//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Another Day at Work // Story: With My Wonderbolt // by ScatMan2001 //------------------------------//         It’s dark.         So it’s still night time, but you don’t remember the alarm going off. After waking up this early in the morning for as long as you have, your body just naturally wakes itself up around this time.         Which kind of sucks. It would be nice to have those extra few seconds of sleep, but it’s not all that big of a deal.         The alarm finally goes off, but you’re already awake. With a simple flick of your hoof, the machine is silenced and you roll out of bed.         The bed belonged to your grandmother at some point. She had the thing when she was a teenager, which was like 80 years ago. Because of its age, its not the best of sleeping surfaces. However, it was free, and you will take virtually anything that comes free.         Its not like you sleep much anyway.         You are a member of the Royal Guard, the elite and honorable soldiers that defend the rulers of the greatest country in the world.         You have dreamed of being a Royal Guard since you first knew what they were. The thought of defending the beloved rulers of Equestria, going on adventure, and being loved and respected by everypony is something you have always wanted to do.         And the uniforms are pretty cool too.         Unfortunately, you don’t go adventuring incredibly often, but Equestria does seem to have its fair share of problems, especially in the last few years for some reason.         You haven’t been a Lieutenant in the Royal Guard for long, but you have sworn to do better than your predecessors. Princess Celestia has been attacked, injured, and imprisoned like, a dozen times in the past two or three years alone. You weren’t in command then. But now you are.         In the three months you have been a Lieutenant, nothing catastrophic has happened. Hurray for you.         As a Lieutenant, you are personally responsible for the safety of Princess Celestia, herself. The other Lieutenants are responsible for Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and guarding the castle at night.         Captain Shining Armor can basically protect Princess Cadance most of the time, but they aren’t always together.         Not always.         Just kidding. They’re together all the time.         Captain Armor is a good boss, though. You probably wouldn’t want a different Captain.         Anyway, after rolling out of bed, you take the short stroll to your bathroom to bathe and prepare yourself for the important tasks of the day.         Your apartment is small, but you live by yourself and do not have an incredible amount of personal belongings, so it doesn’t really matter.         Your bedroom is large enough to fit a small double bed and dresser, but that’s about it.         The hallway outside of your room is thin and would not allow two ponies to walk next to each other down it. Luckily, that never happens because you don’t have anypony over.         There is a small spare bedroom directly across from your bedroom, but it’s basically empty. There are some boxes in there, but you don’t know what they contain. Nor do you really care.         At the far end of the hall is a small bathroom, and the other end leads to your kitchen and tiny living space.         You enter the bathroom and squeeze yourself into the shower. The good thing about being up at this time is that there is an ample amount of hot water that you can use, that would be denied to you were you to bathe at any other time.         As a proud Earth pony, and a highly trained and physically fit soldier, you are rather large. In fact, you are physically bigger than most other ponies, and just a little taller too.         But, as a result, you are unable to fit comfortably in most places, including your shower. You make do, though. No sense in complaining.         You squeeze into the cramped square that is your shower and get to bathing. ==========                  The shower was as pleasant as a shower can be at this time in the morning.         Now that you are washed, you go into the kitchen for some breakfast. A quick glance at the clock shows that your morning routine is continuing right on time.         5:17 a.m.         It’s early, but you don’t care. Sleeping isn’t your favorite hobby, especially not on that 3,000 year old mattress.         For breakfast, you stick a few toaster waffles into the toaster and grab a caffeinated soda from the fridge.         Its clearly not the most healthy of breakfasts, but it does wake you up, which is really all that matters at your job. You eat the same thing every single morning at the exact same time.         A minute passes and your miniature waffles spring from the toaster, ready to be buttered. Unfortunately, you immediately discover that you have no butter in the fridge. In fact, all you have in the fridge, it seems, are some toaster waffles, a couple cans of soda, two sticks of celery, and half a gallon of milk that expired 3 days ago.         You haven’t been to the store in a while.         You ball the dry waffles up and shove them into your mouth, washing it down with the entire can of soda.         The clock reads 5:22, but it should read 5:23. It seems like you’re a whole minute early today, so you go back down the apartment’s narrow hallway and turn into your guest bedroom.         Inside the closet of the guest bedroom is a ponnequin, which holds your golden armor. You would put it in your bedroom closet, but you figured you would let your guest room hold something of some importance so it could get some use.         Upon the ponnequin sits your golden helmet with its blue crest, your body armor, and your leg armor. It’s still as shiny as the day you first got it because of the lack of combat you have experienced. But that’s okay.         There is a sword as well, but you always leave it at the armory at the castle. You could bring it home with you, but the sword is always awkwardly dangling from your side and is never used.         If it ever does get used, it will surely be at the castle in defense of the Princesses; not your apartment.         Who would want this apartment anyway?         You are always sure to devote at least ten minutes of time to putting all the armor on. As an Earth pony, it can be difficult to tighten the straps of your chest and leg armor comfortably without using magic. Pegasi probably have the same sort of problem, but you don’t care about them.         You are the first Earth pony officer in the Royal Guard in over 100 years. In fact, there are only two Earth ponies in the Royal Guard at all; the other one is a corporal or something.         It took years of training, dedication, and tireless effort, but you did it. You’ve always wanted to be a Royal Guard, and now you are. It’s really all you’ve ever wanted.         Well, time to go to work. ==========         The walk down to the first floor of the apartments is always relatively slow, as it is early in the morning and you intentionally move carefully as to not disturb any sleeping residents. Just because you are up early doesn’t mean everypony else has to be too.         Leaving the apartment isn’t always the easiest thing, as some mornings can be dreadfully cold; but not today.         Today is nice. It’s somewhat warm and you can feel a small breeze. Today is going to be a good day.         You can feel it.         You don’t walk five steps before hearing a voice.         “Hey, bro! Slow down!”         The source of the raspy voice quickly trots over to where you are standing.         You recognize that voice. Only one mare in the world could have that voice. But what the hell is she doing up before noon?         “Vinyl?” you ask, seeing the white unicorn standing before you with an abnormally large smile. “What are you doing here?”         She rolls her big red eyes, keeping the smile on her face. Surprisingly enough, her eyes are not covered by her glasses, as they are resting on her forehead. “Geez, good to see you too.”         “Aw, don’t be like that.” You give her a quick nuzzle.         It’s not like Vinyl to be here, especially at this time of day. She practically lives on the other side of Canterlot, and Canterlot is a massive city. Visiting you is inconvenient at best.         “Just never thought I’d see you awake this early,” you explain.         She nods rapidly, bouncing her blue mane up and down. “And do you know why I’m up this early?!” She sounds rather excited.         You think for a moment. Why would the unicorn still be awake? Isn’t her bedtime usually like, 4:00?         “Did Octavia lock you out again?” you ask, as that has happened before. You keep an extra key to their apartment in case of such an emergency.         “Guess again!” Octavia calls tiredly, but still sounding relatively happy, despite the odd hour of the morning and the long walk she probably endured. You did not see the brown Earth pony at first; she seemed to blend into the background.         “Good morning, Octavia.”         “And to you, Lieutenant,” she smiles.         “Don’t you have to work this evening? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”         She rolls her eyes but still keeps a tired, content smile. “I do and I was.” She gestures to Vinyl. “She was supposed to be home two hours ago so I had to go out and find her-”         “Shh!” Vinyl exclaims, waving her forelegs in the air in a gesture to get Octavia to stop talking. “I want to tell him!”         “All right, all right,” Octavia giggles.         Vinyl turns back to you again, still seeming too excited for 5 a.m. She’s never been a morning pony.         “Hmm…” you think again. “The both of you are here… before I go to work… Come to wish me a happy birthday?”         “It’s not your birthday.”         “No it’s not.”         “I got the job!”         You pause, looking at the white mare with a tilted head and a moderately confused expression. She got the job? What job?         Then it hits you.         “You did?” you ask, your heart beating faster and faster.         She nods.         “Vinyl! I’m so happy for you!”         You throw your forelegs around the mare and hug her tight. She squeaks but hugs you back, squeezing equally as tightly.         “I really couldn’t have done it without you,” she confesses, as though you didn’t know that already.         Of course she couldn’t have done it without you. You have basically been supporting her financially since she dropped out of college.         Which was an awful decision; and one your parents have been complaining about since it happened. Primarily to you. Not that you ever went to college. You dropped out of high school, but when you did, you already had a plan; which was to go into the military. Once you were old enough, you dropped out and enlisted. But Vinyl just dropped out without warning and is living day to day. Whatever. You support her. Somepony has to, or else her and Octavia will die. And you do it because you love her. “Aww!” Octavia coos. “Who is this little guy?” You thought Octavia was gushing over the two of you hugging, but after Vinyl disengages from your hug, you see that she has found your neighbors cat. “My neighbors cat,” you say. “Trotsky.” “The cat’s name is Trotsky?” “No, my neighbor is Trotsky. The cat’s name is Jeffrey.” “Hey there, little guy!” she squeaks, sounding so tired that she seems to be intoxicated. She puts her face right in front of the cats’. “Don’t you just have the most ridiculous name ever?” Jeffrey is, indeed, a ridiculous name. “Be careful! He scratches,” you warn, before mumbling, “I would know.” While Octavia is distracted, Vinyl pushes you aside, moving a little further from the brown(ish) gray(ish) mare. “Hey, uh…” she stutters. “Uhm…” You know where this is going already. Of course she needs something. Why else would she walk all the way over here? “Can I… Can I borrow some more money? It’s just, I got the job and all, but I won’t get paid until next week, and my share of the rent is… a little short…” “Your share of the rent is always short.” Her ears flatten. She takes a quick glance back at Octavia, who is still distracted. “I know… but I did get the job, so I can start paying you back.” You shake your head. “Don’t worry about that.” “Don’t worry about what?”         “About paying me back.”         She stares at you for a second. “Wh-What?”         “Don’t worry about paying me back. You’re way too far in debt to be owing me money. Take whatever money you make and take Octavia out to dinner or something.” “I…” she stops, trying to think of what to say. “I will. Th-Thank you.” She hugs you again, much gentler this time. “I am going to pay you back one day.” You return the hug. “It’s okay. When you become rich and famous, you can buy me a big ol’ mansion or something.”         She chuckles. “I’ll do that.”         “How much do you need this time?” you ask, breaking away from the hug.         “Uhm…” she shifts her weight. “Maybe like… 200 bits?”         That’s every bit that you have on you, but you give it up anyway. It’s just money. Who really needs it?         Vinyl, apparently.         “I really appreciate this, like, you have no idea,” she says, sounding relieved.         “Vinyl, it’s okay. It’s what family does.”         “Tell that to mom and dad.”         You are not getting involved in a conversation about your parents right now. Today is going to be a good day, damnit! Whether it wants to be or not!         “Yeah, yeah,” you wave her off. “Just go home and get some sleep. A working lady needs her rest.” She laughs, happy to be a ‘working lady.’ “Well, I’m not much of a lady, but I sure am working!” “All right. Run along with your pretty little fillyfriend now. I gotta get to work.”         Despite your efforts to shoo the energetic white mare away, she does not budge. “Hey! You should totally come to the club that I’m playing at! Plenty of hot, drunk mares dancing around. You can have the ones that don’t hit on me!” she winks.         “Yeah, sure. I’ll stop by later.”         She gasps. “Really?!”         “No.”         Of course you’re not going to a club. Vinyl knows very well that you have never been to one and probably never will. The idea of going to one has never really crossed your mind, but it doesn’t seem like it would be that enjoyable.         “Now get on out of here,” you say. It always takes a few attempts to get rid of Vinyl. “Octavia looks like she’s about to pass out.”         She’s about to make her way towards Octavia, but turns to you one last time. “I am going to pay you back, you know.”         “We can talk about that later.”         She smiles and nuzzles under your chin, being careful as to not stab you with her horn. Unicorns have always freaked you out a little.         “And Vinyl?”         “Hmm?”         “I’m proud of you.”         She blushes as she pulls away from you. “Thanks.” She kisses your cheek before running off after her fillyfriend.         Octavia, during your 45 second conversation with Vinyl, seems to have fallen asleep right in the middle of the street.         And Jeffrey the cat is standing on top of her.         “Wakey wakey, Tavi!” Vinyl whispers, poking the sleeping mare in the side. “Get off her, furball!” She swats at the feline who is quick to scurry away. “I’m the only one allowed on top of Tavi!”         Great.         There are a lot of things you didn’t need to hear, and that was certainly one of them.         This ‘great’ day of yours is starting off wonderfully.         “I seriously hate those things. Alright, up she goes!”         Vinyl physically lifts the half-asleep gray mare onto her back and starts the long walk back to their house.         You would offer to carry the sleeping earth pony, as you are much more fit to do so than Vinyl; but you really ought to get to work.         “Love you, big bro!” your sister shouts rather loudly for this time of morning. “I’ll call you before I go to work tonight!”         You can hear the excitement in her voice as she says that. All she’s ever really wanted to be was a DJ, and now she has that chance.         This is probably the first time she has ever used the words ‘I’ and ‘work’ in the same sentence.         “For the last time, Vinyl! I don’t have a phone!”         “Get with the times, brother!”         You roll your eyes. “Love you, Vinyl.”         “Love you too!”         And the both of you head in separate directions. ==========         Telephones and televisions were only recently brought to Equestria. They’ve been around for five years or so, but Equestrians didn’t start caring about them until they became fairly advanced.         And now the things are everywhere.         There are televisions and phones in houses, bars, and on the street. You don’t see the need in owning either device, so you do not have either device.         The technology of the machines has advanced incredibly quickly thanks to unicorn magic, but you don’t care. You doubt you will ever own that sort of technology. Just sounds like a waste of effort.         It was fun talking to Vinyl, though. Getting her to stand in one place for more than a minute takes considerable effort, but she can sometimes manage it if she needs money.         It’s a shame Octavia and Vinyl don’t live closer. Those two are good company.         The streets of Canterlot are almost entirely empty, except for a few early-risers. You see the same ponies out and about at this time every single day, but haven’t spoken with any of them.         Not because Royal Guards don’t talk, but because you’re rather shy. You do nod to the early-risers every morning, but that’s it.         Some ponies are just now waking up and some are just returning from work. The paper pony is making deliveries. What a great day.         The walk to the castle takes about ten minutes or so. You’ve done it so many times that you just sort of move without thinking, as though your brain is on auto-pilot.         As you make your way to the gates of the castle, you do a quick check to make sure that all the guards are stationed correctly outside.         Seeing that they are, you walk in.         Nopony stops you. Nopony even looks at you. Everypony, whether it be a soldier or a maid, who works in the castle knows who you are.         There are a decent number of guards working at this very moment who are directly under your command.         Walking through the castle does take quite a bit of time, as it is humongous, but the scenery is nice, so it’s not really a big deal.         Plus, you get to see the interior of a building that most ponies will never get the chance to enter, so that’s pretty cool.         You bid good morning to the castle staff and they return it, as usual.         At some point, you reach Princess Celestia’s tower and begin climbing the stairs to reach her chambers. There are quite a number of stairs, so it takes a while, but you don’t really mind. The stairs in the castle are a little wider and taller than you are used to because they are not built for normal sized ponies. Princess Celestia is rather tall. After a few moments, you reach the top. There are two guards standing diligently outside of the massive wooden doors that lead to the Princess’ chambers. They must be tired.         When the Princess awakens, you will know; everypony will know. As you wait, you think.         ‘I need to go to the grocery store at some point. Gotta get some butter and maybe a six pack. Do I have any money left after this morning?’         Nope.         ‘All right. That’s fine. Guess I’ll have to go sometime tomorrow then.’         At least you get paid tomorrow. You should immediately go to the marketplace and pick up some produce. Eating fast food every night is not healthy. It’s good, but it will eventually kill you.         It’s also incredibly convenient. You often do not choose to leave work until Celestia retires for the evening, which can be quite late. Grabbing something from Burger Queen or Windy’s is just simple to do.         You get fast food like, every day, especially when you work abnormally late.         Sometimes, though, the Princess will make you leave. She has done that before. She says it’s not healthy for you to spend all day here. You disagree, but obey her commands.         Most days, you don’t get back home until after 9, and by that time, you just go to sleep. There is no time to cook for yourself, so you don’t.         The doctor told you to change your schedule, seeing how unhealthy it is, but you haven’t. You don’t want to.         This castle feels more like home than your shitty apartment, so why would you want to leave?         An orange glow shines over the horizon, signalling that the Day Princess of Equestria has awoken.         And now your work day has officially begun.         Only a few moments pass before the large wooden doors at the end of the hall open and the white alicorn walks out.         She does not stop walking as she passes you and begins heading down the stairs. As she walks by you, you start walking as well, moving a little faster than an earth pony’s average pace in order to keep up with her.         “Good morning, Princess,” you greet. Royal Guards are never supposed to talk to the Princesses unless it’s important, but Princess Celestia encourages you to speak. She has probably gotten bored of not talking to any of the guards for 1,000 years or however long she has been Princess.         “Good morning, Lieutenant,” she smiles. “How was the sunrise this morning?”         “The best one so far, Your Grace.”         “You say that everyday.”         “And everyday it’s true.”         She giggles, as though it was a joke. “How are you today?”         “Diligent, Your Majesty.”         “Of course you are.” She laughs again, as though something is funny. For a moment, you think she is playing some sort of prank on you, as she has done in the past, but you’re not sure what it is.         Or if there really is one anyway. Maybe she’s just really happy today.         The regular small talk of the morning is exchanged, as it is every morning. It’s just what you two do in order to start the day.         Because you are her personal bodyguard, and spend almost every second with her, Princess Celestia allows you to talk relatively freely. You never complain or say anything derogatory while wearing the uniform, so as long as you behave, you can basically say whatever.         You wonder how bored Princess Celestia must have been for 1,000 years without her sister or any guards to talk to. Incredibly bored, you imagine.         Formalities have not entirely dissolved, of course. You know when you can speak, when not to, and how to address her. You haven’t forgotten what you are.         She is still your boss.         The rest of the day will be spent like every other day; with you standing next to or around Princess Celestia as she does whatever it is she does.         What fun.         About halfway down the stairs, Princess Celestia’s assistant runs up and takes her position on the alicorn’s left side.         “Good morning, Ms. Raven,” the Princess greets.         Her assistant returns the greeting hurriedly, as though there are more important things that can be said than ‘good morning.’         Ms. Raven, a small white mare with a brown mane and tail who wears large glasses, is responsible for Princess Celestia’s daily schedule. If the Princess has something to get done, Raven knows about it. She has brown eyes and a quill and paper as a cutie mark.         She always seems to be in a hurry; speaking quickly and constantly slightly out of breath. Maybe it’s natural? Maybe she’s stressed.         Raven goes mostly where Princess Celestia goes, so the three of you are often together for large portions of the day.                  The Princess and her assistant begin going over the schedule of the day, but none of that concerns you. It doesn’t matter what Princess Celestia does, just where exactly she does it.         The Princess’ mornings all go the same way, really. She eats breakfast, then moves into the Throne Room while Princess Luna retires for the day.         Raven does have a schedule for Princess Celestia everyday, but the Princess doesn’t always follow it. She’s far too used to doing whatever she feels like to be bogged down by somepony’s schedule. You wonder why she bothers Raven with making a schedule in the first place.         But it’s not your place to question.         She enters the Dining room where Princess Luna is already sitting. She greets her sister as Raven leaves the room to do whatever it is she does to get ready for the day.         “Your Grace,” you bow to Princess Luna, then Princess Celestia, before beginning to walk out of the room.         As you exit, you do a quick scan to make sure every guard is where they need to be; which they are. Good. They know their jobs and they do them just fine.         The barracks is essentially the basement of the castle, and that is where you are heading. Down in the basement is where the guards who are not on duty, but still in the castle, spend their free time.         The barracks contain beds, two kitchens, a few bathrooms, a couple pool tables, and an armory towards the back.         You wish you could live here, and never have to leave, but you doubt your family would appreciate that very much. They are the only reason, you suppose, you don’t just sleep in the barracks and go to work and repeat.         The way to the barracks is full of soldiers preparing for and finishing their work day. Some are getting undressed, some are getting dressed, but most are just standing around and relaxing.         Until they see you.         They all snap to attention as you walk by, just like they do everyday. You like to think that you’re a good boss; not too strict or lenient, a pleasure to work for, and an all around decent officer.         You assume you are. No one has said otherwise.         Not that they would.         Unfortunate as it may seem, you do not know many of your subordinates on a personal level. You know about the more energetic and friendly ones, but overall, you just know everypony’s name and nothing more.         Captain Armor resides within the castle, so he’s not usually down in the barracks for any reason at all. He keeps all of his belongings in his room, you assume.         Anywho, you sign out your sword, attach it to your side, and begin to move back upstairs again.         If there is one thing in this world that you hate, it is, without a doubt, the useless, sharp piece of metal that dangles from your side all day. Not once have you ever had to use it, but with the recent surge of 1,000 year old enemies returning and attacking Canterlot, you may just have to.         You hope you do. It’d make all the training finally worth it.         The entirety of the Royal Guard is run by whoever the Captain is. In your case, the Captain is Shining Armor, who is a Prince now, but still acting Captain.         You almost hope he will resign his position of Captain. Then you might be promoted in his place.         It’s a nice thought, but he doesn’t show any signs of leaving. He’s worked just as hard as you for that position, and he’s earned it.         Under the Captain are four Lieutenants; you are one of them, of course.         The rest of the 200 Royal Guardsponies are below that rank, but no need to focus on them.         The walk back upstairs is almost exactly the same as the walk down them, but now you have a sword. Most ponies are preparing to take their shifts, which don’t start for another half hour or so. You work a much longer day than anypony else here.         Except Princess Celestia, you suppose.         You return to the Dining Room, but remain next to the door. Your job is to guard Princess Celestia, which does not involve standing next to her all the time.         Actually, it does.         While she is in the Throne Room, you are standing about 15 feet from her at most at any given time.         Most days, when you enter the Dining Room after retrieving your sword, Princess Luna has already retired for the day, but that is not the case as of right now. The Princess of the Night and Day are conversing, but only for a moment. Princess Luna suddenly stands, bids a good day to her sister, and leaves, accompanied by her Lunar Guards. You don’t know what their deal is. Are they even real ponies? Where did she get them? You honestly have no idea, but don’t actually care enough to go find out.           The schedule for the morning goes as it always does. The Princess will read the paper, drink a cup of tea or whatever, then stand and leave. You have approximately three and half minutes before she does so. The time passes quickly as ever before the Princess feels ready to move into the Throne Room and officially start her day. As she stands, you rush to her side and keep up with her. After fully exiting the Dining Room and into a corridor, she begins talking. “We have been working together for quite some time now,” she says, glancing over at you, but you do not look back up at her, as you are not supposed to. “And very often, I have noticed.”         You wonder what she means by that, exactly. You’re her bodyguard, and are supposed to be around her all the time.         “Yes, Your Majesty,” you reply. “It is my sworn duty to protect you.”         “I have plenty of guards.”         “Thus, much protection.”         “Yes, but that’s not what I mean.” The both of you enter the Throne Room and approach the large golden chair in which Celestia will sit for probably the rest of the day. “I see you every day of the week from sunup to sundown. Whenever I am awake, you are here with me.”         “Of course, Your Majesty,” you respond, not understanding what she’s trying to get at. “I am your bodyguard.”         “Yes, I know,” she sighs. “But I think, perhaps, that you have been working too much.”         What? Why on Earth would the Princess of Equestria think that her own bodyguard is ‘working too much?’         “Perhaps ‘working too much’ isn’t the right way to say it,” she explains, as though reading your thoughts. You both enter into the Throne Room and she takes her seat, with you by her side.         You don’t say anything.         “Are you aware that you receive days off?” she asks.         “Yes, Your Majesty. Do you wish for me to take them?”         She smiles. “I wish for you to enjoy life while you’re young. I have no doubt that spending all day with me is better than a dream come true! But still, there are other things to do than listen to an old mare babble on every day with other old ponies. Even I admit, spending all day here can get a little boring.”         “Do you want me to quit, Your Majesty?” you ask, still not understanding what she’s getting at.         “No, no… Forget I said anything. It sounded better in my head. Just be sure to enjoy every moment of life, Lieutenant. It isn’t as long as most seem to think.”         “I will, Your Majesty.”         You have no idea what she’s been going on about, but she’s like this most mornings. She talks to you, and you listen, of course, but you don’t always understand what she says. Surely she is full of wisdom, but most of her advice goes over your head.         You’re a simple guy. Life, as you see it, is going wonderfully. You’ve only wanted to be a Royal Guard, so this job is literally a dream come true.         And for somepony at your age to have accomplished what you have is incredible. There have been newspaper articles written just about you.         The rest of the day will probably go exactly as you think it will.         Princess Celestia will do whatever it is she does for the next few hours, and then it will be lunch time.         You used to eat meals alone and at odd times during the work day. Once Princess Celestia found out, she forced you to eat with her, and you have been doing so ever since. She never used to have anypony to eat with her too, so you both keep each other company.         She does most of the talking, but you say things occasionally too. You figure that after eating lunches together for the past couple months, your relationship with each other is very good, and that’s why you can speak relatively freely.         After lunch, Princess Celestia will do whatever she wants. You think that today is a pretty slow day, so she shouldn’t be doing all that much.         Tonight, the Princesses are throwing some sort of party for the elite of Canterlot. How exciting.         After that, you will go on home, sleep, and repeat.         Today is going to be a great day. You just know it.