Twilights Mane Passion

by Darkonshadows


“Okay now is not the time to panic Barb, I’m sure we’re fine. The enchantment isn’t capable of killing any pony, though some mental trauma might be expected.” Despite the pixie’s reassurances that Twilight would come back okay, she was quickly gripped by tiny claws and held to magic dragons’ chest. After a moment Smart started to pat Barb on the shoulder with her tiny hooves. “There, there, everything will be fine. It’ll take her a while to get out of the comic book though. Do you want to go get some ice cream? It’ll cheer you up and you know we have your favorite flavor in stock… maybe with some crushed ruby?”

“We got a ruby to crush into the Rocky Road?” The sniffling dragon said calming down somewhat, at least her moms living toy was still with her.

“Of course we do! Our little Sparkle needs some comfort food and I’ll help set you up.” Smart smiled and fluttered into the air and waited for the dragon to grab the comic book, before she zoomed down to the kitchen to start levitating stuff together for a Rocky Ruby Road special. Crushing the rubies was always the hard part.

Despite Smart’s attempts to calm her down, Barb wanted her pony mom to hug her. Toy mom wasn’t exactly the same thing, but at least she knew how to cheer a dragon up. Barb loved Rocky Road; it’s one of the reasons why she learned to read and why learning stuff wasn’t boring.

Twilight had her eyes closed after falling through a dizzying vortex for a few seconds; she did not want Barb fighting anyone so she protected her child and ended up getting sucked in. Keeping her daughter out of trouble was a full time job; Twilights real problem was keeping her out of the ice cream.

Opening her eyes once she felt a floor beneath her hooves, Twilight could only hope she remembered everything about the enchantments involved in this impromptu adventure. She looks down and saw a pair of jeweled bracelets wrapped around her hooves, she was the character known as Radiance then. She was glad she was capable of making a choice of character that she wanted to be and she didn’t want to be the Masked Matter Horn on the principle of abilities he had and how well they could be controlled.

Looking around her general area, Twilight noticed she was standing on the roof of a building with the default characters in the comic book. She was thankfully the only outsider here and as far as she knew she’d be treated as if she were Radiance, given that was whose costume she was currently wearing at the moment.

The enchantments on this comic book were somewhat simple except for the one incredible enchantment that literally threw you right into the story. Twilight has been to many places before in other books, but to actually be in the book itself and involved in making the plot your own? Barb’s present was going to be more interesting then she originally thought and Twilight was going to have a talk with her daughter about reading magical words out loud when she was done with this.

The objective of this story was to defeat Mane-iac, which was the only name that the pony that fell into the vat of chemicals was known as. There was any number of ways you could defeat some pony, Twilight knew she could lead the story where she wanted it to go.

If Twilight wanted the story to be a tragedy she’d try for killing Mane-iac while making up a horrible back story as to why she wants to take down the shifting pretty green mane behind the earth pony’s powers. Personally Twilight didn’t have any grudge against her to warrant that direction of storytelling especially if her daughter was reading this and the comic book was adding more pages as the story played out.

Another direction this could be taken would be turning the story into a comedy. Twilight could just do completely silly things and by virtue of all the random actions she could take, she will eventually be lead to an inevitable victory by the sheer absurdity of her actions. Well Twilight wouldn’t mind doing something with a banana peel, five pounds of chopped wood, a cannonball, a spring, two pogo sticks, a lantern, a stick of gum, five yards of rope and a gallon of tapioca pudding… well she probably didn’t want her daughter to die laughing if she was reading this, so she wouldn’t go that way either.

The normal way this could play out would be the average hero story, so Twilight would just as well fight Mane-iac as the setting would have her do with the powers that were given to her. Said powers were currently overlaying her natural unicorn abilities and she’d have to use them to the best of her abilities as her normal magical abilities were out of order. It would be action packed to say the least, but Twilight wasn’t a believer of violence solving problems and usually violence often causes more problems.

In a way Twilight felt kind of sad for Mane-iac; no matter what happens she was guaranteed to lose to whoever was pulled into the comic. The comic didn’t even give a reason why she was after this electro orb thing in the first place or what she was going to do with it.

While Twilight was still having her introspection, a loud crashing noise happened next to her shocking her out of her thoughts. She saw the blazing speed of Filli-second as she darted off across the sides of buildings. Looking down to the streets below her, Twilight saw that the Mane-iac had just thrown something at the fastest mare in this comic book. Didn’t the Mane-iac actively acknowledge that what she had just done wasn’t exactly all to threatening? The thing she threw, which was apparently a street vendors stand, fell completely short of ever actually hitting the speedy mare Filli-second. It was like watching a filly throw a temper tantrum with the way the Mane-iac was fighting the other Power Ponies while Humdrum the colt stood next to her watching the fight in earnest excitement.

It was at this point that Twilight knew what kind of plot she wanted to go with, a redemption plot… or she would at least attempt to befriend the Mane-iac and maybe eventually succeed or defeat her trying to by complete accident. Twilights read enough stories to know how plot contrivances work and she wasn’t about to hurt someone she didn’t know personally. In fact she wants to get to know who this supposed villain was. As so far from what Twilight could see, she wasn’t actively doing her worst.

Twilight could see Mane-iac as doing far worse than giving the Power Ponies bumps and bruises. In fact if the villains’ hair was as strong as it appeared to be, then she could have just snapped all their necks by now given that her tail hair alone could lift her weight.

“Well I guess I should help them out…” Twilight mused as she watched the other Power Ponies get their flanks hoofed to them. The three stallions and two mares other then Twilight looked to have been battered and bruised, but had no permanent injuries that a good rest wouldn’t solve.

In all the fighting Humdrum tried to make off with the electro orb only for the teenage colt to find himself held aloft. The lengthy green tentacle made of hair was holding the orb his hooves were currently clutching to.

“Oh Humdrum, I thank you for holding onto this for me. I’ll just take that back now.” Mane-iac chuckled maniacally as she flicked him off the orb and turned around to go back to her hideout only to find Radiance standing in the way. “Well if it isn’t the enchanting Radiance, so I suppose you’re going to get in my way as well?”

“Nope, you just run along now.” Twilight said dismissing Mane-iac entirely, this caused the crazy mare to frown as she trotted right by and started to assist the power ponies in getting out of their predicaments. Twilight had a pretty good idea of how to use her powers; she had already created a large squishy sponge cake made entirely of energy at street level to get to the ground safely.

“What… you’re not going to… you know, challenge me or something?” Mane-iac was completely thrown off when Twilight shrugged in her general direction and got a dizzy Humdrum back on his hooves using an energy spatula.

“No you can go on ahead; we’ll catch up to you later or something. I’m thinking about finding a bakery to get something to eat because I missed breakfast this morning.” Twilight then turned to Humdrum who was looking up at her with affection in his eyes; Humdrum had a boyhood crush on Radiance. It was the reason why he was attempting the heroics he does and always gets stuck under the Power Ponies hooves. “You okay Humdrum?”

The Mane-iac sat there completely astonished like she had been slapped across the face and hard, with her mouth wide open ready to complain that Radiance wasn’t being heroic like all the others she just defeated in a small skirmish. It was inconceivable that a hero would just write her off as a threat! She defeated the other five Power Ponies, why didn’t Radiance even seem worried about this? Much less the question begged why wasn’t Radiance fighting her?

“You sure you don’t want to try to get this orb from me?” Mane-iac said moving the orb closer to Twilights face and even shifting it around in front of her nose from side to side for a few seconds expecting Twilight to go for the bait. Instead Twilight ignored her and managed to get Miss Mare-velous down from the street lamp as all the blood was likely rushing to her unconscious head. “Not even a little attack in my direction?”

“Sorry, don’t feel like it.” Twilight motioned with her right hoof for Mane-iac to get going as she made her way over to Zapp who accidentally shocked himself with lightning during the fight. “Poor guy all his muscles are locked up, so that’s a stop for a meal and then a trip to a masseuse for you. It looks like no one has tended to your wings for a while either so you really need it. Maybe the others would like a massage as well?”

Mane-iac felt at a loss as she sat there watching Radiance just gather the injured Power Ponies and was gently checking them over.

“Not even a little fight?” Mane-iac queried, before she got angry at being ignored. “Well fine, I didn’t want to fight you anyway!”

Twilight watched as the Mane-iac swung away grumbling huffily using her mane to send her flying across the city. Shrugging lazily, Twilight created a circular platform construct, creating energy constructions was Radiance’s power and she was slowly getting an idea about how powerful this character actually was having only used her ability three times. She focused a bit and lifted the five unconscious ponies into the air on her platform. She turned to Humdrum who was looking at her oddly. He was possibly perplexed by her recent actions; she simply motioned for him to get on as she stepped up onto the floating circle.

“You want me to come with you, me, the screw up? Are we going after Mane-iac?” Humdrum said almost getting exuberant that they were going to give chase.

“We’ll get back to her later Humdrum, until then we’re going to enjoy ourselves. Despite how the others see you, you’re a pretty smart kid.” Twilight wasn’t worried about how to locate Mane-iac; because quite frankly Humdrum had the super power that the others probably hadn’t taken notice of. Humdrum knew how to find super villain lairs with relative ease and knew a lot about the city of Maretropolis.

“What are you talking about, how are we going to get back to her later when we don’t know where she’ll be?” Humdrum asked worriedly, even though he did like the praise Radiance gave him.

“Well, where do you think she’ll be?” Twilight asked nonchalantly, it was kind of obvious to begin with.

“Possibly at the abandoned shampoo… oh. Okay then, where are we going?” Humdrum asked intrigued as the floating circle had yet to go in any direction as it floated above the city.

“Do you know the locations of a good spa and a place to eat? Would you also like to swing by the honey festival I saw on this pamphlet I found on the street?” Twilight hasn’t had friends before and this was her daughters’ gift, so she was going to milk it for all it was worth and enjoy it while it lasts. She wanted to actually enjoy spending time with other ponies that weren’t her family while she was trapped here, just to get a feel of what it was like to already have companions. Mane-iac wasn’t that dangerous as she was just sad and lonely, also maybe a bit needy for attention.

“Yes I do and would I ever!” Humdrum said happily throwing his hooves in the air.