Coming to terms

by The Infinity Doctor

Stand back, I have a Screwdriver and I know how to use it!

Zero, awaken, there is an important matter I must discuss with you.

"Huh? Who said that? Where are you?" I asked, searching the console room of the Tardis, looking for the source of the disembodied voice.

Golden mist filtered into the Tardis through the doors, Dusty was still asleep, and I hoped whatever this was wouldn't wake her.
To my surprise, a wolf standing on its hind legs materialized in the mist, the mist disappeared altogether, leaving the wolf.

'Not just any wolf...' I realized, staring at it, or rather her.

"Bad Wolf" I said breathlessly "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Do not fear me, little Time Lord" she said, laying a paw on my shoulder "I come with a request, nothing more"
"What d-do you need me for?" I asked.
"There is another of your world that has fallen through the void, and as such, I am asking a favor of you"
"What would that be?" I questioned.
"Do your best to correct my mistake, I tampered with the void, and now another pays the price- I wish for you to meet with her, do what you can, my intervention has ruined her enough as it is"

'That doesn't sound good...'

"Okay...I'll do my best" I said "What are the coordinates?"

She waved her paw over the console, the column turned gold just like the mist for a second, then returned to normal.

"I have set the correct date and time, be on your way, and do not be surprised"
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked as the mist gathered around her once more.

"I must be off, goodbye Zero"

She disappeared in the swirling, golden mist. It floated through the doors again and it was silent in the Tardis, save for Dusty's light snoring.

'Now I've gone and stepped in it, haven't I?'

I went to the console and flipped a lever as I set the Tardis in motion, where we were going, I had no idea. That's a good thing, right? Right? I don't have any reason to trust Bad Wolf (or is she Rose? Maybe the same person?), but hey, I did want adventure, didn't I? On the bright side, this'll give me something to do until the three days are up.

"Zero?" Dusty yawned "What are you doing? Where are we going?"
I checked the scanner as we materialized.

"The castle of the Royal Pony Sisters" I said, bewildered.
'That's odd, why would she be here?'

I stepped out of the Tardis, Dusty prepared to follow, when I stopped her.

"Dusty, I need you to keep an eye on things here" I said.
"But why? I can take care of myself"
"I'm sure you can, but it could be dangerous out here, I don't want you getting hurt"

Her ears slapped against her skull as she deflated.

"Fine..." she muttered.
"Good, I promise I won't take too long"

I walked out the doors of the Tardis, and found myself standing on a high walkway of the castle.

'Hmm, nopony around, wonder where they all went?'

I looked down and saw a Weeping Angel, staring at it's own reflection, therefore making it incapable of movement.

'Is this who she was talking about?' I wondered 'She must be, there aren't any Weeping Angels here, only Pegasi, but what if it isn't?'

I felt sorry for her, I really did, if this was just a human in the form of a Weeping Angel...

I shuddered.

'Poor girl...'

I finally resolved to set the Angel free, I pointed my Screwdriver at the mirror and activated it. Seconds later, the mirror shattered, and I turned and headed back into the Tardis, hoping I had made the right decision.


"Where to now?" Dusty asked.
"Back to Canterlot, we're getting your situation straightened out, then I'm taking you right back home"
"What if I don't want to go home? Right after, I mean..."
"Dusty, I'm not arguing with you about this, half the things I might see could be too dangerous, you could be hurt, or worse"
Her ears slapped against her head and she grumbled as I reset the coordinates for Canterlot Castle.


"I see you have returned" Celestia said upon spying us exiting the Tardis.
"Yes, we have" I said "Are the Elements ready?"
"Yes, they are" she said, raising the gems in her magic "Are you ready Ms. Dust?"
"Y-yes, you're highness" she replied.
"Prepare yourself"

Celestia grit her teeth as the Elements charged within her golden magic, they connected and formed a rainbow. It shot towards Dusty and wrapped around her like a colorful snake, it constricted around her as she let out a cried out in fear.

The rainbow vanished and Dusty's now-small body fell to the floor, unconcious.

"Will she be alright?" I asked, picking her up.
"She will be able to recover within a few days' time" Celestia panted.
"Good, I should be going now princess, I need to take her home"
"Oh, and one more thing"
"Please try to forget about me"

A puzzled look crossed her features as I entered the Tardis. I set Dusty down on the chairs in front of the console as I went to the controls, I set the time and place for the holding cell. The Tardis whirred into action and we soon stopped, I picked her up and left the Tardis. A pang of guilt struck me as I set her on the stone floor of the cell, I hesitantly scratched her behind the ears, causing one of her legs to kick. I stood up and went back into the Tardis, I slumped into the chair and held a hand to my forehead.

This is going to be a long millenia....