//------------------------------// // 36 // Story: Twilights Mane Passion // by Darkonshadows //------------------------------// “Equine based life forms detected, strange excessive mutations in one of the three subjects. Threat level extreme, course of action is immediate deletion. Ex…” The garbage could barely get out its next word when one of the three equines that had been approaching the bridge walked up it. “Yeah yeah, existential crisis I get it. Kind of what my friends’ toy goes through once in a while just being a pile of memories animated and being too near another enchantment using the same magical signature would cause problems in the long run thus you have issues with being so alone being what you are at times.” Tress stated as she walked up to the strange trash can with the blue light on top of it that stared at her. She pushed the plunger shaped extrusion downwards and the top of the magical garbage can popped open. “Incon...” The garbage can started to say as it should have been impossible for its lid to open the way it had been. “Yeah, inconvenient I know but that’s life for you. Now shut up and let me throw my garbage into you.” Tress popped off some bits of trash into the garbage can while the two other ponies stared at the strange magical garbage can thing. After she was done dumping off some random trash she had found lying around, Tress lifted her left hoof off the garbage cans plunger and the lid dropped back into place. “Come on you two stop staring at the strange magic garbage can, we need to reserve a table with a possible party of eight or more. I swear you’re both easily distracted by even the least of the weirdest things I’ve seen.” Lyra and Octavia carefully trudged around the trash can which didn’t move or say anything, it had been attempting to talk before and now it was just completely silent. “That thing looks like it was made by humans… and their hands!” Lyra said slightly wary of the so called trash can. “Must you prattle on about these strange creatures of yours? How do you even know they exist if you don’t have photographic evidence?” Octavia said right back, keeping the trash can in peripheral vision as she slowly passed by it. “Do you seriously live in an area where there is a forest that is known for its unknown wild creatures next door? It’s not that big a stretch to believe in strange and unheard of creatures that resembles a minotaur that is only less bulky and hairy.” In fact Tress was pretty sure if a world like hers existed, then so did one with Lyra’s thin tall lanky creatures. From what Lyra told them, humans were technologically advanced and had minimal magical powers to see into other worlds and express these realities in magical technological viewing devices, works of art and books. The trash can twitched slightly once the three equine creatures were far enough away. The garbage can started screaming and moving around small tight circles until it hit the edge of the bridge and flipped over it. It fell towards the small stream upside down and it went up in a spectacularly huge explosion as soon as it hit the water. Both Octavia and Lyra jumped and turned around to look at the explosion while Tress just flipped her mane and continued walking on to smile at the sight of Twilight. The explosion was framing Tress in some rather epic backdrop lighting as she gave a simple coy smile to her best friend, yeah she didn’t know what was going on behind her and she obviously didn’t care. She simply did what Time Turner wanted her to, to just forget about it after the job was done. “How are things going with you so far?” Tress said in an amused tone to Twilight and the other two mares, all with boggled expressions on their faces. Up above Tress and Twilight at the moment was an annoying pegasus who blinked at what she just saw. “That has got to be the most awesome thing I’ve seen today, she didn’t even look at the explosion!” Rainbow threw her hooves up in the air spreading her wings wide, she was right in thinking Truss was an interesting pony. No wait, her name wasn’t Truss, what was it again? On a hillside far away looking through a pair of binoculars at the bridge, a brown stallion smiled to his companion who was slowly munching her way through another muffin. He looked to his left at the chalkboard bisected into two different sections with a chalk line. The left side of the chalk line had the word ponies underlined and beneath it the brown stallion lifted a piece of chalk to the board and put a slash through some markings, at the current count it was up to forty five. The other side of the board had another underlined thing but it didn’t even have a single mark. “Well they certainly aren’t very good at invading Equestria are they Doctor?” The blond mare said cheerily as she nibbled at her blueberry muffin. The brown stallion smiled and nodded. "I better go deliver the bits as promised; you fish whatever is left of it out of the stream.” The stallion just smirked victoriously as his rather affectionate friend nuzzled him and took to the air with a bag of bits. Once again Equestria proves that alien invaders are really poor at handling friendly, adorable and cuddly little magical equine creatures. A while ago with Twilight Sparkle, before meeting Tress with an explosion going off behind her while she did a rather impressive pose to go along with it. Twilight wondered about this Cheerilee mare a bit as she made her way to the school. This was a town which easily supports all types of ponies. A teacher was a pony Twilight could respect as teachers usually had hard jobs in making sure other ponies had futures to look forward to. She approached the school, today wasn’t a school day and Cheerilee was here just cleaning up the school. Upon trotting inside she could see why Cheerilee needed to clean up. Whatever they were paying her for this job, it wasn’t anywhere nearly enough. “Excuse me, Ms. Lee. I’m here to talk about assisting you with teaching the unicorns how to use their magic.” The earth pony mare that was poking as some odd sludge like substance on the floor with a broom suddenly perked up her ears and turned around to look at Twilight. “Oh thank you for coming, maybe you could assist me with the cleanup of a tiny science experiment gone wrong first?” Cheerilee’s green eyes were pleading for some support with her current endeavors. Her mane and tail were two shades of pink, regular and lighter. Her mane was kind of reminiscent of Apple Blooms hair style, just without the bow. Her coat was a dark purplish pink and her cutie mark was three pink and yellow flowers with smiling faces on them. “Sure thing Ms. Lee. What was the experiment and how did it come to this?” Twilight noticed Cheerilee wasn’t entirely forthcoming with how the room ended up in the state it did as she mumbled something. “What was that? I can’t hear you. You sound like a shy friend of mine.” “I said we were making volt conducting potatoes or experimenting with how to grow potatoes in water.” Cheerilee honestly didn’t know how one of her students could mess up putting a potato in some water to test the charge it gave off. Much less that they managed to ruin the science behind just growing a potato in something other than soil. “How could something like that go wrong and end up like this?” Twilight was a bit stumped to explain all the green sludge lying about on the floor. She just started collecting it with her magic and saw the relieved look on the teachers face as she would have it all off the floor, walls and ceiling quickly enough. “I ask myself that sometimes, hold onto all of it for a second while I go get a garbage bag open.” After managing to stow away the mess into a bag Cheerilee sighed with relief. Things were much easier with a pony like Twilight around to help. “Thank you so much for coming and helping me with this mess.” “No problem at all. So what did you expect me to do, am I actually getting paid for this and what days do need me to come in on? Other than that am I even capable of teaching without a license in Ponyville?” Twilight needed to be reassured she could even do this job and without any issue, homeschooling Barb was fine. Teaching anyone that was not her own child might not be as fine. “You do pose some good questions Ms. Sparkle. I expect you to help me as a volunteer assistant and yes I’m willing to pay you depending on how good a job you do with the unicorn children. These sessions will take place on Friday in the evening for at least an hour after school; I’ll let you know when I need you. Also yes you can teach, but only as long as I’m present.” Cheerilee really needed a unicorn to help her teach the unicorns in class how to use their magic; she also needed to find a pegasus to teach those with wings how to fly. “Are there any ponies against homeschooling here in Ponyville?” Twilight had to ask because of Barb who was currently working on her education with Smart. Twilight taught Barb at times and enjoyed every moment of it. It was a little weird for Twilight to find herself suddenly under some strange looking scrutiny from the earth pony. “Why would you ask something like that? It’s perfectly fine, just not a good idea when we have some of the best unbiased teaching facilities around. I try to teach all my students subjects that are equally useful for any race of pony as much as I possibly can, considering how diverse the population is here.” Earth ponies may have settled here, but they shared the land with pegasi and unicorns in complete harmony. Cheerilee as a teacher would never put one race above another. “Well you see, I have a daughter and…” Apparently that was the magic word for some kind of trigger in the teacher as Twilight saw her suddenly get a look of sad concern across her face. “What is it?” “You’re not one of those little fillies who grew up to fast because of a magical surge that aged them to adulthood for a time are you?” Cheerilee didn’t like it, but it could happen and only too little unicorn fillies. They wanted to grow up so fast around the age of five to seven, they had a magic surge and usually temporarily became anywhere between eighteen to thirty years of age. If this happened the pony in question was not mentally ready for the world and bad things tended to happen. “Oh no… no… that’s… that’s horrible. Has that… has it actually happened?” Twilight had never considered something like that as being possible. Once the idea of how bad something like that could go and what kind of damage it could do to a little fillies mind popped up, Twilight was suddenly having trouble banishing the horrors that her mind came up with. This was what Cheerilee thought of in reference to her having a daughter? Twilight felt a little sick inside when she noticed the teacher wouldn’t meet her gaze. “It’s sad, but it doesn’t happen too often thankfully. So how old are you exactly if it wasn’t that? You don’t look a day over thirteen.” Cheerilee was now curious. If Twilight wasn’t one of those sad broken little fillies, then how could she have possibly had a daughter as young looking as she is? “I’m sixteen actually, I hatched my daughter when I was eight and it was something I’ll never forget. She’s quite a lot of responsibility and I’m so lucky to have the great parents that I do as they helped me raise her. My daughter is a magic dragon you see and it was when I was doing the entrance exam to ‘Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns’. They have attempting to hatch a dragon egg as a test and it’s been a lot of years since any unicorn has actually managed to hatch one, they put spells on the eggs to make sure they’re normally too hard to hatch.” Twilight sighed as she hadn’t had the best childhood, but Barb was always something she cherished to watch growing alongside her. “Isn’t that a bit barbaric? I mean what happens if the eggs goes bad? Wouldn’t that make dragons want to attack ponies or something?” Cheerilee had always thought unicorns were a bit odd and abusing magic tended to have horrible consequences at times. The teacher shuddered at some of the horror stories she’s heard from Nurse Redheart. “Dragon eggs don’t go bad and they even have preservation spells on them to make sure they don’t, though I think they might have swapped to using chicken eggs since I took my test. I’m not sure how they get them, but Celestia must know since it’s her school and I don’t think she’d do something bad enough to upset a swarm of dragons.” Twilight was really an eye opener for those examiners, able to control a magical surge to such a fine degree to crack several magical protections and hatch the egg despite what was in her way of actually doing it. “Just so you know, I love my daughter and she means the world to me. Though she’ll continue to be a baby dragon for only so long now, I might have caused her aging process to be a bit slow when I hatched her using my magic.” “So you slowed down the aging process of a creature that already ages slowly?” This was something important for Cheerilee to point out, not that she was saying Twilight was a bad mother. There were just some minor implications about what she might have done. “Can we do lunch together today and would you mind following me around for a bit to talk about some things? I have a lot on my mind to get off to some pony.” Twilight was going to consider the implications of what Cheerilee had just pointed out for a while.