//------------------------------// // Contact // Story: The Warmistress of Equestria // by iowaforever //------------------------------// Contact         Horus was quiet today. This had Luna worried; every day after her sparring session with the Night Guard she had met with him to practice using her powers again, but now she could find no trace of the Primarch. She tried every divining method she knew, even the ones that Horus had taught her, but to no avail. Had she been younger and less sure of herself, she might have panicked, but she knew Horus’ strength; even if he encountered something dangerous in the Warp, he would be more than capable of holding it off... she hoped.         Horus will return to me... she thought, opening her eyes and rising out of her meditative position. As she cleared her mind, in order to allow some of the residual Warp energy to fade, she heard a knock at her door. “Enter.” the door opened and in stepped Cadence, the younger alicorn stopping just past the threshold. When Luna saw her, she frowned slightly. “Cadence, right?” “Yes,” Cadence said, giving a small smile. “Can we talk?”         “I have already apologized for my outburst the other day. I don’t see what-”         “No, I mean, can we just talk? No titles or anything?” It took Luna a moment to realize just what Cadence was asking. She’s trying to make casual conversation... I can do this.         “Oh. Apologies for being harsh. Please, make yourself comfortable.” Luna used her telekinesis to levitate a few cushions over, Cadence nodding her thanks and sitting down. Once the two were seated, there was a stretch of silence before Luna spoke. “So... Is there something you wished to know?” “Well, I just wanted to know how you were adjusting and if there was anything I could do to help?” Luna hesitated for a moment, but managed to recover quickly.         “I appreciate your concern. I have worked to make some kind of connection with the ponies of the Night Guard and... Well, I’m not sure if it’s garnering any kind of success.”         “Give it a little time.” Cadence smiled. “I’m sure things will work out for you.”         “I suppose so. I have seen what happens when one rushes ahead, and it is an experience I do not wish to repeat.” there was another pause. “I... I assume you know more about my past. Do you mind telling me about yourself?”         “Oh, of course.” Cadence fluffed her wings a little. “Um... well, aside from speaking with Auntie... I mean, Princess Celestia-” “Apologies for interrupting, but why do you refer to her as your aunt? I know she said you were her adopted niece, but I am still confused to the arrangement.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Does that make you my daughter?” “What? No.” Cadence’s face flushed red. “I’ve just spent so much time around her, training and learning, that she’s more like family than a teacher.”         “Ah, that makes sense.” yet another pause. “What does that make me then?” “Well, since you are Celestia’s sister, I guess that makes you my aunt as well... I think.” Cadence looked away for a moment. “This is actually a lot more confusing than I thought it would be.”         “I have visited the ruins of Tzeentch’s Labyrinth; believe me when I say that there is little that is as confusing as that place.” Cadence chuckled. “But you seem like a fine mare. I would be happy to claim you as my niece.” “Thank you.”         “Now, please continue. You said that my sister has been training you?”         “Ever since I was a foal.” Cadence fluffed her wings a little. “At first it was just basic magic skills, but as I grew older she began teaching me about other things: the Warp, how to shield my mind, different tactics and strategies that sort of thing.”         “No offence, but you do not strike me as a military leader.” Luna raised her eyebrow again. “What sort of tactics did my sister teach you?”         “... All of them?” Cadence gave a small smile. “I may not look it, but I am well trained in most forms of combat, even some that won’t exist for some time.”         “I see. Which Legion do you command?”         “I don’t command any Legion.” there was a pause as Luna mulled this over. She knew the position of the Legions as Equestria’s shield, but that was a thousand years ago. Perhaps some things had changed since then.         “I suppose that is something we shall have to discuss at another time. But enough on matters of the military. Tell me more about yourself.” “Well... I foalsat Princess Celestia’s personal student for a few years... I think you met her. Twilight Sparkle?”         “The purple unicorn with the dragon assistant? Yes, I have met her...” the memory of one Dawn Sparkle came to mind, but Luna suppressed that memory before continuing. “She is close to you, yes?”         “Oh yes. She’s the greatest little filly I’ve ever known. She’s a bit... obsessive at times, but she’s a sweet pony and a wonderful student. And...” another pause, with Cadence looking away from Luna. “Her brother’s pretty nice, too...”         “You are attracted to him, are you not?” Luna asked, causing Cadence to panic a little.         “I-I never said anything-”         “I am several millennia old, dear Cadence; I may not have much experience with romance, but I do know enough to see when one pony is in love with another.” Cadence blushed, but said nothing as Luna continued. “As you said you had military experience, I will try to explain this to you as a commander; you have an opportunity presented before you, and you must seize that opportunity before it has the chance to slip away from you, else you will be lost and unable to recover any ground. If you know this colt likes you, then tell him of your affections, and if you already have, then do not lose momentum and make sure that he is committed to you.” “Well, he is... it’s just that I think he’s a little hesitant.”         “Then make him realize that his hesitation is wearing on you. I know that it might seem like I am trying to pressure you into something you might like to take a bit slower, but if you take it too slow then you have a chance of losing this colt.”         “You really think so?”         “I may not know much about love, but I do believe that you must take initiative.” there was a pause before cadence smiled. “Thank you for your advice, Luna.”         “I am always available to deliver it.” Cadence nodded and stood, heading towards the door. “Oh, Cadence.” “Yes?”         “If you don’t mind, I would like to speak to you again sometime soon, if you are willing.”         “I’d be more than happy to.” Cadence gave a small nod and exited. Once she was gone, Luna closed her eyes, reaching out into the Warp in search of Horus once more.         Horus... are you there? No answer. Horus, I’m worried. I know time has no meaning in the Immaterium, but you have never been silent for this long. Is there something wrong?         More than you can imagine. An image of Horus formed in Luna’s mind. His armor was rent in several places, blood splattered across his clawed gauntlet. He himself seemed alright, but his face looked weary. We have a problem.   ...............           In a field just south of the Griffon King’s palace, a pony waited. His coat was a dark grey, and his face was scarred from many decades of trials. His armor was a mix of black and gold, chipped from use but still as strong as the day he had donned it during the beginning of Equestria’s Crusades. The left shoulder of his armor was adorned by a winged skull, the Mark of the Shadowbolts, while his chest piece and right shoulder were marked by an eight pointed star, the Mark of Chaos.         As the moon rose over the Griffon Kingdom, Scorpan waited.         “You are early, Shadowbolt.” a voice growled from the shadows. Scorpan looked out of the corner of his eye and saw the Drakeguard lord step into the clearing. The Earth Pony was a giant compared to the Shadowbolt, his face concealed behind a bloodstained visor. Two spikes were mounted on the Drakeguard’s shoulders, several skulls of ponies, Diamond Dogs and Minotaurs impaled upon them.         “I did not realize that punctuality was a sin, Lord Talon Hoof.” Scorpan replied, not even bothering to turn and face his “master”. “I would have thought that one of us should arrive early, just in case our ‘contacts’ decided to test our dedication.”         “Do not speak of sins, fool. I know my path, and I shall reap that which is mine with or without your assistance. And if these weaklings consider my devotion at fault, I shall make sure that they die screaming.”         “I have no doubt that you will be given the chance, but now is not the time to speak of such matters; our contacts are here.” the two ponies looked to the other end of the clearing as a collection of griffons stepped forward. Their armor bore only a few markings, but Scorpan was able to identify the leader of the group, a grey feathered griffon with black tipped wings and a false foreleg.         “You are the ones that said you would assist us in our cause?” the griffon asked. “Indeed.” the Drakeguard lord said, taking a step forward. “The warriors under my command thirst for the blood of Equestrians. Once the Loyalists march to war, they shall remember the blades that bathed in their blood long ago.” “Let’s not be too hasty, my friends,” Scorpan said, stepping to be between the griffon and Talon Hoof. “There is no assurance that the False Empress will pledge her forces to war... not yet, at least.” he looked to the griffon. “Have your agents carried out my suggestion?”         “One is on his way to the Griffon King as we speak.” the griffon commander said. “Another should arrive in Equestria in a few days.”         “Is there something you are hiding from me, Shadowbolt?” Talon Hoof asked, glaring at Scorpan.         “I asked our friend here to carry out a few assassinations for me. With the king dead at the hands of a ‘pony’, the griffons will be raring to take up arms against the Equestrians, and if an attempt is made on the False Empress then they may return the favor. I did not tell you because I did not wish to trouble you with minor details such as these.”         “Very commendable, Shadowbolt. I may still have some use for you.” Scorpan frowned, but said nothing else. Talon Hoof turned back to the griffon. “Once you have declared war on Equestria, we shall muster our forces and destroy the Loyalists once and for all.”         “And what of us?” the griffon asked. “What do I gain once you have driven the Equestrians from here?”         “You dare ask demands from me?!” Talon Hoof barked, simmering with barely contained rage. “I, who slaughtered dozens on Appleoosa Ridge, who delivered the skulls of the greatest Minotaur Chieftains to the Blood God, who tore out the throat of Tiamat, the queen of dragons-” “Patience, Lord Talon Hoof.” Scorpan said, trying to calm the Drakeguard. “Our friend here means no disrespect, merely a reminder of the Dark Gods’ favor.” This did seem to calm Talon Hoof, but only slightly. It will be enough, thought Scorpan before turning to the griffon. “When this is over, and Equestria has conceded defeat, we shall grant you power and favor that will make you the most feared lord of this world.” The griffon’s eyes brightened, causing a small smirk to spread across Scorpan’s face. Mortals, always so quick to accept a deal without delving into the consequences.         “That is fair.” the griffon said, taking a moment to compose himself. “I shall make sure that my forces assist you in any manner possible.”         “They shall be put to good use.” Scorpan turned to Talon Hoof. “Is that fair enough, Lord?”         “... I suppose.” the lord growled. “We must depart now; I will marshal my warriors for the coming slaughter.”         “Very well.” the griffon gave a nod of respect. “I shall contact you once we are at war with Equestria.” and with that, the griffon and his entourage turned and left, the two ponies watching them go. “Fool.” Talon Hoof muttered. “He thinks that he will get away with such insolence?”         “He will receive his punishment in due time, Lord.” Scorpan said, turning to leave. “Indeed.” the Drakeguard turned and looked at Scorpan. “But do not think I will forget your insubordination, Shadowbolt. I require your services now, but once I have given my offering to Khorne you will suffer my wrath.”         “Oh, I am quaking in my boots. If only the Dark Gods would come and save me from your wrath.” Scorpan said, spreading his wings and taking flight before Talon Hoof had a chance to respond. The Shadowbolt smiled; deceiving members of the Drakeguard was rather easy, almost insultingly so, but it still amused him to no end.         But he had other matters to attend to besides his amusement. He swooped low, spying a small light among the black forest; a hut of sorts, the light being from a fire that Scorpan could see through the window. He took a moment to set his boots’ talons in place before diving, using his armored bulk to smash through the wooden structure.         The griffons inside had no time to react to Scorpan’s intrusion. Even if they could, it was doubtful that they could stand against the Shadowbolt, he who had fought dozens of campaigns and slayed many of Equestria’s Finest in the last millennium. The Shadowbolt’s claws flashed forward, shredding fur, flesh and bone with ease. Scorpan smiled as the screams of the dying reached his ears, although he was careful to keep a reign on his bloodlust. “W-why?” the last griffon asked as Scorpan advanced on her. “Why are you doing this? W-we did nothing wrong.”         “I realize that.” Scorpan said, raising his claws once again. “I apologize for the intrusion, but the spell I plan to cast requires blood sacrifice, and yours will do nicely.” before the griffon had a chance to respond, Scorpan plunged his claws into the griffon’s stomach, twisting them around to make sure she would die. “Do not despair, child. Sing praises to the Dark Gods, for the death of you and your family draws the final victory of Chaos closer.” with the last griffon dead, Scorpan stowed his claws and looked around. Five dead, three of them chicks. More than sufficient. Scorpan dipped his hoof into one of the pools of blood, scratching out a few symbols on a clear section of wall. These symbols would have driven a lesser being insane, but Scorpan had long ago given in to the allure of the Dark Gods; insanity was to be expected. His ritual complete, Scorpan waited before a shimmering portal formed out of the blood markings.         “My lord, our plan is proceeding as scheduled.” Scorpan called through the Warp. There was a pause before a presence came over him, one of power and destruction.         “Excellent, Scorpan,” a voice rumbled through the portal. “You have proven yourself to be a most valuable asset.”         “You honor me, my lord. Although there is the problem of Talon Hoof; while he is devoted to slaughter, allowing him to have his way might misdirect if not delay your arrival.”         “I trust you have a plan to deal with him?”         “Oh yes, my lord. One that I hope you find satisfactory.”   ................           There was a tremor in the Empyrean, one that disturbed Anlindē greatly. While she felt tremors often, there was something about this one that set it apart from the others. This one spoke of pain, of destruction on a scale that would see the world burn. “Seer?” Galas whispered, breaking Anlindē out of her thoughts. “I believe I have found a sheltered spot from where you can focus.”         “Very good, Galas. Show me.” the Ranger nodded, leading Anlindē down a path between two buildings. Occasionally they would stop, to avoid detection from a few ponies who were still wandering around at night. Anlindē considered casting a shroud spell on Galas and herself, but decided that she needed more energy to focus on finding the Lost. Once the coast was clear, they moved on until Galas found a small garden near the castle.         “It’s slightly exposed, but if you stay close to the bushes then you should be unseen.” Galas said.         “This will do nicely. Thank you for your vigilance, Galas.” “Anything to serve you, my lady.” Anlindē nodded and began to set up her runes. “My lady, do I have to be disguised again?”         “It’s the safest thing to do, Galas. Once we leave Equestria, you and I will no longer have to worry about remaining unseen.” “But... could you disguise me as something other than a pony?”         “I know it’s demeaning, but it’s the best disguise for a land like Equestria.” Galas opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and merely sighed. “Whatever you feel is best, Seer.” Anlindē nodded and focused her magic, surrounding Galas in a shroud before leaving the image of a brown Earth Pony with an hourglass cutie mark standing where the Ranger had been.         “Now stand guard. This should only take a few minutes.”   ...         “Do you think that the Force Commander likes the Princess?” Midnight Glimmer asked Echo as the two patrolled the southern quarter of the palace. If her eyes worked properly, Echo would have rolled them, but she had to settle with merely flattening them against her head. “Romantically, no; the Force Commander’s not stupid enough to approach a Princess with those kinds of feelings. Besides, it’s not like he’d be able to act on it in any way.”         “What do you mean?”         “When you’re made Justicar, they forcibly remove your sex drive, so your only devotion is to serving Equestria.” Echo could not see her, but she could hear Midnight Glimmer’s heart rate pick up, indicating a mix of surprise and fear. “Y-you’re joking!” “Yeah, they just castrate you instead.” Echo grinned “It stings for the first few weeks, but you’ll get used to it eventually.” Midnight Glimmer gave a whimper, causing Echo to chuckle. “I’m just teasing you.” “Well... it wasn’t very funny.” “Watching you freak out was amusing. But anyway, what I want to say is that you should focus less on romantic relationships and more on doing your job. I mean, what would happen if we just sat around all day bickering about who was in love with who?” Midnight Glimmer did not say anything, and the two bat ponies continued walking in silence. As they headed down another street, Echo could sense that the Acolyte was calming down a bit, possibly to the point where she would start speaking again. “Justicar?” Midnight Glimmer asked. “Why did you join the Night Guard?”         “What else is a blind bat pony supposed to do?” Echo responded, rounding another corner. “It’s not like I have a bunch of suitors lining up to take me out on a date or anything. Can’t really do a lot of other things, and I have good hearing, so I didn’t really have anywhere else to go.”         “Oh.” there was a pause. “I always thought it was because you liked fighting.”         “Who told you that?”         “Some of the older Acolytes.” Echo chuckled. “They’re not wrong, but that’s not the primary reason. I just needed something to do in my life, and the Night Guard seemed like a good idea. Why do you want to know?” “Well... I just feel like I don’t know enough about anypony here. It’s rather-”         “Hold that thought.” Echo rose into the air, making sure the two repeating crossbows strapped to her forelegs were loaded first. She had picked up another heartbeat, one that was too soft to be a normal pony. Slowly she approached the sound, mentally preparing herself for anything. “Acolyte, what do you see?” “Um... can’t you hear whatever it is?” Midnight Glimmer asked.         “Only to some extent. What do you see?” there was a pause, with Midnight Glimmer moving forward towards the source of the disturbance.         “It’s just a civilian. An Earth Pony by the looks of it.”         “No it’s not.” Echo brushed past Midnight Glimmer, crossbows raised. “You there!”         “Who, me?” the pony asked, confused. “Have I done something wrong?” “Possibly. What are you, and why are you here?” “Justicar, it’s just an Earth Pony-” Midnight Glimmer began, but Echo cut her off.         “No he’s not. His heartbeat is wrong, and the way sound echoes off him doesn’t fit any pony I know.”         “But he looks like an Earth Pony.”         “It’s an illusion, Acolyte.” Echo raised her hooves, aiming at the target’s head. “Identify yourself, or I will shoot.” “Stupid Equestrians,” the “pony” said, Echo noticing a significant drop in his voice. “Always barging in where no one wants them.” The creature leapt away, and Echo was able to get a good image of just what it was.         It was taller than a pony, and lightly built with slender legs and a longer neck. He was dressed in loose robes and some kind of lightweight armor, and Echo could detect a long, slender weapon that he was now bringing to bear on her and Midnight Glimmer. Echo dove and tackled the young Acolyte just as the creature fired, a hot beam of some unknown material slamming into the ground where Midnight Glimmer had been standing. Seeing that his shot had missed, the creature sped away, ignoring the two crossbow bolts Echo fired after him. “Acolyte, go get the Force Commander and anypony else you can find. I’ll stay on this thing’s trail.”         “Yes, ma’am.” Echo reloaded her crossbows and took off after the target, swooping between building after building in her pursuit. The creature was fast and incredibly nimble, taking corners and leaps that would cause most ponies to crash or injure themselves. Occasionally he would turn and fire at Echo, each shot coming dangerously close to hitting the Justicar. Echo would reply in turn, hoping that the right firing angles and enough bolts would catch the target off guard and bring him down, but the creature dodged each shot she fired with ease.         Whatever this thing is, it’s good... she thought, dodging another shot. Really good. ...   Anlindē cursed her misfortune. She had been so close to completing her task and getting out of this godsforsaken city, and then Galas was spotted by two guards and was now being chased across the city. Anlindē was not even sure how he had been discovered; her disguises had never failed before, why would they now?         I can’t lose focus, she thought. I must continue my search, and then I will show these ponies my wrath. She focused again, relocating the magic ley lines in the Empyrean. A few other guards were moving into the area, but they did not notice Anlindē. She slowed her breathing and her heart rate, nullifying anything that might give away her position. Soon, she was alone again, and she opened back up to the Empyrean. However, as she opened her soul she failed to notice another pony approaching.         “I thought I felt a tremor in the Warp.” a voice said. Anlindē did not open her eyes, but once again she cursed this turn of bad luck. “I thought it might have been one of my guards misusing one of their spells, or worse a Chaos incursion, but seeing you I do not know what to think.”         “That seems to be the norm of your kind, Equestrian.” Anlindē spat, giving up on her attempts to focus and using her magic to draw her sword. “If you have any sense of self preservation, you will leave me.”         “I cannot do that, creature. You have intruded into my city, and are using unknown magics that might threaten the populace.” “Maybe you should consider that what I am doing is to save the world.” Anlindē charged up a spell, preparing to strike at the interloper. “I warn you, Equestrian. I am versed in many forms of combat, and I will not hesitate in batting you away like a fly if you do not leave me be.”         “Know your place, creature-”         “I will not be treated like some beast! I am Anlindē, Seer of the Clan Elynia, devoted leader of deer, and I will erase you from existence for your intrusion!” Anlindē’s eyes snapped open and she thrust her right hoof forward, firing a bolt of lightning at her intruder.         Once she saw the pony she was attacking, she began to regret her decision. It was a mare, dressed in blue armor and wielding a large mace. Her mane was a swirling mass of energy that looked like the night sky, and her coat was a deep shade of blue. She possessed both the horn of a unicorn and wings of a Pegasus, and she had fixed Anlindē with a cold stare with her turquoise eyes. As the lightning arched out at the mare, her horn shimmered and the bolt deflected off to the right before exploding.         “You may be a powerful mage, deer,” the mare said, raising her mace. “But I am the Warmistress of Equestria, sister of Celestia, Empress of Ponykind and Forger of Worlds. And I shall make you suffer for threatening my subjects.” with that, the mare lept forward, swinging her mace in a downward arc. Anlindē ducked to one side, sweeping her sword towards the mare’s shoulder. Her blade scraped across the metal but failed to break through, and Anlindē had no time to strike again before the mare swung around, her mace colliding with Anlindē’s sword and almost knocking it from her grasp.         “You seek to challenge me?” the mare asked, putting her weapon into a guard position. “Khaine guides my blade, Equestrian, and he shall deliver you into my hooves!”         “Bold words... But I doubt that your god has any power here.” ...           Echo had tracked the target to the Canterlot gardens. It was the perfect hiding spot, with plenty of trees and shrubs to use for cover. She ducked behind the nearest bush, flicking her ears around for any unusual sounds.         All she could hear was the wind rustling the leaves. No hoof steps, no heartbeat, no breathing; it was as if her target had disappeared entirely. Staying low, Echo crept to the next tree, twitching her ears once again for any sound. Nothing. She crept forward again. *Twitch*         Echo dove to the left, narrowly avoiding a blast from the target’s weapon. Using the beam’s heat as a beacon, she aimed her crossbows in the direction of the target and fired. There was a crash as the target lept from its vantage point, and Echo fired again as the thing scrambled for cover.         No other sound. Target lost.         Echo crept back into cover, reloading as she did so. She could not tell if the enemy was moving or not, and that made her frustrated more than anything. She rolled into another bush, holding still for a few more seconds before searching again. *Twitch*. Nothing.         Echo let out a small sigh and kept moving. The Canterlot Gardens were rather large, and it could take all night before she could find her target. And the enemy was incredibly skilled with its weapon, skilled enough that it got the drop on her more than she would have cared for. *Twitch*. An unusual heartbeat. Got you.         Echo fired, both bolts slicing through the underbrush. The thing lept away in surprise, and Echo tracked it before firing another shot. This salvo missed, and the enemy fired at her once more, forcing her to dive for new cover.         It was on the run again. Echo smiled and prepared to give chase. ...   “Explain what happened, exactly.” Princess Celestia said to the nervous Night Guardspony standing in front of her. “Well, I was on patrol with Justicar Echo when we saw this pony. The Justicar challenged him, and he turned out to be some kind of animal I have never seen before, and it fired at us with some kind of magic beam weapon.” “Are you sure it was magic?” Shining Armor asked. “I know the Iron Hooves have been working on some odd technologies; maybe this was something they had developed.”         “No, it was magic; it made my ears all tingly.”         “And that proves it’s magic because...?”         “Bat ponies are naturally more attuned to magic than most other ponies.” Celestia said. “I would have thought you knew this, Commander.” “Sorry, Princess,” Shining Armor gave a short nod. “It’s a bit late; it must have slipped my mind.” “Apology accepted. Now,” Celestia turned back to the bat pony. “Please continue.”         “Yes, your majesty. Anyway, Justicar Echo sent me back to our Force Commander while she pursued the target alone, and then he sent me here to report to you.”         “Why didn’t you go find Luna? After all, she is your Legion’s charge.” the Night Guardspony fidgeted around for a moment.         “I couldn’t find Princess Luna, your majesty.” Celestia frowned, but did not answer right away.         “Go back to your unit and support your Justicar. I’m sure my sister will be alright on her own.” the Night Guardspony saluted and left, leaving Celestia alone with Shining Armor. “Commander, I want you to move two companies to the palace and make sure that nothing gets in or out.” “Right away, Princess.” Shining Armor saluted and left, Celestia turning towards her throne as he departed. She made a quick look into the Immaterium, hoping to find some explanation for what was going on. *Twitch*.         It took one second for Celestia to summon her sword. By then, her assailant had begun his leap from his hiding spot. Two seconds, and Celestia was spinning around to face her attacker. Three, and the power field built into the sword had activated, energy running down the length of the blade. The would-be assassin was already about a quarter way to Celestia, a knife covered in some kind of poison clutched in his talons. Four, Celestia sidestepped her attacker and brought her sword down. Five, the sword passed clean through the attacker’s right wing and foreleg, both limbs dropping to the ground and unbalancing the griffon.         As the griffon crashed to the ground, Celestia turned and pinned her attacker with a hoof, pointing her sword at the griffon’s eyes. “If you know what’s good for you, you will surrender to me and avoid any more needless conflict.” The griffon said nothing, but Celestia could tell that he was willing to surrender by the look on his face.         Perhaps this is all the information I need. ...           Luna deflected another blast from her foe, leaping forward and pulverizing a wall with an errant strike. The deer seer was fast, but Luna was still able to keep up with her. She had not tried any combat spells to avoid as much collateral damage as possible, but she had still left a noticeable trail of destruction while pursuing her target.         I can fix that later... that might help me connect with the populace. Luna swung again, causing the enemy to lose her footing and tumble into a nearby courtyard.         “Give up, seer.” she called, rising up into the air with a beat of her wings. “You cannot defeat me.” “Misguided fool!” the deer cried, firing another spell. “You would delay me and doom the world to destruction?” This caught Luna’s attention; the deer had mentioned saving the world before, but like now she had not been too specific. “Perhaps if you told me what is happening, we could work together to stop it.”         “And risk having you derail my plans? What kind of fool do you take me for?!” the deer fired another spell, Luna dodging before diving down towards the seer, mace raised. The deer stepped back, her own weapon raised, and there was a loud crash as the two combatants collided, Luna’s power and the deer’s magic forcing the other back. Luna tried to fortify herself with her powers, but this caused her to tumble forward, her armor digging a massive furrow in the ground.         As she pulled herself up, ready to face her opponent, she saw that the deer was gone. The air around her tingled with magical residue, hinting at a teleportation spell of sorts. Luna reached out with her own magic, trying to locate the seer, but she found nothing. However, as she opened her eyes, she saw the broken remains of the deer’s sword lying on the ground before her.         Well, at least this fight was not a total loss. ...           Galas had ducked behind another corner. The Equestrian following him was relentless, even more so than many other creatures he had faced, and it had a knack for tracing his shots with surprising accuracy. He peaked around a corner, spotting the mare moving slowly to not draw fire.         I intend to end this. Galas raised his rifle to his shoulder and was about to pull the trigger when something touched him on the shoulder. Galas whipped around and saw Anlindē, the seer panting from exhaustion. “What happened?”         “I was spotted and attacked.” Anlindē said, turning and leading Galas down an alley. “I managed to escape, but I’ve lost my sword. We’ll need to get back to our territory and resupply before we can continue on.”         “As you wish, my lady.” As Galas covered her, Anlindē opened another portal through the Empyrean. After one last check to make sure they were not being followed, the two deer slipped through, the portal winking out of existence as soon as Galas had crossed the threshold.