//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Got Off On The Wrong...Hoof? // Story: From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? // by TLP //------------------------------// "Speak softly, but carry a big stick.." -Theodore Roosevelt Marcus was more than glad to see his squad, but he held his ground, along with the cyan horse, who dug its hoof to the ground and gave him a menacing look that would've made his drill instructor flinch. And could've sworn steam was coming out of its nose, like a bull. He spoke loud enough for his squad to hear "Remember the rules of engagement, guys.." "Understood, Sarge.." They responded in unison. Before anyone dared to make a move, the yellow horse spoke up, but barley audiable "Um..e-excuse, girls..er, guys.." She said quietly. Marcus and the cyan horse shouted in unison "WHAT?!" The yellow horse let out an 'eep!' and crawled back into a bush, whimpering. Marcus and the cyan horse felt a bit guilty for yelling, but the cyan horse looked back at him, returning to her defencive pose and said "Great, now look what you did! Not only did you try to kill Fluttershy, but she's scared out of her mind thanks to you!" "Fluttershy?...I swear I heard that somewhere before..the hell?" He shook his head and looked back at the horse, raising his SPAS-12 "Kill her?!" He asked "I saved her fuckin life from those weird ass wolves made of wood! Don't believe me? Look at that pile of burned wood and ashes." He pointed to the piles of ash and burning wood around them one by one. Before the cyan horse could reply, Fluttershy spoke up and looked at her "A-actually Rainbow, he's right. He did save me.." She then looked at Marcus "B-but couldn't you have scared them i-instead of... well... k-killed them?" She said the last two words hesitantely and quieter. Marcus sighed and looked at her "Nope. They would've just returned, maybe in larger numbers. Better them than you, no?" Fluttershy whispered "I...I guess? Stil.." The cyan horse spoke up "So...you weren't trying to hurt her?" She asked Marcus looked back and rolled his eyes, not visible through his shades. "Of course not. One of the jobs me and my squad have is to protect the innocent, regardless of who they are or where they're from. Even talking, multicolored, big eyed, flying horses." She replied, a bit offended "Hey, we're ponies! Me and Flutters are Pegasi. Ya got that?" She said in a commanding tone. Marcus chuckled and said. "Your not my commanding officer. But we should get moving. It's already dark.." She scowled and said "What makes you think I'll follow YOUR orders?" Marcus grinned "For starters I doubt you wanna freeze your ass out here. And second, we got food." The cyan hor- er.. pony noticed she hasen't eaten all day, and was too lazy to fly back home, but she wasen't about to give in so easily "Hmm...I AM tired...but I'm not hungry." She crossed her forehooves infront of her chest and grinned victoriously. But her stomach thought otherwise. It growled so loud that Marcus and his squad raised their weapons up and aimed at the treeline. Marcus then put two and two together and turned to her, smirking "You were saying?" She grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of her head with her hoof "Eheh..sorry." She sighed "Ok fine, I'll go..but you better have good food though!" Marcus smiled and turned to Fluttershy "Can you walk or fly?" Fluttershy limped out of the bush, her left foreleg badly scratched with deep cuts, and her right wing was slightly bent. "Oh damn..hope she doesn't get an infection.." He turned to Thompson, who looked awestruck and very happy for some reason. "Thompson, you ok?" Thompson snapped out of his trance and spoke "Y-yes, Sarge. I'm fine.." Marcus nodded "Ok good. Go and pick up Fluttershy over there. She's hurt bad and you have the most medical experience." Thompson nodded and replied, very giddy "Right away, Sarge! He jogged towards the injured pegasus Kayla spoke to Marcus "Hey Marcus?" "Yeah?" "I know a good camping spot not not far from here. About half a click away. We should move now before anything else tries to eat us." Marcus nodded "Ok, lead the way. And why're you in a ghillie suit?" Kayla shrugged "Dunno. I woke up in this." They heard they cyan pegasus groan "I. am. BOOOORED. Can we speed this up a bit?" She said impatiently. Marcus just grinned and nodded "Okay people, we're Oscar-Mike, lets go! Kayla, lead the way." Kayla nodded "On it." Everyone gathered up and followed Kayla, with Jackson and Thompson in the middle holding Fluttershy, and Marcus and the cyan pegasus in the back. The two walked along silently, until the pegasus spoke up "Hey, dude. I never got your name." Marcus looked at her and said "My name's Marcus. But I go by my callsign 'Hunter'. Y'know what, just call whatever you feel like. And yours?" "Hunter huh? That pretty cool. The name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" She stated proudly. Marcus pondered for a minute"Rainbow Dash, huh? Well it looks like the name fits..but why does it sound so familia- Then it hit him like a bullet train. "Wait...the forest...those wolves...Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash...Equestria?...Oh God...this is.." He then said something he hasen't said in forever.. "My Little Pony..." He whispered in shock. The memories came back to him. The Mane 6, Equestria, Elements of Harmony, everything.. "Uh...Hunter? You ok, dude?" Marcus hade't noticed that he had stopped walking. His squad including Fluttershy and Rainbow looked at him, worried. He then shook his head "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just had a brain fart.." Jackson knew he was lying "Man you sure? It looks like you had a flash back or somethin like that.." Marcus nodded "Don't worry about me. I'm good. Lets keep moving, I'm tired as hell." They started walking until they heard a roar, simlar to a lion. "Oh COME ON..."