//------------------------------// // A Simple Object // Story: Itty-Bitty Bite Size Stories // by gallagsp the corgi //------------------------------// A simple wooden cube sat on Twilight's desk. She stared at it, watching it, observing its every detail. She had a sickly feeling about this box, and it scared her. It was given to her by a mysterious pony in a dark alley. He had some sort of necklace on a chain around his neck, with an insignia she didn't recognize. He told her to take the object, but didn't give her a reason why or tell her what is was. Looking back, she wondered what drove her to take the cube in the first place. The whole situation practically dripped criminal intent. From what she could tell, the cube was one solid piece of wood. There were no gaps where pieces would have been fit together, no screws or nails, no glue, nothing. It was a perfect cube. The edges were rounded out, and the cube was shiny from a layer of shellac. The wood grain was orientated top to bottom, the darker bands thin against the lighter solid wood. She picked it up in her magic and shook it. A small rattling could be heard inside. She set the box back down. Twilight Had an idea. She stepped back and closed her eyes, her horn glowed, and she cast a spell. A cone of black light lit up from her horn, staying in place and pointing towards where she looked. The spell was an x-ray spell, allowing her to see into the box. It was a fairly new spell, so it wasn't perfected yet, but it was a cloudy image. The box was indeed hollow on the inside, with a small cylinder. The cylinder had a few metal wires coming from it, with what looked like a clock attached to the wires. "Oh for buck's sake." Twilight said. Just then, the time bomb concealed in the wooden box detonated, destroying a good chunk of Twilight's home.