//------------------------------// // Revenge // Story: Wesker in Equestria // by DeepThought //------------------------------// Revenge Wesker in Equestria by DeepThought As the blond man had predicted, the queen recovered quickly and without any major complications. She obeyed Wesker’s orders without hesitation, and was generally submissive, a perfect servant indeed. However, Chrysalis was still able to make decisions on her own to achieve the mission goals cleverly. She was not a mindless zombie, but her inherent drive to be herself, the fire of personal identity, was gone. And just as Albert had feared, it seemed like she had lost the ability to shape shift. The former Queen expressed difficulties weaving the transformation spell. If anything she just managed to fabricate some unnatural monstrosities. Fortunately, Wesker was proven wrong. After a few days the problems gradually vanished, so Chrysalis was still able to assume any form the scientist ordered her to. But there was one flaw in Wesker’s plans. The scar the surgery had left carried over to any form Chrysalis would take. It wasn’t that visible, though, only a slight deformation, barely noticeable. But to someone who knew what to search for, it was quite obvious. Chrysalis had to be careful no pony noticed, or she would get spotted easily. When the man informed his assistant, Clean Cut, about the presence of the insectoid quadruped he had expressed his worries, but it didn’t take much to persuade him to shut up. Wesker couldn’t risk an information leak, especially with the grand galloping gala drawing near. It was an excellent business opportunity. Everypony of distinction would be present at the gala, and Wesker had started to fix up some common and harmless human medications to finance his research. He only needed help with the distribution. Also, he would finally receive the “Defender of Harmony” award with all honors at the celebration. He didn’t need a scandal now. So one morning, Dr. Cut walked into his office, a lonely parasprite swirling over his desk full of research notes. Wesker soon after joined the researcher, shock evident on the stallion’s face. Then the man exclaimed, “What do you say, my little friend,” he held his hand mockingly at his ear, just as if he was listening to the parasprite, “Your daddy doesn’t like you? How unfortunate!” And with a swift motion he crushed the insect between his hands. From then on his assistant cut the bullshit, aware his boss knew about the secret of his troubled past. Chrysalis, under the cover name of "Diamond Wishes" became their unicorn secretary, responsible for the massive amount of paperwork necessary to run the facility. Everything was tightly regulated by the state. Also, the construction work was finally finished and Wesker and Cut officially began their work, cataloging the nearby flora and fauna of the Everfree Forest. Only the outskirts had been scouted for medical usable plant life, yet. They paid any Ponyvillian who brought them an unknown species a decent sum of bits. And although some tried to fool the scientist and his assistant by bringing commonly known plants, like dandelions and sunflowers, to his office to make some easy money - these ponies were indeed an idiotic bunch - there were quite interesting discoveries, too. Useful to say the least. Now, one week later it was the time to test the loyalty and capability of his newly acquired servant. His revenge was near. Blueblood, the cretin who had assaulted the man in a quite disturbing fashion, was now the target of his righteous ire. He would have to pay dearly for his mistake. Wesker instructed the Queen to kill the snotty noble. At a late afternoon in Winter, she flew over the city of Canterlot where her target resided. She had assumed the form of an attractive Pegasus mare, sporting a silvery coat, a blonde mane, and a delivery cutie mark. She began to circle above the snowy rooftops, a few chimneys were smoking, slowly losing altitude. It was cold and the sight was misty, if she wasn’t a changeling, she might have been freezing and would have had difficulties maintaining flight. Then with a soft clop, her hooves hit the cobblestone pavement of the city. A few ponies, who were strolling along the sidewalk, shot the Queen sour glaces for startling them, but soon their interest for the unusual disturbance wore off, and they went their own ways. By hoof she covered the distance of a few blocks to the near city district of Spring Valley, where the most influential and wealthiest residents of Canterlot lived. The view that presented itself was very different from the scenery a few blocks down the streets. If Chrysalis hadn’t been under the influence of P30 her usual, pompous self might have enjoyed the luxurious mansions that lined the streets at both sides. Now she just scanned them with indifference, looking out for one certain residence. When she found what she was looking for, an exceptionally spacious, multiple story villa, featuring a balcony resting on marble pillars, she hastened her steps. The property was surrounded by an ornamented fence. At the gates to a large and well kept garden stood two Royal guards. This presented a problem. Chrysalis didn’t expect Blueblood Manor to be secured by the Equestrian military. The country in general and especially Canterlot were known for their almost complete absence of violent crime and the few exceptions were usually caused by the minority of foreigners, Griffons and Minotaurs. She could try to sneak in from behind by flying over the barrier, but doubted it would be that easy if guards were positioned at the entrance to keep the property safe. Likely, some kind of spell would notice the security of the unwelcome intruder. As she passed the two guards, she scanned them casually to find something she could use to get access to the villa. The right guard seemed to be younger, less professional and concentrated compared to his companion. The stallion had bags under his eyes and exhaustedly leaned on his spear - obvious signs of a night in Canterlot's extensive club scene. A plan began to form in her head. The master would be proud. The Queen chose the younger guard since weak-minded, tired, and stressed individuals were more likely to fall for her deceptive mind magic. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, turning to the two stallions. Chrysalis changed her facial expression to that of astonishment as if she had recognized him and was now surprised to see the stallion there. Then a shy smile spread over her face. “Aren’t you the stallion I met last week at the bar?” she asked innocently, while she began to weave her spell. She could see in his eyes that he didn’t remember her, but the former queen of the changelings could also feel a conflicting emotion radiating from the unfortunate soul. Probably, the stallion assumed that he wasn’t able to recognize her due the abuse of alcoholic beverages or was just being forgetful. If it didn’t work as she predicted she could blame it on the striking similarities between the guards. It was indeed an embarrassing situation for the stallion, but he carried it off well. “Oh, I see,” he replied, an apologetic smirk on his muzzle, “I must have forgotten your name then, beautiful mare.” She showed a calculated frown, but then only seconds later the changeling sighed and returned the smile. “Fast Flight,” Chrysalis responded, her wings playfully brushing the stallion's shoulder. The conversation continued for a bit. It became obvious she was a welcome distraction to the dull routine of the guard. After a few minutes Chrysalis looked down as if she was pondering something. Then Chrysalis leaned up to the guard and purred into his ear, “I couldn’t forget you. You look quite handsome in your armor, and I'm in heat, you know. What do you think about showing me a good time, strong stallion? I only live a few blocks from here.” Silently, he nodded, the effects of the spell hitting him with full force now. He willingly trotted after Chrysalis, his gaze fixated on her backside. “I will borrow your friend for a while. There’s an issue he has to take care of. Is that OK?” the former Queen of the changelings asked the guard’s colleague with a wink. Surprisingly, the second guard didn't complain and even gave his pal the pony’s equivalent to a thumbs up. Little did he suspect he would never lay eyes on his friend again. Several streets north, in an industrial district, Chrysalis looked around unsuspiciously to spot possible witnesses. Then the mare and the stallion disappeared into a gloomy side alley. From there emerged a few minutes later a single, armor-clad guard. Fortunately the armor covered up the nasty scar on her chest, just underneath the now pristine fur. The young guard had been quite helpful, revealing intel about the guard shifts, the habits of the villa owner, Blueblood, and personal details about himself and his companion, but now she no longer had any use for him. The Queen returned to the estate and held a bit of small talk with the second guard, mostly bragging about sex, before she asked for the key to the house to use the toilet. Then she entered the villa. The doors were made of dark, tropical and expensive-looking wood, the floor out of polished marble was covered by a red carpet. The light of a crystal glass chandelier reflected on the shiny surfaces of several statues and the golden frames of colorful paintings. If Canterlot Castle was luxury, this was decadence. Even though the title of the prince was only ceremonial and the family didn’t hold legislative power in the Equestrian diarchy, their word was well respected under the nobles, and they had accumulated quite a fortune from a large business Empire that reached from the Kingdom of the Griffins over the whole of Equestria to the steppe where the Zebra tribes lived. Blueblood wasn’t the last remaining member of his family. With his father passed away, but his younger siblings still alive, a brother and a sister who lived a carefree life in Trottingham, he was the oldest son and head of the family and therefore the pony to inherit their legacy. The Bluebloods had been the most important noble family for the past few hundred years now, since their ancestor, Philomeno Blueblood, had bravely led the armies of Equestria to a glorious victory against the changelings in a desperate battle and was awarded the title of a prince for his achievements for the crown. Unfortunately, little was left of the family’s once so noble spirit. Great warriors, diplomats, advisers and merchants had emerged from this line, but with every generation the family became more degenerated and dysfunctional - a royal pain in the rear for the princesses and a burden for the many common ponies they gave a hard time with their snobby attitude. This didn’t mean that the current head of the house, Blueblood VIII., was defenseless, though. He had attended Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, since he was a talented magician, not because of his family’s status, served in the army as a high ranking officer when he was younger and even had been considered one of the most promising candidates for the rank of Royal Guard’s Captain, before finally Shining Armor, his former subordinate, was granted the promotion due to his association with Princess Cadance and his better people skills. The blond stallion could definitely defend himself in an open fight. Blueblood was trained in combat and Chrysalis had to take that into consideration when she tried to accomplish her mission. The lobby was massive. Ornamented steps led up to the second floor, where the personal quarters of master Blueblood were. A closed double leaf door led to the ballroom, the rooms where the employees resided, the laundry, and the kitchen. A butler stood at a counter and eyed the Queen in disguise with typical indifference. The presence of the aged stallion in the tuxedo could mean nasty questions, but the Queen wasn’t worried. One way or another she would achieve her goal. Compared to the attack on Canterlot this was nothing to worry about. If she could fool the princess herself into believing she was her niece, she could face an arrogant noble and his employees. The murder would cause quite an outrage in the kingdom. But caring about the consequences of her actions meant little without control. She was supposed to obey her master’s orders and would do so with glee. Thinking and acting for herself was such a difficult affair. After she awoke from the treatment her thoughts were as slow as snails. The master knew best what to do. From what the guard had revealed her she assumed that Blueblood currently was upstairs. He had been with another mare, one that frequently visited the prince. The guard guessed she was probably an admirer ‘with special benefits’, but he had no proof for his claim. The blond prince had told the guards to allow the coffee-colored, unicorn mare access to his property without special invitation, even if he wasn’t at home. That she was his lover was therefore an obvious assumption. But still some things didn’t add up. Why all of things would the prince allow a groupie unrestricted access to his mansion? And if she was more than that, if this was a stable relationship, who would tolerate such as a person as Blueblood, notoriously lusty and known for his rude demeanor? Judging by the guard’s description she was in her forties and not that attractive, either. Why didn’t she live with him in the first place? Was it some kind of fetish? Whatever the prince’s relation to the unicorn was, Chrysalis was determined to find out. This mysterious mare was a potential eyewitness of what was about to happen. The master had told her that Chrysalis identity was under no circumstances to be revealed. If she was stunned by blast of magic it would be enough to disperse the frail deception. Stone-faced and with a hint of boredom and arrogance audible in his voice, the butler interrupted her thoughts, “How may I help you, Sir? I couldn’t help but notice that you were staring at me.” “I bring important news. Where can I find Prince Blueblood, it’s rather urgent, Sir,” she said, while saluting. She assumed that neither Mr. Blueblood nor his butler cared enough about the employees to determine whether the guard was one of their personal employees or just a random officer sent from Canterlot Castle. “The master is at home, but he told me to be not disturbed under any circumstances. I can deliver a message. Does that sit well with you?” “It’s urgent. I was instructed only to talk to your master,” she pressed on, “This message comes from the highest circles, the princesses themselves. Please consider making an exception, as Prince Blueblood's very reputation risks being tarnished if the situation is not dealt with swiftly.” “I'm afraid the masters orders were absolute, he will remain undisturbed. You may see yourself out now, Sir!” he replied arrogantly. Then the butler scribbled something into a notebook and didn’t pay attention to his visitor anymore, making it clear that the conversation was closed now. Chrysalis snorted furiously and stepped nearer to the lobby desk. Half of it was an act the other half her own temper, her violated pride. Now, under the influence of P30 she would tolerate even less to be messed with, since the drug contained components of anabolic agents and these made her increasingly violent. “Really? You believe a mere butler reserves the right to make the prince's decisions for him when it regards his political standing no less? You are nothing more than a glorified servant. Do not forget this fool, let me pass and I will not report this delay.” she shouted, putting on an angry expression. The butler remained completely calm. The older stallion even had the nerve to grin smugly, while the Queen threw a fit. “Young recruits,” he muttered. Then he added louder, “I will make sure to tell your commander of your misbehavior, mister. What was your name again?” This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The former Queen of the changelings finally snapped. With a quick punch to the head the laughing butler was knocked out cold. But before his consciousness finally flickered out and darkness embraced him, he weakly pushed a little, red button right under the counter. Chrysalis was too occupied snickering about the unfortunate situation of the gray stallion to notice, though. After she calmed down a bit, oblivious to the alarm that now ringed in the barracks of Canterlot Castle, she hid the butler’s motionless body inside a ridiculously large wooden shoe cabinet, using shoelaces to fixate his limbs and a pair of old socks to gag him. For a moment she considered killing the gray stallion, but then decided against it. It was neither necessary nor useful. The resulting mess could arouse suspicion and would take time to clean up - time she simply didn’t have. The Queen was quite satisfied with herself. She had managed to get rid of this annoying snob while avoiding an open conflict. She took a key with a little key chain saying “private rooms” from a board behind the counter and made sure the main door to the mansion was tightly locked. Intruders were a possible security risk. Then, as if nothing had happened, she trotted towards the stairs and ascended them. Her steps were cushioned by a soft, red carpet that lead all the way to the prince’s personal chambers. She scanned the area behind the door beforehand to make sure she wouldn’t run into the prince or the mysterious brown mare. Unfortunately, it seemed like both of them were located in the room right next to the door. Muffled voices reached the Queen’s ears. “... A bit of charity won’t hurt you,” the mare said in a soft tone. “But mother…” a male voice, obviously Blueblood, whined, “these filthy commoners don’t deserve it. Homeless are just scum.” “Every pony needs a place to live. And those more fortunate like us have the duty to care for them. But it’s okay, sweetie. I don’t want to argue… I trust you that you will know what’s right.” she answered, a bit of sadness and disappointment evident in her voice. It strangely made sense that she was his mother. In many noble families it was not actually the stallion’s wife, but just a lover of common heritage, that gave birth to the family’s heir. Later the children and the rest of the family often tended to disguise the real circumstances of the birth, even going so far as to deny the commoner’s motherhood in public. Chrysalis had heard enough. She knocked at the door loudly and modulated her voice to sound like the butler. Then she said, “Master, you have a visitor, a high-ranking officer from Canterlot Castle, that brings important news directly from the princesses.” The conversation between mother and son stopped abruptly. “Well,” he huffed indignantly from inside, “if it’s really that important that you disregard my direct orders, send him in. This will have consequences.” “I understand, Sir,” he answered, while unlocking the door with a key. Meanwhile a contingent of guards was on its way. Chrysalis entered a spacious and cozy living room, while the last rays of the sun were pouring through the wide, stained glass windows. The enormous couch, that looked as if it was made of silk, rested on a purple carpet laying on a fine wooden floor. On the couch sat her target beside his mother, a frown spread on the rather attractive face of the stallion. In front of the two ponies was a stack of documents on a small coffee table, just next to two steaming cups of tea and a small tablet. “Lieutenant Swift Strike at your service, Sir!” she answered, while saluting. After returning the greeting, Blueblood replied with slight disdain, “At ease, soldier.” Judging by his military background it was obvious that he was used to this procedure. After she had relaxed her posture the prince added, “Now report.” Chrysalis cleared her throat. “With all due respect, Sir, I was instructed explicitly to deliver the message to you and nopony else,” she answered politely, shooting a glance towards the other mare. Blueblood huffed in agitation, then he replied sternly, punctuating every word, while his eyes became hard, “This is my mother. I keep no secrets from her and I trust her with my life.” “Unfortunately, this includes your mother,” Chrysalis interjected diplomatically, “This is no matter of mistrust, but I have to follow the protocol, Sir, or I might get in trouble.” You better not argue with me, Lieutenant, or I can guarantee you will get in trouble. I can still pull a few strings in the military and I know just the right ponies who can transfer you to the badlands, far from your family and friends, where the conflict with the Diamond Dogs is still ongoing.” He waved his hoof dismissively in his mother’s direction, “Now let’s pretend my beloved mother is not here. How does that sound to you?” She didn’t expect him to be this blunt, but she kept her cool, despite her growing anger. ‘Why do they all need to be this stubborn,’ Chrysalis asked herself, sighing internally. The former Queen of the changelings was so sick of this. She was just here to accomplish her mission, not to argue with petty nobles or their employees. At the same time, down in the lobby, a contingent of guards found the body of the knocked out butler. To her surprise Blueblood's mother began to defend the disguised changeling. “Don’t be that hard on this poor guard,” the mare said softly, “Do you remember when you still served under Chrome Barding? You were always complaining about how pointless his orders were - but still you obeyed. He’s only doing his job, dear.” “Poorly, indeed. He lacks respect. It appears that after I left the guard and Shining Armor became the Captain everything went downhill. The very fact that our fine Lieutenant is here and somehow managed to press my butler into letting him in, is an act of disrespect, that needs to be punished. But I will show mercy, should he stop delaying the issue this very instant!!” he answered, his eyes fixated on the coffee-colored mare. ‘This is not how I planned it, but I suppose this will work as well. Let's cut this short. There is no sense in wasting time,’ Chrysalis thought, charging up her horn, ‘I don’t see why I shouldn’t take the easy route - brute force! It’s a pity that he insisted on keeping his mother here, now she too will have to be dealt with, too.’ In fact she didn’t care at all. Blueblood must have seen it in his peripheral vision or might have heard the static noise of the magic fizzling through the air - she didn’t know - but he managed to erect a magical barrier just in time, before the blast could hit him. The collision resulted in a small, colorful explosion, that shook the floor and threw the table, documents and tea cups through the room. “Cease this insanity,” shouted Blueblood in alarm, “What in Tartarus do you think you're doing?” He remained composed, his experience from the guard allowing him to assess the situation. He noticed his mother from the corner of his eye, who was unharmed but in shock from the attack. The mare’s eyes were now as big as the saucers that laid destroyed on the ground. The experience was simply too much for the aging mare, she could handle it no longer and fainted. Blueblood extended his spell so that the now motionless body of his mother was covered by the blueish aura as well. The Queen didn’t expect Blueblood was the kind to care about others, but it was his own mother after all. It was obvious now that the Queen could simply overpower him. His magical strength was great, his technique advanced, yet meant little when compared to Chrysalis. At her best she was on par with that damnable wench of the sun, a claim that few mortals could match.. Chrysalis cackled madly thoroughly enjoying herself and charged up more spells. When green magic met blue again and again, the barrier began to flicker and the stallion started to sweat visibly. Encouraged by the obvious success of her strategy the Queen kept up the steady stream of attacks. Blueblood was too occupied with defending himself and his mother to land a blow on his opponent himself, damned to watch how his defenses began to crumble. Soon he dropped to his knees and his gaze unfocused, his usually so well-groomed, blonde mane becoming a disheveled mess, caused by the electrical static in the shield bubble. Then his spell collapsed and a sound of breaking glass echoed through the room. The unicorn couldn’t keep the barrier up anymore - he had exhausted himself. At the sight of the now helpless prince a manic smile spread on Chrysalis’ face. Victory was near. Quickly, her smirk vanished as she heard a frantic male voice shout, “Charge”, followed by the door behind breaking free of its hinges and skidding to the floor. She could detect the presence of at least a dozen guards. Acting on reflex she teleported behind the weakened prince, who barely clinged to consciousness. That the guards, who stormed into the room, didn’t assault her instantly, was due to the fact that her horn was pointed at the prince and again crackling with magic. It was a hostage situation, the nightmare of any officer. “Stop right there!” she demanded “Or your precious little prince might get hurt. You wouldn't want to risk his royal plot being reduced to dust, would you? Step carefully, your very position in the guard hinges to his survival." Taken aback the rusty commander stated, “Don't do anything rash, the situation doesn’t have to end this way.” In turn the guard was met with a dull expression from his opponent. It was obvious that the stallion wasn’t prepared for this. Equestria was a rather peaceful country and a brawl at a pub was the most violent thing your common guard would see through his career. The officer tried to reason with the disguised changeling. “We can solve this diplomatically. No pony needs to get hurt,” the guard pleaded as Chrysalis continued to channel more and more magic from her reserves, despite the growing physical discomfort the overload brought with it. “Are you okay, your Highness,” a female guard asked the Prince empathetically. “Do I look l like it?! Are you stupid?” he answered, glancing towards his captor. The older guard continued his rant. “Boy,” he argued, “There is no escape. Whatever motivated you to something so horrible, we can solve it. Do you think you can take on the whole Royal guard? There is no place in Equestria you can hide from us, especially should you murder a noble. Listen to reason! You will rot in the dungeon for years to come if you don’t cooperate now. Equestria is the country of second chances, compassion and tolerance, for Celestia’s sake. Have faith, boy! What you are about to do is just and plain wrong.” he continued to ramble, Chrysalis droning him out. She knew there was but only one option left to her. “I will think about it,” she replied neutrally. The whole situation was unexpected and worrisome. Her master had told her that her highest priority was to avoid getting caught. The blonde man had made it clear that this was even more important than accomplishing the original mission goals. The prince’s assassination was supposed to be a test of her skills, his death was just icing on the cake. What would be the point of this test if she was captured? If she killed the prince now, she would need a few seconds to prepare another shot. This could be enough for the guards to overwhelm her with her mass. The disguised changeling needed to cause a distraction in order to flee from the scene of crime, while avoiding to give away her true nature. The Queen didn't want to disappoint her master by messing up, possibly tarnishing his good reputation by doing so. Blueblood was surprisingly silent. Defeatedly, the proud stallion hung his head, obviously still too weakened to stand up. Magical exhaustion had taken its toll on him and it might take a few more hours, before he would be back to full strength. But Chrysalis wouldn't underestimate him. He was an experienced soldier. This might be a trick to lull her into a false sense of security, so she kept an eye on him. The disguised changeling was aware that with every passing minute it became more unlikely she would escape. Reinforcements would arrive. She needed to act now. When the Queen was finally sure she couldn’t increase the amount of channeled magic anymore she aimed her horn at the ceiling and released the power. Surprise was on the faces of the guards as the ceiling exploded in a shower of debris. Cracks formed in the structure and while it began to collapse. Taking her chance Chrysalis sprinted towards the window. Without hesitation she impacted her body impacted with the glass, causing it to break. The shards of glass cut into her carapace and sharp pain clouded her mind. She fell downwards into the garden of the mansion. Hissing in agony, she recovered from the impact with the ground and stood up. She had a mission. Behind the breathless changeling parts of the mansion’s roof caved in. She heard screams of pain and sorrow coming from the second floor. Chrysalis sprinted towards the fence that separated the yard from the street and jumped, the P30 that was coursing through her veins increasing her strength. Just when she thought she made it over the barricade she impacted with an invisible barrier, blacked out and fell motionless to the ground. Back in Ponyville a certain blonde man held a copy of the Equestria Daily in his hands. His face that - as usual - was completely devoid of any emotion didn’t give away his inner turmoil. His whole body was tense. Internally, he was cursing. The headline of today’s edition was: "Changeling Scheme Thwarted! - More to Follow"