Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers

by Tatsurou

7: Explosive Intervention

Demoman chuckled as he took a deep swig from his jug before turning to the filly in his arm. "So, what should we do today, Fluttershy?" he asked before belching.

Fluttershy merely smiled up at him before nuzzling into his chest. She was perfectly content to be in his company, though she still wrinkled her nose at the scent of his breath, making him guffaw.

"Don't care, huh?" he bellowed. He rubbed his jaw. "Let's see...what's there to do around here..." He shrugged. "Might as well check on my mixes." Turning, he carried Fluttershy to an area of the fortress that lacked a roof but had highly reinforced walls and showed numerous signs of blast damage all over. Inside were several barrels, numerous jars of various chemicals, and various chemistry equipment. He grinned down at the filly. "This is where I make my bombs!" he proclaimed proudly. "Like it?"

Fluttershy gazed about the room in awe, her wings buzzing as she wanted to look around at all the shiny things.

Demoman waved his finger in front of her face. "No," he said quickly. "These things aren't toys." He set her down near one of the already full barrels. "Can you sit still and be good while I work?" When she nodded, he chuckled. "Good girl."

With that, Demoman got to work, pouring the contents of the various jars into the barrels and stirring, all along singing drunkenly as he continued to drink from his jug. He knew how to do all this, and he wasn't all that concerned. After all, if he made a mistake, he'd just respawn. And so he continued to drink from his jug repeatedly, becoming more muddle headed as he went.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, watched in curious interest. She didn't fully understand what he was doing, but could tell he was having fun. She wanted to have fun, too. However, he'd told her to sit still and be good, so that's what she was doing. However, the various smells were doing a real number on her curiosity. She really wanted to investigate what all the smells were.

Thinking carefully, she observed all his actions. She wasn't supposed to interrupt his work...but he hadn't been doing anything with the barrel nearest her, which had a very interesting smell. Her unformed mind came to the conclusion that said barrel wasn't involved in his work, and investigating it therefore wouldn't interrupt his work. The rationalization and decision made, she stood up and rested her forehooves against the barrel. She buzzed her wings, intent on flying up to investigate the barrel, only for the barrel to tip. Scared, she quickly pulled back, only for the barrel to tip back towards her. The off balance barrel continued to wobble until Demoman - in his drunken dance - bumped into the swaying barrel, dumping its contents over Fluttershy.

Demoman yelled in shock, quickly tossing what he was holding a safe distance away, where it exploded safely. He quickly scooped up Fluttershy. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" He muttered quickly. "I need to get you cleaned off, I need to get water-" He stopped. "Wait, some of these explode in water!" He quickly lifted the barrel. "Unlabeled? Which mix was this?" He quickly struggled through his head to figure out what Fluttershy had been soaked in, but he was so muddled by the drink that he couldn't remember. "Demo you bampot!" he shouted at himself. "What were you thinking, bringing Fluttershy to the bomb barrels? She's not tied to the respawner!"

Fluttershy looked up at him in both confusion and sorrow as the liquid she'd been soaked in sank into her mane and coat. She knew she'd been bad, and was worried she would be punished. However, the interesting smell continued to assault her nose, and she realized it was coming from her now. Curious, she gave her hoof an experimental lick.

Seeing this, Demoman reacted. "No, Shy, don't!"

As she pulled her tongue back into her mouth, tasting the liquid in her fur, she swallowed. She blinked for a bit, then promptly slumped over in unconsciousness.

Demoman shrieked in fear.

Engineer, passing by, quickly ducked his head in. "Demo, what happened?"

Demoman looked up. "Engineer! One of my mixes spilled on Fluttershy, and she licked some! Now she's unconscious, and I don't know what to do!"

"What?" Engineer demanded in shock. "How did that happen? Why don't you know what to do? I thought you knew everything about your mixes?"

"Because I'm drunk!" he wailed. "I can't remember what the mix was, so I don't know what I need to do to clean her off safely or detox her or...or..." Tears started to fall from his single eye. "I don't know what to do..."

Engineer rested a hand on the Scotsman's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll fix this. First, we need to get a sample of the mix, then run it down to Medic for him to figure out what it is."

"Right," Demoman replied, trying to stand.

"I'll get it," Engineer interrupted, approaching the upended barrel. Kneeling down, he pulled out a flask to scoop some up...and paused. "Demo, does one of your mixes use fruit?"

Demoman blinked. "No..."

"Well, there's some kinda fruit skin at the bottom of the barrel."

Demoman came over to examine the barrel's contents. Curiously, he dipped a finger in the liquid, and brought it to his lips. He cautiously licked. Relief flooded his features. "Oh, this was one of my brew barrels."

"Brew barrels?" Engineer asked curiously.

"For brewing my own drinks," Demoman replied. "I left some apple skins in the bottom for stronger flavor."

Engineer blinked. "Are you saying...Fluttershy's been soaked in Applejack?"

"Yup," Demoman said. At Engineer's groan, he added defensively, "What? I loves me some good applejack." Engineer only face palmed. Demoman carried Fluttershy to the sink and began to wash her off.

Engineer stood up. "Well, I'll leave her to you then," he said calmly. "Just keep her out of this room, okay?"

Demoman nodded, and Engineer left. As he continued to clean the filly, he was lost in his thoughts, though. He'd lucked out that it was only some fermented fruit juices that had spilled onto Fluttershy. It could easily have been an explosive chemical mix, and then Fluttershy would have blown up.

"And unlike me," he said softly, "you don't get to explode twice." He didn't notice Engineer banging his head on the wall just outside. "I need to be more careful...for your sake."

He glanced at the jug sitting innocently on the counter. Sighing to himself, he stuck the cork in. "I need to cut back," he said simply. "I can't let my mind become so fuddled that I forget what is what. I can't let this happen again."

Once Fluttershy was completely clean of the jacked cider, he grabbed a towel to dry her off. "Gotta be responsible for you, baby," he said softly, stroking the now dozing filly's face. He was glad to see she recovered quickly, even if she was a real lightweight. "Gotta be good for you."

Still dozing, Fluttershy nuzzled sleepily into the caress.