Twilights Mane Passion

by Darkonshadows


“So, now that I’m back to empty on my powers how am I ever going to get a big enough charge to become Mane-iac again?” Tress was sitting in front of Twilight again; having her mane brushed always made her smile. She was already in her dress and they had to get to the party within the next twenty minutes to be considered early. The medication had worn off thirty minutes ago and she felt horribly sore. “I do want to eventually want to be able to transform again.”

“If only lightning clouds weren’t restricted to pegasus use only. They have tight restrictions on them and I’m not sure if you want Rainbow to know you have super powers. That is if she hasn’t guessed already. Maybe I can rig up a lightning rod to the roof and have it run into a battery you can pull the energy from. Even then one lightning bolt wasn’t enough to help you fully recover. We’d need several lightning storms to come through the area to even make some kind of headway into this.” Though Twilight was sure Rainbow could easily figure out that Tress had super powers, it was unlikely. Twilight pulled Tress’s entire mane back and got out a dark purple hair band to hold it altogether after she finished braiding it, that is if Tress would let her. “We’ll figure out something Tress. Would you mind if I braided you’re mane?”

“Go ahead; you know I trust you with my mane Twilight.” Tress looked at herself in the mirror as Twilight started to braid her mane; her dress turned out quite nice though she didn’t like it covering her tail and the straps were causing her sore shoulders some mild discomfort. A light bit of eye shadow and a very light dusting of powder on her cheeks was all the makeup she needed.

“It’s still polite to ask.” Twilight sighed as she braided Tress’s mane by hoof, she would always love the feel of her friends’ manes and enjoyed every moment they allowed her to touch them. She wasn’t getting dressed up like Tress was but she was going to enjoy the party all the same. Tress was really beautiful and looking in the mirror, she looked plain and average in comparison. Twilight was a mare that didn’t use makeup and Tress didn’t even need the stuff, though the eye shadow did add a bit to her friends’ features.

“All that I have left to get on is my choker; you can help me with that after you’re done braiding my mane.” Soon Tress stood up and did a twirl for Twilight and smiled impishly, then winced.

“The doctors said you were okay to leave, they didn’t say you were okay to do anything strenuous.” Twilight hugged her friend softly while nuzzling her neck; she was going to treat her like glass until her muscles were fully healed. “Please Tress, take it easy. You really hurt yourself.”

“Sorry Twilight, I promise when we get to the party I’ll only do one dance and then take a seat off to the side for the rest of the night. I can keep Fluttershy busy; she’s definitely going to wallflower all night long and I’ll be right there with her.” Of that Tress had no doubt. Tress noticed Twilight was getting rather affectionate with her in the last hour or so. It was a little odd if welcome that Twilight worried so much at every little grunt and groan she has made.

“I’m so glad that Vinyl still paid me for helping her move the sound system in a bit later than usual. She still got her practice session in and even understood that we were otherwise indisposed.” The last nine hours were quite interesting for Twilight.

Twilight said goodbye to Mr. Magnet while containing what was left of the monster in a magical barrier. She eventually stuffed it in a pet carrier she got on the way to the hospital at a nocturnal pet store and used saran wrap on the carrier to make sure it stayed inside. She got her friend to the hospital and went to sleep in the bed next to hers after getting her bruises, internal injuries and minor cuts treated. She later woke up to the knowledge that Rainbow stuck around to watch them sleep in a creepy manner. This was followed by the trip back to the castle and she explored it for approximately three hours, found a lot of ancient books one of which she learned a spell from. Said spell was use to turn the monster into a cat. This led to her giving the cat to Fluttershy who was worried about Tress being in the hospital; she had Fluttershy put the cat through obedience and discipline training. It was going to be a get well present for Tress or at least that’s what Twilight had implied. She went around and told the rest of their friends that Tress was sleeping off the injuries from the monster after her rescue. In the end she finished helping Vinyl move her stuff for the party and came back to the hospital all the while discussing whether or not it was wrong to eat barely sentient food with Rainbow.

“You sound like you’ve been incredibly busy and you still had time to move Vinyl’s gear?” She had heard what kind of a late start Twilight got on this day and she did so much in so little time.

“A good eight hours of sleep and I’m good to go. You on the other hoof need more time to recover.” Twilight was still worried about her friend and her current state of health. They were ready to go as soon as she placed the purple silk choker around Tress’s neck. They would soon set out for the party with Zecora and Barb.

“My you certainly do look nice, that dress certainly looks to be worth its price.” Zecora mentioned on the way to the party held at the town hall. “Who you are is where your true beauty does lay; our friendship is one that I hope will forever stay.”

“The maker of this dress didn’t even let me pay for it.” Grumbled Tress, sometimes Rarity was too nice for her own good.

“Just take it easy and enjoy the evening Tress, only everything can go wrong tonight and we might as well make the best of it.” Hoping that reverse Murphy’s Law took effect tonight was one of the things Twilight was banking on. She didn’t think Tress could survive another exciting adventure so soon and if anything did bother her friend tonight other then the cat that was still following them around, she was going to magic everyone around her and hard.

Opening the door to the party Pinkie shouted a hearty ‘surprise’ to them while popping up in front of them. She readily introduced them to the party that just started five minutes ago. Behind Pinkie was a tired looking Trixie.

“And this would be my personal party prestidigitation pony Trixie the incredible illusion master!” Pinkie threw a hoof around Trixie; giving her a hug and a cheerful smile. “She can take anything you think of and make it look like reality; she’s also paid by Rarity to help her flesh out her ideas.”

“Hello Twilight, Trixie can see that you’re doing well. Trixie’s friend Pinkie kept Trixie up all night until sometime around midnight when she finally gave up looking for the pony that couldn’t make it to this party. She said the situation resolved itself and the sky got rather colorful at that time.” Trixie was slightly and rightfully angry with Pinkie Pie at the moment.

“Huh that’s the estimated time we finished fighting the monster last night and when Rainbow did her Sonic Rainboom.” Having said her name, Twilight immediately found Rainbow flying right up to them.

“Did somebody dial awesome? Because I know she’s right here!” Apparently Rainbow’s bravado was back in full force.

“Wait that rainbow explosion was you rescuing Tress? Trixie believes that Tress was the pony you were looking for Pinkie. She was the one foal nabbed by the monster and would have had trouble coming to the party.” Trixie and Tress had been acquainted a long time ago and she had seen Tress get carried off by the monster. Now that Trixie looked back on it she should have put two and two together.

“But then you’d have four. Four and two shouldn’t go together or else you will end up with wood in the morning!” The mind of Pinkie can really boggle many ponies. It certainly boggled Trixie, but she relished in the challenge in trying to understand the bubbly party pony and win her heart.

“We’ve talked about this before. Trixie would like to remind you that you can’t read minds Pinkie.” Trixie even knocked on Pinkie’s skull causing her to giggle.

“Of course I know that I can’t silly. I’m just reading the story along with everyone else! It does get a bit bland at parts though.” Pinkie was getting even more confused looks at this proclamation. Proclamation was a strange word to Pinkie but it didn’t sound like a bad word to think of.

“Tress, there’s Fluttershy. Go get your dance in and then sit down to rest.” Twilight saw Fluttershy staying well out of the way of every single pony in the room, Tress immediately moved over to Fluttershy to widen her comfort zone a bit. Now Twilight turned to Trixie with a question on the tip of her tongue.

“Trixie knows what you are going to ask and yes Trixie will finally admit to being your friend. Are you happy now?” Trixie felt herself get drawn into a short cuddle that made her blush.

“That’s not what I was going to ask, but thank you. You were one of the few ponies I could actually talk to back in school.” There was no void in Twilight’s heart, it was filled with friendship and could stand to be filled even further. “Speaking of, why did you move here?”

“Long story short, Trixie knows Twilight was going to eventually move here. So Trixie came here to see why you would do so. You could have had a great future in any magical field, you could have been incredibly rich, famous and even successful in life. Yet you plan to come here to operate a business of helping ponies with their problems, Trixie wanted to see the appeal.” Trixie shot a glance to Pinkie before returning her sight to Twilight. Pinkie was currently running around introducing herself to every new pony in Ponyville, while pointing out her party magician to every pony. “Trixie saw the appeal.”

“What are you doing talking to her of all ponies?” Rarity came over to see why Twilight was conversing with the annoying magician. Trixie did do a good job making visual representations of finished dress ideas Rarity had and as such she paid her well, but that didn’t mean they liked each other. Though the hat and cape Trixie wore weren’t too horrible on the eyes, it just rubbed at Rarity’s fashion sense that Trixie hardly ever took those two articles of clothing off. It was the same problem she had with Applejack never taking off her hat.

“Trixie was just catching up with an old acquaintance and a newly minted friend. We both went to Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.” Trixie promised Pinkie a show and that she’d be friendly with her two interesting if polar opposite friends. Meaning she had to play nice with Rarity and Applejack.

“Is this true?” Rarity had never thought that Trixie could get into such a prestigious school, but her powerful use of illusion magic begged to differ.

“Yeah, I tried befriending Trixie a lot and she was the only unicorn my age that I could get along with in Canterlot. We weren’t always the best of pals, but at least Trixie wasn’t Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight noticed that Trixie shivered at hearing that name.

“Trixie agrees that Trixie was never that bad. Trixie learned to stay away from that mare and acting anything like her.” It was one thing for Trixie to be a bit boastful; it was another to be anything like Sunset Shimmer. Even Trixie could feel the darkness rolling off of that unicorn and wanted no part in it.

“You are going to one the best friends I’ve ever made Twilight; I just know it because I’m Pinkie Pie! I know every pony in Ponyville and I hope you can get to know me to.” Pinkie smiled as she hugged all three unicorns that started struggling.

“Need… air…” Twilight felt like Pinkie had super powers from the hug alone; it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

“Hey there, who are you? Do you want a cupcake?” Releasing the unicorns, Pinkie crouched down to eye level with Barb who shyly hugged one of her mother’s back legs.

“That’s my daughter Barb. I’m Twilight Sparkle and you already saw my friend Tress Ravel, please don’t bother her too much if she stops enjoying the party as she just got out of the hospital. This is Rainbow Dash and Zecora, some other friends I’ve made recently too.” Introductions all around and things were looking okay, the free cupcakes Pinkie was dishing out tasted wonderful. Butter cream frosting was a bit weighty on the waist, but it was delicious.

“No problem, I’ll make sure your friend talking to the pretty pegasus stays happy. I love to see ponies smiling and getting smiles is what I’m good at. So have you heard about the oatmeal thing already? Mr. Davenport said a few ponies would ask about it and I haven’t found them yet.” Pinkie had her party going perfectly without a hitch, hmm… getting hitched? Tricky proposition for one as wild as her, she’d never find a stallion crazy enough to try and date her. Tricky, Tricia, Traps, Tankards, Tops, Tubers, there was just so many T words out there, maybe she should ask Trixie on a date after she talks to the Rainbow as she looked really fun to be around.