Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny

by gallagsp the corgi

Envy (Sins Week)

The woods were calm and quiet, just the way Fluttershy liked it. It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon, the sun was high above in the clear skies, and a gentle breeze rolled through the trees, cooling the air to a perfect temperature.

Fluttershy hummed to herself as she worked. Checking on the baby birds born this spring was her first task. She wanted to make sure they were healthy, after all.

She trotted down the path, stopping suddenly as she heard a noise up ahead. Looking around the shrubs, Fluttershy saw two colts nearby a tree, looking at something on the ground.

Fluttershy approached slowly. "Um, excuse me? What are you two doing out here all by yourselves?"

The two colts turned around. "We came out here because we were bored. But then some stupid bird pooped on us! We showed it, though!" They stepped aside, where a robin lay cowering, one wing over its fae, the other over a small fluffy ball that could only be the bird's newly hatched chick. The nest lay broken a few feet away.

"OH NO! Fluttershy yelled, pushing the two colts aside and running up to te bird. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? IT WAS A HELPLESS LITTLE BIRDY!"

"It pooped on me!" One of them replied, looking angry. "The dumb thing deserved it!"

"No it didn't!" Fluttershy began to cry. "It didn't mean to, and now look! The baby probably won't survive, and the mother is tramatized!"

"Pfft. Whatever. We're out of here." The colts turned to walk away, but stopped suddenly when another pony landed in front of them.

"What the BUCK is your problem?" Rainbow Dash yelled to the colts. They suddenly felt afraid. "Just what makes you think you can pick on a helpless animal like that? AND you made Fluttershy cry! That's two strikes. Try me for a third." She said, glaring at the two of them. "Now, you two are going to apologize to Fluttershy, then we're going to go have a chat with your mothers. Understand?"

"Yes, Rainbow Dash." The two colts nodded. "We're sorry Fluttershy." They said before Rainbow Dash grabbed them by their manes and dragged them away. Fluttershy watched them go, then turned back to the injured bird.

"It's okay," she said, not too sure of it herself. She kept glancing over her shoulder at the three ponies marching away.

"I want to be you." Fluttershy whispered, picking up the bird in her arms. "I want to be everything you are. I'd kill to have your confidence, your skills, your everything."

"I'd kill for it." She whispered again, flying off toward her cottage with the bird.