//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 - Tiny Tim // Story: Timbercub // by PinkiePieFox //------------------------------// It had only been one day since the Titan Wolf had appeared. After waking up in the basement and getting the all clear from Fluttershy, Twilight was allowed to go back into the main floor but only if she Pinkie swore to get some rest and not do anything more strenuous than reading. Rainbow Dash said she might want to remove that idea as well, as reading could be just as strenuous. As any physical activity, reading could get ones heart pumping. Twilight just stared at Dash as she said this, which caused her to shrug. Fluttershy said it would be alright though, much to Twilights relief and that is what she set out to do, read for the rest of the night while relaxing in bed. Spike was sent to Rarity’s for the night as Twilight said she would not need any help and would be laying in bed reading as per Fluttershy’s orders. She was alone in the Library, Owlowiscious was out for his evening fly and everything was silent. The only sound was the chirp of insects out within the darkness outside. Twilight had left her bedroom window open for the cool night air and the ambiance of the singing wildlife. She had read through about half the book by the time she decided to place it on her nightstand and roll over to get some sleep. She let out a sigh as she began to relax her body. Her eyes blinked as she looked at the wall at the end of the bed. They opened wide at what looked like a shadowy figure, but her eyes closed once more her head tilting to the side slightly before her body jerked awake quickly. She pulled herself up and looked into the darkness. There was nothing there. She lit her horn casting a magenta glow that brightened the room considerably. “Must be just my tired mind playing tricks on me.” She murmured as she lay back upon the pillow. She closed her eyes once more trying to relax, and just as she was about to drift off into slumber once more a, solid knock rang out from the front door of the Library. Twilight let out a groan as she rolled over looking at the clock which said it to be midnight. She sat up on the bed and groggily made her way to the steps that lead down to main room. Twilight, limping slightly “The library's closed, can you please come back tomorrow!” The rapping at the door continued and Twilight let out a heavy sigh. She began to make her way down the steps to the main floor. She was slow but managed to make it down into the lobby. Walking up to the door, she undid the latch and pulled it open in her magic. “Could you not just wa-” Her words stopped dead in her throat as she stared now, not at a pony but a massive wooden figure. A Timberwolf with brightly glowing lavender eyes, though she did not notice this, as the only thing she could see was the massive head, jaws and teeth made of sharp pointy wood just before slamming the door shut with her magic and casting several sealing spells upon the front door. She placed her back against the door of the Library breathing fast and heavy as her heart rate increased dramatically. She placed a hoof to her chest as she tried to take control over her breathing. A soft whine came from the other side of the door and the sounds of scratching caused Twilight to move away from the door quickly, backing up and bumping into the couch. Her leg twang and she gave out a hiss at the pain shooting through her leg as she to lifted from the floor. The scratching at the door stopped, Twilight’s heart was still pounding but she was getting control over her breathing now. She was shocked, What had just happened? She thought herself. Well, for one a Timberwolf showed up at your front door Twilight. And why did it not just attack instantly? No idea Twilight maybe it was just as shocked as you were? Yes that must have been it, i’m just lucky is all. She stared at the door thinking that the wolf would just bash into it and try to get to her. But after a long moment of nothing Twilight let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding and turned to the stairs. She was still freaked and was almost shaking in her hooves as she made it back to the steps leading up to her room. She only made it half way when she heard the breaking of something in her room, and then from the doorway a pair of Lavender eyes shined from within the darkness, she looked into the deep purple eyes freezing half way up the steps her mind racing. Oh no, the window in my room was open. A shiver ran up Twilight’s spine as she slowly took a step back, her leg shook as she put pressure on it. As she backed down the stairs, keeping a constant eye on the Timberwolf, she finally made it back to the ground floor. She backed up slowly towards the door of the basement as the Timberwolf steps out from her room onto the top of the stairs. Twilight was mere feet from the salvation and safety of her basement. He will have to get down the steps before getting to me, that will take him time. Twilight took another step back; just as she did so the Timberwolf leaped over the banister from the stairs and landed gracefully seven feet from twilight in the main room. Her eyes grew wide as she slammed open the door to the basement and dashed in slamming the door shut behind her and kept running. She got to the stairs leading down and kept up her pace until about seven feet from the bottom of the where she tripped over her own hooves and was sent tumbling down the last few feet to the floor, landing hard on her side and knocking the breath from her lungs. She lay there trying hard to take a deep breath, and after what felt like an eternity, finally managed to get just a small bit of air back inside of her chest. She began coughing slightly and after a bit managed to take a full deep breath of air. She lay her on her back breathing deeply, the feeling of safeness in knowing full well the wolf cannot get through the door to the basement once closed. She had fixed that little problem when she was wedged between it and the wall behind it by Spike that one time. The door won't open without my magic to allow it to open. Sure, it is a bit of a pain when I need something from the basement and I can’t just send spike. But it’s worth it, and now it’s even saved me from a Timberwolf. Oh Twilight you’re a genius! She thought to herself as she got up on her hooves, her side was still aching from the hard fall but she would be fine. She turned to the lab making her way over to a nearby desk where parchment and quill and an inkwell lay. She had to write to the Princess to tell her what has been happening; and quickly, others may be in danger of being attacked if they come to the Library. She quickly scrawled out a note. Dear Princess. It is an emergency! A Timberwolf is in the Library and is stalking me! Sen~ But that’s as far as she got when she heard a cracking sound from the basement door. Her horn flared and the letter vanished with a faint popping. She turned around, her eyes going wide as she came face to face with the Timberwolf of her nightmares! There was a scream so loud that it escaped the confines of the library and echoed throughout the empty streets of ponyville. It was four in the morning, the sun had yet to rise and the stars shimmered brightly within the darkened sky. Most of the residence of ponyville still slumbered within their beds but a few had awoken to the commotion outside. Around fifty royal guards were standing or flying around the Golden Oaks Library. Princess Celestia along with Princess Luna were standing out front. The captain of the royal guard was giving commands to the heavily armoured guards who took up points around the structure wielding long spears, some looked to be enchanted. The Captain of the guards trotted up to the Princesses before speaking “We are ready your highness.” Princess Celestia nodded her head to the Captain who turned and in a commanding voice spoke out “Alright men!” He raised a foreleg into the air. Before anything happened, the door to the Golden Oaks Library unlocked and then cracked open slightly; everypony took note of this. Everything was silent for a moment before a voice came from inside. “No, don’t go out there! Go back in the basement we’ve science to do!” There was a whine and then a scratching sound. The Princess looked at the door perplexed as it closed and latched with a click. Celestia moved forwards, putting her hoof on the guards and lowering it slowly, before walking up to the door and giving it a sharp knock upon the wooden surface. There was silence for a moment before the sound of a few hoof steps and a lavender glow overtook the knob of the door and opening it. What the Princess saw was Twilight Sparkle, her personal student standing before her. Twilight looked at the Princess giving her a slightly perplexed look. “Princess? What are you doing here?” Princess Celestia just blinked looking down at Twilight before lighting her horn in a golden aura, with a flash a small letter appeared hanging before them. Twilight took it within her magic and read it. “Oh……. OOooohhhhh…. Right.” Twilight looked out the door around Celestia to see Princess Luna and over half a dozen royal guards standing or flying around her home, she let out a small chuckle. “Oops” Twilight give a large grin to Celestia. The Library was destroyed. Well for the most part, Books, scrolls, and random pieces of parchment littered the entire main floor and some of it even lead down into the basement or up into Twilights bedroom. After the Princesses sent the guards back to canterlot, only keeping a few there for protection. The Captain of the Guard had insisted a few stayed just in case something were to spring up. The Princesses went inside to find it in this state. Twilight hastily cleared off the couch with her magic for the princesses to sit upon and asked if they had perhaps wanted any tea though they both declined. Twilight sat on the other side of the small coffee table with a look of nervousness and shame on her features. “Twilight.” Celestia spoke causing Twilight to flinch slightly. “Y-yes princess?” “Can you explain why a rather hastily scrawled, urgent letter from you; appeared in my room tonight?” She asked her protegee with a look of neither anger nor frustration. But Twilight shrank into herself all the same. “W-well you see Princess.” She let out a sigh and told them everything from the beginning. About what happened to the Timberwolf Cub all the way to having Timberwolves chasing her throughout ponyville. Everything was beginning to fit together for the Princesses now. The Wonderbolts had been called when the Titan Wolf attacked after all, and they reported everything to the Higher ups which in turn reported it to the Princess. “And then.” Twilight spoke looking up at Celestia and Luna. “A Timberwolf showed up at my front door and got into the Library. I guess I kinda freaked out.” Twilight bowed her head. “This is perfectly understandable young Twilight. The Timberwolves of old were quite formidable beasts when they were first created.” Luna spoke. “I myself had even had trouble dealing with them. I even created a potion to help repel the creatures away from our old castle.” “And we’ve seen how well that worked out.” Celestia looked at her sister. “We did not know it would cause them to attack the Castle all at once mere moments after pouring it within the fountain Tia. We have told you of this.” Twilight cringed slightly at the words and made a mental note to add that small piece of information into the potion’s description later. “Um, Princess.” Came a meek voice that Celestia soon found to be Twilight’s. “Th-that’s not everything.” Celestia looked back at Luna for a moment before focusing on Twilight entirely. “Yes Twilight, please continue.” “Well, you see.” Twilight began as a growling and a taring could be heard from the door leading to the basement. Twilight looked up but the Princesses were already on the move. They launched over the couch as a large Timberwolf, about five feet tall walked up into the main floor of the Library a long thick rope hanging from its jaws. The rope looked to have been chewed through in several places. Both of the Princesses eyes widened, their wings flaring out as the horns upon their heads came alight with magical aura. The Timberwolf stood there looking at the princesses. Celestia and Luna moved quickly tilting their heads towards the wolf. All of this happening within a span of a few seconds. “NO!” Twilight yelled, leaping between the Timberwolf and the Princesses. Celestia and Luna kept their horns glowing, pointing them at the Timberwolf and Twilight. “Young Twilight what are you doing? Get out of the way for the beast has escaped its bonds and stands behind you!” Luna called out quickly but Twilight stood firm. “NO! Stop it!” She said slamming her hoof down on the floor causing the princesses to pull back looking at Twilight. Twilight looked back at the Timberwolf in question placing a hoof upon its head and rubbing it behind its wooden ear, causing the Timberwolf to push back into her hoof. “Tim, why don't you go back downstairs I’ll be there in a bit okay?” She give the wolf a small smile which caused him to lick her on the cheek before turning around and trotting back down into the dark hallway, back into the basement. There not a sound for a long moment as until Twilight turned back to the stunned Princesses “Well, I guess there is a bit more to explain then?” “Indeed Twilight. Why do you have a timberwolf just roaming around your home?” Celestia said; the first one to snap out of her stunned state. “Well you see...” Twilight started. Hours before Twilight Screamed until she run out of breath, pushing herself away and crawling away from the Timberwolf that stood before her. She was shaking. Her leg throbbing, coursing with pain with each beat of her heart. She soon came to a stop pushing back against the wall of the basement the Timberwolf drawing near its jaws opening and its eyes glowing brighter. Twilight closed her eyes and turned her head away from it waiting for the end to come. After a moment she felt a slightly soft feeling running up her back leg, she whimpered and shivered in fear of what was happening. What is it doing, is it tasting me? Oh gosh it’s seeing if I taste good before it eats me. She thought to herself. The feeling wrapped around Twilight’s cheek causing her to pull away, a tear leaking from her eye. She was crying. I’m crying oh gosh it licked my face. Oh no maybe tears give it some sort of thrill or something. After a moment Twilight dared to open her eyes, looking back up at the Timberwolf. She was shaking but she stared into its eyes. The Timberwolf moved towards her causing her to close her eyes tighter than before and clenching her teeth. There was a weight now lying across her lap, Twilight’s breathing was fast and heavy for a bit as she waited for the end. But nothing happened. She slowly opened a single eye, cracking her eye lid open just a hair to see what was happening. Perhaps the wolf had severed my spine and I can no longer feel it as it eats me. she thought to herself as she opened her eyes to see the horror before her. The horrible wooden beast that stalked her though her home and trapped her in a corner was now... Laying its head upon her lap with its eyes closed. It let out a yawn and nuzzled its head closer to Twilight. Twilight did not dare to move, for fifteen minutes, but it felt like hours to her. Her mind was moving faster than Rainbow Dash trying to perform a double sonic rainboom. By the time the fifteen minutes where up her mind had calmed down, she had also found that she was using her hoof to rub the Timberwolf on the head as she sat there freaking out. How long have I been doing that? That’s a strange reaction… Twilight moved her back leg expecting pain but felt none. Later on she found that her back leg had somehow been healed. Back in the present time Twilight spoke up. “And then I did the only reasonable thing and threw reason and logic out the window. With that gone I calmed down enough to talk to him and we became good friends. The Princesses had no words. Luna’s jaw was opening and closing as if she were a fish, though Celestia had her normal expression on her face not giving away a single emotion before speaking. “I want to see.” She paused thinking for a moment to find the proper words. “Him?” Twilight nodded a bright smile on her face “Of Course!” She said jubilantly as she turned towards the basement. “Right this way Princess!” After making it to the basement, and followed by Luna who had eventually snapped out of her daze to come with, they had found the Timberwolf once more. It had tied itself into a very convincing Hog Tie. The Timberwolf was laying upon its back with its legs in the air as it pulled and tugged at the rope with its jaws letting out a low growl as it wrestled with its bindings. Twilight walked up and patted it on the belly which made the Timberwolf’s tail wag and its tongue lawl from its mouth. “Such a good boy.” Twilight cooed to the beast. Twilight stopped petting its belly and the Timberwolf looked at her before looking back over to Celestia and Luna. They were upside down from the Timberwolf’s point of view but it let out a loud happy bark as it rolled onto its side, its legs falling apart and reforming outside of the ropes bindings before sitting on its log haunches and looking at them with its large mossy tongue hanging out of the side of its mouth making it look kinda dopey to the princesses. “This is Tim!” Twilight spoke waving at the large Timberwolf sitting before them. Neither of the princesses said anything. “Tim, this is Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.” Twilight stated, pointing a hoof to each of the princesses in turn as she said their names. Tim moved forwards, sniffing around the Princesses’ hooves and manes. “Um, Twilight.” Celestia spoke. “What-” She was cut off when the Timberwolf licked her right up the middle over her face. Celestia blinked but luna chuckled lightly into her hoof. Tim then turned to Luna and pounced upon her, licking her all over the face and neck causing her to scream out and laugh loudly. Celestia watched as her sister was nearly drowned in sap as the Timberwolf bathed her with its tongue before turning back to Twilight. “Twilight, what is your plans with, Tim here?” Celestia asked. “Well, I had planned on keeping him, do some study and see why he’s so different from other timberwolves. Why do you ask?” Celestia let out a sigh. “Twilight, Tim needs to return to the Everfree forest. It’s far too large to keep in a small town like Ponyville and would only cause panic.” Twilight lowered her head. “I-I” Twilight spoke as she lowered her head. Lunas laughter died off as Tim moved forwards and nuzzled Twilight gently with his nose. “I’m very sorry Twilight, but right now it’s not wise to keep a fully grown Timberwolf in ponyville. It would cause everypony to freak out, consider what has just happened a mere few days ago?” Celestia stated finally coming to an end. “I-I understand Princess.” For some reason Twilight was crying, why was she crying? It made no sense to her, she had only known Tim for a few hours. There was a shaking coming from Tim now as the timber that made of his body rattled lightly, his entire form shaking. Celestia and Luna stepped back as did Twilight. His eyes faded from there bright lavender color and then the wooden form of Tim fell to the floor shattering and scattering wood every which direction. Twilight cried out, “TIM!” and rushed towards the pile of wood strewn across the floor. “T-tim please.” Twilight sniffled as Celestia placed a hoof upon her shoulder. “Oh Twilight I'm so sorry.” Celestia nuzzled Twilight as she sobbed, pushing herself into Celestias chest. “Why?” She asked. “why?” A piece of wood dropped from the pile, and then another, there was then a clatter of wood causing Luna to gasp. The other two to looked down at the happy face of a small Timber cub poking its head out from the sticks and twigs that had made up its body. It leaped out from the timber and sprinted over to Twilight letting out a little squeaking bark as it hopped around Twilight’s and Princess Celestia’s legs. Soon the Timbercub sat down looking up at the the three of them with its tongue hanging out and its tail wagging. “Awww…. Sister look! Tis’ not adorable?” Luna Cooed as she picked up the cub and held it in her hooves. Twilight looked at Celestia as Celestia looked at Luna and then over at Twilight. Twilight had a large grin plastered across her face causing Celestia to sigh. “Very well Twilight.” Celestia smiled slightly. “Tiny Tim can stay with you, within the library.” “YES!” Twilight leaped at Celestia hugging her with as much force as her little forelegs could muster. “Oh thank you Princess this means so much to me!” Celestia nuzzled Twilight. “I know Twilight.” Later that day, long after the Princesses had left the town of Ponyville, Twilight and Tiny Tim were laying on the sofa. Twilight was reading a book and Tim seemed to be napping. There was a sound and Tim twitched his ear and then pulled his head up. The library door opened wide. “Twilight I’m-” came a voice one moment then quickly cut off by screaming. Tiny Tim had bounded from the couch and right into Spike’s face licking it all over causing Spike to flip out. “AHHH TWILIGHT HELP! IT’S EATING ME!” Twilight looked over the couch at Spike and Tim as the small Cub licked spike all over; the scene causing Twilight to giggle as Spike struggled with the overly affectionate cub. “Twilight why are you laughing! Its tasting me!” Spike managed to get up to his feet and sprinted through the library's main floor Tim giving chase which caused spike to let out a shrill shriek. Deep within the Everfree forest a pack of Timberwolves carrying long thick branches within their jaws walked up to a large pile of wood laying within the center of a small clearing. A pile of trees, logs and limbs standing at least ten feet high. The sun was rising but within the dark forest it had yet to cast its light upon the clearing. A Timberwolf, a female walked up to the pile as the last limb was placed. It shoved its head deep into the side of the pile opening its maw and releasing a small green glowing object from her mouth and into the pile before backing away. There was a rumble as the Timberwolves within the clearing let out loud howls into the morning light.