A Very Happy and Sunny Life

by Wearin Hat


Hi Mr. Booky! It’s me again!

So, did you like Miss Sparkle and Miss Octavia? I do!

I know Mr. Ipsa might not like for them to have written in you, but he needs to learn that making friends isn’t so bad, especially when they’re as nice as Miss Sparkle and Miss Octavia. Hehe, especially when they’re as pretty as Miss Octavia!

I’m getting kinda tired, Mr. Booky. Mommy won’t let me stay up too long. I’m supposed to have my legs looked at again tomorrow, so I hope they’ll have good news for me!

It’s sad to say goodbye again, but it won’t the last time I say it, so cheer up! You, me, and Mr. Ipsa will get to play again someday!

Thanks for coming to visit me, Mr. Booky!

Tell Mr. Ipsa that I love him and that I can’t wait to see him!
