//------------------------------// // Chapter 16-A Much Needed Explanation // Story: Transformers: The Requiem // by JDPrime22 //------------------------------// At first, Twilight simply laid there, confusion and shock permanently stretched across her expression. Optimus just asked who she was, and asked why she called him by his name. All logical reasons to finding the answer to this were long gone, leaving the ponies in a stupor they couldn’t hope to break free from. “Ummm…what?” Rainbow Dash said, scratching her head as she hovered above her friends. Optimus Prime did not release Twilight from his grip as he brought his head up. He glared at the other four beginning to approach him. However, like the others, they didn’t show fear. “Optimus,” the white one began saying, “darling, we’re your friends. How could you even admit to saying that you don’t recognize Twilight?” “Yeah, and your name is Optimus Prime, silly!” the pink one added. Optimus turned his head to the blue one beginning to speak. “What’s going on, Prime? Don’t you recognize us?” she asked. Fluttershy tried to add something to the conversation. “Um, girls, maybe he doesn’t-” Prime stood back up to full height, catching everypony’s attention. Once Optimus’ hand was lifted, Twilight breathed in, full of relief, to be free and not crushed. Instantly, Rarity and Rainbow Dash came to her aide, helping Twilight back to her hooves. They all brought their heads up when Optimus started talking again. Optimus pointed a threatening finger at them. “Tell whoever you serve to leave me be,” he ignored their confused expressions and continued. “I do not wish to hurt anymore of your comrades, but I will defend myself if the situation calls for it. Now, I will give you a chance to leave.” All they did was stare at him with those large, colorful eyes. When they continued to not move, Optimus shook his head and turned away from them. But before he could even take a step, that pink one from before had somehow appeared right in front of his vision. “Just where do you think you're going, mister?” Pinkie shouted. Optimus yelped in surprise and jumped backwards, instantly tripping over himself. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow were quick enough to escape Prime’s shadow falling on them. A small tremor resonated throughout the orchard as Prime’s back impacted the ground. He groaned in pain, trying so desperately to get back up again. But even more so concerned with that pink thing that attacked him. She appeared again, this time on his chest. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell us what’s wrong with you!” Pinkie shouted, bringing up a lamp and shining the light down on Prime’s blue eyes, causing him to flinch. “Where were you on the Tuesday of last month?!” she questioned with big, crazy eyes. Optimus blinked. “I don’t…know,” he admitted. Rainbow Dash and Rarity rolled their eyes, but admitted that a good questioning was in order. “Ask him why he doesn’t recognize us!” Rainbow Dash said. Before her next question could be answered, Optimus lifted up his hand and gently picked up the pink pony on his chest. He placed her on the ground next to him. Doing this gave him enough time to get back up. He stepped over the five mares below him, slowly backing away when he was past them. “Whoever you all are, please, just leave me alone,” Optimus told them with his hands raised in front of him. Twilight shook her head. “Optimus, it’s me! Twilight!” she shouted. Her eyes suddenly grew wide. She looked down at her wings, quickly bringing them next to her sides. “Okay, I know I have wings this time, but I swear I’m the same Twilight Sparkle you knew a long time ago!” Optimus’ optics quickly went from one mare to another. He stared at the one called Twilight, who was busy smiling up at him. “We’re your friends,” she said. The thought never occurred to him before, but now it did. Optimus shook his head and said, “No…I don’t have any friends.” He ignored their crestfallen expressions. Now was a good time to make a run for it and hide from these creatures. That’s exactly what he did. The five mares watched as the last Prime ran as fast as he could into Ponyville and away from them. All Twilight could do was stare at his back grow smaller and smaller. She wanted to cry. She wanted to lay down in the dirt and cry just like before, but something stopped her. This wasn’t like last time. Last time they thought Optimus was dead. They thought they had lost all hope in saving their friend since the Rainbow Power didn’t work. Oh no, this wasn’t like last time. Twilight had hope now, because Optimus Prime was alive and he needed help. There wasn’t going to be anything that would stop her this time. “Come on, girls,” Twilight ordered, “we can’t let him run into the Everfree Forest!” Rainbow Dash broke into a heavy grin. “That’s the Twilight I know!” she told her. But before they could all break free and chase him down, Fluttershy’s timid voice had somehow caught their attention. “Wait, we need somepony to stay and find Applejack,” Fluttershy said from behind the group. Pinkie smiled and said, “Excellent observation, Fluttershy! You can stay and do just that!” Fluttershy seemed to be taken aback by Pinkie’s response, but realized that helping Applejack instead of chasing Optimus into the Everfree Forest would be a much safer thing to do. Besides, she didn’t like the Everfree Forest anyway, and helping Applejack from whatever these stallions did to her was a much better choice, for her safety and her friend’s safety. “Alright,” the Pegasus said. Suddenly, Fluttershy remembered what she was going to say, but it was too late. She watched as Twilight and Rainbow Dash took to the skies, followed by Rarity and Pinkie Pie hot on the trails from the ground. They were long gone, leaving Fluttershy alone in Sweet Apple Acres’ ruins. She sighed, “Maybe he doesn’t remember us…” _______________ Ponyville has a reputation. It has been known to go from a peaceful Sunday morning to total anarchy in a span of eleven minutes, no more. So far, this has happened for the first two weeks in the new month, and Ponyville citizens regarded this as a challenge. They wanted to keep calm no matter what, keeping their town safe and ultimately keeping their families safe. A lone mare sitting at the local coffee shop bit her lip anxiously as she stared at the watch attached to her foreleg. Only twenty seconds left and the rumors of ponies running for their lives would be declared false, and she would have won the bet. “Just a little bit longer…and…almost there…” she whispered; sweat dripping down the side of her head. Ten seconds left! Ten seconds and her friend Minuette would be wrong for the first time, and she would be right for the first time! “Three seconds!” she screamed in joy. A large shadow came above and smashed the table in front of her. She flinched in surprise, bringing up her head to gaze at the metal giant running right through Ponyville and causing several ponies to run and scream in fear. Following the metal giant was Princess Twilight, she noticed, and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. Twilight was the first to notice complete chaos rifting through the small town. Ponies ran for their lives, others (who she assumed to be the smarter ones) gasped in surprised and stayed right where they were. They obviously remembered Optimus Prime as much as she did. Despite the few gazers, the majority of the town was obviously spooked, and ponies everywhere would gather their children, secure their doormats, and lock the doors. Optimus dodged as many as the creatures as he could, but he created a lot of attention towards himself, which was the last thing he wanted. He quickly spun his head around to see those same ponies chasing him. He needed to get away, to hopefully get them lost trying to find him. But where…? The forest up ahead looked promising, and Optimus took the only chance he could get. Princess Twilight noticed where Optimus was headed, and she didn’t like it. He easily jumped over the bridge that rose above the creek. They all followed Prime as he pushed himself through Ponyville Park, causing several young fillies and colts to scream at the giant’s presence. Past the park was a straight shot to the Everfree Forest. “NO!” Twilight screamed. “Optimus! Don’t go in there!” Too late. Optimus Prime dove into the forest, smacking away the trees that dared stand in his path. Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash skidded to a stop right in the forest’s entrance. They all watched as Prime’s path of destruction sent trees deep in the forest crashing to the ground. However, a loud roar caused each pony to back away quickly. Obviously, Optimus had awakened the beasts of the Everfree Forest, daring whoever was foolish enough to come inside of its nightmare. Twilight Sparkle flew right over them, following Optimus’ path. “Twilight, wait!” Rarity shrieked, forcing herself to ignore the forest sludge as she followed far behind her friend. Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip. She ignored all fears from their past experiences and soared into the forest. Pinkie clapped her hooves together and smiled bright with excitement. She whipped out her party cannon and lodged herself inside of it. Pulling the trigger, the cannon launched Pinkie into the darkness with great power. As silence fell upon the Everfree Forest, a loud scream came from the town of Ponyville. “WHY DO I KEEP LIVING IN THIS CRAZY TOWN?!”