//------------------------------// // Political Ties // Story: Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny // by gallagsp the corgi //------------------------------// Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I feel it would be in both of our nation's best interest to accept open diplomatic relations in the form of an embassy in your capital of Canterlot, and your subsequent embassy in the Griffon Capital City of Northfeather. Do you accept? \-General Ironwing Dear General Ironwing, It would be my honor and privilege to allow the development of our diplomatic relation. I accept the offer. I will be sending our best ambassadors in hopes of finding the best way to satisfy both parties. -Princess Twilight Sparkle Twilight reread the original letter and corosponance again and again, wondering how a budding friendship had turned south so fast. She put the letter down and picked up the next one. Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have noticed your strong ties with the Diamond Dog Empire. I also have opened relations with them, hopefully this makeshift alliance will stand the test of time. -General Ironwing She picked up the next letter, looking this one over carefully. Princess, I have been informed that you have become close to The Minotaur States. I advise you to rethink this decision, the Minotaur are a ruthless and brutal race and are not to be trusted. -General Ironwing The next one was even more unsettling. Princess, Due to their oppressive and disrespectful acts against our kind, the Griffon Empire has decided to declare war against Zebrabwe. We ask for your support in this endeavor to cleanse the world of a true evil. General, I am afraid Equestria must decline supporting this war. We have had nothing but good relations with Zebrabwe and could not perform such an action as it would ruin our alliance. I advise you settle your differences diplomatically, let this not degrade into bloodshed. Princess, We are disapointed by your lack of support, and clearly do not understand how you could become allies with such uncultured swine. We will be withdrawing our ambassadors from your lands and closing our borders until we have settled our dispute with Zebrabwe. The Diamond Dogs have accepted our offer, and will be handsomely rewarded. General, I find it very disrespectful and rude for you to cut off relations like that. I demand you allow diplomatic channels to be opened again so we may resolve this issue peacefully, else we will be forced to resort to military exploits. If it's a war you want, it's a war you'll get. Expect us. -Emperor Irontail the Magificant Twilight read the letters again, outside the palace the city burned, she waited until the door was broken down, and raised her hooves above her head as Griffon muskets aimed at her. Equestria has lost its capitol! 3 Nations remain in possession of their capitols! Twilight Sparkle looked at the computer screen. She sighed, then clicked "Exit to Windows"