//------------------------------// // Silence. // Story: Know your Mare // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// Hello everyone. Welcome to Know Your Mare's final few chapters. We mean it this time. Right. It's time for the show to end... REALLY end. You are all twisted, horrid people... But, you have weathered with us for over two-hundred episodes. I suppose that is admirable.. Somehow. I didn't get a chance to know any of you. But seeing as how you found THIS funny? I don't think I want to know any of you. What they mean to say is thank you. And that's what we all want to say here at Know Your Mare. Thank you. Everyone. We've had some highs, some lows, some even lowers. But we've pulled ourselves up by our hoof straps and got where we are now because of you. You hear that? This is all because of YOU. Your parents must be ashamed. Makers know I am. Again, that's her saying thanks. You've all been so great. We've made a lot of memories on this show. We even had ANIMATIONS of this crap. Beautiful all around. But... It all has to go down some day. Yeah... And that day starts now. As of right now, we'll be starting the final ten countdown to completion. Ten chapters left... We'll make them count. Promise... By that, we mean we'll make them unforgettable! In the worst kind of ways... Stick around. Because... You knew Know Your Mare.