix, and hope that your absence will help to mitigate the rising fires. There may come a time for you to step forward and take action, or speak truths, that will further repair the damage... But not today."

Fyrenn shouldered his bag, and his sword, nodding slowly as he cinched the straps in place.

"You have my word; I'll be ready and willing. I may have no place in the political or military structure of this planet... But its people are still my own, in a very real and significant way. I have no intention of standing idly by if I can make their future better somehow. One day."

He stiffened reflexively, inhaling sharply in surprise as Celestia gently draped one wing around him momentarily, offering him a small swift embrace.

"Young one... You are a better friend than you know, or care to admit. Don't bottle that up behind some great and terrible wall, to be seen only be a few of your closest confidants. Your challenge must be to let it temper your steel to perfection."

Fyrenn nodded, and swiftly returned the embrace with his left wing, turning his head as he made his way to the door.

"Well... If you know anything about me, you know I can't refuse a worthwhile challenge."

He paused, and sighed deeply, before tossing a final sentence over one wing.

"And... Keep an eye to the news this evening. I promise you, it wasn't my idea. It was Alyra's."

"My name was April. My sister gave it to me. She was killed by a man your Council appointed to enslave, torture, and command us."

Alyra rustled her wings nervously, the sound lost amongst the clicks of a myriad of camera shutters. The sea of press left her with an unexpected pit of stress in her throat. She cast a quick glance back at Neyla, the Gryphon she thought of as her mother.

From the shadows back-stage, the blue and tan Gryphoness smiled, and nodded. Alyra shifted her gaze back to the audience, then directly into the live feed cameras.

"You know the part of the story about my father. How he saved me. Now..."

Alyra turned her gaze right, and fixed it on Stan with a wan smile. The reporter sat across from her, a strange sight to many eyes; An unfamiliar salmon Equine seated with comfortable reporter's bearing, in a familiar interviewer position and posture.

"Now you're going to know the rest of the story. You're going to know the whole truth."

Stan nodded slowly, and offered his niece a sad smile.

"Alright kid. We take this at your pace, no matter what my supervisor says in my earpiece. Where do *you* want to begin?"

Alyra inhaled deeply, paused, exhaled slowly, and then began in a firm, but melancholy tone.

"I... Have been running. Every day. Since I can remember..."


Skye blinked and yawned, doing her best to rub sleep from her eyes as she tried to process Varan's single-word imperative.

"Sorry wha--?"

The golden Gryphon smirked ever so slightly as he passed through the Barrier at full speed, with no further warning. The Unicorn's eyes widened and she stiffened sharply, hoofing Varan sharply in the neck by accident.

A moment later, as the golden Gryphon flared his wings, and transitioned to a hover, Skye let out an enormous hiccup.

"Not-- *HIC!* Not FAIR! *HIC!*"

Varan raised an eyebrow, and allowed a hint of a smile to tug at the edge of his beak once more.

"You were snoring. You promised you would not snore."

Fyrenn grinned in spite of himself, shaking his head, and flaring his own wings to bring him up short. Kephic and Neyla had already crossed over from the foggy cloying air of Earth to the clear, crisp night of Equestria. The pair were laughing so hard at Skye's predicament, Fyrenn wondered if they were going to simply fall out of the sky.

Alyra chuckled, and nuzzled up against her father's side, flaring one wing sharply to keep her balance. She glanced up into Fyrenn's eyes, momentarily entranced by the reflection of a trillion stars in the twin golden pools.

The fledgling sighed, and cast her head down slightly.

"Sonya and I always thought we'd share this moment..."

Fyrenn reached down with one claw, and brought his daughter's head up, locking eyes with her for a moment once more. He pulled her close, allowing her to fold her wings, and surrender entirely to the protective embrace of his forelegs, as he buried her head in the warm feathers of his chest.

"She's watching. And if she were here? She might borrow the words of an old song. 'Though love is confusing, and life is hard... You fight to survive, because you've made it this far...' "

The red Gryphon exhaled softly, and beat down twice firmly with his wings, propelling himself and his precious cargo across the bubble, and into another world. He inhaled deeply, and released Alyra gingerly, allowing her to spread her wings once more.

The fledgling took flight once again, smiling as her father softly murmured the rest of the verse.

" 'It's all too astounding to comprehend... But it's just the beginning. This isn't the end.' "