//------------------------------// // Room Mate // Story: Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny // by gallagsp the corgi //------------------------------// A knock at the door summoned Twilight from the world in her novel. She marked her page and closed the book. She made her way to the door and opened it, only to see a Draconequus standing there in the rain. He held a suitcase and wore a hat, and generally looked upset. "Discord, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked cautiously. She didn't know what Discord was up to, but she had a sneaking suspicion it wassn't good. "I'm sorry to bother you, Twilight, but Celestia kicked me out of the castle. We got in a little argument." Discord responded. "I need a place to stay for a few days, a week tops, just until she calms down." "Woah, woah, no way, Discord. I am NOT letting you stay here. Why don't you stay with Fluttershy?" "Because Fluttershy is out of town for the week. Please Twilight, I have nowhere to go. You wouldn't want to leave me out on the street, to suffer, so cold, so alone. Nothing but the clothes on my back and a full beard to keep me company." Discord flashed and sported a homeless pony look to get his point across. Twilight sighed. "Fine. A few days, then you go back to Canterlot." "Oh thank you, Twilight, you have no idea how much this means to me!" "Whatever. I'll get the guest room set up." Three Weeks Later Discord blew his nose into a tissue, which turned into a dove and flew out the window. He wiped the tears from his eyes before setting his head face down on the sofa. He sobbed uncontrollably while Twilight watched with disgust. "Discord." She said after a minute. "You have been sobbing uncontrollably for three weeks now. The basement is flooded, your laundry now covers the entire house, and Spike went into the guest room two days ago and hasn't seen him since. You need to leave." "But TWILIGHT!" Discord wailed. "I'm so alone!" "Maybe I didn't make myself clear." Twilight said, tugging on Discord's bathrobe and pulling his face inches from hers. "You have overstayed your welcome. You said one week, tops. I can't live my life while babysitting you, so you need to get out." "but, but I..." "GET THE BUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Twilight yelled, using her magic to throw Discord out the front door, slamming it shut behind her. It opened a moment later and mountain of clothes flew out, covering Discord. He sighed, stood up, and started walking toward Canterlot.