//------------------------------// // Dungeons my Flank // Story: Itty-Bitty Bite Size Stories // by gallagsp the corgi //------------------------------// "Alright, make an evasion roll." Pinkie Pie said. Twilight threw down the 20 sided die. "Seven." She said. "You fail. The goblin sticks his spear into your body and you bleed out. Only a magic life potion or a necromancer can revive you, and the party has neither." Pinkie said, reading from the dungeon master's book in front of her. "You mean Flutteshy can't do it?" Twilight said. "She's the cleric." "Nope. Fluttershy's healing spells can only heal you if you're hurt, not dead." "Well that's a load of garbage." "Tough luck, Twi. Should've made a Paladin instead of a mage." "But Applejack already made a Paladin, what benefit could two paladins have to the party?" "Well, one, you're kind of an anti-undead thing. Paladins get bonus attack against undead enemies." Applejack said, looking at her spell list. "And this scenario we're playing has a lot of ritual circles and graveyards, and I have a feeling that Pinkie's going to keep them coming." "So can a priest, and a priest can do healing magic just as well as a cleric." Twilight responded. "In fact, why didn't you go with a priestess, Fluttershy? At least you'd be able to defend yourself." "Because Rainbow Dash's spells would have made it worthless." "And there's another thing! How can a thief just do whatever they like? And how does a thief counteract a priest?" "Because its in the rules, Twi." Dash said. "We need a thief because I can get in, strike first, get out, and get bonus loot at the end of battles. Rarity playing barbarian means we hit hard, Fluttershy makes sure nothing kills us, Applejack is our tank, and you are supposed to be our ranged and magic side, but your character was seriously lacking in any spells to help our party, all you really did was deal chip damage and activate traps." "I pretty much eliminated that Hydra all on my own! My fire spell was the only way to make sure it didn't grow more heads!" "We had firebombs and torches in our inventories, Twi. We knew Pinkie would throw something like this at us." "Ugh. Fine. Maybe I should stay dead then? You know, since I'm apparently not contributing anything." Twilight sat back and watched the rest of her friends play. In the back of her mind she kept thinking about how they'd be lost without her, but they kept getting farther and farther and farther. Eventually they beat the final boss, claiming their rewards. "This sucks." Twilight whispered to herself.