//------------------------------// // Four: Meeting changeling number 453- wait I have a nightmare? Aw man... // Story: The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero // by New Dawn //------------------------------// I crept toward to the edge of the forest when the bug pony was walking. she seemed scared... almost as scared as me. I threw a rock in her path, just to see what her reaction. She squeaked and suddenly she was hanging from a branch. she looked around and slowly hovered down to the ground. "Hello? If theres anypony there... Please come out..." She reminded me vaguely of fluttershy. I wonder why? She seems safe enough... I could also really use something to help me around this land... Ok if it attacks then I can defend with my sword. I stand up slowly to look over the bush. The creature was still poking through bushes on the other side of the path. I stand up and start to walk closer. Suddenly there's huge snap and I see a dead tree branch falling at the creature. 'I need to do something!!' I think as I dash over. Without thinking, I grab the animal and dive out of the way. "You-you saved me!" It said, letting out a sigh. "yeah yeah, don't make me regret it..." I muttered under my breath. "What are you? I've never seen a Everfree monster as kind or as strange looking as you." She said, crawling out from under my arms. "My name is Heather and I'm not a monster. I'm from a race called Humans. You've probably never had heard of them... Nor has anything else in this world..." I said, mumbling the last part under my breath. "Yeah... I've never heard of them... but I know of somepony who does! Unfortunately... I got banished from my hive the moment I was brought there..." She explained. She sighed and dug her holey hoof in the dirt. I looked down at her and thought 'She's so small... she must be atleast 6 years old... but then again I have no idea how years work for ponies. Does she even have anyone to take care of her?' "Do... Do you have any parents? Siblings? Friends?" I asked her. she just sighed and said "Parents? No, Every changeling is taken away at birth to be raised on the guard at the queen's hive or be raised as a drone... I was unlucky and got kicked out before I could even be seen. Siblings? I've already answered that... and I've never had a friend in my life... Changelings are commonly disregarded as trash or seen as an enemy in certain places like Ponyville and Canterlot... and back at the hive, Friendship was considered evil after the Canterlot invasion." At this point, tears were running out of her little buggy eyes like waterfalls. I pulled her closer and said "You have a friend now...Believe it or not, your the second pony who hasn't attacked me yet." She looked up and sniffed. "Really? You've been attacked too? Ponies always misunderstand... The unicorns especially... then come the Earth ponies... they both think there so high and mighty, that they always are on top, while creatures like dragons and changelings are some kind of monster. I wish there was more ponies like you... I mean if you were a pony... or a changeling..." she said, yawning. I looked up at the clearing in the trees. The sun was starting to set. "Do you have a name?" I asked her before she fell asleep. "Back at the hive... they called me... 4..53...." she snored. I couldn't help but crack a smile at the sleeping changeling in front of me. she certainly was young, no adult pony would look this cute sleeping. Actually I can think of one. "Wait she was called a number? Hmmm... in that case I better give her a name..." I wondered aloud, yawning. I soon found myself snoring under a tree with 453 in my hat. Yes she's that small, she barely fits in my hat. Its incredibly adorable. (Time: 10:42, Equestrian Time. Place: Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia's Bedroom. The white royal monarch of the sun started to pace, wondering when she would receive a letter from her student. "I hope you're alright twilight..." she muttered into the open night air. A faint wisp of smoke suddenly came zooming into her room. she quickly grabbed it with her magic and read it aloud, even though there was nopony else in the room. Dear Princess Celestia, Fluttershy found a strange creature in the middle of an alleyway fighting Rainbow dash. She said, in her letter, she took the creature to her home when she found out it could change into a black wolf! I came rushing over with Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow when I read that. Right when we got in it automatically attacked us, starting with Applejack first. But the weird thing is, it looked like it was worried for Fluttershy. Fluttershy also called the creature Heather. It might be the name of the creature or the species. but anyways, I used a minor stun spell on it but it didn't last as long as I hoped it would have. It wasn't a changeling but it wasn't a natural wolf either. It could use magic because at that time it transformed to a bipedal furless monkey-like creature entirely clothed in green. It wasn't a unicorn either though... It wasn't like any magic I've seen before. Anyways, It seemed to have been in rage as well because it stormed out of fluttershy's cottage. Even Pinkie and her... unusual ways couldn't calm it down. Rainbow Dash followed it for a while but lost it in the Everfree forest. Should I pursue with the rest of the elements? Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia sighed and started to write a reply My Faithful Student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have decided to track it down tonight with Princess Luna's help. Please stay on edge but, be safe as well. In the morning if I have no results then you can pursue... But please do not hurt it or make it think ponies are its enemies. We don't know if it comes in peace or is after war. I hope with the best we won't need to resort to war. I heard a certain unicorn in ponyville knows a lot about these creatures. Maybe you can bring her along? I would also like to get a look at this creature so, please don't scare it too much. I will be around at 3:00 P.M tomorrow. Princess Celestia. She sent it off with her magic and walked out of her room. "Princess Luna? I need your assistance!" Celestia called. "What does Thou- I mean what do you want Tia?" Luna said, mixing up her speaking. "You know how much I hate when you call me Tia, Lulu." Celestia teased her sister. Luna laughed a little and replied "We-I- know Sister dear, now what is it that you require of me?" "I need half of your night guard out looking for this creature. Princess Twilight has made contact and messed up. Horribly." Celestia said, cringing a bit. Luna nodded and said "Where did it go? Everfree Forest? Hold on... I feel somepony is having a bad dream." Luna lit up her horn and went into a sleeplike trance (Time: Unknown. Place: Earth??!!) I groggily got up and put on my favorite Tee shirt, A black shirt with a picture of a cat. I put on some denim blue jeans and went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning mom..." I said to my.. Wait MOM??? I snapped my head up from my cereal and stared at the business woman that was my mom. "Morning sweetie, did you have a good time at the convention yesterday? Melissa called me yesterday and said Gavin didn't come home. do you know what happened?" she asked, pouring herself a glass of OJ. I started to tear up and I ran straight at her, to only see... THE PURPLE PEGACORN!!! I stared at my hand, instead of a spoon there was the master sword. The pegacorn was on the ground, bruised and hurt, begging for mercy. I saw a dark figure holding the other the other ponies captive in a force field, including Fluttershy and 453. She was bruised and crying. 453 was hanging limply from the hold of the magic. "Please Gavin... What happened to the person Heather told me about!" she squeaked. I stood there, stunned. 'But... Gavin- and the sword- but how- WHEN DID I TELL FLUTTERSHY ABOUT GAVIN??' I thought. I automatically ran forward and leaped in the air. Suddenly the dark figure caught me in a dark blue aura. "Its OK Heather... It won't hurt you again..." I heard something say. from behind me I saw a blast of light come and hit the figure in the chest. it slowly began to melt and in it's place was a dark blue pegacorn. This one, I felt more trusting of for some reason. "Who are you..." I asked the pony, after being dropped to the ground. "My name is Princess Luna. I am deeply sorry about how Princess Twilight handled you. This nightmare was about another human was it not?" she asked. i nodded and said "But how do you know my name and about humans?" She chuckled and said "There is one pony in Ponyville who has Nightmares about humans all the time. Her name is Lyra Heartstings. I met her in pony at Nightmare Night. She's a nice mare." I stared at her, in confusion about what she was saying. "Listen to me, if you want to solve this problem you have to figure out what is wrong. Trust me... I hope to meet you in pony, or in person, soon." she said, flying away. "WAIT!! wait..." I said as I abruptly woke up to shaking. "Heather! Heather! Ponies are coming!" 453 yelled in my face. "Huh... Yeah sure, just wait a second..." I muttered as I nearly fell back to sleep. "But I saw them walking close to where we are now!!" She yelled. I sat up immediately and looked around. Sure enough there was a small rustle of leaves. I crawled over and poked the bush with my sword. Immediately a grey pony with bat wings jumped out and pinned me down. "453 RUN!!" I shouted, reminding myself if we met again to give her a name. she shot up and took off running, panicking as she did so. I resisted against the strong bat-pony for a good hour or so, he really wasn't that strong... unlike that rainbow pony... I HATE HER, *Ahem* sorry, anyways I eventually shoved him off of me when he got too tired. I reached for my sword that it knocked away and held it up, having no idea how to use it other than blocking. "UHH, can't we just talk?" I said to the pony before it lunged at me. I swiftly dodged and held up the sword and blocked as its rear legs came flying at me. There was a clang of hoof on metal as he knocked it away with a solid sweep of his legs. We both watched it go flying and crash into a rock. "Best two out of three?" I said, holding up my arms. The pony answered me with a growl. Soon another bat-pony came out with a squad of five bat-ponies. "I'm terribly sorry about Dusk Light here, He lost the ability to use his voice when he was a colt but he has extraordinary fighting skills. Ah, right my name. Golden Might at your service." he said, holding out his hoof. I reluctantly took it and helped myself up. "Seriously... why do all ponies have it out for me?!" I asked him. "Well, ponies around here don't take too kindly to strange creatures roaming town as they please, especially the Elements. Anyways, we've been called by Princess Luna to take you to Canterlot. She and Princess Celestia wish to talk with you and that changeling you were sleeping with...." He said, adding some curiosity to his tone at the end. I felt red growing across my face as I quickly explained "UHHH... Its not what you think! That changeling was an orphan and one who actually understood me!!!" Golden's Eyebrow grew in suspicion as he accepted my answer. He nodded to two of his troop and they flew off. "Where are they going!?" I demanded, worried for 453's sake. I really need to give her a name... "Going to find the changeling. Don't worry I can assure you that she will be safe" Golden said, Venom dripping from his tone. I stared at him but I soon was lead by the three remaining Bat-ponies to a carriage that was painted with deep blues, purples and a bit of black. They shoved me in and strapped themselves to the front. Wouldn't that be slave work for ponies to be pulling other ponies? The carriage jerked and soon I saw it was up in the air, flying toward a massive castle built into the side of a mountain. I sat back and worried about the poor changeling...