Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought



Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

Dear Princess Celestia,

I want to inform you of some recent events in Ponyville. The human I called a misguided thief once, Mr. Abert Wesker, defended our city bravely against the violent assault of three manticores yesterday and saved the life of Sweetie Belle, the little sister of the element of generosity, Rarity. He even risked his own well-being by doing so.

There was only insignificant property damage, but some citizens and the human were injured. They are recovering at the moment in our local hospital. To pay the expenses I ask for contribution by the royal treasury. A chart detailing the exact numbers is appended.

In addition I want to notify you of the solving of Clover the Clever's 3rd Theorem by the human Mr. Wesker. Because he seems to be an exceptional scientist and mathematician I hired him as a Royal Researcher. This is a fantastic chance to improve our own technology by cooperating with this advanced, foreign species.

Cultural exchange is my secondary objective since the origins and customs of his kind are still a mystery to us. I will inform you about anything new I might discover.

In the light of his recent achievements I also ask you to consider rewarding him with full Equestrian citizenship and mercy for his crimes.

Your faithful student,
Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Before Twilight could comment on his temporary inability to speak, Rarity said in a soothing tone,

“Don’t worry, darling. It’s nothing magic can’t fix. And I,” she looked back to the rest of the girls, who smiled encouraging in her direction, “Ehm… We promise you to do everything to make it as pleasant as possible. I’m forever in your debt for saving my sister,”

Sniffing silently she pulled Wesker in a hug. When she released him the human nodded awkwardly, noticing another pony entering the room in his peripheral vision.

It was a white pony with a red cross as a cutie mark, carrying a tablet with a small cup of a deep green fluid.

“This is nurse Redheart, Mr. Wesker,” Twilight introduced the earth pony, “She took care of you since you arrived at the hospital.”

Professionally, the addressed pony replied, “It's an honor to finally meet the hero of Ponyville. Studying your unique physique was very interesting, I must admit. There are several details in your report we have to talk about once you’re fully healed. Please take this.”

The nurse hoofed him the cup, which Albert sniffed cautiously, before he consumed its content. It tasted like cough syrup, a bit minty, but left a tingling feeling in his throat. It was not unpleasant at all.

“That should fix your speech,” she commented.

After a fit of coughs he tried to speak up again, now more successful.

“Complications? Would you care to elaborate, sweetheart?” he inquired, surprised by how feminine his voice sounded.

'What is the meaning of this?' Albert asked himself

As if on cue he heard thoughts, that were clearly not his own.

'This guy from the comment box seriously threatened me to found an anti humans turned pony union? He has to be shitting me! As if I planned to turn Wesker into a pony! That would be so... lame. I wonder how my readers will react to this.'

“Mr. Wesker?” the princess asked worriedly.


‘You better pay attention now, Wesker. Otherwise you will miss something important. And we don’t want that, don’t we?’ the voice replied teasingly.

“Yes, Twilight?” the dazed human answered, "Could you repeat that?"

‘Am I losing my sanity?’

‘You didn’t have it to begin with, Wesker. G-L-O-B-A-L S-A-T-U-R-A-T-I-O-N, hehe,’ it chanted, chuckling darkly.

Albert realized the voice sounded strangely familiar. Wasn't that the same as the person’s voice in his dream? Even this thick accent would make sense, considering he was a foreigner.

‘Good perception.’

“Are you listening?”

Instead of Wesker, Pinkie Pie responded matter-of-factly, “No, silly. Wessie is too busy talking to the auth...”

“Yes,” the human interjected.

“As I wanted to explain you right now, a blood test prooved you obviously came into contact with Poison Joke, a blue flower appearing in large patches near the outskirts of the Everfree forest. The plant distorts or contorts the body of a pony so that the resulting extremes beckon ridicule from others. But due to your different genetic makeup and a resistance against its effects, you reacted stronger than usually. That is the reason why you collapsed.”

“For how long was I unconscious?”

“Two days, but…”

Wesker interrupted the alicorn, “Are the effects permanent?”

“No, but we don't know if the standard cure will work. It even could worsen the problem or cause another collapse. Therefore we sent the probes to Canterlot Hospital, the institute most advanced in Thaumatic Analysis in all of Equestria.”

'What a pity! How does being at someone's mercy feel like? My creation. Hehe...'

The word 'creation' rang a bell. Memories of Spencer, the old, arrogant fool surfaced along with buried hatred for the man, who used Wesker as a simple pawn in his struggle for world domination.

But at least he knew the reason for this nuisance now. Obviously this voice was a side effect of Poison Joke, so it was merely a figment of his imagination.

‘Well... You want proof I'm not? Look up!’

‘I’m not going to argue with a pathetic voice in my head. Smokes and mirrors don't fool me,’ he replied, fully aware of his own hypocrisy.

‘We will see.’

Although he was determined to pay no mind to this strange ‘occurrence,’ his gaze kept drifting upwards, while the ponies were still praising his heroic deeds. Sighing he finally looked at the ceiling.

In big red letters, a message was emblazoned in the stone. He was quite sure it hadn't been there when he awoke.

“I told you so.”

The scientist felt very troubled. None of this made any sense. However, the last few days had taught him that the laws of logic didn't apply in this world, at least not completely.

He blinked and the writing was gone.

“It's really not... What I wanted to say is... It's not that bad, it's... just different, “ the princess lamely tried to encourage him.

“Maybe you want to see the... ummm... changes for yourself, darling?” Rarity asked considerately.

“I suppose that is acceptable.”

With the help of Applejack and Rainbow Dash the nurse brought a large mirror into the room, while Albert slowly got to his feet and noticed that his point of view was slightly lower than he was used to.

Under the hospital gown he could see a slender pair of arms and legs. Then he focused on the mirror.

Wesker was… surprised.

‘Really?’ he thought

‘Yes, really. Honestly, what did you expect? Anyway, this is not about me, so I will leave you alone FOR NOW.’

A pink-haired, quite attractive Caucasian woman with Wesker's trademark red eyes looked back. Although it could have been worse, he was not over some chauvinistic reflexes. The scientist considered his masculinity as an essential part of who he was.

Being an intimidating, 1,90 meters tall man had often made dealing with people, especially those in power, much easier. Usually he didn't fight his enemies physically, preferring to stare them down. That was no viable option at the moment.

Also the scientist hoped this plant didn’t mess up his virus. It must have been a very ‘potent’ one to achieve such a metamorphosis.

The next thing on his agenda however was to get rid of this annoying, moronic voice. It felt like a manifestation of Irving resided in his brain. And he always despised that idiot.

‘Oh, come on. Don't be so mean,’ the voice replied faintly in a mocking tone.

A frown spread on the human’s face. Quite adorable, so to say.