The Mystery of a New World

by Fanthrose

The TV

Chapter 2

It had been 3 days since Twilight had tried to cast the spell. As instructed by Nurse Redheart, she had stayed in bed, and had to rely on Spike to get her anything she needed. She was only allowed out of bed if she needed to use the restroom, and then it was right back into bed. As much as she hated being forced to stay in bed, it had allowed her to send all of her findings and data to Celestia, and read up on the spell to see if she had messed anything up.

It was late in the afternoon as Twilight was, once again, reading through her notes. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” Twilight groaned as she sipped on a cup of tea Spike had brought her. “I had all the materials, everything was set up just right, and the diamond was flawless and cut perfectly. I’m at a loss as to…” She was cut off as Spike ran into the room with a scroll in one claw, and a large jingling pouch in the other.

“Twilight, a message just arrived from the Princess!” Spike cleared his throat and set the pouch on the floor before reading the message.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

I must thank you for all of your hard work and diligence concerning the assignment I’ve given you. Luna and the head scientists at the Lunar Institute of Science have gone over your findings thoroughly and have come up with a hypothesis as to why the spell did not work. They believe that it was the nature of the spell itself that caused it to fail. While you had channeled enough magic into the diamond, with all of the strain already being put on the body, it would be far to difficult to take the energy in the diamond and will it into a portal.

After talking it over with Luna, we have come to a conclusion. That conclusion being that, with all the strain it puts on the body of the unicorn performing the spell, that all research into the spell be halted and all resources be put into other projects until further notice. Without your help we wouldn’t have known how costly this spell actually is. The Institute has decided that for all of your hard work, you deserve some payment. In addition to this letter, I will also send you a pouch of bits with your payment. For now, I want you to rest and take the next week off to just enjoy yourself. You’ve earned it

Sincerely yours

HRH Princess Celestia."

Twilight let out a dejected sigh. “So all that work was for nothing huh?” She looked at the pouch Spike had set on the floor when he started reading the letter. A small smile appeared on her face. “At least I was able to help them in some way. How many bits do you think are in there anyway?”

Spike shrugged his shoulders before answering. “I don’t know, but I think well be set for quite awhile.” He said as he shook the bag a bit. His face suddenly lit up as a realization hit him. “Hey, with all these bits, we can finally get that TV you promised me on my last birthday, and maybe even some video games!”

Twilight just stared blankly at Spike. “That will have to wait Spike. If you remember what Nurse Redheart said, I’m to stay in bed for one more day before I’m allowed to become active again.” She sighed. “But yes, I suppose I could get you that TV now. That will be the first thing on my list of things to do.” Spike could barely contain his happiness as he hoped down the stairs to finish the dinner.


Twilight was finally free of that accursed bed, and made sure to keep her promise to Spike. Not that he was making it easy to forget said promise. From the moment she had woken up, Spike was practically dancing around the library singing about finally getting a TV. She did everything in her power to keep herself from literally zipping his mouth shut and tying him to a chair.

Unfortunately the closest store that sold TVs was in Canterlot. After chartering a carriage, they were on their way. They got to the store at around 11:30 A.M. Once inside, Spike immediately started searching through the store to find the TV of his dreams. After five minute’s of searching he finally found it. “I want that one Twilight!” Spike shouted as he pointed his claw at the TV. “It’s an 80 inch, Maneasonic HDTV with a built in DVD player and surround sound!” Twilight just stood there, mouth agape as she stared at the behemoth of a TV.

She cringed at the mere thought of how much this monster must cost. After taking a deep breath, she decided it was time to check. The blood drained from her face, and her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as she stared at the number on the price tag. Spike’s smile quickly turned into a mixture of confusion and fear as he noticed the look on Twilight’s face.

“10,500 BITS?!?!?!” Shrieked Twilight. “This…this Monstrosity costs TWICE as much as a house in Ponyville! What pony in their right mind would even THINK to buy something like this!”

As Twilight was busy freaking out that a TV could cost more than fully furnished home, Spike had started to notice she was starting to draw a crowd. “Umm Twilight, why don’t we go check out some of the smaller TVs over there.” Spike had to practically drag Twilight away from the TV before she decided to blow it up to 'save somepony the embarrassment of spending that many bits on something so trivial' as she put it.

Spike ended up picking a 45 inch flat screen that only cost 450 bits. It still made Twilight cringe a bit, but it was still better than that…thing. Not to mention it came with a complimentary DVD player which made the price less painful to think about it. “Well, they said it should be delivered to the library tomorrow morning. Let’s hope we don’t have to do this ever again. I don’t want to see the inside of this place for a time.” To help Twilight calm down a bit, Spike insisted they go and get a little something from Pony Joe’s Bakery. After a nice, calming lunch, they decided it was time to head back to Ponyville.


By the time they got back to the library, Twilight was ready to relax with a good book. “Hmm, maybe I’ll start on one of those books Rarity’s letting me borrow. She always speaks so highly of this Rose Papillonne, I figured I should at least give her books a chance.”

Spike opened the door for Twilight, before following behind her. “Hey Twilight, isn’t it a bit dark in here for being the middle of the day?”

Twilight looked around the room. “You know what, your right. But why would it be this dark? The only time I remember it being this dark in the middle of the day was…” A sense of dread hit Twilight as the memory came to her. “Oh no.”

“SURPRIIIIIISE!!!!” Shouted an overly exited, bouncing Pinkie Pie as the lights in the room were turned on. “Hiya Twilight! I’m glad you could make it to your 'Finally Feeling Better' surprise party! Everypony’s here to party with you now that you’re no longer stuck in that stuffy wuffy bed!” Pinkie motioned to one side of the room where the rest of their friends were standing, or flying in Rainbow’s case. Rainbow and Fluttershy were smiling and waving at Twilight and Spike, while Applejack and Rarity were looking at each other and smiling.

‘They must have just reconciled after a fight or something. Though I’m sure I would have heard about them fighting when Fluttershy came over the other day.’ Twilight decided to drop the thought and sighed. She figured she might as well enjoy herself anyways. It’s not like she had much fun over the last week anyways.


It was about 9 in the morning when the delivery pony’s knocked on the door. “Thank you very much sirs,” Twilight said to the delivery pony’s as they brought in the TV. “Spike, the TV’s here!”

“Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy, I can’t wait to hook this baby up!”

“You do that Spike. I think I’m going to go take a nice, long walk,” Twilight said as she started packing some snacks and a random book from the pile Rarity had loaned her into her saddle bags. “It’s a nice day out today and I plan to take advantage of it.” She lifted her bags on to her back and turned to look at Spike. “I left some bits on the counter so you could get yourself a pizza while you watch TV.”

Spike wasn’t listening. “Huh, you say something?”

Twilight just sighed. “I’m going be all out all day, there’s money in the kitchen for a pizza, I’ll be back later, have a nice day Spike,” she said as she walked out the door. She kept it short because she knew Spike desperately wanted to hook up his new TV. Twilight knew just where she wanted to go, so she started her walk by heading towards Sweet Apple Acres.

It was about a 10 minute walk from the library to Applejacks orchard. When she reached Sweet Apple Acres, she was happy she managed to catch Applejack walking out of the barn. “Why howdy Twi. What can Ah do fer ya?

“Hi Applejack. I was just out for a walk and came to buy some apples for later.”

“Sure thing. How many would ya like?”

“Umm, I’ll take four red galas. That should get me through the day with what I brought with me.”

Applejack smiled as she yelled in the direction of the barn. “Hey Apple Bloom, bring Twilight the four best red galas in th’ barrel!” A minute later Apple Bloom came running from the barn with the four apples balance on her back.

“Howdy Twilight, here are yer apples.” She smiled as Twilight lifted the apples and placed them into her bags. Apple Bloom then turned to look at her flank and frowned when she saw it was still blank. She turned to Twilight and the frown just grew on her face. “Sorry fer making such a ruckus at th’ library th’ other day Twilight.”

Twilight shivered slightly at the memory. It was during her fourth day of bed rest that the CMC had decided to have an unannounced play date with Spike. While she didn’t know exactly what had happened, from all the crashes, other sounds of destruction, and Spikes grumbling after they left, she could only imagine the hell they put her poor library through. “Oh don’t worry about it Apple Bloom. No permanent damage was done.” Apple Bloom was smiling once again


Twilight continued her walk past the orchard. It took her 20 minutes to reach the edge of the Everfree forest. She knew by now as long as she doesn’t go INTO the forest she would be just fine. “I think I’ll keep my distance just to be sure.” she said to no one in particular as she continued along the edge of the forest. After about 2 hours and 6 miles later, she finally reached her destination. She knew what she was looking for. She knew of a spot where the river exited the forest. The scenery around this particular part of the forest was absolutely beautiful. It was quiet and tranquil, and you didn’t have to worry about being interrupted like you would in the park.

“It’s always so beautiful here. Maybe I should bring the girls sometime for a picnic.” Her stomach growled informing her that it was time for lunch. She pulled out two of the apples, a granola bar, and a bottle of apple juice and had her meal. After she finished eating, she pulled out the book. The title of the book she grabbed was Reform School Fillies, and was taken aback when she took a closer look at the cover.

Before she could read the blurb on the back of the book, she heard something in the distance that sounded like somepony yelling. She packed the book back into her bags and lifted them back onto her back. She didn’t want anything to come and take her things, especially since the book wasn’t hers.

Twilight walked closer to the forest and listened for more. She kept walking closer until she got to a steep muddy decline that led to the bank of the river. Taking careful steps, she walked along the edge of the decline, listening carefully for anymore sounds. When she was sure she was just hearing things, Twilight turned to go back to her special spot.

In the middle of her turn, something happened that Twilight didn’t expect. The muddy ground under her left hind leg gave away and she started to tumble down the decline. With nothing to grab onto, she was at the mercy of the hill. All she could do was scream. Her tumble came to an end when she reached the bottom of the decline. Unfortunately for Twilight, there were rocks scattered along the bank of the river. One of the bigger rocks just happened to be directly in her path. Her head connected with the rock and her vision started to dim. Just before she blacked out, she swore she had heard the voice again.


((There's chapter two down, and yes, I did reference Butterscotch Sundae’s Rarity’s magic book. If you haven’t already go read her stuff.))

My little pony © Hasbro
Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust