//------------------------------// // Pt 2 of 3: Evil Kitty, Demonic Kitty, LU-CI-FER! // Story: Soft Kitty // by Sam Cole //------------------------------// Pt 2 of 3: Evil Kitty, Demonic Kitty, LU-CI-FER! Two ladies lay together on the fine feather top mattress, happily snoozing away the day. One was supposed to be working on her new dress line, and the other was not supposed to be a cat right now, but those sort of details didn’t matter much right now. But a knock on the door dared to interrupt them, as whomever was knocking seemed quite intent to be let in. “Coming!” Rarity called as she rolled off the bed. Twi-Kitty roused slightly, and looked over to the clock. Hmm, 2:30... 2:30!! I’ve been a cat for an hour and a half! How the buck did that happen? What did Opal do to me? Did she kill off my body?!? Twilight panicked, bolting out to the main room to see what was going on. She prayed it wasn’t the police telling Rarity she was single again. Imagine her surprise when the pony sitting there was her. Well, her body anyways. “Twilight! It’s so good to see you, Darling!” Rarity chuckled. “I thought I told you to stay clear so I could concentrate on my work today?” With a cold smile, the facade was shattered. “Shut up, annoying white one. I’m here to kill purple one that has stolen my body,” Opal-Light said, looking past the mare in question to the white persian cat. “Hello, old body. Prepare to die for new body!” “Twilight? What the hay has gotten into you?” Rarity snapped. “I don’t know what sick joke you’re playing at, but-” “I thought I told you to shut up,” Opal-Light snarled as she shoved the white mare aside. “Goodbye Twilight! Hello New Opal!” Opal-Light screamed as she charged her horn. Rarity was stuck watching in horror as the mare she loved attacked her, and took aim at her cat. The cat that was busy attempting sign language for it’s part here. “Rawr Meow Hiss!” Twi-Kitty sputtered, flailing her paws. “I don’t care about that body! I have a new one!” Opal-Light cried as she fired her magical blast, only to miss as Rarity magically grabbed the cat and pulled it to safety. “Twilight! Stop this now!” “Rawr Rawr Meow Mew!” Twi-Kitty argued as Opal-Light rounded on the pair, hate in her eyes. “Don’t move. I’m still rather new to the practice of magic.” “Rawr Mew. Hiss Rawr!” Twi-Kitty ordered of the white unicorn, though it was useless. Rarity failed to speak cat. Twi-Kitty swiped Rarity on the nose, breaking her trance. Rarity took one last look at the mare she thought was Twilight before she slipped away, running at top speed from the boutique. “Run all you like, Rarity! I’ll kill you too for all those damned kitty cat sweaters you put me in!” Huffing and puffing some time later in an alley, Rarity was on the brink of tears. Twi-Kitty was close to a nervous breakdown, and Opal-Light was close to animal cruelty charges against Twilight if she kept this up. “What- the Buck- happened?!” Rarity demanded of no pony. “Twilight, how- How could you?” “Mew Mew Meow Rawr Mew!” Twi-Kitty argued, trying to communicate. “I loved her, Opal. I truly did!” Rarity sobbed. “What happened? Was she cursed? Did Discord turn her?” “Rawr,” Twi-Kitty mewed, shaking her head. This finally got Rarity’s attention. “Opal?” “Rawr,” Twi-Kitty said with another shake of her head. “Tw- Twilight?” “Mew!” “... Why the Everfree Forest are you my bucking cat?!” “Rawr Rawr Mew Meo-” Twi-Kitty began to reply before Rarity’s glare cut her off completely. “I was not looking for an answer, Twilight!” Then why did you ask? Twi-Kitty mentally snarled. “I’m just so angry at you righ-” Rarity began, but a sound cut her off. The definitive sound of the building behind her being torn in half by a magical attack. “Found you!” Opal-Light cried as she jumped into the alley through a fog of plaster dust and smoke, only to just miss Rarity and the cat. “Damn it! And damn you two as well! I haven’t quite got the hang of running with this body yet!” Two mares sat quietly in the cafe now, enjoying a break for tea. In all honesty, they were in a rare cease fire in their prank war, too afraid to move any more in case they triggered another Pinkie Pie trap, which the mare had placed all over town in case of prank war emergency. This was why they seldom ever held prank wars. The fact that this war had lasted a month was due to some mare refusing to let booby traps beat her perfect pranking record. “Nice weather, Dash,” Applejack nodded. “Yep.” “Come back here and fight me, Rarity! I’ll flay you alive and your worthless Cat!” A lavender mare resembling Twilight screamed as she chased Rarity and Opal through the cafe, knocking over tables and disturbing the tranquil peace it had once known. “... Okay then...” Applejack ventured. “They’re not welcome to the next prank war.” Rainbow nodded, looking to where her cup had once sat before it was destroyed. “Eeyup.” Back in a little cottage by the woods, a butter colored mare was busy trying to calm her animals down. They were acting restless, as if a storm was coming. “Please calm down, my little friends. I’m trying to help you. I-” “Fluttershy! Help me!” Rarity screamed, pulling the mare’s attention just long enough to see what could only be Twilight chasing Rarity and firing bolts of magic at her. “Twilight!? Stop that! What do you think you’re doing?!” Fluttershy yelled, getting in between the mare and the cat. And Rarity too, but that was secondary for the blonde mare. “Animal lover! I should have known! But your demon eyes will no longer work on me, she devil!” Opal-Light snarled at Fluttershy. “I have no clue what’s going on in your relationship, but you will not drag your domestic dispute over here and scare my animals. Got it?!” “I will des-” “Twilight.” Fluttershy snorted, and stopped the evil cat turned pony in her tracks. “... Sorry,” Opal-Light muttered as she slunk away, back toward the town. “Oh Fluttershy, thank you! I wa-” Rarity began til Fluttershy rounded on her. “Not around my animals. I raise them in an environment of peace and love, got it?” “But Twilight ha-” “No buts Rarity. Go talk this out with her.” “Rawr Mew Mew Hiss Me-” Twi-Kitty began till Fluttershy glared at her. “Rawrry.” “Rarity, Opal thinks she is actually Twilight. I’m going to prescribe some medication for you, Opal,” Fluttershy muttered in defeat. “I- nevermind Fluttershy.” Rarity muttered, sulking away. “I’ll just keep running from that crazy bitch.” “Here you are, Mister Rich!” Pinkie smiled as she passed over a large cake to the well paid stallion. “Careful, it’s top heavy.” “Thank you Pinkie. This will make my self promotion all the better,” Filthy smiled as he walked carefully to the door. He had only just set his first hoof on the street before a random white mare with a cat ran into him. Had that been the end of that, he could have possibly saved the cake, but the lavender mare running behind her that blasted the cake with magic was unavoidable. Filthy turned right back around and headed back into the shop, straight to the counter. “Miss Pie, what is your return policy?” “Sorry Filthy, we can’t take back any food that leaves the door,” Pinkie offered with an apologetic smile as Filthy was now filthy with cake frosting and bits of baked detritus. “I figured as much. I need to place another order then...” A right turn, and a dash down the alley! Rarity’s hooves met stone and dirt as the elegant mare fled for her very life. This was it now though. She was near her end, and she feared that soon that maniacal creature would do her in so unjustly. Rarity turned the corner to now find she was trapped, a dead end. She turned to see the closing form of Twilight, cursing the foolish mare. “Time’s up, Rarity!” Opal-Light screamed as she charged her attack. Thinking fast, Rarity threw the only thing she could use as a weapon right now. Twi-Kitty. “Rawr!” Buck! Opal-Light happily caught the cat in her magic, pulling her in close for this. “I’ll enjoy watching you die, Sparkle, as you watch in horror as I take over your pathetic little town!” “Mew mew meow rawr?” “Because I deserve this town! I’m a cat, and deserve to be treated like the goddess I am!” Opal-Light replied with hate and rage. “Hey goddess,” Rarity gingerly chuckled from right in front of the mare. “Here’s your just desserts!” The mare finished her cry with a strong right jab, breaking the librarian’s nose expertly. “Hiss!” “Shut up, Twilight, I’m still angry at you!” Rarity retorted as she grabbed the cat and ran for it again. But her advantage was short lived. “Nice try. Now die!” Opal-Light screamed as she tripped Rarity, using the pocket of time she bought to charge her horn. Rarity’s reflex was to charge her own, and in that moment gave Twi-Kitty an idea. The cat reached up from Rarity’s back and put two paws on the white horn, and began rubbing for all she was worth. “AAUUGH!” Rarity anguished from her mana distortion. For a unicorn, there was no greater pain than that of having their horn touched during the mana event. But this was even worse as Twi-Kitty drew out Rarity’s mana, coating her paws with it. Twi-Kitty jumped off her marefriend, between her pained lover and her confused nemesis. “Rawr rawr hiss growl.” “You think you can threaten-” Opal-Light bellowed till Twi-Kitty attacked. Swiping with her claws, the mana projected out into four large claws itself, slicing the ground, the trash bin, and the building next to them, much too the disapproval of the ponies in said building. Opal-Light sat stunned as she watched a cat use what she held most dear now, magic itself. This was quite the concept indeed. “Rawr mew.” “Hmmph. A good trick, but useless. The magic faded from that paw.” Opal-Light muttered smugly, till Twi-Kitty held up the other paw, the blue glow like fire in her paw. “You wouldn’t. This is still your body!” “Rawr mew hiss growl!” “You would risk your own body, just to save her?” Opal-Light muttered. “You ponies are so weak! Love is worthless, and it will be the death of you!” Opal-Light screamed. “And talking will be yours!” Rarity screamed as she bucked a trash can at Opal-Light, making the mare pause her efforts to deflect the incoming attack. When the cat turned mare was clear, she found herself alone again. “Grr! A curse upon you, Rarity! And as for you, Twilight Sparkle, I will burn you alive!” Twi-Kitty sprinted ahead, leading the white mare to safety, but it was a lost cause. Rarity was too drained to carry on. She was hurt, but now Twi-Kitty was able to help her. The cat turned to the tired mare and focused the mana on her paw. With a dull flash, Rarity blinked as she felt new energy coursing through her. “Twilight? Did you just use a healing spell?” “Mew!” “With the magic you stole from me anyways?” Rarity snorted. “Rawrry…” “Whatever. Let’s just find a way to stop that crazy bitch,” Rarity muttered. Twi-Kitty nodded, and pointed towards the west side of town, where a familiar house sat. “West? The library?” Rarity questioned as Twi-Kitty nodded with what counted as a smile. “Twilight, we don’t have time to study! We’re running for our lives!” “Rawr! Mew mew rawr!” “... I have no idea what that could possibly mean…” Rarity was about ready to give up hope, till a voice pierced the air, calling her attention to a welcome sight. “Thank goodness I found you!” Fluttershy smiled. “Here Opal, those medications I made for you.” “Fluttershy, Opal doesn’t need meds! She’s Twilight in Opal’s body!” Rarity argued. “... Really?” “Mew!” “Yes!” “I now see why Opal developed this complex. Rarity, I need you to come with me, we’re going to get you help.” “I am not crazy!” Rarity huffed in response. “Mew meow mew mew rawr meow meow!” Twi-Kitty pleaded, and for once broke through. “Twilight!?” Fluttershy gasped. “It is you!” “What did she say?!” Rarity asked, hating being left out. “That she could prove she was Twilight in 187 simple, irrefutable arguments.” “Ah.” “What happened?” Fluttershy asked the small cat. “Darling, I would love to let Twilight try to explain this for once, but that evil thing is still chasing us.” Rarity pleaded. “Is that Opal in Twilight’s body?” Fluttershy whispered, fearing the cat pony was near. “Mew.” “How did she learn magic?” Fluttershy questioned, looking around. “Mew meo-” Twi-Kitty began till Rarity stopped her. “I’m sure waking up in the largest library for magical spells in the land had something to do with it.” Rarity interjected. “What I want to know is how to stop her.” “Mew meow meow!” Twi-Kitty proclaimed to a glare from Rarity. Twi-Kitty sighed and pointed to Fluttershy. “Oh! To the library!” Fluttershy translated. “Fluttershy, come with. I need a translator,” Rarity snorted as they galloped away toward the far end of town that was home to Twilight’s home. “Twilight, what are we going to do about her? Can I reverse the spell?” “Um, no Rarity…” Fluttershy frowned as she carried on with her task. “What?! Why the hay not?!” “She’s the one controlling the spell now. She must have read the spell and cast it on herself.” “So how do we stop her then?!” Rarity demanded of the cat on her back. “We’ll need to distract her I think. The spell only lasts about 14 minutes at a time, so she’ll have to stop every so often to recast it. Twilight, how do we do that?” Fluttershy balked as she finished the mare’s thought. “Mew mew meow rawr.” “I was afraid you’d say that,” Fluttershy grimaced. “Say what?” “By any means necessary.” Fluttershy said as Rarity ground to a halt. “Twilight, you can’t! That’s your body! I feel somewhat bad I had to break your nose dear, but you’re talking about-” “Rawr!” “...” “Oh, right. She said I know. She knows what it means,” Fluttershy frowned as Twilight continued, “But she also knows what Opal is capable of in her body. She can’t let her go. She’ll hurt innocent ponies, if she hasn’t already. It’s Twilight’s duty to stop her, to fix her mistake.” “Twilight…” “Rawr mew mew purr…” “She said I love you Rarity…” “I know,” Rarity sniffed. “We all make mistakes, Twilight.” “Really?” A voice rang out, making three mammals blood run cold. Opal-Light. “One is something, but she took my body forty seven times in the last month! She took so many trips that I learned all about magic through what the book calls the bleeding effect!” “Forty seven times?!” “Rawrry?” “Twilight, what the hay were you doing!?” Rarity snapped at the cat. “Later Rarity!” Fluttershy screamed as she grabbed the white mare and feline and tried to fly away. “You stupid, selfish, ignorant mare!” Rarity screamed at the cat. “You’ve been using that spell to spy on me, haven’t you!” “Rawr mew…” “No comment!” Fluttershy groaned as she struggled to carry Rarity, who was not making it any easier on the mare as she thrashed at that stupid lover of her’s. “Oh you despicable mare! I’ll kill you if you ever get your own body back!” “Meo-” Twi-Kitty began till a magical shot zinged by. “Hiss hiss!” “I’m going as fast as I can!” “Meow growl hiss?” “No, but thank you for saying please.” Fluttershy smiled as she dodged the shots coming up. She ducked down below a house and dropped mare and cat. “Go to the library. I’ll find the others and get them to slow down Opal!” “Thank you dear. Don’t be afraid to hurt her,” Rarity snarled while looking at the cat. “Yeah, after that story, that won’t be a problem,” Fluttershy snapped at the cat that only hung it’s head. Twi-Kitty began to speak, but was cut off. “Go. Now.” “Best of luck, Fluttershy.” “Spike!” Rarity cried bursting into the library. She looked around but saw no sign of the little dragon, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, at least he’s safe…” Twi-Kitty jumped off her back and dashed upstairs to the bookshelves that lay destroyed, the books burned and disheveled. “Buck. Now what will I do? If I can’t figure out what spell she’s using to destroy everything, I’ll never stop her!” Twi-Kitty sighed. “That does sound bad, old girl.” A voice called out, making Twilight do a double take. “Up here, Twilight.” “Owlowiscious?” Twi-Kitty balked. “How can you understand me?” “Animals communicate all the time my dear.” The wise owl smiled. “I understand you’ve been through quite a lot today.” “I lost my body and more important the love of my life. Yeah, just a tad.” “If you’re not careful, you’ll lose your life as well,” Owlowiscious chuckled. “Thankfully, I can help you, granted you do something for me.” “Anything, name it!” Twilight pleaded. “Stop letting that imbecile dragon take credit for my hard work,” The owl huffed. “I am sick of that fool using me to get kudos!” “What? Spike would nev- So that’s all?” Twi-Kitty asked before she told a lie. “Please, my dear?” “Of course.” “Thank you kindly. Opal is using the spell destructos imperium,” The owl nodded. “Destructos imperium? Oh buck...” Twi-Kitty frowned. “I beg your pardon? Is this spell that much worse than your typical destructive magic?” “Destructos imperium is unscripted destruction. It can do anything, without limit almost.” “Who would write such a spell?” The wise owl questioned. “It’s too draining for a normal unicorn to use normally, even once. Unfortunately for me, Opal doesn’t care how much strain she puts on my body. She’s going to burn me up.” “Ah, that is quite unfortunate.” “She probably read that it was a destruction type spell and ran with it. I wish I had followed through on the idea to house the class five destructive spells off site.” “Indeed. So what is your plan, Miss Twilight?” “I’ll need to get close to her,” Twi-Kitty nodded. “Girls!” Fluttershy screamed as she skidded into the Sugarcube Corner to find her other three friends. “We have a major problem! Twilight and Opal switched bodies!” “We saw ‘em Shy,” Applejack nodded. “Almost fell for it myself,” Rainbow nodded sagely. “But this is a classic Twilight prank. Over thought, drawn out, and playing on such over the top hints you couldn’t miss them at all. There’s nothing believable to this prank.” “A- A prank?” Fluttershy muttered, losing her vigor. “Oh yeah. Think about it Shy,” Pinkie chuckled from between sips of her tea. “Rarity and Twilight love each other, so why would they chase each other? It’s a prank.” “But Twilight is in Opal. The way she speaks…” Fluttershy tried. “All a trick. It’s so over complicated, it could never actually happen.” Rainbow frowned. “Would Twilight ever be stupid enough to let Opal actually take over her body?” “She said it was an accident… She had done it over forty times already…” ”Exactly! Twilight isn’t stupid! She’d never put Opal in a position like this.” “But the buildings all over town she destroyed?” “All low income housing insured by the city. By Twilight knocking ‘em down, the city can actually use the insurance money to build them all better homes, as long as they sell the story that it was not Twilight but a magical mind swapin’ thingy,” Applejack nodded. “Ah think it’s cute how Twi’s prank actually helps others out, unlike somepony’s cream pie bombs!” “All’s fair in love and prank war,” Pinkie shrugged. “Don’t buy into it, Shy. We’ll walk up to them calmly in a little while, tell them we know the truth, and the jig is up.” “I- It can’t- I can’t believe I was fooled!” Fluttershy cried in protest, sinking down to the floor. “There there, Shy. Cream tart?” Pinkie offered to a smile from the blond mare. “I can’t find anything Twilight!” Rarity called out as she tossed books aside flipping through them without so much as a clue to what she was even looking for, or if there was even something to find. But her gut told her that Twilight had brought her here for a reason, so the mare had to believe, even if she could only imagine hate whenever she thought of the mare. “Meow,” A soft reply came from her side, halting her work as the white unicorn glared down to her. “You were awfully chatty up there. Was it worth it to listen to you meow your brains out for five minutes?” The cat didn’t reply as she only held up a note. The writing was rough, written with an unpracticed mouth as only a foal or a unicorn turned cat could manage. But the message was still moving. ‘I’m so sorry Rarity. I never meant you any harm. Please, if I don’t make it, do what you must to save Ponyville. I’ll always love you Rares. Now, I know what spell she’s using, and I know how to beat her. But I can’t do it alone. I hate to ask, but I need your help Rarity.’ Looking up from the letter, Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Oh you stupid, egotistical mare. What’s the plan?” “Twilight, your plan is horrible,” Rarity cursed while standing in front of the town hall like a daisy on display for all the hungry ponies. And just like those ponies, Opal-Light came for the bait. “What plan is that?” Opal-Light asked she sauntered up to the mare that made no signs of running. “Oh, are you planning a trap? Are you the bait? You do know I’m a Cat, right? We are naturally the best predators there are.” “Anytime, Twilight!” Rarity nearly screamed, backing up to the steps of the building. “Tell me where she is, and I’ll spare you Rarity,” Opal-Light smiled. A reassuring smile, a kind, genuine smile. A complete lie. Rarity couldn’t stop herself as she looked left, to the trash cans. It was just a flick of the eyes, but it was all Opal needed. “Thank you, Rarity,” Opal smiled as she began to charge her horn. “Oh yes, and just so you know, I lied.” “So did I. Now, Twilight!” Rarity yelled as Opal-Light furrowed her brow, confusion racking the feline’s mind. As she lost sight of her target, Twi-Kitty dropped from the overhang onto Opal-Light’s back, and began doing that most hated thing she had done to Rarity. Twi-Kitty stole her own magic. “Augh! No!” Opal-Light screamed in horrifying pain as Twi-Kitty soaked up her mana, coating her paws with it more and more. Opal-Light summoned her strength, and bucked hard, knocking off the poorly balanced kitty. The cat hit the ground and rolled instantly up on her paws, and poised to attack. Opal-Light staggered a bit as the pain throbbed in her horn, her vision blurred. “Rawr mew mew.” “It will end when I say it does!” Opal-Light screamed, thrashing out at Twi-Kitty with a poorly guided hoof. “Get over here and fight me, coward!” “Opal Darling,” Rarity cooed from next to the maniacal cat, “You forgot this isn’t a fair fight.” The white mare had punctuated her move with a swift and horrible looking blow to her lavender stomach. Opal-Light’s eyes bulged as she dropped, holding herself as her vision blurred completely. “You have no idea how good that felt, Twilight.” “Rawr hiss.” “Language… I think…” Rarity shot to the feline. “Now, I’ll get the rope. If she moves, I trust you’ll do what’s needed?” “...Mew.” “You- are a- fool, Sparkle.” Opal-Light groaned as she looked up to the pair of unicorn and cat. “Hold still, will you,” Rarity chided as she slipped out the ropes, but it was all too soon as the trio was encroached upon by what might have qualified as the latest help ever. “See, there they are, settin up fer the next part a’ the prank!” Applejack laughed. “Nice try gals!” “Applejack?! Rainbow? Good! You’re here! Help me tie her up!” “Keep your filthy hooves off me!” Opal-Light growled. “Nice try you two, but we know you’re in cahoots now,” Rainbow smirked. “Rarity, you’re a natural. Why did you let Twilight take lead on this prank?” “Rawr hiss growl hiss!” “Opal!” Fluttershy gasped, blushing as she covered her mouth in shock. “Rawr?” Opal? “I don’t care if it’s a joke! You should be ashamed for saying those things about Rainbow Dash!” “Wait, what?” Rainbow cocked her brow. “Rawr rawr mew, meow growl!” “I’m not falling for the same joke twice!” Fluttershy demanded. “What did she say?” Rainbow persisted. But her question fell on deaf ears, or rather it was more apt to say pink bolts of magic landed on her chest. Everypony stared slack jawed as the one they knew seconds ago to be Twilight blasted Rainbow Dash, knocking her out of her naturally airborne position and to her flanks. Had it not been for the fast reflexes Twi-Kitty was now graced with, and an ample knowledge of magic, Rainbow would have been just a memory. “Ooowwww…” Rainbow eventually groaned. “Rainbow!” Everypony, to including Rarity, gasped as they dropped their tasks to mend to the fallen flyer. One such task being the ropes that bound Opal-Light. “You- fool.” Opal-Light groaned and chuckled as she shook loose her binds, “I’ll- I’ll kill you all!” “I’m fine,” Rainbow groaned, staggering back up like the pony that shot her was as well. “But Twi, that was low, even for a prank war.” “Shut up, you insufferable mare you!” Opal-Light screamed. “I demand your attention!” “Ya know AJ, I’m starting to think she might actually be a cat…” Rainbow groaned. “Rawr rawr mew mew meow! Growl...” “Opal! Apologize!” Fluttershy snapped. “What did she say!?” Rainbow growled. “Shut Up! I will kill you all!” Opal-Light screamed as she strained herself to fire off another blast of magic. The five mare’s screamed, standing at ground zero for the maniacs attacks, and scattered. ‘What? No! Damn it all!’ Twilight huffed. “They are fools Sparkle,” Opal huffed as she summoned up the last of her magic, recasting the spell on herself. “But you are a greater fool.” ‘How?’ Twi-Kitty muttered feebly for her tormentor. “How what?” Opal-Light questioned, walking around the feline pony with a glare. ‘How did you actually learn magic?’ “Ah. The student wants to know.” Opal smiled. “I learned it through your vast library. Those pills you would use before the spell did stop me from casting, but they were not instant sleep like you had hoped. so daily I would feel the switch, and then read about magic till I felt the change again.” ‘So it was my own arrogance.’ Twi-Kitty nodded. ‘Figures I would kill myself with love. Opal, I’m done running. I’ve only caused Rarity pain. Please, spare her and I will let you take my body.’ “You wish for an honorable death. I shall grant you that Sparkle, as thanks for my new body.” Opal-Light nodded as she came to tower over the cat. Opal-Light raised her hoof, poised for the final blow, when fate saw reason today to spare Twi-Kitty. The fate of a simple ball of yarn bouncing across the grass. “Ooo! A ball of yarn!” Opal-Light giggled as she pounced on the ball, playfully batting it up in the air. ”Pist! Twilight!” The sweet voice of salvation called from the bush. Rarity. Despite all I’ve put her through, she’s still here for me. “Knock her out now!” Twi-Kitty nodded as she turned to end the threat, only to find Opal was standing, looking at her. “Neither one of you is exactly quite…” “But I am!” Rainbow Dash cried from the skies as she collided with Opal-Light, sending her sprawling onto the grass in a rather painful looking way. Twi-Kitty grimaced at the sight, sure her hoof never sat at that angle before. “Hold her down. Twilight, use a sleeping spell!” Rarity commanded. “Rawr meow! Rawr rawr!” “Fluttershy, please translate.” “She… she said she can’t,” Fluttershy chimed in from the bushes. “She said she used too much magic saving Rainbow…” “Damn!” Rarity spat as she leapt out to grab the lavender mare. She hated dirtying her own hooves, especially on something like this, but sometimes, you really needed to choke out the opposition. “Ah got ‘er hooves,” Applejack called out as she trotted forward to expertly tie up Opal-Light as Rarity held the mare in what Twilight was told was called a blood choke. “Here!” Pinkie screamed as she shoved a cake into the villain’s face. “By the way, what are you all doing?” “Rawr mew…” Twi-Kitty groaned as she watched her friends attack basically her, and with such vigor. Finally the mare stopped struggling, as Applejack finished her knots and Rarity released the creature. Twi-Kitty sighed as she stepped up and used the last of her stolen magic on the mare before her, shorting out her horn so she could no longer cast. It would take Twilight a few days to recover from that, but it was worth it in the end. Twelve minutes later saw the first breath of relief as Opal flopped over, and Twilight groaned as she came back to a body racked with pain. “Owww…” “Twilight, welcome back!” Rarity smiled as Fluttershy grabbed Opal. Rarity smiled, right up till she threw that one last punch.