My Clockwork Stallion

by Aegis Shield

Clockwork Origin

My Clockwork Stallion
Part 7: Clockwork Origin

Time Turner the colt squirmed on the surgery table, writhing in agony while almost a dozen surgeons rushed around him on all sides. He was bleeding out rapidly, and no amount of tubes could slow the process. Green focusing crystals were brought in with mechanical arms from the ceiling, pointed at the dying foal. He cried out when they tightened the leather straps on him, tightening the tourniquet that was barely keeping him alive. He thrashed, whimpering and bleating because he couldn’t get the air in his lungs to scream.

“Secure him! He’s just a kid, we can still save him!” one surgeon commanded.

Paper masks came over muzzles as they all descended on him. They were all unicorns Time Turner saw, for their horns lit as one.

“Adjust the frequency time and a half lower, his tiny heart can’t take the normal one!"

"We don’t have time to put him under, the drugs could stop his heart!”

“L-let me die!” the poor colt begged. “Let me die, ahhhh!” he was enshrouded in cold, grey medical magic. The sterile silver table was slowly dribbling blood out on all sides of him. How could the poor thing still be bleeding as hard as he was and not be dead? “Please! Please let me die!”

“He’s going into shock!” one of the nurses shouted when Time Turner began to froth at the mouth. The medical staff rushed back and forth, shouting and adjusting machines as they went. “We can’t stop the bleeding, half the rib-cage is crushed!”

Suddenly the operation pit’s double doors slammed themselves open, a pair of medical ponies rushing in with a covered trolly. The sheet was yanked away, revealing a terrifying set of metal bars and gears. “We just finished prepping! It’s a mess, though! We don’t have one his size, we’ve never done this on a teenager before!”

“It’ll have to do, he can grow into it!” the head surgeon shouted. Working as one, the group of surgeon ponies began lifting mechanical parts, tiny tubes and rubber ligaments. Swirling about in a complicated pattern in the air above the surgical table, they reflected Time Turner’s terrified, milky expression in their steel surfaces.

The first piece stopped, turned, then smashed itself into Time Turner’s body. The real rib evaporated just as the fake one slid painfully into place. The foal’s mouth came open, drool and spittle going down one side of his mouth. His eyes were tiny pinpricks as he strained hard against the straps that held him. But, his tiny body wouldn’t obey. “It’s okay, son,” one of the surgeons said, holding his head down as they worked. “Everypony screams, let it out to ease the pain,” he coaxed the little earth pony.

And scream he did. “Father! Father-rrrrr!” A spatter of blood hit one of the hanging lights, staining the scene red in its unholy afterglow. His back arched like a bow.

“The only difference is what they scream…” the surgeon whispered with a haunted expression, staring at the bleating colt. He glanced up at the observation window, high above him. A middle-aged mare and stallion were holding each other, weeping, rocking back and forth. Wiping his brow with a bloodied hoof-glove, he turned to focus harder on his work.

“Turn on the regenerative tub!” The head surgeon shouted. “As soon as the leg is done I want this kid sealed tight!” A tub of orange, jello-like substance was brought forth and placed near the observation table. Machines started warming up and whirring to life, making the slop glow eerily.

Gears, wires, tubes, rods, and all other manner of horrifying things swooped into Time Turner’s body from above. They clicked into place, turning, locking themselves in. They dug into flesh, oiled themselves with his blood, and kah-chunked audibly until they became a part of him. “Attach the veins! I want three full cycles for oil and lubricants before it’s done!” Golden liquid began to run up and down the tubes of the artificial limb. The filter was top of the line, and worked just fine. Before long, the final protective shell was added and screwed into place to protect the moving parts. Then, the new leg started to flail wildly as Time Turner’s body took to it.

“His brain has accepted the clockwork! Seal him up!” Somepony shouted. Rudely and unceremoniously, the group of stallions shoved Time Turner off of the steel surgery table and into the waiting tub of glowing orange goo. It splashed like hot slime. As soon as he hit it, the chemicals took over and he went still. A nurse slammed the iron paneling over him like a lid, and they worked feverishly to screw the bolts into place. “C’mon… c’mon…” they all looked eagerly at the dark panel that was just above Time Turner’s heart.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A little pink heart symbol flicked on and off to show the heart rate. Everypony sagged, panting in relief. “Success.” One of the surgeons moaned, sliding to the floor. “That was the ugliest surgery I’ve ever…” he trailed off, trying to catch his breath. He looked up at the stallion and mare in the window, smiling and making an approving gesture. The mare burst into sobs they couldn’t hear beyond the glass, squeezing her husband’s neck with both forehooves and burying her face in his shoulder.

“How long do you think he’ll be in there…?” One of the nurses whispered.

“Considering the damage,” one of the surgeons sighed. “Who knows. A lifetime, maybe.”

“Poor kid’ll miss out on everything.”

“He’ll live, though, and that’s what matters. When the mechanism is done adjusting to him and his body has healed all the way, the pod will let us know,” the head surgeon said, pulling down his paper surgery mask with a bloody hoof. “Until then, the ‘honey’ in there will preserve and feed him.”

“I can’t imagine what that’s gonna be like…” one of the nurses whispered, touching the little window over Time Turner’s face. The colt’s expression had frozen into a peaceful, slumbering expression. The numbing agents of the special honey he was sealed in would keep him from feeling any pain while he slept. “His parents might be dead by the time he wakes up,” he sighed quietly.

“If it was my son, I’d only want him to live,” said another of the doctors. There was a quiet murmur of agreement in the room. “I’ll go tell his parents the news.”

Present Day…

Time Turner laughed gaily then pounced on Twilight Sparkle, pressing his lips to her belly and blowing a loud raspberry. The mare shrieked, squirming wildly and trying to press him away. Try as she might she couldn’t pry her coltfriend off of herself. Wrestling her back onto the couch he pinned her with his earth pony strength. “Rawr!” he said playfully, lording himself over her.

“Oh Time Turner, no no!” she cried playfully. “Not my virtue!” She put her forearm over her face, turning away like he might ravish her right there on the couch.

“Yes your virtue!” he pounced and blew another raspberry on her belly, making her explode into giggles again.

“I’ll have to use my… secret weapon!” Twilight lit her horn, turning him upside down and levitating him into the air.

“Hey no fair!” he laughed, slowly orbiting around the room. He flailed at her, trying to reach.

“Whaaaat?” she purred, giving him romantic eyes. “Trying to reach me?” He giggled coltishly, reaching for her while he floated gently by her again. “Not close enough?”

“Hey Twilight, have you see Applej-!” Rainbow Dash wandered into the library just as Time Turner was floating over Twilight Sparkle. Twilight’s startled motion ended the spell and he flumped rudely down atop her. The cyan Pegasus stared at them, blinking a couple of times. Twilight smiled helplessly, pink in the cheeks, on her back under her coltfriend. “Jeez, you two!” Rainbow said with a snort. “Missionary style?! How many kinks is Twilight making you try?!”

“Hey!” Twilight blurted, her face going scarlet. “I-it’s not what it looks like!”

“It’s exactly what it looks like!” Time Turner grinned, winking at Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus smirked, catching on.

“N-no it’s not!” Twilight said, looking up at him angrily. She punched his shoulder and his bad leg gave, making him crash face-first into her belly. “Oof!”

“Well whenever he’s done mounting you for this particular hour of the day, Fluttershy wants to see everypony at the edge of Everfree,” Rainbow Dash grinned humorously, watching Twilight struggle to her hooves in a huff. “Something about timber wolves near Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Sure thing,” Twilight nodded. “I’ll be there soon.” She watched her friend take off.

“Guh, even the bookworm is getting more than me these days…” Rainbow Dash’s low grumble faded with distance.
Twilight before turned and gave her coltfriend a hard shove. He rolled onto his back, laughing. “You are so encourageable!” she said, poking his chest with a hoof.

He pulled all four hooves to himself, looking wilty and innocent, “What’d I do…?”

Twilight snarked at him, then giggled and leaned down to his face. They shared an affectionate nuzzle, “I guess I should know better than to levitate you, huh?”

He shrugged a little, “Your magic feels nice. It tingles a little,” He smiled at her happy pink cheeks. “C’mere,” he hooked an arm around her, pulling her down atop himself. He kissed her with a giggly little smek. “Can I come and see the timber wolves, do you think?” he asked.

“I dunno, it might be dangerous,” Twilight wasn’t so sure.

“Aww c’mon,” he said, giving her big innocent eyes again. She grumbled, running a hoof through his messy brown mane. The selfish little desire to show off her coltfriend of three weeks in front of her friends was a strong one. She finally nodded her assent. “Alright!” he said, hopping to his hooves.

End of Part 7