//------------------------------// // 46 - CMC vs Town Hall // Story: The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper // by Techogre //------------------------------// Miss Cheerilee watched carefully over her charges as she lead them through the village. She counted them for the third time since leaving the school house, terrified she might lose any of her students. While she was grateful that Alex Roberts managed to stop the attack, she was worried some of the children might have been affected by the violence. She had seen young ponies, after experiencing similar shocking events, get spooked and bolt at the slightest provocation. Along the way, they collected others on their way to the town square, including  Golden Coins and his family. Miss Butterscotch scanned the area carefully as she stayed close to Silver Spoon. Silver quickly joined her best friend, Diamond Tiara. The Cutie Mark Crusaders kept together, giving each other moral and emotional support. Steelskin followed a few steps away watching for danger, occasionally glancing at Scootaloo’s cheek. In sharp contrast to the frowns and worried expressions of those around her, Scootaloo wore an ear-to-ear grin. As she trotted along proudly she said to herself, “My dad saved us.” Sweetie Belle bit her bottom lip in thought, then spoke to her friend. “Hey, ‘Loo? I know he’s going to be your dad and all, but he really scared me. I mean, I know he’s nice, but he’s like…” her face screwed up in thought, “... like a bear. Cute and fuzzy when he’s nice, but really scary and dangerous when he’s mad.” Scootaloo frowned at her friend. Sweetie started to apologize, but she cut her off, her expression thoughtful, “Okay, maybe,” she paused, “just maybe, he went a little too far.” She walked a little further in silence. She brightened up, “But come on! He tackled that thing out of the window like… like… they were in a hoofball game. Besides, Princess Luna thought he was cool enough to be one of her knights or whatever.” Snails piped up, "Yeah! That was so cool how he was talking all nice to the dog and then it hit you and then BAM, he totally knocked it through the window!" Snips nodded his head in agreement. Apple Bloom glared at Snails, then corrected her friend, “He’s a Paladin. At least, that’s what Applejack said he was, just like Miss Lulamoon.” Sapphire encouraged her friend. That is correct, friend Scootaloo. He even instructed my father to treat the doggie before himself. He is nice, not bad. Diamond Tiara sneered at the orange pegasus and her friends as she sauntered closer to Silver Spoon and muttered, “I can’t believe that blank flank is getting all the attention from those dolt-colts. How is that fair?” The pink filly walked quietly for a moment, pondering how she could best get her revenge. A cruel smile grew on her face. Silver Spoon’s curiosity was tempered by knowing her friend’s cruelty could sometimes get out of hoof. Diamond saw her friend’s questioning look and snickered. "Wait until we get to the town hall. I'll put that stupid little feather duster and her freak parents in their place." Silver Spoon asked tentatively, "What are you going to do?" Tiara replied in a sing-song voice, "You'll see." Miss Sweetheart smiled brightly and hugged her charge tightly, "Oh, Scootaloo!” she kissed the little pegasus on the forehead, “You’re alright.” Scootaloo smiled and hugged Miss Sweetheart back, “I’m fine.” She whispered into her caretaker’s ear, “My dad saved us.” She only held Scootaloo tighter and replied just as surreptitiously replied, “I know, but I didn’t see it, so it’s alright.” She let her go and smiled sadly at the proud little pegasus. She looked over to Miss Cheerilee and asked with a light smile, “This is just a formality, you understand, but I have to ask, did Alex Roberts or Rainbow Dash make contact with Scootaloo?" Scoots’ proud stance faded as she nervously pawed the ground, looking imploringly at her teacher. Before she could answer, Diamond Tiara spoke with a cruel grin, "Yes, they both did. That Rainbow na-pony flew in our classroom and acted like she was her real mom or something.” Silver Spoon recoiled from her friend in shock and whispered sharply, “Don’t. She’ll lose her family.” Diamond met her friend's imploring gaze with rolled eyes. She continued with relish, ”And before that, she went outside with him when he was screaming. He stopped when she got there. She must have scared him with her face. He even," she made a gagging sound," told her she was the best daughter a... a... whatever he's called-" She was interrupted loudly by Scoots, "A man. A stallion human is called a man." She quickly amended herself, "At least, as far as I know." "Fine, a man could have. He must be a real loser if he wants you as a daughter. But, I suppose that's the best he can hope for, seeing as he's so-" She was interrupted by Golden Coins, "As much as it pains me to say this, my dear, I think you must be mistaken. Miss Cheerilee?" Her face was completely neutral, a necessary skill forged through years of teaching young children. "That's correct, Mr Coins. I did not see this happen. In fact, she was within my line of sight the whole time." Steelskin came rushing to her defence and snarled out, "That's right. It never happened." The rest of her friends followed suit. Apple Bloom burst out, "I didn't see, with my own eyes, Alex hugging Scootaloo. And that's the truth." Sapphire nodded in agreement, ‘My friend Scootaloo did not, to my knowledge, hug Mr Scootaloo's Dad or Ms Scootaloo’s Mom.’ Sweetie Belle looked worried, "Nope. I didn't see her. Now way, no how. For sure. Absolutely. I'm positive. I-" Sweetie stopped when Apple Bloom covered her mouth. The rest of the class glared daggers at Diamond Tiara and murmured a general agreement that Diamond Tiara was wrong. Diamond suddenly realized every one of her classmates had put just a little more distance between themselves and her. She wasn’t surprised all those idiots failed her, but what she couldn’t believe was her best friend’s public treachery. Silver’s father also supported that blank flank feather-duster was just too much. As Diamond stomped away angrily, trying to reconcile what happened with her worldview, she simply couldn’t see why anyone wouldn’t find her exposing that liar to be a wonderful public service. The final blow came from the Silver Spoon herself. She stared hesitatingly, never having stood up to her friend before. "You know, that was really mean. Like, meaner than normal. I mean, that Alex Roberts is weird-looking, but he’s not all bad. He tried to save us, me and Daddy and Miss Butterscotch, and got hurt doing it, too.” She grew more confident, “And ever since he’s been talking to daddy, he’s been acting different. Daddy, I mean. Nicer. Not just to me, but to everyone. And as uncool as those blank flanks are, I don’t want to hurt them.” She stood a little straighter as she came to a decision, “I think I'll hang out with someone else for a little while. Maybe you'll get nicer if you're alone for a bit." With that, she trotted off to be with the other kids. A few days later, once everything had returned to normal, Tiara trudged angrily to her bedroom, her supper left untouched. As she flopped down on her bed, there was the sound of paper crunching. Under her pillow there was an envelope, with the words, “From Your New Friends”, written on it. Each letter was in a different style and a different colour.