//------------------------------// // House call // Story: Homecoming // by seeker9709 //------------------------------// For Noteworthy, being Canterlot's lead medical expert was usually a boring job. It mostly consisted of signing off on military psychological reports, ensuring that the Canterlot elite were not going through their ridiculous 'schizophrenic periods, and keeping up-to-date with his payments on the extravagantly large office space and home that he owned. The latter was, of course, paid for by said Canterlot Elite, most of whom were constantly paranoid that they were under some form of mind control by their political opponents, losing sleep, or even being poisoned. That dimwit Blueblood was Noteworthy's most common visitor, and he was constantly concerned that “The attention of all of those peasants” was causing his 'illustrious' mane to lose some of its dazzle, or that “The other nobles and princesses” were plotting against him, as well as other equally ridiculous ideas of the sort. Some would think it to be an honor; after all, the nobles only ever told their secrets to those who they thought could help with their various issues, and what he heard was always kept in the highest of confidence. Truly, however, this was not a gift, but rather, the price for being the best in his field. No matter how ridiculous the problem or trivial the matter, his job was to nod yes to all of their questions and sign off on their medication sheets. The Canterot elite would stop coming once their doctors stopped agreeing with everything they said. All he had to do was nod and collect the checks, then he could go back to being a productive member of society. The pay was wonderful, the benefits were excellent, his house was large, and his wife was gorgeous. Things that any stallion could ask for. And yet, he was constantly bored with his life. You didn't get to be the head doctor in Equestria by being a simpleton. No, instead, Noteworthy constantly found himself looking into the most trivial and ridiculous matters just to find something interesting. His intellect could only handle so much complaining about underpaid staff not cleaning the microscopic spot of dirt from underneath a multi-thousand-bit, gold-lined rug. He was an academic at heart, and he could never resist a challenge. Perhaps that was why, despite his strict sleeping and dietary schedule, he decided to answer the knock that came to his door in the odd hours of the morning. Only in special circumstances would he deviate from his schedule. Like many great geniuses, of which he liked to consider himself one, he was constantly worried about any action that could take away from his intellect, not so unlike the very bigots he so excelled in assisting through their daily troubles. Unlike the other morons, however, he was still a pony of the public, and when duty called, he knew that it should be answered. As he cracked the door open, he blearily stared out sideways through his glasses at two night guards. Bat-winged ponies, in a dark armor that blended a little too well with the shadows for Noteworthy's comfort. The one on the left spoke first, with a gruff voice. “Sir, a message from the Princesses.” 'They're not much for personal introductions, are they?' Noteworthy thought to himself, as the other bat-pony pulled out a formal-looking letter. On the front were two wax crests, one blue and the other gold. Seeing these markings, Noteworthy hastily accepted the letter, tearing into the flimsy paper and opening it fully.. Mr. Noteworthy, I am sorry to say that this is not a simple social letter.' Noteworthy mumbled. “It never seems to be,” he scoffed to himself, turning his attention back to the letter. Recently we have come into possession of a rare bird, and require your assistance with study over the specimen. It is a peculiar little creature, her feathers are the darkest of black, unlike which neither my sister nor I have ever seen. We hope that you will assist us in this matter, and we hope to speak with you soon. As always, Celestia The stallion stared wide-eyed at the message before rushing back into his home, leaving the two guards standing outside. Only a minute later, he emerged from his large home, his slim frame covered by a white lab coat and a bag brimming full of tools hovering in his magical grasp next to him. The two guards wordlessly turned away from him, the scientist falling into step behind them. It was going to be a long night. Celestia watched through the one-sided window at the ponies swarming over Twilight Sparkle. Such a sad sight it was. Nine assorted doctors, assistants, and guards lingered around the pony. The guards kept a silent gaze on her, while also keeping a solid grip on the weapons strapped to their sides. Each of them was armed with a lead rod and chain, enchanted to inhibit any outside magic that the items came into contact with. After her short awakening outside, she had been fitted with three inhibitor rings. Lead was excellent for stopping magic, as it weakened the caster's grip on whatever spell they attempted, even levitation, the most basic of spells. The chains were enchanted to sap physical strength as well so that, in an emergency, she could theoretically be completely subdued. That is to say, if she overrode the three rings and magical braces strapped onto each of her legs. After what they had all witnessed, however, they weren't taking any chances with the insane mare. Sometime after being brought to the Tombstone, much to the shock and horror of the three physicians healing her wounds, she had awoken without a sound. Since then, she had not spoken or attempted to escape, but they had decided not to risk anything happening, thus the extra guards. As Celestia watched the unicorn, she couldn't get rid of the feeling that the strange mare could see her through the mirror window. She had originally pushed the thought from her mind, but after moving away from her position, she could have sworn that Twilight's pupil-less, black eyes were following her. It went without saying that each pony involved was on edge. One of the doctors had traded out his assistant earlier after she had dropped a tin cup and screamed to high heavens. The poor mare had turned around to find Twilight staring at her, with her impossibly wide smile and pitch-black eyes. Needless to say, the poor thing would probably need to speak with Noteworthy once he arrived. 'Luna is currently en-route, and Noteworthy is supposedly on his way here as well.' Celestia should have felt relieved that they had Twilight in custody, but there was still one pony missing in all of this. They had hoped that she would bring them both, but Twilight had only brought Sweetie Belle with her, leaving Scootaloo still missing. Celestia's nerves wouldn't be calmed until they found the filly. It was a terrible thing sometimes, having to make the decisions. With Octavia's warning that more death was to come, how could they not take Twilight? You could not risk a whole kingdom for one filly, and yet, what would they tell Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy? It would be murder to just let the filly die, but what else could they do? Let Twilight roam free? What was the more irresponsible action? They faced a no-win situation, and Celestia felt she would not be able to bear the guilt if they failed. How could she and Luna call themselves rulers, the protectors of Equestria and its citizens, if they could not even save two ponies? Their subjects thought of them as gods, but they were far from that. They had weaknesses. They had struggles. They had their own demons to face. But worst of all these facts was the knowledge that even they couldn't save everypony. Choices would have to be made, should the time come. But what, and how? If they could save Twilight, could she help Sweetie Belle? Did they suffer from the same affliction? But what about Octavia? She had said herself, that to keep Twilight alive would be a worse crime than to kill her. Was she right? And though it may have been a painful one, Twilight had lived a life. Scootaloo was just a filly. She had a future ahead of her. Could it really just be taken away from her? If they could help Twilight, there was no guarantee that there would be enough time to still save the young pegasus. The choice was hard, yet Celestia didn't understand why she still debated it amongst herself. Should the choice be made, it would have to be Scootaloo who would survive. She was the innocent in all of this. She still had a family. Twilight was already dead. Would it truly be so terrible of a crime to... to ki- “Celestia?” A curt voice called out. Celestia knew it well, not even bothering to turn towards her sister. Luna approached her elder sibling, concern etched into her features. “Sister, you're crying.” Luna stated, concern in her tone. She looked as if she was about to ask why, but then her face indicated that she knew the answer. They both did. Celestia could only nod sullenly. The Night Alicorn turned towards the mirror, locking eyes with the black-eyed mare on the other side. Her expression was unreadable, as she allowed just a shake of her head before turning back towards her sister, forcing herself to avoid those deep black eyes. “Has anything changed?” Luna mumbled, barely loud enough for her sister hear. She stared downcast towards the floor, not wanting to look at anypony. Celestia only shook her head. She wanted to wrap a hoof around her sister and comfort her, just like when they were fillies. Or maybe, she wanted Luna to do that to her. Celestia couldn't decide which. And so, they sat in silence. It wasn't such a bad thing, sometimes it was the preferable option. There was no point in distracting themselves with useless chatter, trying to avoid the subject directly in front of them. After some time had passed, there came the sounds of multiple sets of hooves clopping down the hallway. Soon, Noteworthy and the two bat-ponies escorting him rounded the corner. The middle-aged stallion's mane was unruly and unkempt, and his eyes had bags under them. But he walked with a purpose, a spark of excitement in his gaze as he stared at the two of them. “Ah, Princesses.” He called out to the sisters, almost as soon as they had locked eyes with each other. “Wonderful that we found you. These ridiculous oafs absolutely refuse to speak a word to me about the specifics of your sudden house call.” Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at the stallion. He always found something to complain about. He craved knowledge and information, and starving him of these pleasures generally sent the scientist into one of his tantrums. “You have nothing to worry about.” Celestia said with a smile, her sister shooing way the two guards. “We asked them to spare the details until we could meet you personally.” “Well then, out with it. Spare no details.” He urged Celestia, gesturing with his hooves. Celestia turned her head slightly, looking through the glass window just outside of Noteworthy's range of vision. “Doctor?” She called, beckoning him closer. A sudden sense of caution came over the doctor. He knew that what he had been called for was on the other side of the window, and yet he felt a sudden fear come over him. The fear was not strong enough, however, to completely deter him from his mission. Slowly he came closer, peering farther and farther around the edge of the window. He finally came eye to eye with the beast on the other side, as her smile grew even wider, as if she could sense his fear through the thick glass. “Do you remember Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia asked, her voice full, deep and low. The stallion stared into those black eyes, gulping down the lump that had formed in his throat. It was indeed going to be a long night.