//------------------------------// // Not again // Story: Royal Affection // by NightShader //------------------------------// “Luna?” “Princess, Luna,” Luna spoke, her voice was fairly emotionless so you couldn’t recognize how she felt. Fear was filling up your mind, this couldn’t mean any good. “W-what are you doing here,” you struggle to say, her very being here was freaking you out, especially after what you’ve done to Celestia... “What hast thou done to our sister? Thou hast done nothing wrong to you,” She spoke again, this time a little more serious though. “Listen, this has nothing to do with your sister. I just don’t think I’m ready for it yet.” “For now, I simply want to be left alone. I-I want to get some things off my mind,” you spoke whilst your voice slowly muted. “We don’t think so, if anything, thou should not keep thy worrying thoughts for thyself. Speak Anonymous, it brings up pain and let’s it go,” You think about it for a moment. Maybe she’s right, and I don’t really have other peop- pony’s I can talk to... So you began. “Ever since I came here, no matter how much fun I was having. I could never let go of the thought that I might never go home, that I don’t belong here. Even though ponies seem to have accepted me, I still feel the distance, I can feel that I am not part of them.” “And then, came your sister’s confession... A-and the mixed emotions, I just couldn’t take it anymore,” you confessed, it didn’t make you feel a lot better though. “I see... Follow us, Anonymous. It might do thee well,” Before you could ask what she was going to do, you were levitated in the air, which felt pretty awesome, but frightened you at the same time. With a mighty flap of her wings she starts flying off your balcony, taking you with her. “Wait Luna! I don’t want to go anywhere, alone time, remember!?” You desperately cry, you really hope she doesn’t take you to her sister, you couldn’t handle that at the moment. Luckily for you, instead she lands on a soft cloud nearby, placing you on it aswell. For some reason, you didn’t fall right through but felt bouncy instead,  that was a good thing though. “This is where we used to go, when we felt alone and not accepted by our little ponies. Here we were alone, nobody to be afraid of us, nobody that cowered away in fear at the mere sight of what they thought was Nightmare Moon,” Luna spoke, even though her voice did not betray her emotions, you knew she didn’t like talking about this because... who does? “Lonely, lonely nights were spent here Anonymous. Fiddling with our own thoughts, not knowing how to let them go. Eventually hurting ourselves so much, we didn’t even realize it until we changed...” She went on, you knew what she was talking about because you read a lot about. Hearing it from the mare herself made it feel more real, as it was as if you could feel it instead of just reading it. “We do not want you to make the same mistakes, even though thy emotions are different than that of ours, it does not mean it can not scar you,” With that she stopped speaking, instead choosing to stare off into the distance. You think she was expecting you to talk now, but for obvious reasons you couldn’t really concentrate uphere... It can be relaxing for a winged creature to relax on a cloud, but being here, so high up in the air with no control of being able to save yourself if something happened didn’t make you feel so well. “Can’t we talk somewhere else? Someplace with less altitude, you know, where I can’t die if I fall off,” You asked nervously. “Why don’t we go back to my room, a bit of cider might help me open up a bit,” you suggested, you really didn’t want to talk, no matter what she said. But being back on stable grounds had a higher priority at the moment. “As you wish Anonymous.” ------------- You arrived back at your room safely where you sigh in relief. You knew you could trust Luna, but it doesn’t mean that your gut feelings stop going apeshit when you are in an unknown environment. A simple shake of the head is the response that you get. A satisfying response, with all the problems you already have, you didn’t want to hear the ones from a formerly rejected princess that could probably talk all night about what kind of depressing stuff had happened to her. Moments later, you returned with a few bottles of random beverages. Taking a seat to the opposite of Luna, you open your first bottle and take a swig. “Okay, where should I begin...” ------------- Everything seemed to be a bit foggy, you could see a vague image of a blue pony in front of you, and you were talking to her. You couldn’t even understand what you were saying nor what was being told to you. You tried to move, but that seemed to be impossible for some reason. In another attempt, you tried to move your arms towards your face that felt all warm and tingly, but with no success. What the fuck is this.  No matter how much you squirmed, everything you did was with no result at all. You were about to start screaming when you could finally understand the words that were being told to you. The images were starting to become more visible as well and it became clear that Luna was the one speaking to you. “We know enough Anonymous, it’s time for you to wake up...” Luna spoke. Wake up, wake up. Those words kept dwelling through your mind. Even though your eyes were wide open, you try to open them anyways, with success this time. Slowly your eyes creaked open, revealing  familiar decor. You were staring straight up at the ceiling with the burning sun shining in your face, for some odd reason you didn’t mind that this time. Heck, you woke up in your room for this once, that’s a good thing. You were completely satisfied with yourself until you felt a bit of movement beside you. Oh no, I can’t remember taking anyone to bed... Fearing the worst you slowly tilt your head sideways to the right. You could see an object beneath your covers but were unable to identify who or what it was simply by guessing the shape, so to get a better view you decide to sit up straight. “No way...” you whisper to yourself, before you lies the princess of the night herself... Yeah, I fucked up big time.