//------------------------------// // Foundations // Story: Wesker in Equestria // by DeepThought //------------------------------// Foundations Wesker in Equestria by DeepThought The doctor had been hesitant at first, unsure about this strange individual he barely knew. Honestly, the human's offer had been a surprise to him after all these years of fruitless labour at the hospital. But his colleague seemed to be genuine. This could be exactly what he had waited and hoped for. Also, the man had told him casually that he would get indirectly funded by the princesses, since he and his equipment were paid by the crown, if he accepted to work with him. Mr. Wesker, who happened to be in favor of the three royal alicorns, said he could redirect the cash flow into their common projects - A little revenge for Clean Cut's mistreatment. That was a big plus. The doctor of bioengineering had clearly expressed he wasn't beyond taking extreme measures to ensure his operations were a success and his alien knowledge could prove to be useful. From the short encounter he could tell this person was competent and confident, a winning team of character traits. In the red, glowing slits, that were his eyes, he could see endless ambition. On the other hoof, the man and his cold, calculating demeanor sent a shiver down his spine, causing him to involuntarily shake from time to time. This predatory grin, the expressionless stone face, he didn't know what to make of him. But Clean Cut had learned that in order to achieve something as great as he was imagining, one had to make compromises and even sacrifices. Still, despite his analytical mind and rational reasoning, he was surprised that he had agreed without so much as a second thought. The stallion was fascinated, but he didn't know exactly what the human required his assistance for. “Hundreds of years more advanced." The words echoed through his head. The man was an enigma, a riddle he was determined to solve. Dr. Cut was supposed to meet Wesker later again, so they could talk about the details of the man's plan. When Wesker and a furious Twilight returned to the castle, night had already fallen, and the moon’s pale, glowing face was on the rise. The streets were surprisingly empty, but lanterns and illuminated windows emitted an almost eerie light. The appointment with the princesses was near, so the both of them were in a hurry. Quickly, the castle came into view, and without any trouble, since the guards at the doors instantly recognized their princess, they entered the ancient halls. But before he went to the meeting, he had a castle servant point him to his rather luxurious quarters. He took a shower and changed his clothes. The only fitting set left was his lab suit because the rest of his clothing had been either shredded to pieces in the adventurous weeks in Ponyville or was designed to be worn by a woman. Hesitantly, he decided it was better than nothing and left for the dining room where already royalty awaited him. The dinner had been a feast. Plate after plate of delicious, vegetarian eye-candy was served, and he enjoyed it thoroughly. He missed the luxury of consuming meat but he could easily live without it if only for the sake of convenience. He told himself, "When in Rome do as the Romans do." The two princesses had been surprised at first about his sudden physical change, but after a short explanation by Twilight they had been very understanding. It had definitely helped his image that, for their ponies' safety, he had endured the torture of being in the wrong body. Now another servant, a white earth pony stallion with a very prominent mustache, brought the dessert, a fruit salad. The round table they were sitting at was rather small - at least smaller than the human had expected, judging by the enormous, borderline ridiculous opulence and vanity of the Castle. Now was the time for business. Enough pleasantries had been exchanged. If he waited any longer, he'd pass the possibility to talk to the princesses directly about his plans for the future. To his right sat Princess Luna, who seemed to have found interest in his restored physical appearance. Her eyes were nearly always resting on him, when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. A few times while dinner their gazes met, and she lowered her gaze and blushed. The scientist had no clue what this was about, nor did he care. To his left was Twilight. At the beginning of this charade, Wesker had quietly apologized to her for making her wait outside the laboratory, but he explained it was necessary, and it didn't mean he didn't trust her or that they weren't friends. Of course Wesker wasn't her friend, but telling someone that usually didn't result in an increased chance of cooperation, so he decided to lie, leaving her with every impression that they were in fact as close as two people who’d only recently met could be. Opposite to the human sat the princess of the sun. She was wearing her usual regalia. From the subtle motions, the irregular sighing and her twitching, nervous eyes, he could tell she was mildly stressed. The day had obviously taken its toll on her, and her mask of polite benevolence was crumbling. She was basically still running the kingdom alone, even three years after the joyous return of her sister. Therefore, winning and keeping her support would be his top priority. Wesker spoke up, “I assume dear Twilight has informed you about my profession?” “Indeed, Mr. Wesker,” answered Princess Celestia. “Since I arrived here, a certain friend of ours,” he looked at the lavender alicorn,” offered me work as a scientist for the crown. I had a dream: a dream to study the flora and fauna of the Everfree Forest and apply the knowledge of my world to improve the lives of you ponies.” The three princesses nodded sympathetically. “So I'd like to ask for a favor. In order to achieve this dream of mine, I require funds, a laboratory, and an assistant. That doesn't mean however that I don't value our cooperation, Twilight. It's just that you have other duties to attend to as a princess, and I can't monopolize your time. Also, this assistant of mine that I wish to hire would learn about my profession and would therefore be able to spread the knowledge. In exchange, I'd also hold lectures at your universities if you deem that necessary or useful.” “That seems like a very well thought plan,” Celestia replied hesitantly, exchanging a look with the princess of the night, “but there's another matter we have to solve before we can agree to that. As I have told you this afternoon, there's the issue with your return to your home world. Your proposition would be rather a long term investment, and if you plan to return to your planet soon, assuming that you get the chance, it would be in vain. Of course we'd still look into ways to bring you back, but you'd have to agree to wait at least an appropriate time. How does two years sound to you?” “I'm not that eager to return. As you might have assumed after hearing my tale, I made many enemies back home. I'd rather wait until grass has grown over it, anyway.” “There are also certain moral rules, Mr. Wesker, that are under no circumstances allowed to be violated,” she added with slight harshness. “I don't know how things were where you came from, but there will be no experimenting with living creatures. Before any clinical studies are conducted you have to ask for our approval.” Wesker gritted his teeth. He had expected that kind of nonsense. “I accept these requirements,” the human replied, his tone not giving away his anger. “I don't see a problem then. Do you, Luna?” the sun diarch asked her younger sister. Receiving an amused gaze from Celestia a startled Luna replied, obviously deep in thought, “Neigh, Tia. I think this is a wonderful possibility.” Twilight also seemed to accept Wesker's request, judging on the smile that crept on her face. She could understand why a fellow scientist strove to increase his knowledge. The lavender alicorn had learned that supporting a friend was more important than her own egoistic desires. “Now that this is settled,” Celestia said,”I will retire for the night.” Two weeks later Wesker stood on a small hill at the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, looking down at a construction site. Several worker ponies were putting the finishing touches on a medium-sized white, cubical building. His eyes scanned over an official document he was holding: [...] Founding of Parasol Pharmaceuticals approved [...] Everything went according to the plan.