//------------------------------// // A Letter from a Farmgirl // Story: A Second Chance // by PaladinColt //------------------------------// Morning dawned on the city of Manehattan, but the beautiful morning was almost unseen due to the urban environment. The sound of carriages, street vendors, and commuting ponies muffled the sounds of morning that could be usually heard in a quiet town. An alarm clock went off at around seven thirty in the morning, only to be switched off magically by Trenderhoof. The unicorn groaned a bit, not wanting to get out of his bed, which was not that much comfortable, but nevertheless was still a bed. He tossed his pillow off and slowly began to sit up. His eyes were still drooping and his mane was a mess. He shook his head a bit, trying to wake himself up. He turned to the left side of his bed and slowly planted his hooves into his soft slippers before finally getting his body out of bed. He was wearing his pajamas, which were light blue, with dark blue stripes. He then made his way to the bathroom slowly, dragging his hooves on the floor. He came in, making his way to the sink, and began to refresh himself, washing his face and brushing his teeth. After that, putting on his glasses, he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. As he made his way to the kitchen, he noticed that the mail had arrived for him, with the envelopes inserted through the mail slot on the front door of his apartment. Using his magic, he picked up the envelopes and brought it with him to the kitchen, where he made coffee for himself. He sat down at table, sipping some coffee from his mug, and began to open the envelopes to inspect his mail. As per usual, aside from bills which he had not payed in months, he saw some critiques about his article, most of them bad. He should not be surprised; the article he had written was not as good as his previous articles, which praised the accomplishments of every town he had visited. His latest article praised only one pony and even, in a way, rejected the efforts of external beauty of the village. He was ready to throw them away when one last envelope caught his attention. Unlike the previous ones, this one was from Ponyville. Curious, Trenderhoof opened the envelope and found not a critique of his article, but a letter addressed specifically to him. Dear Trenderhoof, I know the last time we met, we did not exactly see eye to eye. But after reading your article here on the newspaper, I think I understand why you really had a liking for me. I did not understand it at first, but for some reason, your words can't get out of my mind. I'd really want to talk to you about this, and if you get the chance, please visit me in Ponyville anytime soon. Sincerely, Applejack P.S. You might wanna stay away from Rarity for the time being. The letter was short and to the point, something typical for Applejack. Trenderhoof had mixed feelings after reading the letter; he felt very happy that the mare in her article actually gave back positive feedback, not only about the article, but also about his feelings for her, but also a feeling of awkwardness and regret. Only a few weeks ago, this mare turned him down, saying that she was not ready for a relationship. In all honesty, Trenderhoof still loved her, but because of what had happened in Ponyville, he tried to suppress this feeling, knowing that falling into blind love was dangerous. But now here she is, writing to him, asking him to come to Ponyville. What would she say to him? How would he act? How should he behave? He was determined not to make any mistakes this time. Within a few hours, Trenderhoof readied his stuff. He did not know how long he was going to stay in Ponyville this time. It was just the beginning of the Summer season in Equestria, and already, things were getting pretty hot for him.