Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab

by Habanc

Cold - Pearple Prose

Written by: Pearple Prose


"Achoo!" Luna sneezed. For a normal pony, this would not be particularly notable.

However, for someone with alicorn-sized lungs, something like a sneeze could, in fact, send something roughly the same weight and shape as their marefriend tumbling out the doors to their bed chambers.

"Thorry, Twilight..." Luna mumbled, with a gunky snort.

A purple head poked back into the room. "it's alright, Luna," Twilight chirped as she limped back towards the bed piled high with pillows. "Just focus on getting that cold out of your system!"

"B-But Twilight—" Luna reared back as if to sneeze, and Twilight tensed up instinctively. A moment passed, and Luna continued to speak. "Ith not gettig any bedder..."

Twilight tutted. She lit her horn, and a mug of hot chocolate levitated over to the fevered princess. "Well, maybe a bit of your favourite drink will help~?" Twilight said.

Luna's eyes lit up with glee as she saw the cocoa, and she sat up and reached out with her hooves and took it. She didn't say anything, choosing instead to stare into the brown liquid, hypnotised by the warmth that suffused her very being. She felt something pressing against her—Twilight was hugging her.

"Th-Thanks, Twilight," Luna said. She attempted to move the mug to her mouth, and frowned when she realised she couldn't move her limbs. She grunted, forcing her arms to bring the chocolate to her mouth.

She was so focussed that she only passively acknowledged the light in the room slowly disappearing, the cold that covered the floor in an icy sheen, and the weight that pressed harder against her.

"Urgh!" Luna's numb arms began to move slowly towards her muzzle. The draught was blowing in now. It ruffled her mane and made strands of hair snap against her face, but she continued to grunt with the effort.

Eventually, slowly, Luna inhaled a mouthful of the hot chocolate.

And then she spat it right back out. It didn't taste like chocolate. It didn't taste hot, either. It had the taste and texture of frozen dirt.

Luna looked up, and noticed, for the first time, that she was sitting in pitch black, ice-covered room. Howling winds tore at her skin. Her body was numb, and a huge, titanic weight pressed down on her. She turned and saw Twilight slowly treading away from her, out the door to the transformed chamber.

"Twilight!" Luna called out. She grunted and threw the pillows and covers off her frozen body. "My love, come back!"

But Twilight didn't come back. She continued to walk towards the effort, without once back.

"Twilight! Twilight!"

The door swung shut with a crash.

Luna woke up to pitch blackness.

Immediately, she tossed her limbs and screamed. Her entire body ached and froze and hurt, but her limbs thrashed at the overwhelming darkness enveloping her as if it were a beast attacking her.

Light blinded for a moment. She couldn't breathe. She was drowning. Luna crawled towards the light, and surfaced in an unending plain of snow and ice. A blizzard tore at her mane and skin.

Luna's mind was barely working, but it managed to conjure a single thought. One lonely mantra that brought vigor to her dying limbs.

Turning toward the mountainous horizon, she continued on her journey.

Twilight. I need to bring Twilight back.