Let the Silence Sing 2

by Aegis Shield


Let the Silence Sing 2
Part 8: Approval

Big Macintosh’s world was swimming. He’d had such a long day, he didn’t remember collapsing. Getting up before dawn, six hours of shopping with Blueblood, the bath fiasco, the ball, the duel, then the doctor—what had happened after that? He didn’t remember. He breathed long, restful breaths. He was wet, and warm. Was it a bath? Another bath, so soon?

Luna jolted to a halt in the doorway of the royal bath house. She did not mean to barge in on yon romance, how embarrassing! A quick clippity-clop of hooves nearby sounded panicked and her rump hit the doorframe.

The white mare tittered lightly, not at all disturbed. She was just seeing to Big Mac’s aches and pains. The bath seemed the best place to not be disturbed. As if listening, the red stallion’s body went more slack and his head lolled about.

Luna paused awkwardly, staring at her sister sharing a bath with her consort. There was a long silence. Were these his horseshoes, on the edge of the water? They were monstrous! Celestia delicately asked if Luna needed something, laying Big Mac’s tired head against her shoulder. Luna was going to bathe and then congratulate her sister’s consort on a duel well-fought. She didn’t think he knew how many problems he’d solved by winning.

Celestia frowned a little, her nose running back and forth through Big Mac’s mane.

The royal guard had begun to like him a bit more, Luna explained. They didn’t think that he could protect Celestia as they could. But trial by combat had certainly proven that he could. Even the nobles had begun speaking positively of him now. Celestia looked shocked. Indeed, they thought him a country bumpkin with no mind at all, but seeing him invoke such an upright and ancient tradition of dueling had certainly made him popular with a few of them. Luna smiled a bit wider. Celestia’s look made her wilt a little. Was she not happy he’d trumped the Ivory Prince? He had no claim to even try to court her at this point. She’d be left in peace with yon… piece. Luna gestured at Big Mac, who was floating on his back in the spa-like bath.

Celestia just wished it hadn’t come to violence. She was stroking Big Mac’s face a few times as she lamented. Enough healing spells had gotten rid of the welts, but they could still be seen as little marks. She worriedly wondered what his family would think of her when they heard about the whole fiasco.

Twas he who initiated the duel, though, and won! Luna insisted she should be proud and happy, turning about. She promised to lock the door, winking at her sister as she went. Celestia had the decency to blush and look down.


“Her Majesty’s Beau, Big Macintosh! Salute!” Big Mac startled when two lines of gold-armored soldiers suddenly stood at attention, hooves snapping up. He froze, looking back and forth between them. A decorated captain approached, much to Celestia’s amusement, with a ceremonial pillow bearing a bronze-colored medal. “On behalf of the armed forces of Equestria and all her holdings, I would like to present you with this honorary medal of bravery.” He tossed the pillow to one side where to was expertly caught by a standing cadet. Leaning, he put it around a confused Big Mac’s neck. “For defending her Majesty Princess Celestia’s honor when we… could not.” He had to force the last bit out, his ears turning down. “Forgive us all for doubting you, Big Mac,” he said earnestly. The white alicorn’s brow went up. Every guard present removed his helmet, standing arm’s length from his fellow, still saluting.

“Eyuup,” Big Mac smiled a bit. With that one word, every guardspony present went to his front knees in a bow of respect. The red stallion suddenly felt much, much bigger than he already was, and his cheeks darkened. After a few silent moments, the gathering dispersed.

“Captain Light Arrow, was that really necessary?” Celestia said gently.

“We didn’t think you’d agree to a proper ceremony your Majesty,” said the captain coyly, putting his helm back on. “But it’s important for us to express our approval of the royal coltfriend as a group, being that we are your Majesty’s protectors.”

“…I see,” was all Celestia could think to say, a smile finding only one side of her face.

“You may keep him, your highness,” said the captain rather cheekily. Big Mac snorted, a smile already cracking as he turned to canter away.

“You might say I have hundreds of big brothers, the way he talks sometimes,” Celestia said fondly, shaking her head and sighing.


“Come, we’ll go and rest for the evening,” Celestia said, nodding towards the already setting sun. He agreed, and they were away. Finally arriving at the Princess’ private chambers, both of them paused in the doorway. The two guards on duty smirked a little, but said nothing.

Celestia’s room had been positively buried in flowers! Red roses for love. Blue baby’s breath for intimacy. Pink carnations for luck. The two of them stared around in wonder, squeezing into the room and just barely getting the door closed. She leaned, closing her wings carefully and getting one of the many cards attached to the bouquets. “Warmest wishes, from Noble House Darter,” she read, admiring the dozen roses in the crystal vase before her. “From Noble House Turner,” she read another, looking at the dark wine bottle and ice bucket. She read through half a dozen more while Big Mac stood, looking around in wonder. “It seems we’ve met with a bit of public approval from the noble houses of Canterlot, my love,” Celestia smiled a little embarrassedly.

“Yup,” Big Mac had his nose in a fancy chocolate box, murmuring with approval. Well hadn’t this just turned out nicely for the two of them?

Celestia turned from pile to pile, trying to find her furniture as best she could. Every shelf, chair and table had been weighed down with gifts for the pair of them. The Princess nosed open a box when Big Mac wasn’t looking to find a quartet of scarlet, silken leg stockings. Pupils shrinking she quickly closed it again, muzzle scrunching embarrassedly.

Big Mac emerged from one side of the madness with an iron crown on his head, dotted with apple-shaped designs. He smirked at her, cocking his head. All hail king apple!

She playfully bowed before he put it aside and they clambered onto the bed (the only place that hadn’t been piled with gifts). Sitting side by side they looked around, just taking it all in. Celestia was afraid to light the hearth, for fear the whole place might go up in flames. One of her large white wings lifted, laying out over his back. He leaned into her with a purring growl sort of sound, and they shared the blessed silence together. The door locked with a flick of her magic, and the curtains drew themselves. No outside world. No farm. No Canterlot. Just each other. For a few blessed hours each day.

Smiling and finally using his strength on her, Big Mac leaned hard on the Princess until she was on her back. She drew her hooves up shyly, smiling as her hair bannered out under her head like a living flag. Smiling only wider her kissed her barrel, her shy pink belly, and each of her legs and wings. The light giggling floated through the room like music, “Oh, Big Mac…” she cooed softly. He leaned up and over her face, tenderly removing her crown and regalia. They tinkled to the ground with the sound of light bells. The searching velvet of the end of his muzzle found the nape of her neck and she gave a feminine little gasp. Warm, milky heat passed back and forth between them. Her heart stilled but for a moment when his lips parted to speak a proper sentence.

“Ah love you, Suh-lestia,” he murmured, before laying down over her for more kisses.